(edited by Zev.3407)
Lack of Utilities = No Individualism & Choice
YES it’s predictable! Man, you’re a genius that’s the perfect description for the Revenant, PREDICTABLE! I was exactly thinking of the same thing.
And do you know why I really really like the revenant??
yeah because enemies can target you and can SEE which legend you have currently ’’equipped’’ and after this point you are already done… now people who main other classes and want to remain like that might say now ‘’Well, that’s for counter play’’
Pfft! no it’s not! you only have 5 skills with a legend with none to choose from, that’s not for counter play! other player will see you then immediately know what you’re able to do. They are going to quickly burst you down when they see you popping you heal skill to not let you siphon HP from them ( In case the Revenant doesn’t do it himself by using Unrelenting Assault).They will dodge your Phase Traversal, blink to you after your Riposting Shadows and laugh at you when you have no more energy after Impossible Odds, knock you back/fear you/stun you/daze you/ launch you and make you float or whatever before Jade Wind finishes (yes I just gave some tips but many people will know these things by now) and btw they also see a gigantic animation when you switch a legend for the people who don’t know which looks awesome btw ( don’t get me wrong) it’s just that it makes you perfectly predictable and a victim of a lot of counters that you can’t stand atm.
SO, a quick question. What do you assume when seeing for example a thief? or a guardian? or a mesmer? Do you know which skills they might have in the right side of their skill bar? mostly the ’’meta’’ skills yeah but no you can’t tell by looking at them which skills you are going to try to ’’counter’’ that could be completely different on another thief he might have a different setup for his skills and you can’t predict them either,so?
Thanks for reading, I hope I made some things more ’’visible’’ for you guys, I can’t wait to see what the changes or improvements on the revenant are coming this time.
I hope they make the right decisions and really improve the profession so that it has less weak points than strengths. I hope so, I really do!
SO, a quick question. What do you assume when seeing for example a thief? or a guardian? or a mesmer?
I except thief to be standart d/p build, everything else is dead and unviable so nothing to worry about.
Guard has shouts/medi. If he runs staff hes bunker, if he runs gs+scepter/focus hes power medi, if torch burn medi
If i see mesmer then i already know if they have equipped moa (signet), mantra of distraction for cc. What else left there? Blink that everyone runs and invis on demand skill which i dont rebember how it was called. If mesmer runs torch then hes pu, if scepter hes condi and so on..
It apply to all classes.
Yeah the lack of utilities makes the Revenant feel really limited and almost restrictive. I love the Rev so much, but this is what was so frustrating for me during the Beta. I hardly use the current utilities mainly because they either don’t help my build, or cost too much energy, or aren’t what I’m looking for in that moment of battle, and I kept thinking to myself, why aren’t I enjoying Rev as much as I should be? And this is the reason. Lack of utilities and choice.
There’s a reason why I main elementalist, and that’s because it has so much freedom when it comes to skills, traits and utilities. Rev only has two of those (skills & traits). Rev just needs a bit more polishing and a bit more love in the utility department, and a 25% run signet, then it’ll be on par with the other professions.
Two ways this could be fixed:
1. Rev gets a set of core utilities that can be swapped for any legends utilities.(racials included)
2. Each legend gets more utilities to choose from.
I actually thought the EXACT same thing, but there are challenges to both options.
For option 1: how does this work with legend swap? What happens when the “generic” utilities are better than legend utilities and people put them on both legends to just have higher uptime? Perhaps 2/3 of utility slots must be legend specific, with 1/3 being constant regardless of weapon swap.
For option 2: this requires even more design work, making even MORE new skills for each legend. However, if you at least had 4 options to choose from, it would certainly help. Unfortunately, they would never be equally balanced and 1 of them would end up never being used (and thus non-existent).
I feel like either of these options would be great for making revenant legends less rigid and more personalizable to individual player (and spec) needs.
They should add like 2 more utilities to each legend and done
6k+ PvP games
They should add like 2 more utilities to each legend and done
Completely disagree with option one. It literally removes all uniqueness of the Revenant. As for option two, however, I think it would be a crime if they didn’t do it.
They should add like 2 more utilities to each legend and done
^This – Utils that still fit the legend’s theme but offer a little different playstyle.
so Shiro dont need more mobility but maybe some evasion without moving while mallyx can get some Torment / burning Aura or AoE Field.
I agree with you guys on this. On top of the issues discussed already, I think that some of the energy costs need to be lowered. Not on all skills but on a few. The high energy cost on some of the utilities prevents you from chaining multiple attacks unless you’ve been in combat for a bit already and have 100% energy. I understand that energy management is part of the class core mechanics, but it is horrible when the taunt on Jalis costs the same as the elite, and when you can’t attack because you’re saving 35 energy for a stun breaker.
BTW only Shiro and Jalis have a stun breaker currently. (Not counting traits)
I agree with you. I feel like we need to slow down on reveals and really sit down with Rev. It needs a lot more time and work. It needs more weapons and more utility choices. Mind blown you can’t even use your racial stuff.
I like Rev but at the moment it will not be my main. But who knows how choices can change if it gets s’more love.
1. Rev gets a set of core utilities that can be swapped for any legends utilities.(racials included)
2. Each legend gets more utilities to choose from.
While I would prefer #2 I think they could do some neat stuff with #1 if they made them like glyphs. Same basic skill that adjusts its flavor depending on the type of Legend you equip it on.
Two ways this could be fixed:
1. Rev gets a set of core utilities that can be swapped for any legends utilities.(racials included)
2. Each legend gets more utilities to choose from.
I actually thought the EXACT same thing, but there are challenges to both options.
For option 1: how does this work with legend swap? What happens when the “generic” utilities are better than legend utilities and people put them on both legends to just have higher uptime? Perhaps 2/3 of utility slots must be legend specific, with 1/3 being constant regardless of weapon swap.
For option 2: this requires even more design work, making even MORE new skills for each legend. However, if you at least had 4 options to choose from, it would certainly help. Unfortunately, they would never be equally balanced and 1 of them would end up never being used (and thus non-existent).
I feel like either of these options would be great for making revenant legends less rigid and more personalizable to individual player (and spec) needs.
In regards to what you said about option 2, thats how every class is,
certain utilities for certain situations and some not so blanced, There are certain utilites people use more than others but even if they feel unbalances, people would still use them for personality or situaltional
freedom of choice and feeling unique is what rev is lacking