If our key skills get nerfed we're done

If our key skills get nerfed we're done

in Revenant

Posted by: asher.1246


Since people don’t want to learn how counter us, and we’re really easy to counter… do you really think anet will nerf our key gameplay?

I mean, for a moment forget sPvP and WvW, we’re only Power Shiro Glint, all of us. Since we’re on-tricky pony, if they nerf: AA sword, Unrelenting Assault, Impossible Odds, Enchanted Daggers, Facet of Light and ofc Coalescence of Ruin… we’re done.

Mallyx it’s ok for PvP, but just for organized groups, for pugs didn’t work pretty well since people play for himsels, without CC and not doing organized cleaves. Mallyx doesn’t work well in PvE since burning lasts so low and torment isn’t as good as others condies for PvE. No one want it for PvE.

Ventari, welp, why a ventari when just can bring an Ele or Druid. Ventari heals are low and consume a lot of energy. No one want it.

Jalis isn’t that good besides soloing stuff in the jungle that noobody care. No one want it.

It seems like anet fears the Revenant can be a multirole class, and it’s ironic because it’s designed to work like that: Power Shiro, Condie Mallyx, Tanky Jalis and healing Ventari alongside with glint. Just doesn’t work like that, other than powershiro/glint, meh, just so much meh.

So all of you people claiming we’re op, you have to considere something here. If shiro/glint/hammer it’s down, we’re dead. We suck on CCstability, we suck dealing with condies… so yeah.

For the rest of you fellow revs, do you fear december 1st? because I do.

(edited by asher.1246)

If our key skills get nerfed we're done

in Revenant

Posted by: Azure.8670


I said this earlier in another post

I fully expect AA, Glint heal, and shield 5 to get nerfed.

other than that I see buffs across the board coming, especially mallyx

If our key skills get nerfed we're done

in Revenant

Posted by: Shadelang.3012


I said this earlier in another post

I fully expect AA, Glint heal, and shield 5 to get nerfed.

other than that I see buffs across the board coming, especially mallyx

Isn’t malyx one of the most popular legends in PvP now though? Im kind of curious as to how further buffs to it will change things.

My best guess is.
Reduced auto attack damage on sword.
A shift in functionality (not necessarily a damage nerf but some alteration for how it works) for coalescence of ruin.
Certain traits being heavily altered.
QoL changes for Ventari (changes to smooth the use of the tablet).
Improved HP scaling for ventari skills.
Possible nerf to staff 5 (atm it pretty much ignores any stab skill and DESTROYS break bars even on raid bosses)
Buff to sword offhand.
Buff to Mace
And a rework of certain defensive measures to make timing more important. (glint heal and shield 5 for example) (Not necessarily a nerf. But its possible)

Ghost Yak

If our key skills get nerfed we're done

in Revenant

Posted by: Azure.8670


I said this earlier in another post

I fully expect AA, Glint heal, and shield 5 to get nerfed.

other than that I see buffs across the board coming, especially mallyx

Isn’t malyx one of the most popular legends in PvP now though? Im kind of curious as to how further buffs to it will change things.

My best guess is.
Reduced auto attack damage on sword.
A shift in functionality (not necessarily a damage nerf but some alteration for how it works) for coalescence of ruin.
Certain traits being heavily altered.
QoL changes for Ventari (changes to smooth the use of the tablet).
Improved HP scaling for ventari skills.
Possible nerf to staff 5 (atm it pretty much ignores any stab skill and DESTROYS break bars even on raid bosses)
Buff to sword offhand.
Buff to Mace
And a rework of certain defensive measures to make timing more important. (glint heal and shield 5 for example) (Not necessarily a nerf. But its possible)

Mallyx is only taken because of the heavy CC in pvp right now. Necro, especially, has become such a demon with condi, mallyx is the only resistance (literally) rev has to condi.

I love shield 5 and glint heal, its sad that even people that main rev (like myself these days) can see some kind of change in the future. I think glints heal is fine, it just needs a better graphic to indicate when its going on, and they PROBABLY increase the CD on it. I dunno about shield 5, I dont think its anywhere near op, its just the combo of shield 5, sword 3, shiro 7, glint heal that makes rev nearly impossible to kill.

I put shield on my warrior today and was blown away with how much worse it is

If our key skills get nerfed we're done

in Revenant

Posted by: Daralii.8940


I said this earlier in another post

I fully expect AA, Glint heal, and shield 5 to get nerfed.

other than that I see buffs across the board coming, especially mallyx

Hasn’t Roy said previously that he was totally fine with power Shiro/Glint being the only viable build, back before people started using Mallyx again?

