How to use Staff and Assassin Stance?
Staff is very nice to deal out decent damage while also providing support on it’s aa, #3 is a 2 sec block and 5 will knock most foes back and remove a good chunk of defiance on ~5-man or less stuff. Always nice to have a small heal and condi removal too (especially as rev doesn’t have a lot of condi removal). Leg Assassin Stance is good for quick stomping (pvp/wvw), reviving people quickly in dangerous situations, getting out of a dangerous situation while removing immob, cripple and chill (watch out for cliffs though) while being able to get quickly back in with PT. Also very nice to race across maps with Phase Traversal. A 3 second aoe, decent damage stun isn’t anything to scoff at either!
Hope it helped.
I use staff in my second slot to crush break bars and cleanse conditions. Actually, a more honest thing to say is that I swap between sword/x (or mace/axe if condi), staff, AND Hammer as needed. Sometimes the Hammer is hard to beat, and you still need break bar destruction, then I will go both.
Sitting in staff the entire time I only really do for fun in open world, i think it works better to swap to as needed otherwise. This is my personal opinion tho