Enjoy S6 guys.

Enjoy S6 guys.

in Revenant

Posted by: Burtnik.5218


Cause nothing changed. They made Jalis even worse.

Salt, salt, moar salt. So salty like fries from McDonald!
Playing Smite since mid s2, f broken gw2.

Enjoy S6 guys.

in Revenant

Posted by: Warrost.4895


Hello? What a world would that be?
Releasing not only a unfinished class and then you are expectiong it to be reworked to be useful?
How dare you!

Thanks Anet, thanks for nothing.

Enjoy S6 guys.

in Revenant

Posted by: Oneira.7691


OMG. When I look at the buffs they gave to several other classes and the scraps they threw to the Revenant, I am just shocked.

There is no reason to play a revenant anymore. Good God.

Enjoy S6 guys.

in Revenant

Posted by: Warrost.4895


OMG. When I look at the buffs they gave to several other classes and the scraps they threw to the Revenant, I am just shocked.

There is no reason to play a revenant anymore. Good God.

Was there a reason before? I hoped the “upcoming balance patch” will fix.

Let’s be honest, the revenant needs a full rework. It is broken (not in a good way), unbalanced, unfinished.

Enjoy S6 guys.

in Revenant

Posted by: SolavF.8309


Is this balance some kind of joke?
- 0 changes for Shiro stance(which is weak and useless with chrono)
- buffed one useless skill in Mallyx – Unyielding Anguish simply costs too much energy to be used, so this changes nothing
- some buff’s for Ventari healer, which still will be weaker than Druid or Ele
- the only good thing about this balance is increasing Jalis hammers, but it is possible that because of that other stances – Shiro and Mallyx will no longer be used as dps

It is time to change main for another class.

Enjoy S6 guys.

in Revenant

Posted by: Warrost.4895


Is this balance some kind of joke?
- 0 changes for Shiro stance(which is weak and useless with chrono)
- buffed one useless skill in Mallyx – Unyielding Anguish simply costs too much energy to be used, so this changes nothing
- some buff’s for Ventari healer, which still will be weaker than Druid or Ele
- the only good thing about this balance is increasing Jalis hammers, but it is possible that because of that other stances – Shiro and Mallyx will no longer be used as dps

It is time to change main for another class.

There is no “choice” of stances. You literally just can use Glint and forcefully Jalis

Enjoy S6 guys.

in Revenant

Posted by: Burtnik.5218


- the only good thing about this balance is increasing Jalis hammers,

That one is actually reverted nerf from beta. Hammers had 300damage base back then. Everything around got buffed and rev is left in dust. I knew i was right to leave this game was in mid s2. Smite is much more fun, espesially Ratatoskr.

I would like to add that as someone who was using Jalis his 10cd on taunt is huge nerf. Basically its first legend in rev kit with TWO skills on 10cd. Energy system? Whats that bro, y u mad? Get double punishment and stay silent.

Salt, salt, moar salt. So salty like fries from McDonald!
Playing Smite since mid s2, f broken gw2.

Enjoy S6 guys.

in Revenant

Posted by: Okami.7049


- the only good thing about this balance is increasing Jalis hammers,

That one is actually reverted nerf from beta. Hammers had 300damage base back then. Everything around got buffed and rev is left in dust. I knew i was right to leave this game was in mid s2. Smite is much more fun, espesially Ratatoskr.

I would like to add that as someone who was using Jalis his 10cd on taunt is huge nerf. Basically its first legend in rev kit with TWO skills on 10cd. Energy system? Whats that bro, y u mad? Get double punishment and stay silent.

Smite has a broken matchmaking system and balancing issues of their own with over half of their Deity roster. Rat is labeled Easy for a reason and is a popular pick in the SPL because he’s not hard to play. He also was nerfed under ground, reworked, then nerfed again. Besides, if it’s much more fun what are you even doing here? This isn’t the Smite forums.

Revenant, sadly, is (in my book at least) the most useless class in the game. It can’t even roam open world PvE in comfort, simply killing trash mobs to complete hearts for Map Completion is like fighting mini-bosses half of the time. It’s ridiculous and, quite frankly, a huge scam for those of us who bought the expansion. Sure we got Elite Specs for the other classes, but the only other reason to get HoT was for the Rev class which was actually good at release, then ANET decided to give us the middle finger and essentially rip us off. I’d still recommend the expansion, only for the Elite Specs though nothing else (don’t start with the Mastery system, it’s not a necessity technically speaking while Elite Specs practically are for PvP/WvW purposes).

~ Death Is Not The Greatest Loss In Life, The Greatest Loss Is What Dies Inside Us While We Live. ~

Enjoy S6 guys.

in Revenant

Posted by: Warrost.4895


There won’t be any major changes, especially not for the revenant.

