Experiences playing rev after nerf
A while ago nerf AA, so that we supposedly do not use as much AA but suddenly it is the only thing we have left, exposing ourselves doing damage with AA and we are getting all the builds conditions.
Powerful weapon change? A stroke of 1k + equilibrium you can only use it once, in which you have more than 50% of this, not when you want) so I do not think it is powerful or feared. Also now the staff only serves for cc and nothing else (maybe 4 to clean, and is too slow).
I think developers do not even try their classes, they just look at their numbers mathematically and decide what to do …
I feel that I needed a light nerf 10/20% might be enough but this is a massacre to the unfinished class.
(edited by Chungo.3169)
A while ago nerf AA, so that we supposedly do not use as much AA but suddenly it is the only thing we have left, exposing ourselves doing damage with AA and we are getting all the builds conditions.
Powerful weapon change? A stroke of 1k + equilibrium you can only use it once, in which you have more than 50% of this, not when you want) so I do not think it is powerful or feared. Also now the staff only serves for cc and nothing else (maybe 4 to clean, and is too slow).I think developers do not even try their classes, they just look at their numbers mathematically and decide what to do …
I feel that I needed a light nerf 10/20% might be enough but this is a massacre to the unfinished class.
I believe you are right, and I feel it is also true for Daredevils’ staff/Warriors’ mainhand axe.
I mean which game designer could think that making auto-attack the most effective way to DPS and making every other skill slow/weak/doing the same damage as a single AA (sometimes even less !) a good idea?
Even some time after the first nerfs of the Revenant, the gameplay was still good and interesting. Now, it’s actually quite boring and feels very repetitive and not really rewarding.
It’s really the first time in a MMO that I’ve seen players telling me to mainly use AA because the rest is too situational or too weak. I’m talking about PvE where you do need DPS because ennemies have much higher health pools compared to PvP/WvW.
(edited by Scar.1793)
According to my Experience rev still feels kind of viable. But only in teamfights where he can fully display his potential with the boonshares. 1v1´s are noticeable harder and i miss the dmg from precision strike very much. Surge of the Mists is still usefull but there is simply to less dmg on staff now.
I’m going to preface this with, I’ve gone back and forth between the condi and power build over various patches. I feel that mallyx is really solid now, and even useful to a power build. You might see some picking it up over shiro for the more reliable heal, boon rip, extra stats now that it has a stun break.
I feel with the damage changes and then new deadshot amulet, condi build is in a really solid place with a generosity sigil. I have found that with the heavier condi focus this season that the vit and precision have help a lot with being able to either trade the conditions back or sustain through them.
Staff I feel is still a really strong weapon. On both builds. The bash skill is little bit more rewarding with the lowered cost. Staff 5 will always be useful for its cc, evades and mobility. The block and heal are all still really reliable. The only thing I keep coming back to is the auto attack sucks.
Swords the opposite, the majority of the skills other than the auto attack suck.
I Play WvW to have fun. I don’t find it fun anymore. Therefore I don’t play.
Next patch – we dont want rev to deal majority of its damage from autoattack so we will be reducing autoatk damage by 30% to make 2 and 3 more interesing for dps rotations. Happy holidays!
Playing Smite since mid s2, f broken gw2.
Next patch – we dont want rev to deal majority of its damage from autoattack so we will be reducing autoatk damage by 30% to make 2 and 3 more interesing for dps rotations. Happy holidays!
That would be awesome. And then they can rebuff PS in a later. AAs should never, ever hit harder than other skills that cost resources or have CDs. I thought the PS strike nerf was a bad move. SotM was a good move because that skill already CCs and evades on a low CD, so it shouldn’t hit hard. Instead of buffing Staff’s AA, another skill should be buffed. The initial attack of skill 2 could use a buff instead
However, I think one of the biggest things that make Rev hit too hard isn’t the weapon skills. It’s the traits. You can get high ferocity, near 100% crit chance and have enough sustain skills to avoid being hit altogether. If those were fixed, then they could adjust weapon skills.
Considering how powerful Revs were, they need to lose something to get something else. Want more condition cleanse? You’ll need to lose either damage or sustain. After these nerfs, I wouldn’t suggest Anet to nerf Revs any further without buff another area. A sword AA nerf should come with a PS buff. A staff AA nerf should come. Damage trait nerfs (particularly ones related to high crit chance and crit damage) should come with weapon skill buffs or maybe even utility buffs.
