Elite spec Idea

Elite spec Idea

in Revenant

Posted by: koniallis.4736


Legend: Some renowned Weapon master

Weapon: Greatsword

  • 1. Mist swing->Mist slash-> Mist Strike: Slash gives might and Strike causes bleeding
  • 2. Agonizing Slash: Stab the ground and then slash upward knocking up the enemy and cause torment
  • 3. Mist deflect: Block all incoming attacks with your weapon for 3 secs and reflect all projectiles to up to 500 range
  • 4. Blood Price: Jump to target and absorb energy depending on how many stacks of bleed it has with the manimum at 3 or 4 bleeds.
  • 5. Storm Slash: Swing wide and send an electrified slash that travels forward for 300 range and interrupts up to 3 targets. the rest get extra dmg

Mechanic: Weapon of Legend
At the F2 spot you get a weapon conjure of your choice from the legends you have equipped but only one. So for example if you have shiro and the new one you get to choose only between shiro’s and the new ones. You can have only one conjure equipped at a time. The conjure lasts for 25 secs or until energy runs out. When its conjured you cant switch legends or weapons and you are stuck at the weapon’s legend, plus energy generation gets halved

Weapons of Legend

Shiro: Jade shard sword: MH Sword that looks like a jade shard but has all 5 skill

  • 1. Similar to regular sword auto attack but grants fury at last strike
  • 2. Jade Stingers: Throw 3 jade stingers in succession causing bleed
  • 3. Stab Rush: Stab your opponent several times so fast it looks like a single stab (think guardian’s third sword aa). causes 2 stacks of vulnerability
  • 4. Battle Scars: Stance. For 5 seconds, your attacks gain life steal
  • 5.Meditation of the Reaper: For 5 seconds, you meditate and absorb damage. Movement breaks the effect.

Jalis: Stone summit mace with rubicon tome at off hand

  • 1. Stone essence: Throw stone essence from mace
  • 2. Stone Prison: Set an aoe on the grund that slows those that enter it
  • 3. Dwarven Battle stance: Gain armor and all attcaks have a chance to interrupt for the next 5 secs
  • 4. Guardian scripture: Increase chance to block
  • 5. Orison of healing: Send out a wave that heals allies and damages enemies. Heals you depending on how many enemies you hit with 5 healing you for maximum.

Mallyx: Claws of Mallyx, two axes

  • 1. AA is similar to necro axe with torment and bleeding
  • 2. Rip an Tear: attack twice and cause 2 stacks of torment and Bleeding
  • 3. Sever Tendon: cause cripple
  • 4. Salt the earth crate an aoe around you that causes weakness and torment
  • 5. Corrupt: Turn one boon into a condition for up to 3 enemies around you

Ventari: Branch of the Pale tree

  • 1. Waste nothing: send out a wave of power that heals allies and damages enemies
  • 2. Hard ground makes stronger roots: Place an aoe that grants protection
  • 3. The blossom is brother to the weed: Turns 3 conditions into boons For up to three allies around
  • 4. Act with wisdom: Heal yourself and create a Barrier that absorbs the same amount of damage you just healed
  • 5. Where life goes, so should you: Teleport both you and tablet to target

Weapon Master Legend: Greatsword with mist energy fluctuations

  • 1Hard Slash-> Spin Slash-> Siphon Strike: Spin Slash applies vulnerability and Siphon stroke siphons health equal to 1/3 of dmg
  • 2. Scourge: Applies Bleeding
  • 3. Reprisal: Block all attacks for 5 secs. while blocking can activate early to attack that causes weakness
  • 4. Unleash: Swing left and right as hard as you can healing yourself for 1/3 of dmg of every slash
  • 5. Bloodied rush: Grants fury and quickness while rushing to target. Longer the rush the greater the duration of the boons

Utility: Well these would depend ore on who the legend is. But it would definately be smth warrior-ish like banners, rage, stances etc. Hell maybe even spirit weapons

Probably never gonna happen but liked coming up with it. what do you think?

Elite spec Idea

in Revenant

Posted by: fluidmonolith.3584


I like the general idea of a weapon master elite spec. Revenant is currently severely lacking weapon options (e.g. only one ranged weapon and only one condition weapon). Your idea would address a lot of these issues.

Not sure about the specific details of each weapon set. E.g. some of them seem to perform very similarly to an existing weapon (e.g. Mace vs. Axe/Axe). Also not sure that Jalis’ weapon autoattack should be ranged, as he is heavily themed as a melee fighter.

What determines which weapon you get? E.g. if I have Shiro and Jalis equipped, do I get the weapon for Shiro when I’m in Shiro stance and the weapon for Jalis when I’m in Jalis stance? Does it cost energy to conjure the weapon? What is the cooldown?

I think the added weapons add a lot of versatility here, so the new legend’s utility skills could be a little simpler. E.g. physical skills like Thief or Warrior have, but more mist-themed.

