I hope Anet fix jalis vengeful hammer

I hope Anet fix jalis vengeful hammer

in Revenant

Posted by: gin.7158


Jalis vengeful hammer is automatically deactivated when it hits a wall or other environment obstacle. I’m not sure whether it’s intended or not but it’s annoying and seems buggy to me. Pls fix it or change the behavior like AOE around user maybe

I hope Anet fix jalis vengeful hammer

in Revenant

Posted by: Frogger.2375


From what they have posted in several areas I have seen, they know about the hammers getting destroyed on walls and the wording seemed like they meant for that. They do however also get destroyed if you are on uneven terrain at times which is not intended and it has been brought to their attention.

I hope Anet fix jalis vengeful hammer

in Revenant

Posted by: Jack Skywalker.5674

Jack Skywalker.5674

Well that is horrible, I really hope Anet changes their perspective on vengeful hammer and fix the unbalanced terrain crap.

I hope Anet fix jalis vengeful hammer

in Revenant

Posted by: Invictus.1503


This has been a known issues since the betas. At first it seems like they treated it as a bug trying to fix it along with Unrelenting Assault which suffers the same issue. However in more recent comments about it the tone has changed to one that seems to suggest they meant to do this.

My guess, it is a bug that they tried and failed to fix and now they are simply pretending like it was always meant to be that way. Better to have a “bad design” than to have a “bug we can’t fix” from a PR perspective.

It’s better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than to open it and remove all doubt.