Herald feels like it encourages passive play.

Herald feels like it encourages passive play.

in Revenant

Posted by: Zenith.7301


I think the duration of the pulsed boons should be longer so you shouldn’t be afraid to use the active more often.

Yes, some people will say to use Facet of Nature, but that and the facet for might or fury alone completely eats up your energy upkeep, and quite frankly it’s just boring.

If you don’t want to increase the pulsed boon duration, you need to increase the potency of the active skills.

I will also say, the Herald traitline has terrible trait choices for PvE. As a PvE power revenant I feel my only good options are Invocation and Devastation, and the third line boils down to “which of the remaining traitlines suck less.”

Herald feels like it encourages passive play.

in Revenant

Posted by: Taku.6352


Herald traitline is the 3rd best line for PvE revenants as it has a dmg modifier in it. And the access to facets is linked to Herald traitline so it’s a no brainer to take it.

Herald feels like it encourages passive play.

in Revenant

Posted by: Corran.4957


I actually disagree, my way around this is OOC, run nature/fury/swiftness.

This will stack up a ton of fury and swiftness (talking 1m+ if you not fighting for awhile), and then when you enter combat you can just use the actives of fury/swiftness and use the might stacking and still gain energy for weapon skills(or even run regen if you want) … then just use fury/swiftness if for some reason you get low

Herald feels like it encourages passive play.

in Revenant

Posted by: Rym.1469


Dunno. Besides the Elite that is a little underwhelming considering it’s CD and loss of so much protection, I’m constantly using the actives on Glint’s utilities, they’re crazy good. I love that there are actual mobs with Stealth so Glint excells at revealing as a side bonus.

Oh and that Glint’s Heal is absolute beast. Longer duraton than Warrior’s original one and no cast time make it incredibly strong full heal.

[rude]Antagonistka – Revenant, EU.
[SALT]Natchniony – Necromancer, EU.
Streams: http://www.twitch.tv/rym144

Herald feels like it encourages passive play.

in Revenant

Posted by: Misguided.5139


I actually disagree, my way around this is OOC, run nature/fury/swiftness.

This will stack up a ton of fury and swiftness (talking 1m+ if you not fighting for awhile), and then when you enter combat you can just use the actives of fury/swiftness and use the might stacking and still gain energy for weapon skills(or even run regen if you want) … then just use fury/swiftness if for some reason you get low

Agreed. I didn’t have F2, so I was doing it a bit differently, but I was surprised at how often I was activating various things. It’s much more active than I thought it was going to be. Yes, it’s true that you could run around with a couple of facets on all the time, but it’s not remotely the optimal way to do things, IMO. For instance, the active for Facet of Elements is a phenomenal combat opener. Not ever using it is a waste.

Herald feels like it encourages passive play.

in Revenant

Posted by: Corran.4957


Yeah I love the heal, you just got to remember the double use (i never use the passive in combat) else you find yourself dead and wondering “wtf happened”

Herald feels like it encourages passive play.

in Revenant

Posted by: Misguided.5139


Yeah I love the heal, you just got to remember the double use (i never use the passive in combat) else you find yourself dead and wondering “wtf happened”

I’ve actually been trying out using the facet, hitting it the first time earlier than I would normally pop a heal.

Herald feels like it encourages passive play.

in Revenant

Posted by: Kumion.7580


I think Rev needs and energy restoration trait to make running facets viable. Yes, the actives are good, but if you’re going to support a group with passive buffs then you can’t fight and sustain your energy. A trait for facet-energy-reduction or a trait for incremental energy restoration would really improve the Rev’s ability to be support-focused as Anet seems to want.

Herald feels like it encourages passive play.

in Revenant

Posted by: Zenith.7301


Herald traitline is the 3rd best line for PvE revenants as it has a dmg modifier in it. And the access to facets is linked to Herald traitline so it’s a no brainer to take it.

It’s the grandmaster you take the line for; the adept, master, and minors are all weak from a PvE perspective and the only reason you take herald over salvation or corruption or retribution is because all of those other three are virtually useless to a berserker revenant. Herald is the least useless traitline a revenant can take after Devastation and Invocation.

Herald feels like it encourages passive play.

in Revenant

Posted by: Misguided.5139


I think Rev needs and energy restoration trait to make running facets viable. Yes, the actives are good, but if you’re going to support a group with passive buffs then you can’t fight and sustain your energy. A trait for facet-energy-reduction or a trait for incremental energy restoration would really improve the Rev’s ability to be support-focused as Anet seems to want.