Next patch – we dont want rev to deal majority of its damage from autoattack so we will be reducing autoatk damage by 30% to make 2 and 3 more interesing for dps rotations. Happy holidays!
That would be awesome. And then they can rebuff PS in a later. AAs should never, ever hit harder than other skills that cost resources or have CDs. I thought the PS strike nerf was a bad move. SotM was a good move because that skill already CCs and evades on a low CD, so it shouldn’t hit hard. Instead of buffing Staff’s AA, another skill should be buffed. The initial attack of skill 2 could use a buff instead
However, I think one of the biggest things that make Rev hit too hard isn’t the weapon skills. It’s the traits. You can get high ferocity, near 100% crit chance and have enough sustain skills to avoid being hit altogether. If those were fixed, then they could adjust weapon skills.
Considering how powerful Revs were, they need to lose something to get something else. Want more condition cleanse? You’ll need to lose either damage or sustain. After these nerfs, I wouldn’t suggest Anet to nerf Revs any further without buff another area. A sword AA nerf should come with a PS buff. A staff AA nerf should come. Damage trait nerfs (particularly ones related to high crit chance and crit damage) should come with weapon skill buffs or maybe even utility buffs.
So with your First statement yes and no. AA should hit harder than any skill loaded with utility/defense i.e. SotM since it provides so much in utility it should not hit harder than AA now PS should hit harder due to it only doing damage and so on but sometimes I feel like Anet balance team can’t grasp that concept and like to front load a lot of utility skills.
Mallyx revs are now strong duelists. It’s just rare I cross one being played correctly.
Please, let’s be serious and do not get carried away by your hatred of revs and also say that something is useful when it is not.
Staff only serves to clean 2 conditions (very slow indeed) and cc rezz.
Sword only for AA damage and UA to dodge and shield a lock.
With all the build built to do damage does not damage. Having to build for conditions Mallyx uses an incredibly high amount of energy with very little duration of resistance to conditions and also has no condition cleaning or burst conditions like other classes, no weapons remote conditions and those that are are with errors.
Seriously that in kitten dominated by bunkers conditions and pop dps there is room for a rev? And how come they still say it’s viable?
I think those who say that it is well rev is for:
1. They hate the class or were their direct counter
2. They are playing against people of low level (I hate to say it but it is the reality)
3. Have not tried it
I’m very worried, the forum is becoming toxic to make nerf some classes excessively, sometimes I think they do not test and simply use numbers without considering anything else, builds, exp of the player …
Rev is still viable, it is still strong in team fights has good map presence and can hold some 1v1’s. So honestly if im playing on point rev still feels pretty rewarding, however it definitely lost some of its edge with these nerfs and I feel making mistakes is just to punishing compared to the other builds out there.
Playing rev starts to feel more clunky, without the OP aspects the problems, bugs and clunky mechanics rev has start to show and irritate.
Honestly 1 more nerf and I would probably start maining something else in pvp.
Wonderful. That’s just what I wanted. A previously fun and complex class reduced to utter kitten, spamming sword 1 autoattack. The balance team are a bunch of morons if they think this is balancing.
Learn to make builds and test things on your own. There’s a very good hybrid build available that uses Mallyx and Glint. Stop being lemmings.
Learn to make builds and test things on your own. There’s a very good hybrid build available that uses Mallyx and Glint. Stop being lemmings.
why would i play condi rev when condi warrior is 10 x better?
Learn to make builds and test things on your own. There’s a very good hybrid build available that uses Mallyx and Glint. Stop being lemmings.
why would i play condi rev when condi warrior is 10 x better?
And this applies to pretty much everything else.
Why play classes with high skill ceilings when you can play much easier classes and be as good or even better in the end. It’s something that ANET doesn’t kittening get and one of the reasons this game will never have a popular PvP.
Learn to make builds and test things on your own. There’s a very good hybrid build available that uses Mallyx and Glint. Stop being lemmings.
why would i play condi rev when condi warrior is 10 x better?
Running Mallyx does not mean your a dedicated condi build or even hybrid for that matter. Mallyx has some good condi mitigation, group boon removal, a little bit of mobility as well as a nice stat boost. All of which are useful to a power build. It just means the utilities are not used for the damage component; instead for the utility.
As for condi war vs condi rev, my experience is the rev will win. Simply put we can remove the war’s resistance and are just as durable when we manage resistance and generosity procs. Condi mesmer vs condi rev is a completely different story.
