(edited by Dragon Ruler X.8512)
Full Comprehensive Revenant Review
Tests Done:
1) Healing Power Scaling
2) Condition Damage Scaling
3) Power Damage Scaling
Test #1 – Healing Power Scaling
Game Mode – PvP (Lobby)
Legends – Jalis/Mallyx/Ventari/Shiro
Weapon – Staff
Base Gear:
Amulet – Berserker
Rune – Centaur
Sigils – Nullification/Purity
Test Gear:
Amulet – Cleric’s
Rune – Monk
Sigils – Nullification/Purity
The Sigils of Nullification and Purity were selected to ensure that the combat log stayed as clean and accurate as possible.
Salvation traits augment “Outgoing healing effectiveness to allies”. Therefore, I did not have to test at maximum stacks; rather – I can increase the values by the estimated percentages to see what healing others would receive.
The Monk rune was used to check how Regen. was handled when extended beyond flat values.
(Name: Base / Geared | +Difference)
Replenishing Despair: 43 / 57 | +14 hp
—-BUG: Does not display in Combat Log
Steadfast Rejuvenation: 389 / 595 | +206 hp
—-BUG: Does not display in Combat Log
Nourishing Roots: 260 / 695 | +435 hp
—-BUG: Fractional healing is not in description nor calculated correctly
Tranquil Benediction: 390 / 981 | +591 hp
—-BUG: Fractional healing is not in description nor calculated correctly
Natural Abundance: 985 / 1,673 | +688 hp
—-BUG: Does not display in Combat Log
Equilibrium: 389 / 595 | +206 hp
—-BUG: Does not display in Combat Log
Invigorating Flow: 332 / 401 | +69 hp
—-BUG: Does not display in Combat Log
—-BUG: Poor Description – Weapon Energy doesn’t trigger healing
Focused Siphoning: 57 / 61 | +4 hp
—-BUG: Does not display in Combat Log
—-BUG: Description states healing should be 56 / 65
Assassin’s Annihilation: 306 / 444 | +138 hp
—-BUG: Does not display in Combat Log
Rejuvenating Assault: 165 / 371 | +206 hp
Renewing Wave: 1,295 / 2,189 | +894 hp
Soothing Stone: 4,605 / 5,980 | +1,375 hp
Empowering Misery: 3,320 + 980(X) / 4,695 + 1,118(X) | +1,375 + 138(X) hp
—-BUG: Healing based on (X) is slightly off at higher values (according to Combat Log)
Project Tranquility: 325 / 394 | +69 hp
—-BUG: Does not display in Combat Log
Ventari’s Will: 805 / 1,355 | +550 hp
—-BUG: Does not display in Combat Log
Natural Harmony: 1,620 / 2,445 | +825 hp
—-BUG: Does not display in Combat Log
Purifying Essence: 325 / 325 | +0 hp
—-BUG: Does not display in Combat Log
—-BUG: Does not scale with Healing Power
Energy Expulsion: 985 / 1,673 | +688 hp
—-BUG: Does not display in Combat Log
Enchanted Daggers: 1,640 + 808(6) / 1,984 + 1,083(6) | +344 + 275(6)
Prior to getting into this I need to clarify a few things.
The Revenant doesn’t have the ability to apply long term Protection or AoE Weakness. It does not have the ability to mitigate enough damage directly with -X% incoming damage traits. As Taunt cannot be maintained with little down time I’m ignoring Improved Aggression. The Revenant also cannot reliably spam Blind with enough consistency due to too long of a recharge. If you were to try to Self-Blind or Self-Weaken with Mallyx and spread it using Embrace the Darkness – the Energy would deplete too fast or be too short lived with too long of a recharge.
The overall healing gained from pushing Healing Power is still too small. The amount of healing gained isn’t substantial enough or fast enough to provide decent self-sustain with the current Energy cost involved – let alone attempting to heal allies. There either needs to be a much greater gain from Healing Power, more self-sustain boons such as Protection, more Blind, more AoE Weakness, or lower Energy requirements and recharges to bring this class closer to being “on par” with other classes.
Lastly, the Orbs from Staff and Natural Abundance/Energy Expulsion can occasionally be difficult to see – especially if they spawn far away or behind your target. Reducing the spawning radius, enhancing their visual spawning animation, and increasing their duration by 3 seconds would allow more players to react to these skills better.