If our key skills get nerfed we're done

in Revenant

Posted by: Misguided.5139


I said this earlier in another post

I fully expect AA, Glint heal, and shield 5 to get nerfed.

other than that I see buffs across the board coming, especially mallyx

Duration of Glint heal was already reduced by 25%. Besides, if you mean for pvp it is a learn to play issue.

Shield 5 already had a cd increase of 5 seconds.

Reducing damage on the AA would require reworking the entire profession since most of the damage comes from AA by design. If anything needs to be adjusted, it is IO, not the AA.

(edited by Misguided.5139)

If our key skills get nerfed we're done

in Revenant

Posted by: Azure.8670


I said this earlier in another post

I fully expect AA, Glint heal, and shield 5 to get nerfed.

other than that I see buffs across the board coming, especially mallyx

Duration of Glint heal was already reduced by 25%. Besides, if you mean for pvp it is a learn to play issue.

Shield 5 already had a cd increase of 5 seconds.

Reducing damage on the AA would require reworking the entire profession since most of the damage comes from AA by design.

I agree with everything you said, but these are the changes I believe will happen regardless. I see sword aa dropping by 5 to 7 percent tbh. The rest, I know it’s been touched, but so has drakes breath… for years.

As for roy saying that, I have no idea. I hope not but I really dont

If our key skills get nerfed we're done

in Revenant

Posted by: Shadelang.3012


I said this earlier in another post

I fully expect AA, Glint heal, and shield 5 to get nerfed.

other than that I see buffs across the board coming, especially mallyx

Duration of Glint heal was already reduced by 25%. Besides, if you mean for pvp it is a learn to play issue.

Shield 5 already had a cd increase of 5 seconds.

Reducing damage on the AA would require reworking the entire profession since most of the damage comes from AA by design. If anything needs to be adjusted, it is IO, not the AA.

Atleast as far as glint heal goes. Not every class can stop there damage once its sent out. So it can’t be called a l2p issue atleast as far as that goes. Theres a delay when certain attacks are fired off and when they land. Meaning if glint heal is popped in that delay. Its guaranteed healing. In the case of skills like lava font or something similar. Its a guaranteed FULL heal.

I agree its 70% of the time a l2p issue. But its the other 30% that is going to get the skill the most attention.

Ghost Yak

If our key skills get nerfed we're done

in Revenant

Posted by: The V.8759

The V.8759

I do expect that these key skills will get a nerf. However if they do this, they must buff other things. The reason why Shiro/Glint is so strong atm is because they offer you defensive skills while remaining very offensive without investing in them.

In my opinion Revenant is unbalanced, not because I die sometimes because of UA or whatever, I don’t cry about that. But rather because the roles of specific legends are not good. Let’s clarify:

Glint : Supposed to be the boon master. I think Glint does a well job at this, but at the same time it offers way more kiting than Jalis. Shield is a reason why you can kite so well in Glint, but also the facets are insane.
Shiro : Now Shiro is supposed to be the dps legend. And it is. However the problem in my opinion is that playing shiro gives relatively few risk. Good balance in my opinion is that when you play high dps you need higher risk. Currently Shiro heals is very strong, very very high mobility and a strong stun break.
Jalis : Jalis is supposed to be the tanky kind of Legend. However it doesn’t go very well. You get condi spammed and you still die. I really like the idea of having taunt on a tank Legend, taking damage that allies would have taken instead. However it does miss alot of defensive capabilities. Stun breaker with 50 energy is way too much for example.
Malyx : In my opinion this is one of the best designed Legends. It comes with very very good conditions as it’s supposed to be with few defensive capabilities (Resistance). Playing Malyx is risky but strong. How it’s supposed to be.
Ventari : Okay Ventari is a cool design in my opinion, but it doesn’t work due to too high energy costs and cast times and high delay on tablet skills. There is some major insight needed here.

I think that ArenaNet should not nerf weapon skills much but rather should change Legends. Give DPS builds more risk and tanky builds less risk.

One of the Firstborn Channel of Fvux

If our key skills get nerfed we're done

in Revenant

Posted by: asher.1246


I do expect that these key skills will get a nerf. However if they do this, they must buff other things. The reason why Shiro/Glint is so strong atm is because they offer you defensive skills while remaining very offensive without investing in them.