I don’t think that will work. I think the whole thing is balanced around having to pick and choose what to run at any given time. I found combat felt pretty good with energy at +2 or even +1 for an extended period if I let it build up for a few seconds at the start of combat. In fact, I would often look down and realize the bar was almost full (keep in mind I didn’t have F2 and I was going out of my way not to simply spam everything).

What I do think still needs work is energy costs/ There are a few that are much too high for what they do, IMO.

Herald feels like it encourages passive play.

in Revenant

Posted by: Demented Yak.6105

Demented Yak.6105

The boons are fine. It’s very easy to get perma fury and a kittenton of might.

I keep the healing and fury passives on during combat. Activate nature twice on cooldown in combat. I mostly double tap swiftness unless I’m out of combat. Generally I don’t use darkness for stunbreak, I just swap legends. I double tap the elite too unless I’m really in trouble. Remember it’s an aoe damaging launch with almost 0 energy cost. I like using the elite.

Some traits could definitely be better but I really don’t see what anyone’s complaining about with the Glint skills.

Herald feels like it encourages passive play.

in Revenant

Posted by: Conner.5803


Yeah I love the heal, you just got to remember the double use (i never use the passive in combat) else you find yourself dead and wondering “wtf happened”

Just don’t get the idea of jumping off a cliff thinking the heal will cancel out the fall damage! Roy made it so that the heal can’t be activated while mid-air :P

Herald feels like it encourages passive play.

in Revenant

Posted by: Tora.7214


i think that even i rev were to do less dmg than ele, ppl would still want one in a raind just for the kittenload of might stacks and perma protection,fury,swiftness buffs

Herald feels like it encourages passive play.

in Revenant

Posted by: Seisus.6591


Yeah I love the heal, you just got to remember the double use (i never use the passive in combat) else you find yourself dead and wondering “wtf happened”

Just don’t get the idea of jumping off a cliff thinking the heal will cancel out the fall damage! Roy made it so that the heal can’t be activated while mid-air :P

That’s probably for the best, but kitten the heal is good. Brought me from the brink of death to nearly full as I ran through the fire after getting knocked back by the wyvern.

Herald feels like it encourages passive play.

in Revenant

Posted by: Prism.5649


I think you guys are forgetting that facets are not the only way to generate fury/might…

If you need to run the fury/might facets at all times to keep high uptime on those buffs then your group members are not doing their jobs.

Yes, by yourself you need to keep the facets active almost all the time for 100% uptime, but in a group you will have plenty of duration/stacks to comfortably use the facet’s active abilities any time you want.

Prismatic Storm: Ele
Prismatic Science: Engi
Prismatic Dream: Mesmer

Herald feels like it encourages passive play.

in Revenant

Posted by: Corran.4957


I agree, in a group it really easy to be able to spam through without needing to worry about uptime. Given the utility of a revenant you could actually take the meta group and replace 2 characters with a herald/x revenant.

With 2 revenants you be able to stack 25might on group almost without blasts, you got projectile blocks if one uses hammer (or ventari), and you can bring protection. Replace the PS warrior and guardian, possibly gain much higher group dmg and really you only lose the Aegis which hurts a little but isnt a big worry with competent players.
Only 1 of them need to run the Facet of nature, so that frees up some energy regen as well if they rotate using it which means can use weapon skills without needing to swap legends for energy.

Unlike the mesmer, i think the versatility of revenant with its current dmg level actually brings it into the possibility of being meta. Sure it cant stack 25 might alone but it brings high damage and group support in one package that even if it doesnt reach the speed run criteria (yet to be known), it certainly could make “PuG meta” run more smoothly with less wipes.

Herald feels like it encourages passive play.

in Revenant

Posted by: Ulf.4937


The Herald seems like a really fun and strong traitline, but as a PvP player I probably have a very diffrent view on that, as using the Facets has to be done actively just to stay alive.

Especially powerful is the Facett of Darkness with the revealed debuff for shadowrefugees + stunbreak, i don´t use it for passive on my current build but can probably be done to great effect with roiling mists trait (100% crit chance while under the effect of fury) on a soldier amulet

I am using the Elements mostly to get between points and in fight only for the active

Facet of strength feels pretty weakish to me right now mostly because of the long cast time to get rid of it which will most likely be intrerrupted and in turn mess up your energy management, for this one I´d recommend cutting the might duration in half and making it apply 2 stacks instead and making the Burst of strength activate 1/2 second or 1/4 second. That would make it far more viable for PvP whithout making it overpowered in PvE. (I hope, dunno much about PvE) without faster generation of might people will simply use the facet for it´s active effect neglecting the passive entirely (who would mess up energymanagement for 15 seconds before feeling any effects?)

