How Viable is the Healer Revenant?
I don’t even use staff yet, and Ventari is viable in situations if rocking Cleric or Zealot.
I run Jalis & Ventari with hammer and sword + shield, and my heals are wonderful.
Staff will make you a mobile hospital.
Go zealot armor & you will do enough damage to be a factor.
Crystal Desert
I’m running a healing based hammer/staff build in Wvw.
I can stand in the back shooting hammers while I send the healing tablet out to the front of the zerg and then pull it back 2 seconds later. People in the path are getting healed for about 1650 (I could push it higher with more healing power and outgoing healing traits.) There’s also a burst heal, cleanse, or knockback every few seconds, passive regeneration, and the basic passive tablet healing. It is a lot of healing. Or I can turn on the shield and block projectiles and create a light field. All around very useful.
Sometimes circling around people with the staff while repositioning the tablet is a bit awkward, but if the enemy isn’t moving much, you can create a lot of healing in a small area around your target.
Centaur runes give mobilitythat helps to pick up tablet fragments and staff healing orbs, while also giving perma swiftness when getting around.
I’m enjoying it.
I’m running a healing based hammer/staff build in Wvw.
I can stand in the back shooting hammers while I send the healing tablet out to the front of the zerg and then pull it back 2 seconds later. People in the path are getting healed for about 1650 (I could push it higher with more healing power and outgoing healing traits.) There’s also a burst heal, cleanse, or knockback every few seconds, passive regeneration, and the basic passive tablet healing. It is a lot of healing. Or I can turn on the shield and block projectiles and create a light field. All around very useful.
Sometimes circling around people with the staff while repositioning the tablet is a bit awkward, but if the enemy isn’t moving much, you can create a lot of healing in a small area around your target.
Centaur runes give mobilitythat helps to pick up tablet fragments and staff healing orbs, while also giving perma swiftness when getting around.
I’m enjoying it.
Fantastic. This is what I was hoping to hear.
Care to share your traits?
Much weaker than engj.
Can’t live under focus and weak condy remove…
At WvW can be good, cos better stand far away from enemies, but at pvp died under 2 bodies permanently (and has no buffs, that increase survivability).
And too weak to stuns (aspecially to roots)
(edited by Kirk.3086)
I’m currently running Revenant with:
- Tablet grants regen
- Staff orbs grant swiftness/regen
- Tablet skills create healing fragments (Though in big groups the improved healing is better, and the pacification has its uses.)
- Fall Damage grants moveable 8s anti-projectile dark field bubble
- Weakness trait
- 3rd can switch depending on if you are alone or in a group… self-heal or AoE damage reduction
- Unblockable attacks
- +Ferocity for allies
- Life-Siphon
For more support, you eventually become a Herald and in the Herald Line, you would take:
- Revival Trait
- AoE Protection on Healing Skill Trait
- Stability trait (Stability on dodge trait gives 2 stacks. If you stand on a brick road you can get up to 7 stacks at once if your boon duration is high enough.)
Moving the tablet around can heal multiple allies, create an extra healing fragment, grant AoE Regen (trait), AoE Protection (trait), and AoE Swiftness/Chill/Heal/Regen/Might&Fury/Protection/Etc. (various runesets).
Hey there, nice thread!
I am thinking about a healing Revenant and this would be my build:
What do you think? (Very similar to what misterdevious said)
And can anybody explain Natural Abundance to me? When are those fragments created? Everytime when I use ANY of the centaur skills (so skill 6-10) or when?
The Orbs created by the staff have a very short lifespan… is that working as intended?
Why run healing in pvp? It’s at most three targets at one time.
Go Jalis and whatever else you need. His heal wipes three condis and gives me 7k health.
The tablet is a bullseye to other players.
In pve it can shine especially with every party rocking a minion master now, but other humans’ see blood in the water when they see our tablet.
Crystal Desert
I played engj sup/healer build, druider at pvp.
Engj great removes and bufs throught foe condy, druid best healler.
