Corruption Adjustments?
There was but im sure if its still on the “table”. For now dont bother. Condi rev is too weak.
Playing Smite since mid s2, f broken gw2.
Competitively I’d say no, it won’t work and I doubt they will do much about it for a while. But I disagree with you about pve. This setup is crazy strong and making enemies move is not a problem unless you just do dungeon corner stacking, in which case, idk why you’re running condi anyway. The new zones have enemies that quite literally never stop moving. Torment is one of the best condis to have there because you can upkeep really high dps without having to constantly eat hits to the face to continue the dps and can stay highly mobile. I think other than the fact the weapon set is so slow and the condi skills far too heavy on energy management, the fact that the game is absolutely spewing over with condi clears makes this not viable in pvp. Rev just doesn’t have required energy management or durations to maintain condi pressure and not enough unique applications to do hard spikes.