Hammer hits too hard for WvW

Hammer hits too hard for WvW

in Revenant

Posted by: Sarmach.1547


The build

Video example 1 (Starts out low FPS but gets better)

Video example 2

Considering Hammer 2 and 3 are buggy this will be even more powerful once their pathing is fixed and they hit where their animations go 100% of the time.

Please look into reducing the damage on at least Hammer 2 and 3. They are low cost, and low cooldown for such stupid high damage. Hammer 2 may also need to have the number of people affected reduced. Currently, you can hit up to 15 people across all three cascades. There’s a reason we needed AoE caps.

(edited by Sarmach.1547)

Hammer hits too hard for WvW

in Revenant

Posted by: Kidel.2057


Sure, nerf the only ranged weapon revenant has.

Hammer hits too hard for WvW

in Revenant

Posted by: Eggshells.1748


Sure, nerf the only ranged weapon revenant has.

Hammer hits too hard for WvW

in Revenant

Posted by: Misguided.5139


Honestly not sure what we are supposed to see. The frame rate makes it tough.

According to the wiki, Engineer Rocket charge hits the same number of enemies for more damage. Have you complained about that one?

(edited by Misguided.5139)

Hammer hits too hard for WvW

in Revenant

Posted by: Sarmach.1547


Honestly not sure what we are supposed to see. The frame rate makes it tough.

According to the wiki, Engineer Rocket charge hits the same number of enemies for more damage on a shorter cooldown. Have you complained about that one?

That is why I have the combat log open for everyone to confirm what they see. Watch on HD and pause to see the exact numbers.

As for Engineer rocket charge. It doesn’t increase damage with distance and hits as hard as the first cascade from hammer 2. That isn’t a substantial amount of damage. The third cascade is what is doing stupid amounts of damage.

(edited by Sarmach.1547)

Hammer hits too hard for WvW

in Revenant

Posted by: ronpierce.2760


This is why no one takes WvW serious. You guys love your buffs and stuff, but it’s impossible to balance. I’d be furious if anything got nerfed over WvW, frankly…

High Warlord Sikari (80 Reaper) / Lord Siekron (80 DH)
Warlord Sikari (80 Scrapper)

Hammer hits too hard for WvW

in Revenant

Posted by: Kidel.2057


Have you seen trap ranger and zerk ele in wvw? Warch WP.
Those builds kill entire armies.

Hammer is fine in pve and pvp. A nerf over wvw? Lol

Hammer hits too hard for WvW

in Revenant

Posted by: Misguided.5139


Honestly not sure what we are supposed to see. The frame rate makes it tough.

According to the wiki, Engineer Rocket charge hits the same number of enemies for more damage on a shorter cooldown. Have you complained about that one?

That is why I have the combat log open for everyone to confirm what they see. Watch on HD and pause to see the exact numbers.

As for Engineer rocket charge. It doesn’t increase damage with distance and hits as hard as the first cascade from hammer 2. That isn’t a substantial amount of damage. The third cascade is what is doing stupid amounts of damage.

No, the numbers on the wiki (which could be wrong, of course) say it does more damage than the second hit.

Hammer hits too hard for WvW

in Revenant

Posted by: Synosius.9876


have you nvr been hit with a 10k dragon tooth or 6.8k meteor shower tics? zerk necro wells pulse at 4k and death shroud AA 6k also pierces.

rev dmg seems on par with the rest of the crap flying around in wvw. this vid is not rly the rev dmg, your running in a group catching all kinds of might and class buffs then the execute trait adding on 20% dmg to targets under half hp. those big crits were probably on up lvls too.

Hammer hits too hard for WvW

in Revenant

Posted by: Sarmach.1547


This is why no one takes WvW serious. You guys love your buffs and stuff, but it’s impossible to balance. I’d be furious if anything got nerfed over WvW, frankly…

Granted, I can still take this into SPvP and hit for about the same on hammer. Comboing the hammer damage with that of sword/axe I just dish out a ton of direct damage with little cost on short cooldowns. As with all the other revenant builds I still get trashed by heavy condition builds.