In my opinion Revenant is unbalanced, not because I die sometimes because of UA or whatever, I don’t cry about that. But rather because the roles of specific legends are not good. Let’s clarify:

Glint : Supposed to be the boon master. I think Glint does a well job at this, but at the same time it offers way more kiting than Jalis. Shield is a reason why you can kite so well in Glint, but also the facets are insane.
Shiro : Now Shiro is supposed to be the dps legend. And it is. However the problem in my opinion is that playing shiro gives relatively few risk. Good balance in my opinion is that when you play high dps you need higher risk. Currently Shiro heals is very strong, very very high mobility and a strong stun break.
Jalis : Jalis is supposed to be the tanky kind of Legend. However it doesn’t go very well. You get condi spammed and you still die. I really like the idea of having taunt on a tank Legend, taking damage that allies would have taken instead. However it does miss alot of defensive capabilities. Stun breaker with 50 energy is way too much for example.
Malyx : In my opinion this is one of the best designed Legends. It comes with very very good conditions as it’s supposed to be with few defensive capabilities (Resistance). Playing Malyx is risky but strong. How it’s supposed to be.
Ventari : Okay Ventari is a cool design in my opinion, but it doesn’t work due to too high energy costs and cast times and high delay on tablet skills. There is some major insight needed here.

I think that ArenaNet should not nerf weapon skills much but rather should change Legends. Give DPS builds more risk and tanky builds less risk.

You’re mostly talking about PvP, right?

Mallyx isn’t good in PvE, so it can’t be one of the best designed legends when no one takes it on PvE.

Ventari: Yup, this is the highest problem of the legend, the high energy costs for that slow heals.

Jalis same, usefull outside the jungle, which is only good at certain moments.

Shiro is love, shiro is life but at the same time it’s our own nemesis. It seems like Roy it’s happy if we are only one-tricky poney, and I’m sad it that’s true, because right now it’s certainly true.

We feel like an incomplete class that it’s powerfull by the force, because we need a 1 strong build but that’s all. Comparing the versatility of other classes… meh, we suck and that’s whay I’m trying to say in the first post, if anet nerf what it’s key for us right now, we’re done.

(edited by asher.1246)

If our key skills get nerfed we're done

in Revenant

Posted by: Rym.1469


As for PvE balance… I don’t know if they will attempt to do this. For example, Staff 5 indeed takes a lot of breakbar, but Slick Shoes just annihilate whole boss breakbar in a blink of an eye on it’s own. I think rather than nerfing us, they will try to buff others with PvE traits.

Now, as for PvP balance… I hope we will get just couple, but aimed nerfs at reasons why some things are OP, not results. I.e. – Stability on dodge wouldn’t be that strong if Riposting Shadows didn’t restore whole dodge everytime you use that. Solution – maybe make it restore 25-30 Endurance and apply 2s of Vigor instead?

Another example – all Facets could get 1s internal cooldown between facet activation and flipover skill. This way, actually upkeeping Facets in order to have them ready would be more important and double-tapping would not be possible.

However, if our “meta” builds get nerf, I fully expect other “meta” builds on other professions to get nerfs . If they nerf just Revenant/Herald, we will be simply replaced by more of the remaining OP builds.

[rude]Antagonistka – Revenant, EU.
[SALT]Natchniony – Necromancer, EU.
Streams: http://www.twitch.tv/rym144

If our key skills get nerfed we're done

in Revenant

Posted by: Burtnik.5218


Not sure why they would nerf “key abilities” when the problem is Herald. Base rev suck cojones so hard that i could write a book about it. What is problematic in Glint is that you can get both might stacking and shield trait. If they put them in the same tier it should fix most of these issues ppl complain about. Either higher survival at the cost of lower dps output or higher dps with lower survival.

Salt, salt, moar salt. So salty like fries from McDonald!
Playing Smite since mid s2, f broken gw2.

If our key skills get nerfed we're done

in Revenant

Posted by: Imperator totius Sylvari.9164

Imperator totius Sylvari.9164

Lol, we won’t get nerfed, that much is obvious, sadly we are not the most OP and unable to counter a rev? Pretty much every class can counter a rev easily, thing is we punish and excel on the mistakes of people, not anywhere else really.

Founder of [CBA]/Former vE
No.2 Warrior NA/Irl behind Mr Kitten.7359

If our key skills get nerfed we're done

in Revenant

Posted by: Azure.8670


Lol, we won’t get nerfed, that much is obvious, sadly we are not the most OP and unable to counter a rev? Pretty much every class can counter a rev easily, thing is we punish and excel on the mistakes of people, not anywhere else really.

You’re def joking right

If our key skills get nerfed we're done

in Revenant

Posted by: Mercurias.1826


I said this earlier in another post

I fully expect AA, Glint heal, and shield 5 to get nerfed.

other than that I see buffs across the board coming, especially mallyx

Hasn’t Roy said previously that he was totally fine with power Shiro/Glint being the only viable build, back before people started using Mallyx again?