I Play WvW to have fun. I don’t find it fun anymore. Therefore I don’t play.
As for condi war vs condi rev, my experience is the rev will win. Simply put we can remove the war’s resistance and are just as durable when we manage resistance and generosity procs. Condi mesmer vs condi rev is a completely different story.
Ok you’ve removed his resistance what about him triggering cleansing ire (removes 3 condi) every 1-2 seconds, His 1k hps, 2 × 5sec endure pain, All while putting tons of condi on you, Once your resistance and energy runs out (which happens pretty fast) you’ll die.
9 times out of 10 if a condi rev goes toe to toe with a condi warrior the rev will lose.
As for condi war vs condi rev, my experience is the rev will win. Simply put we can remove the war’s resistance and are just as durable when we manage resistance and generosity procs. Condi mesmer vs condi rev is a completely different story.
Ok you’ve removed his resistance what about him triggering cleansing ire (removes 3 condi) every 1-2 seconds, His 1k hps, 2 × 5sec endure pain, All while putting tons of condi on you, Once your resistance and energy runs out (which happens pretty fast) you’ll die.
9 times out of 10 if a condi rev goes toe to toe with a condi warrior the rev will lose.
Endure pain means almost nothing to condi rev, a lot of people run the extended stances over cleansing ire to make berserker stance and endure pain last longer. I will admit those that do run ire I struggle against more.
However, if you know this in advance, loading up multiple conditions and reapplying them after ire to prevent the confusion cleanse can cause them to kill them selves.
Once mallyx energy runs out it is time to kite with staff and cleanse. Glint heal if needed. Then swap back to mallyx and mace. You should never be grinding your face against a war in berserker stance on anything, instead be actively kiting him and saving your resources for when it ends.
I have a guild mate that I’ve dueled a lot in the past who is high plat in pvp this season on warrior. He’s really good at condi war, our duels were roughly 50:50. I am not saying it’s an easy fight, but it’s not unapproachable like you make it sound. I’d upload something to prove what I am talking about but my computer does not handle recording at all while running the game.
I Play WvW to have fun. I don’t find it fun anymore. Therefore I don’t play.
(edited by Eval.2371)
Due the ascendant rewards I did start to play the season (not with this class, of course). Did play several hours this weekend; I think that I only saw 1 Rev in the last 20 matches.
I feel with the damage changes and then new deadshot amulet, condi build is in a really solid place with a generosity sigil. I have found that with the heavier condi focus this season that the vit and precision have help a lot with being able to either trade the conditions back or sustain through them.
Can you even put out enough damaging conditions with Corruption/Mallyx to totally justify taking zero points in power? Chill, Burn, Torment, Poison, and Blind on a longish CD leaves your only damage very counterable to even minor cleansing. I feel like the couple of times I’ve tried the Condi Rev in PvP I end up doing pretty even direct/condi damage… And without the power of Carrion or Sage’s, I cringe at the low about on DPS it would have been. 0.o
I feel with the damage changes and then new deadshot amulet, condi build is in a really solid place with a generosity sigil. I have found that with the heavier condi focus this season that the vit and precision have help a lot with being able to either trade the conditions back or sustain through them.
Can you even put out enough damaging conditions with Corruption/Mallyx to totally justify taking zero points in power? Chill, Burn, Torment, Poison, and Blind on a longish CD leaves your only damage very counterable to even minor cleansing. I feel like the couple of times I’ve tried the Condi Rev in PvP I end up doing pretty even direct/condi damage… And without the power of Carrion or Sage’s, I cringe at the low about on DPS it would have been. 0.o
This is close to what I run stat wise, except its deadshot and scavenging instead.
All I can say is try it. This season I’ve had matches where my power & condition damage have been in the realm of 150k power:400k condi with the deadshot build. I find dishing out damage not to be a problem at all its more surviving when focused by 4 people, which to be frank almost every class struggles with that.
I Play WvW to have fun. I don’t find it fun anymore. Therefore I don’t play.
Since DH spams are in almost every game, condi rev really shines. I love it when 2 of them drop their traps and I just run right in with my heal 1v1 they are cake really, they can’t go head to head and their bow dmg is crap when they don’t have traps to back them up.
Since DH spams are in almost every game, condi rev really shines. I love it when 2 of them drop their traps and I just run right in with my heal
1v1 they are cake really, they can’t go head to head and their bow dmg is crap when they don’t have traps to back them up.