Hammer hits too hard for WvW

in Revenant

Posted by: Misguided.5139


have you nvr been hit with a 10k dragon tooth or 6.8k meteor shower tics? zerk necro wells pulse at 4k and death shroud AA 6k also pierces.

rev dmg seems on par with the rest of the crap flying around in wvw. this vid is not rly the rev dmg, your running in a group catching all kinds of might and class buffs then the execute trait adding on 20% dmg to targets under half hp. those big crits were probably on up lvls too.

They could be using the trait that gives more damage after a block, too. Anyway, as others have said, nerfing because of WvW zergs is silly.

Hammer hits too hard for WvW

in Revenant

Posted by: Sarmach.1547


have you nvr been hit with a 10k dragon tooth or 6.8k meteor shower tics? zerk necro wells pulse at 4k and death shroud AA 6k also pierces.

rev dmg seems on par with the rest of the crap flying around in wvw. this vid is not rly the rev dmg, your running in a group catching all kinds of might and class buffs then the execute trait adding on 20% dmg to targets under half hp. those big crits were probably on up lvls too.

Coalescence of Ruin: 5 energy, long range, on a 2 second cooldown, short animation that is on the ground and bound to the ground (cannot be reflected).

Dragon Tooth: blatantly obvious animation.

Meteor Shower: Granted it can be hard to see mid fight so I will give you that, but an elementalist cannot drop a meteor shower every 2 seconds (meteor shower CD is 30 seconds untraited).

Necro Wells: Same as Meteor Shower, you don’t see necromancers dropping those high damage wells every 2 seconds.

Death Shroud AA: Can be reflected. If you’ve been in a T1 WvW fight you should know the amount of reflections up makes it hard to actually land those DS AAs.

Uplevels: I ran this in EOTM and I was getting 15k-18k crits on uplevels. In testing I hit 80s for no more than 12k.

(edited by Sarmach.1547)

Hammer hits too hard for WvW

in Revenant

Posted by: Sarmach.1547


Honestly not sure what we are supposed to see. The frame rate makes it tough.

According to the wiki, Engineer Rocket charge hits the same number of enemies for more damage on a shorter cooldown. Have you complained about that one?

That is why I have the combat log open for everyone to confirm what they see. Watch on HD and pause to see the exact numbers.

As for Engineer rocket charge. It doesn’t increase damage with distance and hits as hard as the first cascade from hammer 2. That isn’t a substantial amount of damage. The third cascade is what is doing stupid amounts of damage.

No, the numbers on the wiki (which could be wrong, of course) say it does more damage than the second hit.

I main Engineer and ran frontline solider scrapper this weekend and can tell you it is the total damage split into 3 hits (which each hit for about the amount of CoR first cascade) on a 10 second cooldown. Also look at Gw2skills.net and the dulfy livestream notes to confirm what I wrote.

(edited by Sarmach.1547)

Hammer hits too hard for WvW

in Revenant

Posted by: draugris.9872


This is why no one takes WvW serious. Y

Pls donĀ“t talk for anybody except yourself. There are a lot of people who are doing wvw exclusively. I take wvw more serious than this boring spvp crap. And if we talk about balance every game mode should be taken into consideration not only one because that would be also unbalanced.

Mondsucht [MS] – Kodash

Hammer hits too hard for WvW

in Revenant

Posted by: Connor.1375


Have you seen trap ranger and zerk ele in wvw? Warch WP.
Those builds kill entire armies.

Hammer is fine in pve and pvp. A nerf over wvw? Lol

Have you watched those videos yourself? The trap ranger video consists almost entirely of ganking solo roamers. The one time his group takes on an “army” is in EotM, and they aren’t even able to confirm any kills and barely got any downs. His 5 man zerg killing group with ele also relies very heavily on ice bow which, funnily enough, got nerfed.