(edited by Dragon Ruler X.8512)
Test #2 – Condition Damage Scaling
Game Mode – PvP (Lobby)
Legends – Mallyx
Weapon – Mace/Axe
Base Gear:
Amulet – Berserker
Rune – Centaur
Sigils – Nullification/Purity
Test Gear:
Amulets – Rabid/Carrion
Rune – Adventurer
Sigils – Nullification/Purity
The sigils of Nullification and Purity were selected to ensure that the combat log stayed as clean and accurate as possible.
I’ll be ensuring I have not applied Vulnerability, Might, or any Rune that extends condition duration to keep the combat log as clean and accurate as possible.
I am using Venom Enhancement to show maximum fixed condition output using traits.
(Name: Base / Geared | +Difference)
Rampant Vex: 64 -> 128 / 312 -> 623 | +248 -> 495
---BUG: Combat log displays a total of 440 (not moving)
Diabolic Inferno: 1,048 / 2,753 | +1,705
Misery Swipe: 64 -> 128 / 312 -> 623 | +248 -> 495
Anguish Swipe: 64 -> 128 / 312 -> 623 | +248 -> 495
Manifest Toxin: 302 / 1,044 | +742
Searing Fissure: 524 / 1,377 | +853
---BUG: Combat log displays a total of 1,376
Echoing Eruption: 287 > 573 / 1,400 -> 2,800 | +1,113 > 2,227
---BUG: Combat log displays a total of 2,087 (not moving)
Temporal Rift: 382 > 764 / 1,867 -> 3,734 | +1,485 > 2,970
---BUG: Combat log displays a total of 2,630 (not moving)
Banish Enchantment: 99 -> 120 / 271 -> 698 | +172 -> 578
---BUG: Combat log displays a total of 696 (no skill used)
Unyielding Anguish: 239 -> 477 / 1,167 -> 2,334 | +928 -> 1,857
---BUG: Combat log displays a total of 1,698 (not moving)
Embrace the Darkness: 16 -> 16 / 78 -> 78 | +62
---BUG: Combat log displays a constant 80 / 418 (not moving) after the 4th stack is built up. Dividing this by 4 would indicate Torment to do 20 / 104.5 damage per stack which is not consistent to the rest of the Torment skills.
The Revenant has the ability to do moderate condition damage, but due to some of its inherent limiting factors this damage is only briefly realized. When pressuring for conditions most players will likely use Shiro > Mace. If traited correctly you can push near 2k Torment out, but at a rather substantial cost. Due to low durations on most Revenant conditions you can only build up condition output if you stay in close proximity to your target, don’t stop attacking, and use Impossible Odds which will drain your energy quickly. This puts you at a rather large disadvantage since you’re investing yourself a great deal for a rather small payoff that is only very short lived. Similar to a Burn Guardian this single condition can be removed quickly stopping the tick damage, but unlike the Burn Guardian – being exposed to it for only a few seconds will not strain the target enough to immediately react as they would if they were Burning.
(edited by Dragon Ruler X.8512)
Test #3 – Power Damage Scaling
Game Mode – PvP (Lobby)
Legends – Jalis/Mallyx/Shiro
Weapon – Hammer/Mace/Axe/Staff/Sword/Sword
Base Gear:
Amulet – Settler’s
Rune – Infiltrator
Sigils – Nullification/Purity
Test Gear:
Amulet – Soldier
Rune – Centaur
Sigils – Nullification/Purity
The sigils of Nullification and Purity were selected to ensure that the combat log stayed as clean and accurate as possible.
I’ll be ensuring I have not applied Vulnerability, Might, or any Rune that increases damage dealt given specific circumstances to keep the combat log as clean and accurate as possible.
I am avoiding Precision, Ferocity, and +X% damage modifying, entirely to keep the combat log as consistent as possible.
