[DAWN] First Light Gaming – Blackgate
Hero points for first build
[DAWN] First Light Gaming – Blackgate
398 hero points should buy everything. The core world hero points are just extras. With level 80 and maguuma alone you can buy every spec and traits including elites.
So, yes. you can.
An Insane(ly Intelligent) Genius!
“Did you just tell me the rules? Never tell me the rules!”
From wiki:
With the Hero points gained only from leveling a character to level 80 it is possible to unlock all core skills and traits entirely.
With 80 you can skill everything except Glint.
You have to skill all lines to unlock Glint.
With 80 you can skill everything except Glint.
You have to skill all lines to unlock Glint.
Awesome. Means that when i go into the jungle i’ll be working on glint straight away.
[DAWN] First Light Gaming – Blackgate
It takes 400 HP to obtain everything (including skins/runes) it seems that the adept minor costs 60HP (not sure but that was what it looked like). All HP necessary will be available in the HoT maps. And you have to have everything unlocked to be able to train into the herald line.
Herald of Ventari
With 80 you can skill everything except Glint.
You have to skill all lines to unlock Glint.
I was terrorfied at first, but you cleared it up for me, i need to hug you.
With 80 you can skill everything except Glint.
You have to skill all lines to unlock Glint.I was terrorfied at first, but you cleared it up for me, i need to hug you.