Despite Facet of strength all the skills on dragon seem well balanced to me and get my seal of approval^^

I still feel the Rev is a bit squishy though and would be happy for healing skills to be on 25 second cd (It´s possible that it is just me being a noob though)

Herald feels like it encourages passive play.

in Revenant

Posted by: uhohhotdog.3598


I don’t find rev squishy at all unless I get stun chained in which case most people would die quick.

Herald feels like it encourages passive play.

in Revenant

Posted by: Zenith.7301


Yeah, rev is actually rather durable with the glint and shiro heal+ offhand sword block and the immunity frames on unrelenting assault.

You can then have the shield offhand as your weaponswap for extra mitigation, or a staff.

Herald feels like it encourages passive play.

in Revenant

Posted by: apharma.3741


Personally I found the energy upkeep of the elite too much, at 5 it meant I couldn’t run it for very long, only a couple of seconds and certainly not while running other upkeep skills. Dropping it to 3 upkeep would be a little better imo and see it used more often

Right now I just can’t justify using the passive to get protection with that high a cost over double tapping the elite and nature when I need protection.

The rest of the upkeep skills I found alright, I’d like facet of nature to be dropped down to 1 for upkeep as it feels too costly to use most of the time with other upkeep skills. Sure the benefit is good but I find if I’m wanting to use weapon skills I can just about afford two 2 upkeep skills.

Herald feels like it encourages passive play.

in Revenant

Posted by: fluidmonolith.3584


I like the Glint skills for the most part, so far. I have mostly been playing PvP and found good use for both the actives and the passives. I would generally run light and elements passives before entering combat, to build up buffs, and then use the actives for burst at the start of combat.

Facet of light passive I generally found to be not worth it unless your build has some investment in healing power. But that’s okay. Active is great, but maybe OP if we compare to Warrior’s Defiant Stance…

Facet of Darkness passive is great when paired with Invocation’s fury bonuses, but I wouldn’t necessarily maintain it permanently otherwise. Of course, the active is great too.

Facet of Strength passive seemed fine to me, and the active is really good at setting up burst. The active cooldown is sufficiently low that you can use it when you need it.

Facet of Elements is fine too, I think. Also due to the low cooldown on the active, it doesn’t feel overly-punishing to use it.

Facet of Chaos passive I will agree seems expensive. But then again, it is instant-cast AoE protection, so I think the cost is justified. It shouldn’t be maintained permanently. On the other hand, the active has such a long cooldown that it feels punishing to use the passive at all, since it won’t be available again for such a long time after using the active. I don’t think the active is so powerful as to warrant a 45 second cooldown. I think the cast time could also be reduced a bit too.

I didn’t check yet – if I turn on the Facet of Chaos passive and then legend swap, then legend swap back to Glint again, will Facet of Chaos be off cooldown? This would lower the 45 second cooldown to just 10 seconds if you can turn it off without cooldown by swapping legends rather than using the active.

Astaxanthas (Revenant), Hepaticus (Engineer), Eosinophus (Thief)

Herald feels like it encourages passive play.

in Revenant

Posted by: Ackos.7942


I really like glint. Here are my thoughts about the skills:
Shield 4: Great support skill and small heal.
Shield 5: sometimes the breakbar disappears after 1 stun. It would be nice to know how many stuns you can take before it depletes.

Facet of light
Passive: bit lackluster without healing power.
Active: great skill, much better than defiant stance from a warrior.

Facet of darkness
Passive: really useful
Active: didn’t use it much, but will have a great use in pvp

Facet of elements
Passive: Only useful for traveling
Active: Gives a nice boost to heralds DPS

Facet of Strength
Passive: bit lackluster. it would be better if you can a stack around 10 might with only the passive otherwise the cost to high.
Active: a nice boost to your DPS

Facet of Chaos
Passive: costly but can be useful in pve
Active: nice knock back, even better looks

Facet of nature
Passive: Great passive
Active: Great

Herald feels like it encourages passive play.

in Revenant

Posted by: Kidel.2057


I actually disagree, my way around this is OOC, run nature/fury/swiftness.

This will stack up a ton of fury and swiftness (talking 1m+ if you not fighting for awhile), and then when you enter combat you can just use the actives of fury/swiftness and use the might stacking and still gain energy for weapon skills(or even run regen if you want) … then just use fury/swiftness if for some reason you get low

Using fury facet onlyy ooc means you probably won’t have fury when you swap to the other legend (not really a great idea to stay on glint) unless you doubletap nature.

