Did they buff harvesting Revs?
I’m guessing its the supreme endgame node gathering build. With on demand quickness and 5s CD out of combat teleport it is only matched in effectiveness by harvester thief. I could be wrong though, if not, harvester rev has not been buffed.
ok, I’ll ask, wtf is a harvesting Rev?
ok, I’ll ask, wtf is a harvesting Rev?
Asking the real questions here.
Walks outside of the room and whispers Anyone know what a harvesting Rev is?
Harvesting Rev – (n) A person playing revenant without support in WvW that you can farm for free points, loot, and your Invasion Daily.
Harvesting Rev – (n) A person playing revenant without support in WvW that you can farm for free points, loot, and your Invasion Daily.
Haha. I laugh because its been so true in WvW.