Core game Hero Points

Core game Hero Points

in Revenant

Posted by: Rikkado.7321



On a lot of maps i notice certain hero challenges that have been marked as completed, even though i didn’t do them, naturally i did not get any hero points for it. Is this as intended or is it a bug? Or some sneaky way to force a revenant to do more tedious jungle searching. (side note, it’s annoying that most of the hero challenges in the jungle are locked behind masteries or that you can’t solo them and need a group)

Thanks in advance!

Core game Hero Points

in Revenant

Posted by: Dastion.3106



It might have something to do with the WvW hero challenge voucher thing. Where you can acquire items that randomly complete a Heroic challenge for you thereby not forcing WvWs to go into pve.

It’s still likely a bug though.

Core game Hero Points

in Revenant

Posted by: Rikkado.7321


You are completely correct, i didnt, think about it, i must be an idiot xD

Thought it was kinda weird, since i had 0 HP when checking.