Being busy would mean being busy, and being busy is not Anets style

Enjoy S6 guys.

in Revenant

Posted by: XxsdgxX.8109


Sigh* What the kitten was this garbage balance patch?

Stella Truth Seeker

Enjoy S6 guys.

in Revenant

Posted by: Spartacus.3192


which is why long ago I decided to play multiple classes. Ive been playing my DH/War in season 5 and will continue to use them in S6 and for WvW. My rev is relegated to open world pve fun.

Your typical average gamer -
“Buff my main class, nerf everything else. "

Enjoy S6 guys.

in Revenant

Posted by: Burtnik.5218


- the only good thing about this balance is increasing Jalis hammers,

That one is actually reverted nerf from beta. Hammers had 300damage base back then. Everything around got buffed and rev is left in dust. I knew i was right to leave this game was in mid s2. Smite is much more fun, espesially Ratatoskr.

I would like to add that as someone who was using Jalis his 10cd on taunt is huge nerf. Basically its first legend in rev kit with TWO skills on 10cd. Energy system? Whats that bro, y u mad? Get double punishment and stay silent.

Smite has a broken matchmaking system and balancing issues of their own with over half of their Deity roster. Rat is labeled Easy for a reason and is a popular pick in the SPL because he’s not hard to play. He also was nerfed under ground, reworked, then nerfed again. Besides, if it’s much more fun what are you even doing here? This isn’t the Smite forums.

Im not really here to promote anything but while mmr sux balls most of the time, it definitely doesnt have as many balance issues as gw. Apart from few gods i would rate the balance to be quite decent actually. Labels means nothing, Rata is easy to play, hard to master. Theres a reason why i have close to 4.0 kda (2.5 kd) with him in ranked while most is at 1.2 to 1 kd. Rata is popular due to his global ult which is main reason why you want to pick him.

And im here for entertainment. Its fun to see such ridiculous “balance” changes from 3 perspectice when you dont even care anymore. Im not mad, im crying thats how funny these notes are. Its taking them what.. 3-4 months per balance patch and this is all they got? Its technically speaking easier profession in game to balance due to limited package kits. How long players like me are supposed to w8 to actually see Jalis and core rev viable, without any issues, without kittened split damage on sword etc? In season 66436? Classes who needed a nerf got buffed. Rev who is right now worst profession in game got a middle finger. I am honestly starting to consider rev as a scam from Anet to grab money. They created lots of issues with their “balance” such as PS and they are not willing to fix it to this day.

Salt, salt, moar salt. So salty like fries from McDonald!
Playing Smite since mid s2, f broken gw2.

Enjoy S6 guys.

in Revenant

Posted by: Okami.7049


- the only good thing about this balance is increasing Jalis hammers,

That one is actually reverted nerf from beta. Hammers had 300damage base back then. Everything around got buffed and rev is left in dust. I knew i was right to leave this game was in mid s2. Smite is much more fun, espesially Ratatoskr.

I would like to add that as someone who was using Jalis his 10cd on taunt is huge nerf. Basically its first legend in rev kit with TWO skills on 10cd. Energy system? Whats that bro, y u mad? Get double punishment and stay silent.

Smite has a broken matchmaking system and balancing issues of their own with over half of their Deity roster. Rat is labeled Easy for a reason and is a popular pick in the SPL because he’s not hard to play. He also was nerfed under ground, reworked, then nerfed again. Besides, if it’s much more fun what are you even doing here? This isn’t the Smite forums.

Im not really here to promote anything but while mmr sux balls most of the time, it definitely doesnt have as many balance issues as gw. Apart from few gods i would rate the balance to be quite decent actually. Labels means nothing, Rata is easy to play, hard to master. Theres a reason why i have close to 4.0 kda (2.5 kd) with him in ranked while most is at 1.2 to 1 kd. Rata is popular due to his global ult which is main reason why you want to pick him.

And im here for entertainment. Its fun to see such ridiculous “balance” changes from 3 perspectice when you dont even care anymore. Im not mad, im crying thats how funny these notes are. Its taking them what.. 3-4 months per balance patch and this is all they got? Its technically speaking easier profession in game to balance due to limited package kits. How long players like me are supposed to w8 to actually see Jalis and core rev viable, without any issues, without kittened split damage on sword etc? In season 66436? Classes who needed a nerf got buffed. Rev who is right now worst profession in game got a middle finger. I am honestly starting to consider rev as a scam from Anet to grab money. They created lots of issues with their “balance” such as PS and they are not willing to fix it to this day.

Like I said this isn’t the Smite forums, and Rat requires far less skill than plenty of other Deities. We’ll leave it at that, if you’re just going to talk about some other game on another game’s forum then kindly remove yourself and return to whatever game you’re currently interested in.