(Name: Base / Geared | +Difference)
Spontaneous Destruction: 66 / 158 | +92
Reflexive Summon: 173 / 410 | +237
Equilibrium: 532 / 1,263 | +731
Focused Siphoning: 60 / 64 | +4
Assassin’s Annihilation: 243 / 359 | +116
Hammer Bolt: 371 / 882 | +511
Coalescence of Ruin: 489 > 684 > 879 / 1,160 > 1,624 > 2,089 | +671 > 940 > 1,210
Phase Smash: 684 / 1,624 | +940
Drop the Hammer: 586 / 1,392 | +806
Misery Swipe: 124 / 295 | +171
Anguish Swipe: 142 / 337 | +195
Manifest Toxin: 213 > 107 / 506 > 253 | +293 > 146
Searing Fissure: 89 / 211 | +122
Echoing Eruption: 355 / 844 | +489
Frigid Blitz: 53 > 533 / 127 > 1,265 | +74 > 732
Temporal Rift: 266 / 633 | +367
Rapid Swipe: 254 / 603 | +349
Forceful Bash: 293 / 696 | +403
Rejuvenating Assault: 390 / 928 | +538
Punishing Sweep: 391 / 928 | +537
Debilitating Slam: 586 / 1,392 | +806
Warding Rift: 78 / 186 | +108
Surge of the Mists: 1,755 / 4,176 | +2,421
Preparation Thrust: 284 / 675 | +391
Brutal Blade: 178 / 422 | +244
Rift Slash: 320 > 107 / 759 > 253 | +439 > 146
Precision Strike: 302 / 717 | +415
Unrelenting Assault: 195 / 464 | +269
Shackling Wave: 266 / 633 | +367
Grasping Shadow: 266 / 633 | +367
Inspiring Reinforcement: 266 / 631 | +365
Forced Engagement: 133 / 316 | +183
Vengeful Hammers: 133 / 316 | +183
Banish Enchantment: 66 / 158 | +92
Unyielding Anguish: 133 / 316 | +183
Enchanted Daggers: 858 / 927 | +69
Phase Traversal: 266 / 631 | +365
Jade Winds: 399 / 947 | +548
Revenant damage scales well in almost all skills/traits. However, the only weapon and legends that show significantly lower Power Damage Scaling is the Mace/Axe combo with Mallyx. This is likely due to the presumption that the other part of the damage would be compensated by conditions – this is not the case. In a build that doesn’t use Condition Damage, the weapon’s damaging potential is severely limited. Carrion/Rampager/Sinister gear would be the only way to maximize this, but at the same time just simply elevating the scaling factor on the mace skills would allow for far greater versatility.
(edited by Dragon Ruler X.8512)
Putting it all together:
Since we can see that Healing Power scales rather poorly – we can assume that builds utilizing it are going to be rather lack luster. We can also see that Condition Damage scales moderately well – so gearing with that is an “okay” choice. Lastly – we can see that Power scales very well so most builds should try to utilize that if possible (This is not saying that Power is mandatory – just that it will increase the performance of your Revenant better than most other stats).
Considering this is a Heavy Armor class with a Medium size base health pool we can assume that we don’t need to have much Vitality or Toughness to level the class out.
That said – valid gear types appear to be…
Power: Berserker’s, Soldier’s
Precision: Assassin’s, Rampager’s
Toughness: Knight’s, Settler’s
Vitality: Sentinel’s
Condition: Sinister, Carrion, Rabid, Dire
Healing: Cleric’s, Apothecary’s
We can further categorize these into respective roles…
DPS: Berserker’s, Soldier’s, Assassin’s, Knight’s, Sentinel’s
CDPS: Rabid, Dire, Carrion, Sinister, Rampager’s
Tank: Settler’s, Cleric’s, Apothecary’s
With this in mind we should be able to generalize specific trait lines to fit these categories.
-C-orruption – CDPS
-R-etribution – DPS/Tank
-S-alvation – Tank
-I-nvocation – DPS/Tank
-D-evastation – DPS/Tank
Lastly we can generalize the legends and weapons based on the tests done above…
Jalis – DPS/Tank
Mallyx – CDPS/Tank
Ventari – Tank
Shiro – DPS
Hammer – DPS/Tank
Staff – DPS/Tank
Mace – CDPS
Swords – DPS
Hammer is still extremely slow with poor synergy making it very clunky and difficult to use solo, therefore, I’ll not be using it in my builds below.
My logic on the following build choices should make sense…
1,2,3 correspond to the top, middle, and bottom traits respectively.
I’ll be omitting Runes and Sigils as these are refinement tweaks that should help tailor a general build set to a style more comfortable to the player using it.
The following are in order of performance…
(edited by Dragon Ruler X.8512)
Build 1: Pure DPS
Specializations – R/I/D
My Traits: 232/213/211
Variants: 2(2/3)(Any) / Any / (1/2)(Any)(Any)
Legends – Jalis/Shiro
Weapons – S/A + Staff
My Gear – Berserker’s
Variants: Soldier’s, Assassin’s, Knight’s, Sentinel’s
Build 2: Pure CDPS
Specializations – C/R/D
My Traits: 311/222/213
Variants: (2/3)(Any)(1/3) / 2(2/3)(Any) / (1/2)(Any)(Any)
Legends – Mallyx/Shiro
Weapons – M/A + Staff
My Gear – Rampager’s/Sinister ‘!’
