Lackluster Legends

Lackluster Legends

in Revenant

Posted by: Lithril Ashwalker.6230

Lithril Ashwalker.6230

Mallyx and Shiro and Glint have their uses, however the energy costs to having support builds on Jalis and Ventari are lackluster and are usually what kill those 2 specific legends vs having other classes that do their roles far better.

take for instance druid. druid can do way more than ventari can regardless. Jalis only really has 2 decent skills and thats Rite of the Great Dwarf & Inspiring Reinforcement.
Other skills that would provide support in backline in either spvp or wvw such as Forced Engagement have too high of energy costs just to force someone to taunt against you for a small measly Tab spam effect just to reapply the target back on someone that called a target. (basically the energy cost for Force Engagement is too high for the small effect), Vengeful hammers is just a laugh…not really vengeful.

Ventari skills could have an extra amount of anti condition heals and the base healing raise a slight bit.

Revanent had a good effect on the old Mallyx Unyielding Anguish, the one that used to teleport people away, yeah that was amazing, bring that back.

Lackluster Legends

in Revenant

Posted by: Lalainnia.3598


ventari/salvation main annoyance in my personal experience is the tablet moving mechanics could use room for improvement in terms of clunky the energy levels on skills could use some adjustment as well outside of that when actually geared to heal rev have if not the best possible burst healing if you can land it on a friendly.

Things I would improve for the energy levels

Project tranquility (summoning the tablet) removed cast time

Ventaris will energy cost reduced to 5 down from 10 and cd reduced from 4 down to 2. Radius increased to 240.

Natrual Harmony radius increased to 330

Purifying Essence radius increased to 330 and energy cost reduced by 5 bringing it to 25 energy.

Protective solace radius increased to 300 energy cost reduced by 1 bringing it too 7 energy down from 8.

Energy expulsion radius increased to 330 and the explosion and knock back portion perform quicker.

As for Jalis I’m really not sure what the prob is with it it works amazing if anything it’s noticeably better with a hammer. vengeful hammers is amazing it’s not meant to be used for its damage/healing that’s just a bonus it’s suppose to reduce incoming damage and condi damage by a whooping 20% while active and you can use it while stunned. Forced engagement is a 1,200 taunt on a 5 second cd…… it may cost 35 energy but on a legend swap u start with 50 opening with that can be devastating followed up with other cc.

Lackluster Legends

in Revenant

Posted by: thewaterguy.4796


Heh, good luck getting Arena-net to do anything about revenant, the few of us that still desperately cling to this husk of a profession have been shouting at them about this problem ever since launch…and we have had ZERO response outside of vague “thanks for the suggestions”

Lackluster Legends

in Revenant

Posted by: Ryou.2398


ventari/salvation main annoyance in my personal experience is the tablet moving mechanics could use room for improvement in terms of clunky the energy levels on skills could use some adjustment as well outside of that when actually geared to heal rev have if not the best possible burst healing if you can land it on a friendly.

Things I would improve for the energy levels

Project tranquility (summoning the tablet) removed cast time

Ventaris will energy cost reduced to 5 down from 10 and cd reduced from 4 down to 2. Radius increased to 240.

Natrual Harmony radius increased to 330

Purifying Essence radius increased to 330 and energy cost reduced by 5 bringing it to 25 energy.

Protective solace radius increased to 300 energy cost reduced by 1 bringing it too 7 energy down from 8.

Energy expulsion radius increased to 330 and the explosion and knock back portion perform quicker.

As for Jalis I’m really not sure what the prob is with it it works amazing if anything it’s noticeably better with a hammer. vengeful hammers is amazing it’s not meant to be used for its damage/healing that’s just a bonus it’s suppose to reduce incoming damage and condi damage by a whooping 20% while active and you can use it while stunned. Forced engagement is a 1,200 taunt on a 5 second cd…… it may cost 35 energy but on a legend swap u start with 50 opening with that can be devastating followed up with other cc.

Personally I think its fun to move the tablet around but if its that much of an issue then maybe it should follow you instead.