Impressions from a WvW player.

Impressions from a WvW player.

in Revenant

Posted by: Blackarps.1974


The good and the bad laid out simply. My thoughts are based of what I think a Revenant role should be which is something fitting along with a mixture of Guardians and Warriors.

-Hammer. Damage is a lot better and the range + blast finishers really help.
-Staff. Decent healing and damage, skill 4 is good for empowers/rally buffs. Skill 5 is good to get out of hot areas with lots of AOE. Hammer 2 is also really fun to use. I think hammer is currently my favorite weapon for WvW.
-Access to stability for allies with Inspiring Reinforcement.
-Overall pretty tanky even with a mix of soldiers and zerker gear. I was running about 21k HP.
-Shiro has Reposting Shadows as its main stunbreaker. I didn’t play much with Ventari or Mallyx as they didn’t seem as useful as a DPS/Tank setup.
-Conditions aren’t really a big problem.

-Energy kills you. Upkeep skills are a waste because all weapon skills except auto-attack require energy. If you need to bomb an area, you can’t because you energy gets so low.
-Stability is hard to grant because the road/skill starts at your feet so anyone next to you or in front of you won’t get stab because the time it takes for the road to hit the ground is too slow. It works great for people behind you though.
-Lack of stun-breakers.
-Lack of boons.
-No real good weapon choices other than staff/hammer. I tried to change it up but nothing else felt right or worked the way I wanted.
-No way to boost energy up except to wait. It would be nice to have Glint or some current utilities/traits grant energy if we keep it the way it is.
-Healing skills are weak.
-Upkeep skills are a big no-no. Using any of them will get you killed.

This is all I can really come up with for now. For fitting into the WvW meta, Revenant is close but not quite there. Its far more fun than it used to be though. I’m hoping you guys have a lot more utility skills coming. The ones currently I feel like I just have one or two that I use on each legend. I don’t know if you guys tested it or not but I think weapon skills should be either on a cooldown or energy cost, not both. It would take a serious amount of testing to see if that would be worth it though.

As always, I’m free to answer questions and provide further feedback if necessary.

Maguuma Guardian

Impressions from a WvW player.

in Revenant

Posted by: LeoTheGuardian.4852


I’m totally on your side, either cooldown or energy cost, I would prefer it to be energy cost, since it would be the only way to prevent the auto camping as well as being more useful, but the energy cost should be increased a bit and I think Revenants should start with 100% energy so that you can manage your energy better

Impressions from a WvW player.

in Revenant

Posted by: Blackarps.1974


That sounds pretty good, Leo. Weapon skills should probably just be on a cooldown. Everything but auto-attacks costing energy was extremely crippling and had me downed a few times since I was unable to really break-stun or move.

Maguuma Guardian

Impressions from a WvW player.

in Revenant

Posted by: oscuro.9720


You must be in more of a zerg based play style, because in anything below 10v10, hammer is okay, but I find mace/axe better for the AoE pull, as well as near spam able Fire field and blast finisher.

Mallyx and jali’s are pretty good in group and solo play. Hammers on jalis are good for AoE pressure, doing about 1 k each hit. The stability is nice, and heal is one of the best, being 6k and a Condi clear.
Mallyx is VERY good. AoE Condi removal as well as perma resistance. The last utility skill is great because it can displace a whole enemy stack and they bsivally lose after that because they all are in random places. It isn’t affected by at ability either, so it is just fantastic. Using this skill in a choke point when the enemy pushes almost completely destroys them.
Also A 3 target boonstrip is pretty god, as well as a heal that can hit 20k

Haven’t tried Ventari, as im not HUGE on support, and shiro is what I used some in pvp

Impressions from a WvW player.

in Revenant

Posted by: Blackarps.1974


I didn’t try smaller groups like 10v10/5v5, etc. Most of my testing was 20v20 or so (sorry I didn’t make that clear in the OP).

I’d definitely go with what you’re saying though when it comes to legends and builds. That’s one thing about WvW you have to kind of be careful with. A great zerg build might not be very good if you get caught with a roamer or roaming team.

Maguuma Guardian