Variants: Rabid, Dire, Carrion, Rampager’s
‘!’ : Sinister is not available by default in beta, but would likely be my choice.
Build 3: Pure Tank
Specializations – R/S/I
My Traits: 233/212/223
Variants: 2(2/3)3/Any/2(1/2)3
Legends – Jalis/Ventari
Weapons – S/S + Staff
My Gear – Cleric’s
Variants: None
Build 4: Tank + DPS
Specializations – R/S/D
Variant: R/S/I
My R/S/D Traits: 232/212/213
Variants: 2(2/3)(Any) / (1/2)(1/2)2 / (2/3)1(1/3)
My R/S/I Traits: 232/212/212
Variants: 2(2/3)(Any) / (1/2)(1/2)2 / Any
Legends – (Jalis/Shiro)/Ventari
Weapons – S/S + Staff
My Gear – Cleric’s
Variants: None
Build 5: Tank + CDPS
Specializations – C/S/I
Variant: C/S/D
My C/S/I Traits: 311/212/223
Variants: (2/3)(Any)(1/3) / (1/2)(1/2)2 / 2(1/2)(2/3)
My C/S/D Traits: 311/212/113
Variants: (2/3)(Any)(1/3) / (1/2)(1/2)2 / (1/3)1(1/3)
Legends – Mallyx/Ventari
Weapons – M/A + Staff
My Gear – Settler’s
Variants: Rabid
Build 6: Support
Specializations – R/S/I
My Traits: 233/331/213
Variants: None
Legends – (Jalis/Shiro)/Ventari
Weapons – S/S + Staff
My Gear – Cleric’s
Variants: None
As we’ve seen above the Revenant can scale Power quite well along with a moderate amount of Condition damage, but healing doesn’t scale quite as well as it needs to. Due to everything costing Energy and the fact that you will always start a fight at 50% Energy (including when you swap legends) it is very hard to build up Energy for bursts if you’re playing solo.
With only 5 skills per Legend, each Legend designed around a specific concept, and the lack of traits enabling self-sustain boons such as Protection, or debilitating conditions like Blind/AoE Weakness – it is hard to create something that will have decent sustain with decent DPS/CDPS.
The Hammer is still too slow to be used in solo play and doesn’t synergize with much else the Revenant has. The Mace/Axe combination is primarily used for CDPS, but could be used for DPS if they scaled better with power. Staff and Sword/Sword are effective defense/offense combinations.
When looking at Traits it’s easy to see that damaging conditions are not widely supported, but rather DPS and healing/life siphoning is.
Ultimately the Revenant is lacking the ability to focus on a given task due to either Legends, Traits, Weapons, or the lack of skills not aligning correctly for that task. A DPS build requires more self protection methods or dodging options to live. A CDPS build requires more synergy between trait lines apart from trying to stack Vulnerability. A Tank build requires more self protection, healing, and condi cleansing options to do its job correctly.
Some things that would help the Revenant are select-able skills beyond those initially given by the Legends, Protection, AoE Weakness, lower cooldowns, longer condition durations, lower Energy costs, and faster attack speeds (though only a handful of those should be applied in total).
I do believe the Revenant has improved since the last Beta, but it’s still not ready for the rest of the game.
(edited by Dragon Ruler X.8512)
Great review with nice details/insight!
I was really hoping they would push healing power as a viable stat choice with Rev by buffing the scaling. They could bring Rev toughness and vitality scaling down for balance.
An idea I had would be to increase your stat scaling based on which legends you are traited for. Going Centaur/Dwarf would give bonuses to your Healing power and toughness scales etc.
If a Rev needs to specialize his build for a very specific role, then he should be better at that role then other classes. Right now Revs lose a lot of skill diversity by choosing only 2 legends and aren’t necessarily rewarded for it.
I do believe the Revenant has improved since the last Beta, but it’s still not ready for the rest of the game.
Props to you for the hard work on this one, this actually should be bumped to the skies devs do need to take a look at this, I had the idea to make something like this to test Revenant’s viability but you beat me to it, as I see Revenant even when trying to minmax into either role it’s still not enough to bring it on par to other professions, specially in PvP a decent Revenant build can fare well against a subpar build but it can’t do much against an optimal build (meta builds) and I agree 100% with you, if Revenant goes live in the current state it’ll be the weakest profession out of the lot and will be heavily seggregated in all game modes.