I’m a Reaper main, so technically speaking Revenant isn’t that big of a deal to me. However, I did want to give it a shot but when the starting area is literally a back-breaking chore with you on edge because any low-level mobs can destroy you, that’s when you know the class is not only weak, it’s pointless. I would love to see Rev be reworked or buffed back into existence, but at this point I’ll gladly take a full team of Necros and Engis over Revenant any day. What they need to do is tweak the attack speed on some weapons, remove either CD or Energy Costs on weapons and make Legend Utilities WORTH USING (Glint’s the only exception). I could even argue Rev should start with 100 energy instead of 50, especially if they want to have such ridiculous and bloated energy costs on the Utilities skills, at least for PvE that is. No one’s going to run a Rev with Ventari when Mesmer and Druid are far better supports. Sword MH needs to have its autos sped up, Sword 3 needs to have that ridiculous wind-up time removed or seriously shortened, and Rev needs a more diverse choice of weaponry to begin with. Right now you only have Sword for DPS, Mace for Condi. Hammer for Ranged, Staff for Support. Literally NO other choices. That’s flat out pathetic, at least Necros have options at their disposal.

ANET’s excuse better be ’we’re waiting on the next expansion’ otherwise they need to just remove the Revenant all-together. The idea was commendable, the execution was mind-numbingly atrocious.

~ Death Is Not The Greatest Loss In Life, The Greatest Loss Is What Dies Inside Us While We Live. ~

Enjoy S6 guys.

in Revenant

Posted by: Buran.3796


Revenant, sadly, is (in my book at least) the most useless class in the game. It can’t even roam open world PvE in comfort, simply killing trash mobs to complete hearts for Map Completion is like fighting mini-bosses half of the time.

I disagree with this part, aside from Warrior I think that Rev is the best class to clean maps in PvE and always amazes me how easily deals with the content being 100% mele, having no stability and lacking cleansing whereas with my DH I struggle to do the same (even at range).

But yes, overall the patch is crap: only good things were the fixes in mace and axe (for a build that anyway is so weak that doesn’t work). And no to mention that after the patch the now re-rebuffed condi Mesmer and whatever Warrior are ultra hardcounters of Revs.

Fortunately I almost ended the Flameseeker of Prophecies; time to return and undust Black Desert for me. I’ll limit my time in GW2 to maintenance work…

Enjoy S6 guys.

in Revenant

Posted by: Warrost.4895


Revenant, sadly, is (in my book at least) the most useless class in the game. It can’t even roam open world PvE in comfort, simply killing trash mobs to complete hearts for Map Completion is like fighting mini-bosses half of the time.

I disagree with this part, aside from Warrior I think that Rev is the best class to clean maps in PvE and always amazes me how easily deals with the content being 100% mele, having no stability and lacking cleansing whereas with my DH I struggle to do the same (even at range).

But yes, overall the patch is crap: only good things were the fixes in mace and axe (for a build that anyway is so weak that doesn’t work). And no to mention that after the patch the now re-rebuffed condi Mesmer and whatever Warrior are ultra hardcounters of Revs.

Fortunately I almost ended the Flameseeker of Prophecies; time to return and undust Black Desert for me. I’ll limit my time in GW2 to maintenance work…

Well you see it in this forum here.
GW2 is literally dead, if “this” is the biggest kittenstorm the community can produce

Enjoy S6 guys.

in Revenant

Posted by: Morvar.9864


So when can we expect to see a new balance path? How long do these seasons last? I feel like I need to find something else to do..

Enjoy S6 guys.

in Revenant

Posted by: Warrost.4895


So when can we expect to see a new balance path? How long do these seasons last? I feel like I need to find something else to do..

Next expansion

Enjoy S6 guys.

in Revenant

Posted by: Buran.3796


So when can we expect to see a new balance path? How long do these seasons last? I feel like I need to find something else to do..

Each season is 2 months of competition and 1 month of rest. ANet does 4 PvP seasons a year and usually they produce 1 balance patch x season plus one or two at most along the year.

Chances are that the next balance patch will arrive just before season 7, in ~June.

Enjoy S6 guys.

in Revenant

Posted by: SetBackToDefault.7361


Wow, all that whining of all those players really gives me the creeps.
Rev is not a bad class at all and if you guys can’t handle a nerf then better go play a offline game. You guys getting feared away by a nerf, if you’re real Revenant Main you’ll still play him, I played more then 400 ranked games with my revenant in s5 and ill play another in s6.
Its simply no issue to even get most dmg of the whole team, you just have to play properly and learn every other class/rotations or simply how 2 play pvp.

“when the starting area is literally a back-breaking chore with you on edge because any low-level mobs can destroy you, that’s when you know the class is not only weak, it’s pointless”

Revenant is not getting killed by these mobs if you know how to play this class. Even as a beginner you should be able to relativly quick notice how to fight against mobs.
Dont say a class is kitten just because you’re not able to learn game mechanics or are you used to play classes which can carry themselfes without any skill? Ok then, better stick to this since Revenant needs a certain skill level to master it, try it for at least 500h and you’ll notice that its not that trash you think it is.