I’d appreciate a source when you say something like that. It’s a pretty inflammatory comment.

If our key skills get nerfed we're done

in Revenant

Posted by: Misguided.5139


I’d appreciate a source when you say something like that. It’s a pretty inflammatory comment.

The only thing I can recall is him saying they wanted non-elite builds to be viable, so beats me.

If our key skills get nerfed we're done

in Revenant

Posted by: Knighthonor.4061


I said this earlier in another post

I fully expect AA, Glint heal, and shield 5 to get nerfed.

other than that I see buffs across the board coming, especially mallyx

Why? None of them all that without Shiro?

Yall do understand that right? None of those skills are all that strong without Shiro. I dont use Shiro in SPvP, so i know. Demon and Assassin are best non glint Legends.. dwarf takes some mastery. It need buff. Tablet need to be upgraded to IpadPro.
Glint not even all that without Shiro damage combo.

If our key skills get nerfed we're done

in Revenant

Posted by: Azure.8670


I said this earlier in another post

I fully expect AA, Glint heal, and shield 5 to get nerfed.

other than that I see buffs across the board coming, especially mallyx

Why? None of them all that without Shiro?

Yall do understand that right? None of those skills are all that strong without Shiro. I dont use Shiro in SPvP, so i know. Demon and Assassin are best non glint Legends.. dwarf takes some mastery. It need buff. Tablet need to be upgraded to IpadPro.
Glint not even all that without Shiro damage combo.

only thing that would get touched on shiro is the CD on the elite and the 9 using more energy. I dont… think either would happen, though the more I think about it, that is it possible…

See, I personally HATE the nerf bat (Former ele main) and it drives me nuts to the point that I cannot play a class if I think the bat may be cometh. im sticking with my underpowered zerker and perfectly balanced reaper for now because ill pull my hair out if they touch rev while im playing it.

yea im weird like that

If our key skills get nerfed we're done

in Revenant

Posted by: beefjus.9347


To be fair, Mal isn’t a bad dps replacement over Glint. In fact, it’s better for short fights that involve lots of movement.

Current Rig: http://pcpartpicker.com/user/Beefjus/saved/WBx323
Planning on upgrading to a GTX980ti by late 2016

If our key skills get nerfed we're done

in Revenant

Posted by: XxsdgxX.8109


I said this earlier in another post

I fully expect AA, Glint heal, and shield 5 to get nerfed.

other than that I see buffs across the board coming, especially mallyx

Why? None of them all that without Shiro?

Yall do understand that right? None of those skills are all that strong without Shiro. I dont use Shiro in SPvP, so i know. Demon and Assassin are best non glint Legends.. dwarf takes some mastery. It need buff. Tablet need to be upgraded to IpadPro.
Glint not even all that without Shiro damage combo.

only thing that would get touched on shiro is the CD on the elite and the 9 using more energy. I dont… think either would happen, though the more I think about it, that is it possible…

See, I personally HATE the nerf bat (Former ele main) and it drives me nuts to the point that I cannot play a class if I think the bat may be cometh. im sticking with my underpowered zerker and perfectly balanced reaper for now because ill pull my hair out if they touch rev while im playing it.

yea im weird like that

Lol wow I can actually relate

Stella Truth Seeker

If our key skills get nerfed we're done

in Revenant

Posted by: Imperator totius Sylvari.9164

Imperator totius Sylvari.9164

Lol, we won’t get nerfed, that much is obvious, sadly we are not the most OP and unable to counter a rev? Pretty much every class can counter a rev easily, thing is we punish and excel on the mistakes of people, not anywhere else really.

You’re def joking right

Nope. I highly doubt it would tantamount to anything, the only thing I expect is a hammer 2 rework. Unless they plan on nerfing a few classes.

Founder of [CBA]/Former vE
No.2 Warrior NA/Irl behind Mr Kitten.7359

If our key skills get nerfed we're done

in Revenant

Posted by: Heimdallr.7021


I’m not so sure we will see a balance patch today.

norn warrior

If our key skills get nerfed we're done

in Revenant

Posted by: Imperator totius Sylvari.9164

Imperator totius Sylvari.9164

I’m not so sure we will see a balance patch today.

With the “Pro” League? Probably not, no.

Founder of [CBA]/Former vE
No.2 Warrior NA/Irl behind Mr Kitten.7359

If our key skills get nerfed we're done

in Revenant

Posted by: Heimdallr.7021


I’m not so sure we will see a balance patch today.

With the “Pro” League? Probably not, no.