Since the staff nerfs I’ve swapped staff for hammer in the standard power build, and it also wrecks most trapper DHs. Just stay out of trap range and kill them with hammer. They’re usually glassy and will die to it fast. DH longbow can’t compete with Rev hammer.
Astaxanthas (Revenant), Hepaticus (Engineer), Eosinophus (Thief)
Learn to make builds and test things on your own. There’s a very good hybrid build available that uses Mallyx and Glint. Stop being lemmings.
why would i play condi rev when condi warrior is 10 x better?
And this applies to pretty much everything else.
Why play classes with high skill ceilings when you can play much easier classes and be as good or even better in the end. It’s something that ANET doesn’t kittening get and one of the reasons this game will never have a popular PvP.
While I think Rev is broken (I am working on surveying mallyx since now it has a stun break) and prefer my Warrior, I’ll still play revenant because its playstyle allows it to do a few things my Warrior cannot. I’ve had success with both.
Warrior is better for solo dps output, but Revenant is better for bolstering group play. Your warrior will survey home more but your revenant will tend to push mid.
There’s a subtle flavor difference there, but it’s still noticeable.
Zarin Mistcloak(THF) Valkyrie Mistblade(WAR) Kossori Mistwalker(REV) Durendal Mistward(GRD)
I used to think (build op, pls nerf) like you, but then I took a nerf to the knee.
They’re usually glassy and will die to it fast. DH longbow can’t compete with Rev hammer.
This is funny. Would you care to explain? I mean:
- Every lb skill except # 5 has a faster cast than hammer, which makes them easier to interrupt.
- Longbow AA in a power DH does the same damage over time than hammer AA in power Herald (with DH NOT using Unscathed Contender); takes them 15-16 seconds to kill the heavy golem in the myst hall with marauder stats. But this favors LB due a higher fire ratio increases the number of procs.
- Is almost impossible to land hammer #3 and #5 in not afk players; both are amongst the slowest and more predictable animations in the entire game.
- Coalescence of ruin fails at the slighest slant of terrain. So the best skill of the package is hammer #4, which is a great block . But now take a lok at the longbow:
- Deflecting Shot is a spammable (cd 10s) unblockable skill that pierces, blinds on hit and once traited knockbacks 300 units (every target reached, up to 5) and grants at least 6 seconds of stability to the DH. This and True Shot (cd 4s) both are also 100% combo finishers that clean conditions every time thy cross LB #4.
If the Rev had the DH’s longbow, maybe I would be playing Rev. Saying that Rev’s hammer is better lacks sense to me.
While I can agree that dh longbow is better overall, hammer is very strong specifically against projectile heay weapons such as the dh longbow due to the hammer 4 skill.
Lupi solos on 9/9 professions
Wost Engi NA
They’re usually glassy and will die to it fast. DH longbow can’t compete with Rev hammer.
This is funny. Would you care to explain? I mean:
- Every lb skill except # 5 has a faster cast than hammer, which makes them easier to interrupt.
- Longbow AA in a power DH does the same damage over time than hammer AA in power Herald (with DH NOT using Unscathed Contender); takes them 15-16 seconds to kill the heavy golem in the myst hall with marauder stats. But this favors LB due a higher fire ratio increases the number of procs.
- Is almost impossible to land hammer #3 and #5 in not afk players; both are amongst the slowest and more predictable animations in the entire game.
- Coalescence of ruin fails at the slighest slant of terrain. So the best skill of the package is hammer #4, which is a great block . But now take a lok at the longbow:
- Deflecting Shot is a spammable (cd 10s) unblockable skill that pierces, blinds on hit and once traited knockbacks 300 units (every target reached, up to 5) and grants at least 6 seconds of stability to the DH. This and True Shot (cd 4s) both are also 100% combo finishers that clean conditions every time thy cross LB #4.
If the Rev had the DH’s longbow, maybe I would be playing Rev. Saying that Rev’s hammer is better lacks sense to me.
I’m not saying that Rev hammer is better in all scenarios, however from my experience, Rev hammer is great at ranged dueling against most builds as long as your opponent is willing to stay at range (and it is terrible if your opponent decides to melee you). I am also speaking specifically about PvP. So the slow cast on hammer #3 or #5 are fine if you’re attacking a DH bunkering a point, since the DH must then choose to get hit or get off the point and let you decap for a second or two. Most PvP maps are also pretty flat at the capture points, so terrain shouldn’t influence hammer #2 as much there.
