(edited by GragorR.9768)
Had so much fun this weekend
Fix shield 5 and I think it’s ready lol. I loved herald. Not a fan of revenant though I felt it needed herald.
But I still had lots of fun. Been wanting a class pretty similar to this sense launch. Moving on from guardian. If they ever fix guardian shield to be more usable though I might switch back. Give herald though an A without a doubt
This weekend has revived my spirit in GW2. Glint/Shiro Revenant is such a thrill to play in all game modes. I don’t even mind that they completely dropped the ball with Tempest (ele main currently) because I fully intend to main Revenant on launch. Playing with it this weekend really solidified that for me.
Champion Titles: Legionnaire, Genius, Magus, Paragon, Illusionist, Phantom, Shadow, Ritualist
Spectral Legion [SL] is recruiting! spectrallegion.com
I really think I have found my new character. I have been having a had time getting in to GW2 for a while now only returning for a few months at a time. I could never find just the right class it seemed but Glint/Shiro is so much fun. My Thief, that has been my main since head start, is getting retired. The Daredevil just reminds me of what S/D acro thief has lost over the years I have played it. There are cool things to be found there still but that time has passed for me.
I went in to the Beta weekend not really thinking I would be playing the Revenant. I tested the Daredevil first (I will pass of this one) followed by the Dragonhunter (Fun to play. I think it will make for a great spec). The Revenant came late on my second day and kept going in to the morning of my third. Wow. It took a bit to get into it but I found the class to be fun everywhere I played it. I am already impatient for HoT now. What to play for the next 6 weeks and some change?
Fix shield 5 and I think it’s ready lol. I loved herald. Not a fan of revenant though I felt it needed herald.
Kinda disagree with you that Revenant is ready for the same reasoning you state. Basically Herald is pretty much good to go, the other 3 legends need some polish. Most for Ventari, then Jalis and a little tweak to Shiro. Because at the moment, there’s little reason to switch legends. I only do it to blow all of the cooldowns (you get 50 free energy) before switching back to Glint.
However, with regards to everyone on this thread, I really enjoyed the revenant and will most likely switch my main from Thief to Revenant come HoT.
I have to agree with the OP. This weekend has been a blast with the Rev! Playing Hammer/Staff with Shiro/Glint or Glint/Jalis in PvE and WvW has been really satisfying. It has been really fun and become difficult to make myself play any of the other professions.
I would like to see another condition weapon though. Right now, we only get mace/axe and then some random one that doesnt really jive well. I would also like to see the tablet more worth while. I’ve played around with it and I like the idea but it is just too much work to constantly play two characters…its frustrating.
This weekend I tried the rev for the 1st time.
I liked the concept and its mechanics. I tried Glint/Shiro and although I had fun I hope this ain’t their last form. It was refreshing but it felt not as powerful as other profs are.