Glint overall thoughts

Glint overall thoughts

in Revenant

Posted by: Sylent.3165


What is your overall impressions?

Shield 5 I find to just be a massive suicide button.

Other then that I really enjoyed the traits, they work very well with each other and the other trait lines. I love the perma swiftness and fury. I play open world pve so just double tap f2 for extra boons, burst of strength and elemental blast to start off my fights.

Fix shield 5 and I’ll really really love glint a lot. The heal was helpful as well, plus legend swap to dwarf as needed. If I could pick my utility skills I’d pretty much use this besides the elite which for pve isn’t that useful.

Oh also I noticed the sword stab is kinda hard to hit multiple targets for sure.

But Roy…..great job with glint overall! I’m having a blast.

Glint overall thoughts

in Revenant

Posted by: Tim.6450


Glint works great for my maxe/axe condi revenant. I couldn’t run the f2 for a while but even without it, it was good. Just activate fury and might, use the fire breathing skill and for the rest use the weapon skills . If you’re a bit in trouble activate your fury one and activate the regen one and heal if necessairy. My second legend is up for debat though.


Glint overall thoughts

in Revenant

Posted by: Enrif.7359


testing a kinda tanky condi with glint/malyx.

using mace+ glint most of the time, the skills, are amazing.

Malyx comes in if i have to face lots of conditions Facet of Nature+Pain Absorbtion + demonic defiance helps here a lot!

not so sure about the shield yet. its 4 is nice. and 5 is using correctly realy strong. made at first the mistake to use it against those big pushback attacks of some mobs. pushbacks are heavy cc for breakbars, so ofcourse it was useless. but on non push back big strikes it was great.

Glint overall thoughts

in Revenant

Posted by: Seisus.6591


I ran glint in vb for a couple hours without the f2 and loved it. After the f2 was patched I was even more baffled. I love being able to buff my combat prowess outside of combat by stacking long duration ferocity and might when using the f2. Once combat starts I pop my actives and blow everything up. It’s great imo. Also, thank you Roy for giving us some swiftness.

Glint overall thoughts

in Revenant

Posted by: Jephiroth.3197


I ran around earlier today in a combination Shiro/Glint crit build that was built around the fury + extra effectiveness fury traits. Hammer/Sw/Sw. Stay ranged and drop mega hammers at 3k-5k damage, if they rush you switch to Sw/Sw and Shiro and decimate them with 20 stacks of vuln/unblockable/100% crit chance. All while having 26k health and 3100 armor.

The heal I found to be amazing. Think of the utility of the Guardian Shelter, only it lasts twice as long and heals you every time they hit you.

I won a couple 2v1’s. The only thing I wish it had was Stability and a better way to handle conditions.

I swapped to Corruption with condi sharing and it helped some, but crippled the crits

Traumahawk: WvW Shout/Seed Sinister Druid
Ashen Mistwalker: WvW Tank/Crit Revenant
Oaken Earthlore: WvW Medi/Bunker Guardian

Glint overall thoughts

in Revenant

Posted by: Shiro Tegachii.5619

Shiro Tegachii.5619

shield 5 is amezing + the trait them pop it before u die, immortal in pvp
+ it feels complete
but 1 thing
the F2 extra boon duration, i bearly see it on my self

(edited by Shiro Tegachii.5619)

Glint overall thoughts

in Revenant

Posted by: Invictus.1503


shield 5 is amezing + the trait them pop it before u die, immortal in pvp

Hmmm, can’t tell if you are being sarcastic. If you are not, you and I have had much different experiences. I’ve found it is a suicidal skill in all game modes so far. A real shame because Shield #4 is great.

I ran the trait that pops it when low on health for a little while and it got me killed. It interrupted my heal skill, then the defiance bar was broken, stunned me and I went down quick. When I’ve used it in PvP, each time either the defiance bar breaks and leaves me a sitting duck, or as soon as it is up I’m spiked down. The other strategy to killing me when using it is when they saw me use it, they laid all their AoE down (without worry of me interrupting them) and when I came out of it I had death rained down on me already and the opponent ready to strike.

I litterally found no good use for this skill. Not a single redeeming factor from what I saw, just a liability.

Roy – I love what you’ve done with the Revenant as a whole, and Herald felt good (though perhaps a few tweaks, but minor ones needed), however shield #5 is just uncharacteristically horrible. The rooting is the worst part, but the defiance bar is also too easy to break. But if the latter is fixed without doing anything about the rooting (or making the effects 100% better to justify the root) then it will ruin the shield for me.

Suggestion if rooting wants kept: Give 1 second of invuln and 3 seconds of resistance after the rooting is released. This would give a chance to escape a waiting spike or AoE laid down, and also make it a worthy defensive skill for conditions (which we lack severely).

It’s better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than to open it and remove all doubt.

Glint overall thoughts

in Revenant

Posted by: RJMazz.6798


Glint is amazing. I can stack might using Sword #3 like crazy. It has great group and area denial with the facets. I like keeping the facets up while regenerating and enduring the enemy’s cooldowns and when I know I can retaliate I swap to Shiro then obliterate them.

Except if it’s a Chronomancer. That thing doesn’t know what are cooldowns, so I have to burst them down before they have the chance to spawn infinite clones on me and pull me or get me out of gravity…