[Feedback] Revenant Physical damage gameplay

[Feedback] Revenant Physical damage gameplay

in Revenant

Posted by: Draxx.1520


First of all, this class has huge potential and is fun to play. This version was a big improvement from the first revenant weekend beta. Here are the things that popped into MY mind when playing:

Overall a lot of the Revenant abilities seem to have a somewhat naive design when it comes to casting time. While you are preparing to do stuff soon, your enemy is doing stuff NOW. The damage overall still feels very low.

Energy: Not sure about this mechanic overall. Increase default from 50 to 75 ? Reduce ability-costs? I feel kitten/held back. I the heat of battle I suddenly get shut down, and it is not because I was using too many abilities.



Drop the hammer is completely useless on targets that are not standing still or running in a straight line. In PvP it is extremely hard to hit with even when “aiming/predicting movement patterns”. It needs to cast a lot quicker.

Phase smash is a little better but also still slow.

Warding rift is way too slow. I don’t think that a block/reflect should have a casting time. The actual skill of using this is when you react to the enemy’s casting and then block/reflect it. The skill should not be to be psychic, start casting the ability and then wait/hope for the enemy to do something. That is the wrong order.

Feels overall somewhat weak.
Precision strike feels pretty useless, could use a little more oomph
Unrelenting assault. As everybody else is already saying, evade is needed and would be quite logical, nobody should be able to see you in the mists right?
Grasping Shadow is glitching/not working many times

Perhaps add passive bonuses to the legends to help them flesh out their use. Doesn’t have to be much, but something?

Jalis utilities:

This legend is supposed to be tank right? I get the feeling this should be the place where you go when you are taking heavy damage and need to mitigate that.

Forced engagement: Way too expensive to be useful

Rite of the great dwarf: During the looong time you will spend casting this, your enemy will be having a ball smashing your head against the pavement repeatedly. Simply not worth it.

Shiro utilities:

Enchanted daggers healing. Hmm…. I like the idea of having an “aggressive” heal, but healing is something you need when the crap hits the fan. Perhaps add a small immediate component, just a small one. The enchanted daggers disappear too quickly if not used, let the stick around a while longer.

Impossible odds is too expensive, you can’t use it to burst because you don’t have energy for the abilities while it is on. It’s only use currently is to finish downed enemies faster.



Sword/sword: Unrelenting assault is a such a cool ability. Its fun and different. When the evade has been added it will be an excellent attack. Love it!

Shiro utilities:
Phase traversal. For me this pretty much makes the revenant. I absolutely love this ability. It is the ultimate charge, and I love charging. It has awesome range and a nice bonus. Dps dps dps boom next enemy dps dps dps boom next enemy, charging around the battlefield like a menace. Amazing! This needs to never ever get nerfed.

My humble thoughts

Good luck with your work

GM of Ruthless

(edited by Draxx.1520)

[Feedback] Revenant Physical damage gameplay

in Revenant

Posted by: Seraphis Zurvan.6839

Seraphis Zurvan.6839

If you did the math, actually Revenant’s coefficients are about where they should be. The sword auto is rather strong, getting about the same amount of damage as a guardian greatsword hit, maybe a little less. Its biggest issue is with Unrelenting Assault. My solution was to DRAMATICALLY increase the damage per hit based on the number of targets around you within Unrelenting Assasult’s radius. This way, each strike is actually worth it. And the evades honestly is necessary. Why does Riposting Shadows get an evade and Unrelenting Assault doesn’t even though the overall concept of travel is the same? It’s inconsistent.

[Feedback] Revenant Physical damage gameplay

in Revenant

Posted by: Dstroya.6705


I would be okay with UA not getting an evade if I could cancel it/dodge out of it. If it doesn’t get an evade, its damage needs to be higher, If it gets an evade, i think the damage is fine.

Players Killing Players [PVP] – Fort Aspenwood

[Feedback] Revenant Physical damage gameplay

in Revenant

Posted by: Zende.1704


I only played physical damage Revenant in PvP and I really like the general feel of it excepted how slow it feels.
Just so you know, I main GS/Hammer War but play mostly GS/scepter+focus meditation guard these days. Today I played Shiro/Jarlis with dev/retrib/invoc and sword/sword+staff.

This spec is pretty cool for a heavy marauder character and there are some really cool and fun synergies in it. It feels pretty much like a mix of warrior and thief which is something I really like and didn’t find until I played meditation guardian.

Here I will expose what I find good and what I think should get some little changes to make the revenant (or at least the parts I played of it) nice to use in PvP in addition to just cool as it is now.


