How about the less used legends in pve?
Condi build wont be viable anytime soon till we wont get a trait for torment to deal the same damage to stationary foes as to mobile ones.
You can play jalis/mallyx in raids for max dps output assuming your team is fine with that and chrono is there to cover quickness.. But in the end you swap every 10sec just to keep rotating between hammers and EtD.
Changes wont happen anytime soon so.. deal with it or take a break from rev like many ppl did already and play diff class.
Playing Smite since mid s2, f broken gw2.
Condi Mallyx in PvE is obviously usable, but far from optimal.
Torment is simply too inconsistent for instanced content. It’s fine for regular mobs, but then again, almost everything is.
You can use Mallyx in a Power build and use Unyielding Anguish for a Dark field and pulsing damage while Embrace the Darkness will increase your stats by 10%.
You’ll find that it does less damage than Shiro/Glint or Shiro (or Glint)/Jalis in longer fights, but does slightly better in short fights (<30 seconds). Assuming you only use EtD and your highest damage moves, of course.
For Ventari, you just get out-done by Druids and Tempests right now. He can keep people topped off, but it’s a lot of extra work and you can’t really fully heal an entire group as easily as the other two classes. You could still go for it if you only want to play in the open world, but it’s again, far from optimal.
But a healer ventari also have potential to me imho for a more active playstyle.
Couldn’t agree more, that’s what attracted me to the rev, but like Malchior said currently we are quite a lot weaker than druids/tempests.
Herald of Ventari
(edited by Varezenem.2813)
Disappointing news as I feared. I had hoped to see some serious improvement to the revenant in the last patch, but as the preview rolled in I knew hoping for more would just be setting up for disappointment.
I started playing close after hot release, as the revenant was a draw for me, finding them to be a pleasing derivative of the ritualist. My fave char from classing guild wars, never having had much time for gw 2 until recently.
Ive considered playing another char, but the thought of doing all over of what my rev already have done, is making me groan, ie world completion. Hence why Ive been looking towards other playstyles. Just beggars belief that Anet havent been more dilligent in tuning and preparing their new class. For I am quite close to going on an extended hiatus out of boredom.
Ventari is pretty good in fractals and dungeons where projectile block is needed. Mallyx unfortunaly has no real place in PvE, it is just a huge damage loss and not really useful. As someone said earlier, next patch is 3 month away so enjoy the new dps potential of rev before it gets nerved:)
I wandered into this thread trying to get some ideas of my own. I’m currently marching my rev completely through the LS (she’s a Sylvari) and was looking for some ideas for optimizing her before I try for ascended gear. Right now I tend to stick to Jalis/Shiro though yesterday I experimented with Mallyx a bit.
This thread gets a thumbs-up from me because of the many ideas I’ve picked up, and also my new favorite word…“boonfarting”.
Guardians of the Vault [GotV] and Guíld of Dívíne Soldíers [GoDS]
Gate of Madness server
Been thinking….
Since a condi Mallyx doesnt work in PvE, could Corruption work in a power (zerk) build?
Glint/Mallyx as the legends. Sword/Axe.
Traitlines would be: Herald, Destruction and Corruption. Herald and Destruction uses the usual setup. But Corruption would pick Demonic Defiance, Bolstered Anguish and Maniacal Persistence.
My thought is then, when Mallyxing. You suck out conditions from your team with Pain absorbsion and gainining a damagebuff from it. Youd just need to suck up 3 conditions to exceed the fury bonus of 7% from invocation, which we dont use.
And then popping Embrace the Darkness and going to town on foes. Demonic defiance keeping the conditions ineffective due the resistance bonus granted, while you channel EtD and enjoy the 10% to all stats bonus as you dps. If you are alone, channeling EtD would null conditions on you as well, while you get the damagebuff still.
And if conditions is still a problem at the end, use Empowering Misery to perk yourself back up.
Sounds potentially appealing, due to the massive condition weakness of Revs.
(edited by LucianDK.8615)
I went through HoT story with a Mallyx 100% torment duration build (rune of torment + malice sigil + trait + cheap pizza). Them torment stackz! Pretty much any creature that was moving melted. It is most likely not as good as Shiro zerk but I wanted something for lulz.