-Envoy of Exuberance (skill 4 with shield)- seems to be fine, the heal is nice on occasions. I would maybe increase the protection duration a little higher maybe to 5 seconds.
-Crystal Hibernation (skill 5 with shield). This gives a bit of a heal while pulsing and lets you ignore conditions. During this process you are stuck in place and cancelling the skill early can sometimes be difficult. Its a fun idea but the break bar when using this skill is terrible. Almost every single time i tried using it i got stunned/vuln. Maybe its a bit better in pvp? But in pve it is horrid, the only time is can be used is hiding in the back to heal. I feel with a break bar either it will suck or it will be op, there is no middle ground. I say just make it like warrior skill 5. Or at least let us be mobile while using this, that way we don’t just face tank all the suns etc that break us way to fast.
-I found that almost all of glints normal skills were very useful. The only one is didnt need was stun breaker (unless i used shield skill 5). The only main problem i had is the elite, I used it a couple times and never again. 45 seconds for a meh knock back just wasn’t worth it. I would much rather swap to other legend when energy gone and comeback able to apply prot again. The passive on the elite is by far the best part, no payout on actual skill. Which is kind of sad cause the animation is amazing. (I will throw it out there as I have before, if elite gave quickness instead of a useless superspeed I would use all the time)
-Concerning the traits.
I found minor traits to be just fine.
-Bolster Fortifications- protections for 2 seconds off heals. Seems fine though another second or two wouldn’t hurt.
-Harmonize Continuity – I won’t be using this as we have 1 stunbreak on glint…. But the idea could be fun.
-Shared Empowerment – I timed the boons to apply at separate times but this would only go off once every 3 seconds. Maybe it was just me but only really kept up 2-3 might. Would be nice to contribute at least a decent amount of might, 2-3 just doesn’t do much in the way of party contribution. (I realize we aren’t meant to stack 25 might instantly like war or ele but at least give us a bit more then 2-3…)
-The grandmaster traits are good except Soothing Bastion which is really just the skill 5 on shield issue. Why would anyone bring a skill that at 25% hp stuns you and gives you 25 vuln? Are they a masochist?? Also this skill did not increase any boon duration upon use of skills.
If anyone else has any feedback feel free to post ideas/suggestions. Just trying to make the revenant with shield usable. I LOVE shields but find they kind of suck, hoping the revenant can change that.