Even though many complain about this class, even though at this time its pretty weapon, I see potential for this class. With that said, the class isn’t finished yet with Shiro and Glint Legends not out and a few other weapons not available to the class. With the two times I’ve played this class, I wanted to step aside from all the hate and other things to consider ideas for the future for the class (aka possible ideas that might be later impended into the class).
If you have any, please share. As for me, these are just some thoughts I’ve had while both playing and thinking about the Revenant:
6th Legend: Legacy
- The Idea: With all classes getting specialization, including the Revenant, I can see a possible 6th Legend coming to the class based on the original classes of Guild Wars 1. The Legacy Legend channels your ancestor, using their wisdom and skills to aid you in battle.
-How could it work: At this time, I don’t have set skills for the Legend but how it could possible work. Each skill your character learns could be based on an ability that was used in Guild Wars 1 but a little more updated to match Guild Wars 2 skills. While some skills have be brought over to Guild Wars 2, classes skills like the Dervish and Ritualist can be modified to work better for the Revenant.
Example: An Elitle Skill based on the Dervish: Avatar of the Six, allows the Revenant to channel ancient arts to become an avatar of one of the gods. Based on current equiped weapon, the Revenant will be become that god for a short period/energy is depleted with a unqiue passive based on what god they become. (example: Staff = Dwayna, Supportive bonus).
- Extra Details: Some will point out that this Legend couldn’t work since, using the example above, the other races don’t believe in the Six Gods because of their own ways. How I see the Legacy Legend works is, your characters ancestor saw these happening. They saw Dervish becoming the gods, the deadly techniques of the Assassin, the brute force of a Warrior. They are sharing their knowledge to you and will let you use it in how you see it should be used. Also, depending on race, the images for the Legacy Icon and channels will change with both a male and female voice/image showing when speaking for you. For Sylvari, the Pale Tree will take this place.
Weapon ideas:
- Scepter: With Hammer having a 1200 range, Revenants need something a little lower and a second option for range (possible 600-900 range). Could focus more on single target damage then CC as the Hammer.
- Short Bow: See above
- Focus: Good for defensive build/support build. Got this idea from possible Shield skills for Revenant I saw a while ago.
Thats just a few things for me, If I have anymore I’ll post mine but I’d like to hear everyone else.