Enjoy S6 guys.

in Revenant

Posted by: Rain.9213


My main complaint is that they nerfed the Jalis line too much just because they didn’t want to nerf Herald for some reason, which made my core Power Revenant build completely obselete while before I could take it to ranked and win, and that quite a few skills on Revenant are bugged.

Unrelenting Assault bugging out if an enemy is near a ledge or wall, Vengeful Hammers bugging out if they hit a wall or terrain, Precision Strike hitting random objects and terrain and making you lose DPS, and the major lack of stability. These are all things I would really love to see fixed.

Enjoy S6 guys.

in Revenant

Posted by: Azukas.1426


So Burntnik quit this game and is playing an easy mode deity in Smite.

Anyone actually surprised at all? I’m not.

Go play smite bur and let us enjoy our new healer Revs

Enjoy S6 guys.

in Revenant

Posted by: XxsdgxX.8109


So Burntnik quit this game and is playing an easy mode deity in Smite.

Anyone actually surprised at all? I’m not.

Go play smite bur and let us enjoy our new healer Revs

Nope, most of us Rev mains won’t play it at all once again until actual buff/fixes.

Yeah having again only like 1% of the people playing Revenant is a good sign that it’s in a good spot! /s

Stella Truth Seeker

Enjoy S6 guys.

in Revenant

Posted by: Burtnik.5218


So Burntnik quit this game and is playing an easy mode deity in Smite.

Anyone actually surprised at all? I’m not.

Go play smite bur and let us enjoy our new healer Revs

I quiited in mid s2. Now i just haunt the forums for fun. “Miss me again”.
And difficulty tag doesnt matter at all, but how you would know it when you dont even play the game nor rev itself. Rata is harder to play than something like Awilix with “hard” difficulty. Hard my kitten literally. I would like to know who enjoys playing healbot btw lul

Maybe people who deleted rev/uninstalled the game?

Salt, salt, moar salt. So salty like fries from McDonald!
Playing Smite since mid s2, f broken gw2.

Enjoy S6 guys.

in Revenant

Posted by: Buran.3796


Wow, all that whining of all those players really gives me the creeps.
Rev is not a bad class at all and if you guys can’t handle a nerf then better go play a offline game. You guys getting feared away by a nerf, if you’re real Revenant Main you’ll still play him, I played more then 400 ranked games with my revenant in s5 and ill play another in s6.

Getting nerfs has nothing to do with being in disadvantage in almost every matchup in the game while also lacking in key areas of defense (stability, cleansing) and attack (ranged). And being hard to play is maybe an aftermath of the absence of builds and flexibility. Plus, the current Rev is designed to play in a gamemode with teams of 5 whereas most of the matches in the GW2 are random pugs doing solos or couples at most.

Anyway I’ll keep playing and bombing my team matches with my convoluted, underperforming Rev no matter how crapy is, because I wanna be there when ANet leaves the game.

Enjoy S6 guys.

in Revenant

Posted by: thewaterguy.4796


I don’t think Revenant is completely broken or unplayable BUT if you aren’t running Herald Support your usefulness drops dramatically compared to other professions…thats one of the reasons I avoid Raids and PvP like the plague because I would rather not be stuck in one viable playstyle that Arenanet seems to insist is the only playstyle revenant is allowed to have, what the hell are they doing? The buffs revenant got were token at best

Enjoy S6 guys.

in Revenant

Posted by: Buran.3796


I don’t think Revenant is completely broken or unplayable BUT if you aren’t running Herald Support your usefulness drops dramatically compared to other professions.

To be honest I no longer care too much about my usefulness for the group… I just lost 5 matches in a row a few minutes ago playing power Rev and I have no regrets.

They also utterly nerfed the ranked rewards and I already have 4 full sets of heavy ascended armor and 1 of light armor so no longer have to be worried about winning or losing. Plus, the PvP badges are barely visible (the previous gem icons worked better albeit the system itself in now improved). I’ll enjoy my loses far better than playing a handicaped healbot.

Enjoy S6 guys.

in Revenant

Posted by: thewaterguy.4796


Fair enough, it just really kills me since I was such a huge fan of the rev I actually started a fanfic for my character in hopes of playing around with the whole dual personality thing, yea…the passion for that has died because of the buggy, weak and broken feel of the class not to mention the complete lack of lore on how they work…I promised myself the day they finally ironed out all the issues with Jalis and Mallyx was the day I would go back and continue the fanfic regardless of the lacking lore (I can make some pretty safe assumptions to make up for it) but of course that still hasn’t happened…I doubt the “balance devs” even bother reading these forums or ever play revenant judging by the hilariously out of touch comments about the class