They also said a balance patch would have come 2 weeks before every pvp league.
Here we are, on pvp league day, with no balance (patch) whatsoever.

norn warrior

If our key skills get nerfed we're done

in Revenant

Posted by: Imperator totius Sylvari.9164

Imperator totius Sylvari.9164

I’m not so sure we will see a balance patch today.

With the “Pro” League? Probably not, no.

They also said a balance patch would have come 2 weeks before every pvp league.
Here we are, on pvp league day, with no balance (patch) whatsoever.

They did, didn’t they? Well it is Anet… Well heres to a tool-tip fix anyways.

Founder of [CBA]/Former vE
No.2 Warrior NA/Irl behind Mr Kitten.7359

If our key skills get nerfed we're done

in Revenant

Posted by: Legiion.7385


Lol, we won’t get nerfed, that much is obvious, sadly we are not the most OP and unable to counter a rev? Pretty much every class can counter a rev easily, thing is we punish and excel on the mistakes of people, not anywhere else really.

You’re def joking right

Nope. I highly doubt it would tantamount to anything, the only thing I expect is a hammer 2 rework. Unless they plan on nerfing a few classes.

Ok ok ur Joking XD
Ive played since HoT Release Rev in PvP and its a bit too strong, the only thing that can counter a Rev easy is a condiclass

If our key skills get nerfed we're done

in Revenant

Posted by: Imperator totius Sylvari.9164

Imperator totius Sylvari.9164

Lol, we won’t get nerfed, that much is obvious, sadly we are not the most OP and unable to counter a rev? Pretty much every class can counter a rev easily, thing is we punish and excel on the mistakes of people, not anywhere else really.

You’re def joking right

Nope. I highly doubt it would tantamount to anything, the only thing I expect is a hammer 2 rework. Unless they plan on nerfing a few classes.

Ok ok ur Joking XD
Ive played since HoT Release Rev in PvP and its a bit too strong, the only thing that can counter a Rev easy is a condiclass

I’m not. I sincerly hope you are joking, there are a few more counters to a rev then just simple condi.

Founder of [CBA]/Former vE
No.2 Warrior NA/Irl behind Mr Kitten.7359

(edited by Imperator totius Sylvari.9164)

If our key skills get nerfed we're done

in Revenant

Posted by: Ravezaar.4951


Rev is basicly my Main now but if u dont think that Hammer AA and the 2sec CD on Hammer#2 needs a nerf you havent seen its effect in WvW or the same for Condi Mallyx in sPvP…

We can only hope the nerf wont be destroying the Rev but it will hit us pretty hard and I think it must aswell. Hammer is completely game-breaking in large scale fights atm and look at yesterdays PvP League how the Teams with most Condi/Mallyx Revs dominated the other teams. Iam not really suprised after 12y+ of MMO’s cause everytime a new class gets introduced this happens and then the nerf hits the class, what worries me abit is can they balance it correctly and not over do it ?

Underjordens Furste 80 Necro Piken-server
Servant of Dhuum

If our key skills get nerfed we're done

in Revenant

Posted by: Artaz.3819


If F2 is nerfed without boon compensation/Resistance or alternative condition removal …

If Hammer is nerfed without a second ranged option …

If Mace 2 is nerfed …

I expect UA (Sword), CoR (Hammer) and Risposting Shadows (Assassin line) seeing it’s day in court. It’ll basically be an attack on Shiro power builds to the point that Jalis will start looking viable. Glint will be next on the list so hopefully Mallyx/Jalis will be adjusted (slight diversified function change/not buffed per se) by that time.

If our key skills get nerfed we're done

in Revenant

Posted by: Azure.8670


Lol, we won’t get nerfed, that much is obvious, sadly we are not the most OP and unable to counter a rev? Pretty much every class can counter a rev easily, thing is we punish and excel on the mistakes of people, not anywhere else really.

You’re def joking right

Nope. I highly doubt it would tantamount to anything, the only thing I expect is a hammer 2 rework. Unless they plan on nerfing a few classes.

Ok ok ur Joking XD
Ive played since HoT Release Rev in PvP and its a bit too strong, the only thing that can counter a Rev easy is a condiclass

I’m not. I sincerly hope you are joking, there are a few more counters to a rev then just simple condi.

do you play this class?

do you see how many revs are in the pvp tournie?

do you see … anything?

I dont know if youre testing our rev knowledge or just dont play rev

If our key skills get nerfed we're done

in Revenant

Posted by: Legiion.7385


Ive played since hot Release in s Pvp a herald/shiro build and Ive faceroll all in 1 vs 1 but okay
Lets look at meta
Scrapper is easy to beat
Auromancer too
Dh is a joke
Chronomancer was a freekill
The only good counter was condinec soooo. …..
Rev is in a good Spot guys