Astaxanthas (Revenant), Hepaticus (Engineer), Eosinophus (Thief)

Elite spec Idea

in Revenant

Posted by: koniallis.4736


I like the general idea of a weapon master elite spec. Revenant is currently severely lacking weapon options (e.g. only one ranged weapon and only one condition weapon). Your idea would address a lot of these issues.

Not sure about the specific details of each weapon set. E.g. some of them seem to perform very similarly to an existing weapon (e.g. Mace vs. Axe/Axe). Also not sure that Jalis’ weapon autoattack should be ranged, as he is heavily themed as a melee fighter.

What determines which weapon you get? E.g. if I have Shiro and Jalis equipped, do I get the weapon for Shiro when I’m in Shiro stance and the weapon for Jalis when I’m in Jalis stance? Does it cost energy to conjure the weapon? What is the cooldown?

I think the added weapons add a lot of versatility here, so the new legend’s utility skills could be a little simpler. E.g. physical skills like Thief or Warrior have, but more mist-themed.

The weapon is the one you choose from the legends you have equiped. So if you run jalis/shiro you can have either jalis’ or shiro’s weapon no matter which legend you are channeling at the moment. So if you’re in combat and you are jalis while having chosen shiro’s weapon, pressing F2 would switch you to shiro legend and equip shiro weapon.

The weapon conjuring itself doesn’t cost energy. Instead the default generation of energy in combat gets reduced to half. As for the cooldown i think it should be at least 2/3 of the full length of time it is available. So if it would be 25 like i said above then the cooldown would be17ish secs.

Edit: forgot to say that some of the weapon skills were purposefully similar to existing ones so that they wouldn’t change gameplay of certain legends too drastically and allow for certain legend specific traits to effect them like they do the utility skills

(edited by koniallis.4736)

Elite spec Idea

in Revenant

Posted by: fluidmonolith.3584


By “default energy generation gets cut in half”, would be it be easier to represent this as an upkeep? E.g. conjured weapon has an upkeep of -2 or -3 and, like all upkeeps, shuts off if you run out of energy. Maybe -3 would work well for balance, depending on the energy cost of the conjured weapon skills.

Then you could also get rid of the duration cap and reduce the cooldown too. E.g. 10 energy and 3/4 or 1 second cast to summon the conjured weapon, and conjured weapon has an upkeep of -3. Then the cooldown can be reduced to 5 or 10 seconds, since Revenant seems to not have long cooldowns in general.

I agree that it’s good to have the conjure weapon skills be somewhat similar to existing weapon skills to take advantage of traits. But I also think the conjured weapon skills should be stronger (to justify the upkeep cost and cast time to get the conjured weapon). It might be harder to balance them to be stronger than default weapons but not overpowered.

I didn’t play much of Guild Wars 1, does anyone know of any character that might fit the theme for this specialization?

Astaxanthas (Revenant), Hepaticus (Engineer), Eosinophus (Thief)

Elite spec Idea

in Revenant

Posted by: Lonami.2987


You could go further, and instead of a kits/conjures, use transformations, where the revenant is “possessed” by the active legend, custom model and all.

So you become the legend, and wield the legend’s weapons. This last for a few seconds, and once it’s over the legend gets an increased cooldown, kinda like elementalist overloads. The idea is that this elite specialization would encourage staying in the same legend for more time.

This would also free you from finding a weaponmaster legend, which is kinda limited, and let you use any magical “channeler” instead.

I once posted an elite specialization idea using transformations as well, where the new legend is an ancient jotun warrior, and you kinda channel the spirits of each legend.

Elonian elite specialization ideas: El: Dervish
M: Bladedancer – N: Scourge – En: Occultist – Ra: Swampstalker
T: Sharpshooter – G: Sunspear – Re: Hierophant – W: Corsair

Elite spec Idea

in Revenant

Posted by: Knighthonor.4061


I like it. I would love a melee tanky legend.

Elite spec Idea

in Revenant

Posted by: DresdenAllblack.1249


Why does anyone think there will be more elite specs? For every new class they release (i.e. the Rev) they would have to add another spec line to that said class. The next class whatever it might be, would then drop with what…7 trait lines?

I’m not buying it. Anet doesn’t want to work that hard.

(Call me a pessimist, as I have also given up on the Tengu. Still love the game though.)

Angelina is free game again.
Crystal Desert

Elite spec Idea

in Revenant

Posted by: Takashiro.8701


They have already said that they have more elite specs planned. In fact, the whole traitsystem-change with the specializations was only done so that they could make and sell said elite specs.

As for new classes, i dont think we will ever see one. Rev was added because since launch we had 3 light armor, 3 medium armor and only 2 heavy armor classes and rev took care of that. Going forward i think they won’t add any new classes, only expand the existing ones with the elite specs.

As for the Tengu, im not blaming them for not adding new races. Think about it, they would have to add every armor in the game changed to fit on tengus, a complete new personal story, complete new “hometown”, about 3 complete new leveling maps etc. I would love to play as a tengu aswell, however i would be fine with just a tengu tonic (like the kodan one we got last patch).