They can gat 200r damage without deaths, but reverant with no breakstuns (only at invocation), with NO CONDY cleaning abilities (any necro ignoring you -5 condy per 30 seconds), with no ability run away (hi, druid) is sucks from any focus.
36k per fight with 4 deaths is good result for him. So funny has no bunker build…
But he has interesting healing mechanic, not druid spam and facerolling…
And about a stuff… WTF? I should spamind for 2 seconds for orbs? Mili attacks with no real stun breaks and condy remove? WHY???
(edited by Kirk.3086)
While druids will aparently always be the best healer, the revenant has a stance for everything. I had a idea of mace axe mallyx condi with staff ventari and aphotakery stats.
in any case ventari is a good healing spec, its just diferent from the druid or a classic guardian healer..or even a ele water healer.
the key word is different. As you can see it has its good uses in wvw
But i played pvp more (wVw map suck).
And i want has some survivability, not permodeath under a thief or any focus…
And he has no stance for focus. Just wasting enemy time, no more…
(edited by Kirk.3086)
In terms of PvP, not much has changed. It’s just too fast paced and numbers without going yolo for % outgoing allies the healing aren’t quite there. Way too much work for little reward. And Tablet is still being ignored or even avoided (!) by some people I meet in PuGs, because it has no visuals or ground marks that would say ‘Help, here!". Not having visible health bars above heads doesn’t help either.
As I suggested previously…
Ventari feedback was written after BWE3 changes announcement, no edits.
Some hate it, some like it. Over Beta Weeked Event 2 I’ve spent most of my time with Ventari Legend in all three game modes and I think that I’m capable of providing some good feedback on it.
Ventari certainly feels like a Legend that takes the most skill, certainly the most skill out of all supports in the entire game. The Tablet mechanic is interesting, but often not intuitive. Before I start with particular skills, here’s my list of Tablet changes:
- When using Ventari’s Will, there should be an UI line for the caster between the Tablet current location and Ground-targeted area. This way, caster can see the line Tablet will pass through and adjust it with better idea. (Similar line to ones created by Shovel #2 in Silverwastes when searching for chests). EDIT: After Revenant commands the Tablet, the line should appear for allies, too.
- EDIT: Healing should’ve been more visible. Give Fragments some bonus visual like green “+” above them, and let both Revenant and his allies see the radius in which Tablet healing is effective.
- Ventari’s Will should have 1500 range. Period. Having to click two times just to get your Tablet back is horrible.
- Both Ventari’s Will and Project Tranquility have to be instant cast. Cast time on those is the main reason why Tablet feels clunky to use in my opinion.
- Tablet’s travel speed should be increased. By the time it travels 900 units, you might be dead already.
- Radius of Tablet has to be increased to 300. Healing anyone who’s more mobile than Necromancer or Guardian is terrible experience. The radius is simply not large enough. I often miss the heal by couple units, swearing, because my ally moves too quickly.
- As mentioned, remove the cast times from Tablet management, but add cast times to Natural Harmony and Purifiying Essence. The counterplay is currently in wrong place – you can counter Tablet positioning, but not healing cast.
Now, the skills
6. Project Tranquility - Increase Healing Power scalling on this one. It’s barely noticeable even with full Cleric’s gear. Rest was mentioned above.
7. Protective Solace - It’s a good skill when there are projectiles. It is absolutely terrible and useless skill if there are no projectiles. Yes, it’s Light Combo Field and it helps sometimes, but wouldn’t say no to some bonus effect. Suggestions for bonus effect:
- When Protective Solace is up, the passive healing of Project Tranquility is increased by 200%/300%.
- Protective Solace pulses Protection/Vigor
- Protective Solace increases Revive Speed by 30%.
- Foes crossing Protective Solace are Blinded (3s)
8. Natural Harmony - Annoying. Really annoying. Remove that delay on healing, it’s completly unecessary, add 1/4s or 1/2s cast time for proper counterplay. When I need healing, I need it when I finish the cast, not 2s later.
