Interesting changes for Mallyx today

Interesting changes for Mallyx today

in Revenant

Posted by: LucianDK.8615


Embrace the Darkness: This skill will now deliver an attack instead of piercing all defenses. The skill remains unblockable and will ignore blindness, but it will no longer pierce evasion.

Diabolic Inferno: This skill will now deliver an attack instead of piercing all defenses. The skill remains unblockable and will ignore blindness, but it will no longer pierce evasion.

Ive heard some blabber that it makes both effects benefit from +duration. How much could that help a condimallyx dpswise?

Interesting changes for Mallyx today

in Revenant

Posted by: Game Blasphemer.1250

Game Blasphemer.1250

Please arena net, hear my pledge, give our revenants a greatsword ranged weapon based for conditions please? or at least any other ranged weapon, hammer is just good for power builds, I dont really like using it when I go mallyx shyro, especially in pvp, we need some synergy with corruption and ranged weps so we don´t have to go hybrid on pvp, give mallyx some love, hammer just doesn´t pull it, and hybrid classes are bad imo.