I prefer to stay in regen + swiftness ooc and then start with dragonbreath and fury+might in combat, with healing ready when needed and no energy debuff, then I swap to Shiro 5-6 seconds later to get another 6 seconds of fury and eventually doubletap nature. This way I can easily have daggers + quickness + fury + 20 might all by myself. Bursting all the way.
Once Shiro’s energy is over I swap back to Glint and everything is (almost) recharged.

Of course, activate facets second effect before swapping.

Herald feels like it encourages passive play.

in Revenant

Posted by: SuinegTsol.1729


I actually disagree, my way around this is OOC, run nature/fury/swiftness.

This will stack up a ton of fury and swiftness (talking 1m+ if you not fighting for awhile), and then when you enter combat you can just use the actives of fury/swiftness and use the might stacking and still gain energy for weapon skills(or even run regen if you want) … then just use fury/swiftness if for some reason you get low

Using fury facet onlyy ooc means you probably won’t have fury when you swap to the other legend (not really a great idea to stay on glint) unless you doubletap nature.

I prefer to stay in regen + swiftness ooc and then start with dragonbreath and fury+might in combat, with healing ready when needed and no energy debuff, then I swap to Shiro 5-6 seconds later to get another 6 seconds of fury and eventually doubletap nature. This way I can easily have daggers + quickness + fury + 20 might all by myself. Bursting all the way.
Once Shiro’s energy is over I swap back to Glint and everything is (almost) recharged.

Of course, activate facets second effect before swapping.

thats the reason, why boons should get some lowered cost or longer duration.
to get those nice dps,or some extra defence/heal, you need to swap legends almost on cd, which means all you boons got max 50% upkeep.
it’s nice, when you rly want the support to need to choose between offensive (might,fury) and defensive(protection/regen), while not changing legends.
dont know how to exactly reach this, but i’d guess this 100%time off OR def, or ~75% both, should it be.
also might seems a bit to low compared to other classes. a war/ele stacks within few sec full stack and keeps it, rev needs some time and you should not switch legend for it…

Herald feels like it encourages passive play.

in Revenant

Posted by: Kidel.2057


Not really. You can stack up even more if you don’t swap on cd. Also Shiro upkeep basically forces you to swap in less then 10 seconds.

Herald feels like it encourages passive play.

in Revenant

Posted by: Rygg.6237


Herald+Glint give a LOT to solo play, pvp and party situations; you have a ton of boons and can generate 25 might if Facet of Nature is OoCD, it has revealed, it has vuln, it has soft-CC via the Elite, the heal is an excelent oh crap button, as often times you can just double tap it and they won’t notice the heals until 2-3 hits are in, in PvE you can go 0-100% in most fights with it, Facet of Nature makes the work on boon generating easier and gives room for more deeps, if anything the only complaint you could have is that you can’t use Impossible Odds at the same time as Facet of Nature, if anything Ventari sustitutes Glint in organized PvE groups but Herald will be mandatory because you’re running at least with fire fields from a Staff ele (who’ll more than likely run persisting flames for fury) and a PS warrior, the warrior and you cover vuln pretty well, and the Sword AA being pretty solid, specially when used with Impossible Odds.

Herald feels like it encourages passive play.

in Revenant

Posted by: Corran.4957


I actually disagree, my way around this is OOC, run nature/fury/swiftness.

This will stack up a ton of fury and swiftness (talking 1m+ if you not fighting for awhile), and then when you enter combat you can just use the actives of fury/swiftness and use the might stacking and still gain energy for weapon skills(or even run regen if you want) … then just use fury/swiftness if for some reason you get low

Using fury facet onlyy ooc means you probably won’t have fury when you swap to the other legend (not really a great idea to stay on glint) unless you doubletap nature.

I prefer to stay in regen + swiftness ooc and then start with dragonbreath and fury+might in combat, with healing ready when needed and no energy debuff, then I swap to Shiro 5-6 seconds later to get another 6 seconds of fury and eventually doubletap nature. This way I can easily have daggers + quickness + fury + 20 might all by myself. Bursting all the way.
Once Shiro’s energy is over I swap back to Glint and everything is (almost) recharged.

Of course, activate facets second effect before swapping.

Nope, when i was travelling between locations I could easily end up with 1minute+ of fury built up. This is really noticable in WvW where you often roam a long time looking for fights.
This way you got a lot of in fight time where you can avoid using it, and just bring it back up when needed

Herald feels like it encourages passive play.

in Revenant

Posted by: Rygg.6237


I actually disagree, my way around this is OOC, run nature/fury/swiftness.