Increase either Healing Power scalling or base healing to compensate. Or both. As mentioned in “General” – majority of healing I was able to output was from spreading Regeneration, weapon skills, sigils, picking up healing orbs and fragments. Not from Natural Harmony. I checked combat logs. It might be that after lowering Energy cost a bit the numbers are little better, but the healing from this particular skill was insignificant in PvP.9. Purifying Essence - Adding cooldown to it does nothing but bad things. Same as with Natural Harmony, add cast time of 1/4 or 1/2s for proper counterplay, erase the freshly added cooldown. Seriously, playing Ventari I couldn’t cast too often, but there were times when I knew I had to save up energy and cleanse conditions with it two times in a row to help my team. Addition of cooldown is a huge nerf to this one.
0. Energy Expulsion - I think that after announced BWE3 change this Elite will be fine.
This is our “Healing” traitline. I liked it, but I believe it could’ve been “split” into three “ways” – “Selfless healing”, “Support”, “Peacemaker”. So by going into Specialization, you may not only act as “healer”, but also pick traits which will prevent damage, instead of helping allies recover. Here are my suggestions:1. Hardened Foundation replaced with Eluding Nullification. Currently, this minor will do nothing if you don’t have Healing Power and is boring conversion trait. Even with Cleric’s, gained Toughness is nothing. Insignificant either way. By replacing it with cleansing we free up one Master trait and give Salvation very helpful condition cleanse.
2. Nourishing Roots into Nourishing Waters.
- Nourishing Waters
Create a Water Field when you swap weapons. Duration: 2s. 240 Radius.
Now that we have couple Blast Finishers, it’s time to make use of them. Water Field was a thing many people requested. Such simple trait would allow us to make use of our well-timed Blasts on low cooldown (maybe even push people to pick Runes of Warrior?) and give us more group-wide synergy while not being over the top. Such trait would be worthy competitor for other two strong Adept traits.3. Tranquil Benediction - After BWE2 when I looked at Salvation line I thought “why do we have two traits in one specialization that provide Regeneration?”. Exactly, why? Let’s boundle them into one.
- Tranquil Benediction
Healing Orbs spawned by you and your Ventari’s Tablet provide Regeneration (2s) and Swiftness (2s).This would require some good wording and tooltip magic, but I think the idea is solid. Yet another good trait to pick up when going through the “support path”. To be honest, Tablet part isn’t even necessary I believe with further changes to Invocation.
4. Selfless Amplification - This trait is nice, but could maybe give some bonus:
- +150 Healing Power?
- You heal for 5% of your outgoing healing?
Final trait of “selfless path”
5. Natural Abundance - This trait is nice, but I’d add little bonus. Currently, even if you try often the Fragments will just despawn before you reach them. Pick one of those – both are aimed at making it a little easier:
- Trait also increases Fragments’ and Orbs’ pickup ranges.
- Trait increases duration of all Fragments spawned to 10 or 15s.
Final trait of “support path”
6. Momentary Pacification - Base of this trait is good enough, I’d like to push the synergy however and add to existing trait:
- When you interrupt a foe, Blind him (5s ICD per target).
Final trait of “peacemaker path”
7. New Master trait replacing Eluding Nullification trait
- Peacemaker
When you Blind foe, your nearby allies gain Vigor/Stability/Aegis. (Some very short ICD depending on the effect).This trait is a strong option for Salvation Revenant who chooses not to go for healing, but more “utility-based” path of peace
Although I have to say Minstrel amulet with Ventari/Glint is very interesting.
[SALT]Natchniony – Necromancer, EU.
(edited by Rym.1469)
There are some Maguuma Hero Points that are much easier to complete with Ventari’s insane projectile destruction capabilities.
Yeah, played ventari + herald, survivability much more, then ventari+dwarf. But still too suck, when you healing on kd. Or against good squard with focus.
Just still can’t undestand how to survive at battle.