(edited by Connor.1375)

Hammer hits too hard for WvW

in Revenant

Posted by: Solori.6025


You’re basing you complaint on a skill that -

Can be side stepped to miss-
Easily evadable because it’s slow
Needs to be used in a situation where the other player is oblivious ( 3v3 +)
Has to be at max ranged to fill it’s damage potential OR have the person back into the 2 and 3 hit’s sweet spot.

And your evidence of why this skill is too powerful is-
Zerg combat in WvW where buffs from different players and the world can effect your overal DPS
On random people who may be upleveled
On people who are also debuffed with vuln because Zerg.

You want a skill balanced because in a zerg-getting buffs-with guard stacks
It hits hard?
With a blatantly obvious red line traveling towards you?
That is completely shut down when the weapon is pushed in melee range
On a build that is completely shut down by any meta cele or condi

Can we nerf swiftness too, I think the zerg has too much access to it and it makes traveling around the map too powerful

The world needs more KUNG FURY!

Hammer hits too hard for WvW

in Revenant

Posted by: Kitty.1502


Depending on build the hammer can deal roughly 50% more dps than a Longbow for the ranger, with much better ability to burst and survive.

Tarnished Coast-[NOPE]
Kitten – Zerker Ranger – http://gw2efficiency.com/c/Kitten
Kitty Smallpaw – Condi Ranger – http://gw2efficiency.com/c/Kitty%20Smallpaw

Hammer hits too hard for WvW

in Revenant

Posted by: Sarmach.1547


You’re basing you complaint on a skill that -

Can be side stepped to miss-
Easily evadable because it’s slow
Needs to be used in a situation where the other player is oblivious ( 3v3 +)
Has to be at max ranged to fill it’s damage potential OR have the person back into the 2 and 3 hit’s sweet spot.

And your evidence of why this skill is too powerful is-
Zerg combat in WvW where buffs from different players and the world can effect your overal DPS
On random people who may be upleveled
On people who are also debuffed with vuln because Zerg.

You want a skill balanced because in a zerg-getting buffs-with guard stacks
It hits hard?
With a blatantly obvious red line traveling towards you?
That is completely shut down when the weapon is pushed in melee range
On a build that is completely shut down by any meta cele or condi

Can we nerf swiftness too, I think the zerg has too much access to it and it makes traveling around the map too powerful

Let us not forget that ideally (I hope) ANet wants to balances skills across PvE and PvP (Which is both SPvP and WvW). It is absurd to allow an imbalance in one area of the game just because it works in other areas of the game.

Addressing from the top:

Can be side stepped to miss-
Easily evadable because it’s slow
Needs to be used in a situation where the other player is oblivious ( 3v3 +)
Has to be at max ranged to fill it’s damage potential OR have the person back into the 2 and 3 hit’s sweet spot.

Point 1, 2, and 3 – Granted, but you must be fully aware of the revenant(s) during a fight. As more players are factored in the possibility to side step/evade lowers.

Point 4 – The second cascade still hits for 4k-6k on a 2 second cooldown. Definitely not something to scoff at.

You want a skill balanced because in a zerg-getting buffs-with guard stacks
It hits hard?
With a blatantly obvious red line traveling towards you?
That is completely shut down when the weapon is pushed in melee range
On a build that is completely shut down by any meta cele or condi

Point 4 – The revenant is dishing out 1-5, 7k-12k, crits every 2 seconds till all the enemy dies or the revenant dies. I’d like to see any buffed up zerg classes try to even get close to that.

Point 5 – See points 1-3

Point 6 – Then you pull out that oh so balanced sword 3. No revenant with a brain will run hammer in melee if they have a better option on the weapon swap.

Point 7 – Granted, in a 1v1 situation it will falter against cele and get trashed by heavy condition builds. In any group situation, be it SPvP/PvE/WvW, you can rely on your team to keep the condition pressure to a minimum while you provide the devastating muscle.