Invigorating flow not working just hit lvl 45
Has no one encountered this with Invocation —> Invigorating flow.
Its a fantastic skill but it isn’t working.
Totally confused.
No one got anything?
Such an important trait for revenant isn’t working and no ones come across it?
There is literally no indication on my game client that it is working.
When I’m in combat the only healing i receive with invigorating flow on is 20 from focused siphoning and 105 from assassin annihilation( I am level 45).
I’ve wasted 45 – 50 hero points on invocation and I can’t change my second spec (Not enough hero points)
mmm i’m pretty sure it worked when i tested it in the BWEs, i’ll try again when I’ll get back to home and let you know, if no one else replied until then
Wat r u, casul?
Thank you. When you check could please tell me how I know its working.
From what I understand invigorating flow should work when I use a skill that requires energy. But I see no green numbers matching what it should be.
I also saw someone on twitch with the invigorating flow healing actually in the action bar skill tabs so if you could check that for me as well please
It’s working as intended. Remember it has a 5 sec internal cooldown, and 300ish HP isn’t much. Also, it only procs with skills that spend energy, Facet upkeeps and their follow up skill don’t proc this trait.
Thanks a lot. Seems I’m incredibly stupid.
Deleted my post in bugs.
Will just leave this post up just in case anyone else is a stupid as me:D:D