Some other stuff I’d like to add:
Lack of reliable direct damage modifier traits there’s only one trait with this which is Targeted destruction and it’s quite good because it’s a master minor, but the others are too pigeonholed in certain situations, ferocious agression would be better if revenant had more fury uptime but it’s not that optimal at the moment.
Upkeep skills High energy cost and very situational, if they added another effect they would be much better even if they still were very situation base, some suggestions: Protective Solace: Reflect projectiles instead of destroying them, pulsating protection or aegis.
Impossible Odds: add lifesteal while active
Vengeful Hammers: pulse protection/retaliation while active
Embrace the darkness: pulse resistance while active and add 1-3 random conditions to nearby foes/deal extra damage per conditions on you
(edited by Rygg.6237)
Great review with nice details/insight!
I was really hoping they would push healing power as a viable stat choice with Rev by buffing the scaling. They could bring Rev toughness and vitality scaling down for balance.
An idea I had would be to increase your stat scaling based on which legends you are traited for. Going Centaur/Dwarf would give bonuses to your Healing power and toughness scales etc.
If a Rev needs to specialize his build for a very specific role, then he should be better at that role then other classes. Right now Revs lose a lot of skill diversity by choosing only 2 legends and aren’t necessarily rewarded for it.
Thank you!
I’ll note that if using the Salvation line, Cleric/Magi/Apothecary gear, Monk runes, and Benevolence+Life sigils, you can acquire a 101.5% healing boost at maximum stacks – which is really good (this is not accounting for other bonuses such as consumables or player skills/traits like Banner of Tactics, etc). This would make something like Natural Harmony heal for roughly 5-6k hp every 2 seconds – provided you have the energy.
However, you will only get the non-modified amount of 2-3k hp. This strains you even more since almost all Revenant skills cost 10%+ of your energy bar (Natural Harmony being 25%). If you attempted to spam that skill (and only that skill) right after summoning the tablet you’d be able to get roughly 3 casts off, which is good healing for the party, but not so good for you. Keep in mind that this skill also has a delay of 2 seconds and proximity requirement meaning you won’t be able to use it as a reflex skill.
Lastly, I feel it’s important to note that in order to acquire this level of support – you need to sacrifice a lot of DPS options to do it – and you receive only a temporary reward that is focused purely on a single legend and weapon set with no support boons such as Protection/Aegis or debilitating conditions such as AoE Weakness.
On your other statement of modifying the scaling based on the specializations chosen – I think it could help, but at the same time I feel it might be just another “guiding hand” in how the Revenant “needs to be played” to make it “more effective”. I personally want to stay away from that and allow builds to have diverse options and variations like other classes.
(edited by Dragon Ruler X.8512)
I do believe the Revenant has improved since the last Beta, but it’s still not ready for the rest of the game.
Props to you for the hard work on this one, this actually should be bumped to the skies devs do need to take a look at this, I had the idea to make something like this to test Revenant’s viability but you beat me to it, as I see Revenant even when trying to minmax into either role it’s still not enough to bring it on par to other professions, specially in PvP a decent Revenant build can fare well against a subpar build but it can’t do much against an optimal build (meta builds) and I agree 100% with you, if Revenant goes live in the current state it’ll be the weakest profession out of the lot and will be heavily seggregated in all game modes.
Some other stuff I’d like to add:
Lack of reliable direct damage modifier traits there’s only one trait with this which is Targeted destruction and it’s quite good because it’s a master minor, but the others are too pigeonholed in certain situations, ferocious agression would be better if revenant had more fury uptime but it’s not that optimal at the moment.
Upkeep skills High energy cost and very situational, if they added another effect they would be much better even if they still were very situation base, some suggestions: Protective Solace: Reflect projectiles instead of destroying them, pulsating protection or aegis.
Impossible Odds: add lifesteal while active
Vengeful Hammers: pulse protection/retaliation while active
Embrace the darkness: pulse resistance while active and add 1-3 random conditions to nearby foes/deal extra damage per conditions on you
Thank You!
I’ll just point out a few things that I checked on in regards to -X% incoming damage traits.
