Infuse light and resistance

Infuse light and resistance

in Revenant

Posted by: Luthic.7290



Just wondering how does this interaction work.
If you are taking 1000 condi dmg a second and you have the resistance boon . will u heal 1000 condi a sec or would u be healing 0 becasue resistance puts the condi dmg to 0?

Infuse light and resistance

in Revenant

Posted by: Vennyhedgie.5369



Pretty sure it won’t heal if you have resistance, same way as warrior’s defiant stance doesn’t heal if you have endure pain. If I recall correctly they mentioned wanting this kind of interaction so warriors wouldn’t just mindlessly spam all their stances (as they usualy do)

Infuse light and resistance

in Revenant

Posted by: makagoto.1204


Good question but i suppose it is the latter, because the heal is bound to damage you receive which is being ignored thanks to resistance.

Infuse light and resistance

in Revenant

Posted by: Rygg.6237


It hasn’t been clarified if Infuse light will trigger with condition ticks has it?

Infuse light and resistance

in Revenant

Posted by: skowcia.8257


Defiant stance heals up from conditions. Howered if something deals no damage to you, it wont heal (endure pain). In this case protection reduces glint healing by 33%, poison can reduce it by 33% as well, toughness reduce damage, shield 5 can reduce it completely to 0, resistance will reduce it to 0 as conditions wont do any damage.

Reason why nobody run defiant stance is that it simply bad. Not sure how it will work out in case of Glint, if it work under cc (seems to be insta cast) then it will find it place in this game – even if we get olny 5k from this ability it will be a success due to second heal. Howered if its not insta..well you better prepare to play without healing ability if Shiro is your second legend..

obey me

Infuse light and resistance

in Revenant

Posted by: JoshuaRAWR.4653


The ability itself states it inverts ALL incoming damage.

Whether it’s affected by resistance, that remains to be seen, I assume though (and i hope) that resistance takes affect after this ability, so the incoming conditions will heal you while it’s active still, but once the abilities worn out, resistance will start to take effect again, otherwise you can seriously kitten yourself and actually have said abilities effectiveness completely ruined by another Revenant.

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Infuse light and resistance

in Revenant

Posted by: Luthic.7290


Its a shame that for this skill its better to have poison on you then protection for healing. But it will probably work like endure pain and itll be post mitigation healing.

Just sucks that the skill is so built around healing while under worst case scenario. Actually using defensive mechanics like resistance or ur ult aura for protection will actually lower how much you heal.

guess that just increases the “skill” in using it

Infuse light and resistance

in Revenant

Posted by: draxynnic.3719


I think that’s where other skills and other stances come into play. If you don’t trigger the heal, you can have permanent regeneration for you and allies nearby at the cost of one pip, which I’m pretty sure is more healing than Soothing Mist or the Resolve passive. If you’re looking for sustained healing, then this, plus the shield skills, and potentially swapping into another stance for their heal seems to be the way to go. Consuming the Facet of Light seems to be intended as an oh-kitten-button type heal rather than the healing you use to keep yourself topped up.

One of the things that I think ArenaNet has recognised as an opportunity for the revenant is having heal skills that would not be viable for other professions because they require more specific conditions to get their best effect, because one heal skill can be counterbalanced by another that is better for a different circumstance. For instance, Shiro’s Enchanted Daggers are a good sustain heal but does poorly as an ohkitten heal – put them both on the same build, and you can use whichever one makes sense.

To those who think Scarlet hate means she’s succeeded as a villain:
People don’t hate Scarlet like Game of Thrones fans hate Joffrey.
They hate her the way Star Wars fans hate Jar Jar Binks.

(edited by draxynnic.3719)