This will stack up a ton of fury and swiftness (talking 1m+ if you not fighting for awhile), and then when you enter combat you can just use the actives of fury/swiftness and use the might stacking and still gain energy for weapon skills(or even run regen if you want) … then just use fury/swiftness if for some reason you get low

Using fury facet onlyy ooc means you probably won’t have fury when you swap to the other legend (not really a great idea to stay on glint) unless you doubletap nature.

I prefer to stay in regen + swiftness ooc and then start with dragonbreath and fury+might in combat, with healing ready when needed and no energy debuff, then I swap to Shiro 5-6 seconds later to get another 6 seconds of fury and eventually doubletap nature. This way I can easily have daggers + quickness + fury + 20 might all by myself. Bursting all the way.
Once Shiro’s energy is over I swap back to Glint and everything is (almost) recharged.

Of course, activate facets second effect before swapping.

Nope, when i was travelling between locations I could easily end up with 1minute+ of fury built up. This is really noticable in WvW where you often roam a long time looking for fights.
This way you got a lot of in fight time where you can avoid using it, and just bring it back up when needed

can confirm this, if you’re going to assault a node in PvP and have FoD, FoP just pop FoN get might and fury, burst and then use the facets depending on what your enemy does and you need, doesn’t work on necros though they can easily rip your boons if you open like this, this works wonders 1v1, excepting against DD Cele Eles, but they’re on a whole other lv in 1v1.

(edited by Rygg.6237)

Herald feels like it encourages passive play.

in Revenant

Posted by: Kidel.2057


I actually disagree, my way around this is OOC, run nature/fury/swiftness.

This will stack up a ton of fury and swiftness (talking 1m+ if you not fighting for awhile), and then when you enter combat you can just use the actives of fury/swiftness and use the might stacking and still gain energy for weapon skills(or even run regen if you want) … then just use fury/swiftness if for some reason you get low

Using fury facet onlyy ooc means you probably won’t have fury when you swap to the other legend (not really a great idea to stay on glint) unless you doubletap nature.

I prefer to stay in regen + swiftness ooc and then start with dragonbreath and fury+might in combat, with healing ready when needed and no energy debuff, then I swap to Shiro 5-6 seconds later to get another 6 seconds of fury and eventually doubletap nature. This way I can easily have daggers + quickness + fury + 20 might all by myself. Bursting all the way.
Once Shiro’s energy is over I swap back to Glint and everything is (almost) recharged.

Of course, activate facets second effect before swapping.

Nope, when i was travelling between locations I could easily end up with 1minute+ of fury built up. This is really noticable in WvW where you often roam a long time looking for fights.
This way you got a lot of in fight time where you can avoid using it, and just bring it back up when needed

It really requires A LOT of time to stack up all that fury. Many times you start the fight unbuffed in real situations (fractals, pvp), or you can go down and rally with no buffs and so on. You still need a correct energy management strategy, you can’t always be in a dream scenario where you’ve stacked 1 hour of fury.

Herald feels like it encourages passive play.

in Revenant

Posted by: Rygg.6237


It really requires A LOT of time to stack up all that fury. Many times you start the fight unbuffed in real situations (fractals, pvp), or you can go down and rally with no buffs and so on. You still need a correct energy management strategy, you can’t always be in a dream scenario where you’ve stacked 1 hour of fury. [/quote]

In group situations it takes less than 8 seconds to get perma fury and 25 might really, if the elementalist knows his thing he’ll be using persisting flames, and more than likely you’ll have a PS warrior plus banners, so you’re looking at a very permanent fury uptime, it really depends on the situation really, in PvP you just need to get the actives when it’s needed, you can set up a burst with 25 might by using FoS, UA, FoD then FoN but you’ll need the base 14-16 you get for having the FoS+FoN while out of combat, solo play is harder and it ramps up, but it you’re running pure damage gear in PvP you’ll down someone that was 50% health before your burst given that you make them consume their dodges and defenses, which really just takes some hits by that point, also using that burst against someone when you’re getting to a cap is really neat.

I can’t tell about WvW because I really don’t WvW.

Herald feels like it encourages passive play.

in Revenant

Posted by: Kal Spiro.9745

Kal Spiro.9745

Herald is amazing. It’s like a Signet line, but encourages active use, rather than discouraging it because you also have to manage your resources. It’s worthwhile to turn on one just long enough to get the buff then use the active ability, while maintaining a few others consistently for the buff.

Once I got used to it I’ve pretty much refrained from swapping out of Glint.

Tarnished Coast Kal Spiro – Ranger (80), LB/S-D, Eagle/Wolf, Signet, M/S/WS #SABorRiot