Astaxanthas (Revenant), Hepaticus (Engineer), Eosinophus (Thief)
Im happy with the ‘nerf’. I like to play hybrd shiro/mallyx and the new stunbreak added to Mallyx helps a lot. My main damage sources are autoattack and banish enchantment. I use sword 2 to stop kitters and sw3 to evade. Better success and fun from the last patch, at least for my play style.
Im happy with the ‘nerf’. I like to play hybrd shiro/mallyx and the new stunbreak added to Mallyx helps a lot. My main damage sources are autoattack and banish enchantment. I use sword 2 to stop kitters and sw3 to evade. Better success and fun from the last patch, at least for my play style.Regards,
Playing shiro and mallyx is just gimping yourself and your team.
Im happy with the ‘nerf’. I like to play hybrd shiro/mallyx and the new stunbreak added to Mallyx helps a lot. My main damage sources are autoattack and banish enchantment. I use sword 2 to stop kitters and sw3 to evade. Better success and fun from the last patch, at least for my play style.Regards,
RurikPlaying shiro and mallyx is just gimping yourself and your team.
Not if he’s condi.
Zarin Mistcloak(THF) Valkyrie Mistblade(WAR) Kossori Mistwalker(REV) Durendal Mistward(GRD)
I used to think (build op, pls nerf) like you, but then I took a nerf to the knee.
A while ago nerf AA, so that we supposedly do not use as much AA but suddenly it is the only thing we have left, exposing ourselves doing damage with AA and we are getting all the builds conditions.
Powerful weapon change? A stroke of 1k + equilibrium you can only use it once, in which you have more than 50% of this, not when you want) so I do not think it is powerful or feared. Also now the staff only serves for cc and nothing else (maybe 4 to clean, and is too slow).I think developers do not even try their classes, they just look at their numbers mathematically and decide what to do …
I feel that I needed a light nerf 10/20% might be enough but this is a massacre to the unfinished class.
I believe you are right, and I feel it is also true for Daredevils’ staff/Warriors’ mainhand axe.
I mean which game designer could think that making auto-attack the most effective way to DPS and making every other skill slow/weak/doing the same damage as a single AA (sometimes even less !) a good idea?
Even some time after the first nerfs of the Revenant, the gameplay was still good and interesting. Now, it’s actually quite boring and feels very repetitive and not really rewarding.It’s really the first time in a MMO that I’ve seen players telling me to mainly use AA because the rest is too situational or too weak. I’m talking about PvE where you do need DPS because ennemies have much higher health pools compared to PvP/WvW.
I don’t know. I think it makes common sense that the autoattack is the bread and butter for DPS due to the disproportionate significance they have with sustained DPS, with #2-5 offering more situational utility. Of course, for classes other than Thief, they can be balanced by cooldowns; but utility on those skills tends to be more interesting than just straight damage.
Im happy with the ‘nerf’. I like to play hybrd shiro/mallyx and the new stunbreak added to Mallyx helps a lot. My main damage sources are autoattack and banish enchantment. I use sword 2 to stop kitters and sw3 to evade. Better success and fun from the last patch, at least for my play style.Regards,
RurikPlaying shiro and mallyx is just gimping yourself and your team.
Not if he’s condi.
Especially if he’s condi. No team buffs, another bad heal, no flame on point, no megastun. For a teleport (Axe#4) and quickness (unnecessary).
Well to summ up the experience from this season,
- playing rev is unenjoyabable
You still can fight as in previous seasons but you are just weaker version of what you used to be. No more really high burst (its gone, you can still burst something but most of the time you need one more person to burst with you or they walk away and heal).
Now you have more counters, especially thieves.
If the thief isnt bad, he will kill you and he has everything he needs at his disposal.
-boon steal
-and pulmonary impact as cherry on the top which they really like to abuse a lot
-you cant kill him back like you used to, so find nearest ele to get a break
Big bad conditions
-burn guards
-most of warriors
Slow on traps
-slow really breaks rev a lot so our favorite matchap against guard is now more 40:60 for DH
Shocking aura and magnetic aura
-sword #3 → stun
-you want to cleave → stun
-enchanted daggers → please why are you healing the enemy?
Precision strike
-I loved that skill, gave you the feeling like from action games or anime when you slash with your sword and hit targets far away from you. It didnt looked so good but it hit hard and gave really nice synergy with off-hand sword. Also thieves didnt like to eat it.