And mistrel amulet bugged, concentration doesn’t increase buffs duration. Found it with first day at engj (he really will be too op buffer otherwise).
If my druid died only under 3 bodies (one of that is war. Their sword damage to op with spam mechanic, they just stand at one plase and spam), my revenant fear even one.
And stuff. I really can’t undestand this useless weapon for support. But too funny dmg at it for damager=)
P.s. how to get fust energy regen at revenant? It too much problem for me, cos for protection i spend much more, then for attacks, and this doesn’t balanced… And that energy rebacks after changings invocayion doesn,t help in it…
And i can’t undestand why ventari has so much energy spend. He juct can’t healing with his tablet… Projective solas eat too much energy…
(edited by Kirk.3086)
Hmm, I’ve tested Minstrel’s Amulet yesterday and it seemed to properly increase boon duration on Revenant, unlike Soothing Bastion which is still bugged.
[SALT]Natchniony – Necromancer, EU.
Hmm, I’ve tested Minstrel’s Amulet yesterday and it seemed to properly increase boon duration on Revenant, unlike Soothing Bastion which is still bugged.
Testing now, doesn’t increase…
There are some Maguuma Hero Points that are much easier to complete with Ventari’s insane projectile destruction capabilities.
yeah the one in verdant that require poison mastery with the 3 archers is a joke with ventari. i still hope for a trait to turn that into reflection tho, even in another traitline (like corruption or devastation)
Wat r u, casul?
The heals are just awkward in a pinch. Neither is a very good “oh kitten” button. Maybe once I get better with blocks that won’t be an issue. Running staff / hammer atm with Valkyrie armor and clerics trinkets. I’d rather use zealots and nomads but it’s costly and time consuming to invest in so early before I’m certain I’ll stick with the build
focus on Dungeons, Fractals and Raiding.
Arena just broke pvp now (and WvW, i thought).
New Thiefs, mesmers just spaming their dazing/slowing abilities, and no one with time at the cast can’t do anything. Just standing and dying.
Problem, that control support much better then healing/buffing sups. There no any balance with there two…
I know this thread is old, but starting to look at rev as a possible healer. Are they still viable?
I know this thread is old, but starting to look at rev as a possible healer. Are they still viable?
they never were and wont be in wvw/pvp unless ventari/jalis/salvation undergoes some major changes.
I know this thread is old, but starting to look at rev as a possible healer. Are they still viable?
they never were and wont be in wvw/pvp unless ventari/jalis/salvation undergoes some major changes.
I was looking more at PVE and dungeon running. Watched a few videos that made them look decent, but they were a few months old.
I know this thread is old, but starting to look at rev as a possible healer. Are they still viable?
they never were and wont be in wvw/pvp unless ventari/jalis/salvation undergoes some major changes.
I was looking more at PVE and dungeon running. Watched a few videos that made them look decent, but they were a few months old.
It can work technically, but you’re far better off with a Druid.
The druid has/is:
- Better burst healing
- Easier to play
- A ton of group-wide damage buffs (this will make the Druid the better choice almost every time above any other healer)
- Better mobility
- Better self-sustain
- Condi DPS
The Ventari Rev doesn’t really bring much over the Druid right now except a really good projectile block, which can be covered by a Guardian.
Alternatively, the Tempest also heals team mates really well while also providing better support and damage.
The way the tablet works is what just kills Ventari. Since mobility is such a high factor in this game, the tablet is a mechanic that needs a serious overhaul. Changing the tablet to follow the Rev would solve this problem. In this case, the position would be handled by the Revenant’s own position and they could actually contribute to DPS rather than micro manage the tablet.
The way the tablet works is what just kills Ventari. Since mobility is such a high factor in this game, the tablet is a mechanic that needs a serious overhaul. Changing the tablet to follow the Rev would solve this problem. In this case, the position would be handled by the Revenant’s own position and they could actually contribute to DPS rather than micro manage the tablet.
They would still not be picked over Druids because of the sheer amount of buffs they can give and better healing.