  • Autoattack: Good pressure, nice animations, perfect as is.
  • Precision Strike: Lacks a little something, I find myself rarely using it. Other have suggested adding blinds and I think it would make the skill good to use.
  • Unrelenting Assault: This is I think the skill with the coolest feel in the game.
    That said, in terms of usability, while its single target damage is really good, it becomes bad in group situation where you get hit by every aoe and it’s damage becomes uninteresting.
    Other have suggested to add an evade, that would be cool, but maybe too much.
    I have the feeling that this skill should be damage against one target like now, but that if you hit more targets, you should get some defensive bonuses like evade, blinds, protection or stability, maybe have more bonuses the more different targets you hit. Of course, these bonuses shouldn’t extend past the skill.
    I also think that quickness/slow should affect the skill because I guess that it does nothing right now.
  • Duelist’s Preparation: this skill is really good and the only change it may need is being able to use the second part without requirement,
  • Grasping Shadow: this skill is nice but there are some terrain bugs making it hard to use consistently.


  • Autoattack: good and feels good to use, gorgeous animations.
  • Punishing Sweep/Debilitating Slam: Nice attacks, good damage if used well.
  • Warding Rift: Awesome ability I love it.
  • Renewing Wave: Really useful to have condi cleanse because Revenant lacks a bit of this. The healing can also be nice.
  • Surge of the Mists: Really nice to use, rewards good positioning, really nice.


  • Enchanted Daggers: good idea, but really bad heal. The delay between the dagger strikes really hinders it and make it usable only for the damage boost it provides. I would suggest getting rid of the delay even if it means nerfing the damage of the daggers (the heal should stay as it is now)
  • Riposting Shadows: really nice skill, the energy cost could be a tiny bit lower but good anyway.
  • Phase Traversal: I feel like the damage and the cast time are not needed. The unblockable part could be cooler if it gave like 2 seconds of being unblockable. If it becomes instant cast/break stun, it’s energy cost should be upped (30 or so) nonetheless.
  • Impossible Odds: Really nice access to quickness and superspeed, I think it is well balanced.
  • Jade Winds: Really nice and powerful ability, feels elite, acts elite.


  • Soothing Stone: Good heal, brings some desperately needed condi cleanse.
  • Inspiring Reinforcement: Stability should get applied as soon as the cast is over. It could pulse short duration weakness to be a bit more intuitive. Also, I’m not sure it needs damage.
  • Forced Engagement: Too costly, you always have something better than this skill to use.
  • Vengeful Hammers: I love this skill especially in combo with sword 3, however, the hammers shouldn’t disappear near walls or strange terrain. It should get rid of it’s cast time to be usable a bit more defensively and avoid funny things like being able to legend swap mid cast time and having the hammers in another legend. This would also make them usable as offensive defense against CC as those are really powerful against revenant.
  • Rite of the Great Dwarf: Really lackluster. When playing, Jarlis is an offensive Stance for me because this is the only skill bringing real sustain and it is just not usable as defense. The cast time is far too long for it’s effect in PvP. I have the feeling that this elite should give the caster damage immunity for the entire cast and the duration of the skill after that but still be interruptable. The group support ability should stay like it is now.

For traits, most of them are pretty well made, however, Invigorating flow in Invocation line should trigger on any breakstun or have an other ability added because right now it is too situational.

Overall, I really love the class and am really looking forward to play it again!

(edited by Zende.1704)

[Feedback] Revenant Physical damage gameplay

in Revenant

Posted by: Draxx.1520


Its biggest issue is with Unrelenting Assault. My solution was to DRAMATICALLY increase the damage per hit based on the number of targets around you within Unrelenting Assasult’s radius. This way, each strike is actually worth it. And the evades honestly is necessary. Why does Riposting Shadows get an evade and Unrelenting Assault doesn’t even though the overall concept of travel is the same? It’s inconsistent.

That is a truly great idea!

I hope we get some info from Roy soon about the evade

GM of Ruthless

[Feedback] Revenant Physical damage gameplay

in Revenant

Posted by: Kicker.8203


I Its biggest issue is with Unrelenting Assault. My solution was to DRAMATICALLY increase the damage per hit based on the number of targets around you within Unrelenting Assasult’s radius. This way, each strike is actually worth it. And the evades honestly is necessary. Why does Riposting Shadows get an evade and Unrelenting Assault doesn’t even though the overall concept of travel is the same? It’s inconsistent.

That is a great idea indeed. I said it should just attack the target at first but this sounds better if it drastic enough.

[Feedback] Revenant Physical damage gameplay

in Revenant

Posted by: Shiro Tegachii.5619

Shiro Tegachii.5619

remove the ability cost seems a fantastic idea, i think it will work so well they can even remove the weapon swap