No -X% incoming damage skills
Omitting Fall Damage Trait – Planar Protection
Close Quarters (-10%)
Improved Aggression (-20% from Taunted foes)
Redeeming Protection (Protection for 3 secs if CC’d + ICD of 5 secs)
Determined Resolution (-10% with HP below 75%)
No -X% incoming damage skills
Shrouding Mists (-10% while Energy is below 50%)
No -X% incoming damage skills
As we’ve agreed – these are very specific circumstances to be placed in if you are trying to maximize these traits. With the inability to have a good protection or taunt up-time the Revenant will likely only be able to have -20% incoming damage during solo combat.
I also wanted to touch on your upkeep skill statement.
I agree they are very situational, that they decrease your energy too quickly, and should provide additional benefits when activated. However, I think something that could also greatly assist the Revenant is being able to siphon/gain energy either from attacking or under moderately to frequently re-occurring conditions (like a Necromancer with Life Force).
Rune of Rage + Healing skill is 100% Fury uptime pretty easy, plus another 5% multiplier. That’s pretty good on Revenant since you also get +10% crit chance on Fury from trait.
It’s 12% damage + 10% (+30% total) crit rate full time.
Rune of Rage + Healing skill is 100% Fury uptime pretty easy, plus another 5% multiplier. That’s pretty good on Revenant since you also get +10% crit chance on Fury from trait.
It’s 12% damage + 10% (+30% total) crit rate full time.
That’s very true.
However, I do think that the Revenant should have greater access to Fury without the use of Runes if there are going to be traits providing benefits from being under the effect of Fury.
That’s my opinion though.
I’ve found celestial to work really well on revenant actually. Something about the balance betweent dps and conditions on the mace/axe combo makes it very fun to play and very effective. Though short, I have stacked 3 seconds of 17 stacks of torment, and can do so every 5 seconds, as well as putting up might via combo fields and having pretty good mobility.
Run staff on the other weapon set and the AA still is hitting 1k, with 4-5k on skill 5. With jalis and mallyx, you have good group utility as well as powerful setups. Lots of resistance, the Malays teleport is good, and vengeful hammers can be really good when it doesn’t bug out (hits 1-1.5k each hit on crit)
Really fun build, I recommend it
I also wanted to touch on your upkeep skill statement.
I agree they are very situational, that they decrease your energy too quickly, and should provide additional benefits when activated. However, I think something that could also greatly assist the Revenant is being able to siphon/gain energy either from attacking or under moderately to frequently re-occurring conditions (like a Necromancer with Life Force).
Yes! Unrelenting Assault especially feels weird since you’re instinct is to try to get in as many attacks as soon as possible, but that drains your energy even faster. It’s just odd.
And yeah, I think if they’re attached to having energy on Weapon skills they need to give you a way to more quickly gain energy. Right now there isn’t much reason or incentive to stick with your current legend once you run out since the base regen is so slow and steady. Because right now it feels like just using two utilities together results in punishment through legend swapping.
Rune of Rage + Healing skill is 100% Fury uptime pretty easy, plus another 5% multiplier. That’s pretty good on Revenant since you also get +10% crit chance on Fury from trait.
It’s 12% damage + 10% (+30% total) crit rate full time.
That’s very true.
However, I do think that the Revenant should have greater access to Fury without the use of Runes if there are going to be traits providing benefits from being under the effect of Fury.
That’s my opinion though.
You would still use that rune regardless, without getting more benefit from the extra skill.
Great review. Don’t know that I’m a fan of the legends, at least as currently implemented, but I suppose it makes it much easier to balance the professions if you limit the use of utilities, so I can see why the devs would be attached to them.
I’ve found celestial to work really well on revenant actually. Something about the balance betweent dps and conditions on the mace/axe combo makes it very fun to play and very effective. Though short, I have stacked 3 seconds of 17 stacks of torment, and can do so every 5 seconds, as well as putting up might via combo fields and having pretty good mobility.
Run staff on the other weapon set and the AA still is hitting 1k, with 4-5k on skill 5. With jalis and mallyx, you have good group utility as well as powerful setups. Lots of resistance, the Malays teleport is good, and vengeful hammers can be really good when it doesn’t bug out (hits 1-1.5k each hit on crit)
Really fun build, I recommend it
Hmm, I think Celestial definately requires Condi input there. It doesn’t work to well with Power builds though.
@Dragon Ruler. Nice review. Very well thought out.
Wow Impressive work. Thanks for doing this.
“Buff my main class, nerf everything else. "