-Now? Most of the time uselles. And in most situation it hinders you. Engi, mesmer, warri, ele (whole team) can refleckt it back on you, guard can break it with bow 3, sword 3 and shield 5, thieves dont care about chill and dmg is almost worse than autoattack (which can cleave and can be used in team fights), necros can be hit but watch out for transfer of chill (which you probably already have on), druids also can be hit but if pet is close, damage is worthless or they have healling wall up …
-So basicly this skill is for hitting other revs
And so on … and on …
Dont get me wrong rev is still playable and can be good in team fights, but not so much as other classes.
You must watch really carefully what is happening, when can you strike, where are you standing, where is enemy thief, where is you ele, what auras are on and what conditions you have (confusion the biggest friend of every rev – right after that slow).
And if you can do all theese things, you should play thief this season.
after a few days of playing rev i gotta say that its good in teamfights, but i cant count how many times i couldnt kill downed players cause all of the cc. would really wish to get some access to stability other than retri.
Im happy with the ‘nerf’. I like to play hybrd shiro/mallyx and the new stunbreak added to Mallyx helps a lot. My main damage sources are autoattack and banish enchantment. I use sword 2 to stop kitters and sw3 to evade. Better success and fun from the last patch, at least for my play style.Regards,
RurikPlaying shiro and mallyx is just gimping yourself and your team.
Not if he’s condi.
Especially if he’s condi. No team buffs, another bad heal, no flame on point, no megastun. For a teleport (Axe#4) and quickness (unnecessary).
Mallyx heal is fine if you pull conditions first, and flame is replaced by unyielding which procs leeching on projectile and blindness on blast. Lacks team buffs but you take conditions off them.
It’s different but worth exploring.
after a few days of playing rev i gotta say that its good in teamfights, but i cant count how many times i couldnt kill downed players cause all of the cc. would really wish to get some access to stability other than retri.
Gonna have to cleave for now
Zarin Mistcloak(THF) Valkyrie Mistblade(WAR) Kossori Mistwalker(REV) Durendal Mistward(GRD)
I used to think (build op, pls nerf) like you, but then I took a nerf to the knee.
Im happy with the ‘nerf’. I like to play hybrd shiro/mallyx and the new stunbreak added to Mallyx helps a lot. My main damage sources are autoattack and banish enchantment. I use sword 2 to stop kitters and sw3 to evade. Better success and fun from the last patch, at least for my play style.Regards,
RurikPlaying shiro and mallyx is just gimping yourself and your team.
Not if he’s condi.
Especially if he’s condi. No team buffs, another bad heal, no flame on point, no megastun. For a teleport (Axe#4) and quickness (unnecessary).
Mallyx heal is fine if you pull conditions first, and flame is replaced by unyielding which procs leeching on projectile and blindness on blast. Lacks team buffs but you take conditions off them.
It’s different but worth exploring.
after a few days of playing rev i gotta say that its good in teamfights, but i cant count how many times i couldnt kill downed players cause all of the cc. would really wish to get some access to stability other than retri.
Gonna have to cleave for now
most of the times i cleave with shiro speed but cc kittens me up
I played a couple of ranked games and many unranked games since the update. Revs are extinct and rightfully so. Unless you are playing with an organized team Rev is obsolete. Rev used to bring easy boon buffs, rez stomp and burst damage. Damage is gone and the in solo que boon and rez stomp are not very useful.
Now Revs are:
- Weak solo.
- Highly susceptible to conditions.
- Lacks damage (burst or sustained).
- Highly susceptible to CC.
- Lacks diversity.
So Rev is now a support class?! It will still be used for that specific reason in team ranked or tournaments, but it is highly unbalanced and should not be played solo in its current iteration.
I played a couple of ranked games and many unranked games since the update. Revs are extinct and rightfully so. Unless you are playing with an organized team Rev is obsolete. Rev used to bring easy boon buffs, rez stomp and burst damage. Damage is gone and the in solo que boon and rez stomp are not very useful.
Now Revs are:
- Weak solo.
- Highly susceptible to conditions.
- Lacks damage (burst or sustained).
- Highly susceptible to CC.
- Lacks diversity.So Rev is now a support class?! It will still be used for that specific reason in team ranked or tournaments, but it is highly unbalanced and should not be played solo in its current iteration.
If Ventari was playable we could be support I guess.
Some ventari buffs would be interesting to see. Ventari/mallyx power healer would be funny.