Making Revenant Your Main

Making Revenant Your Main

in Revenant

Posted by: frayon.3984


I am one of those people who has never found the one class in GW2 that really hit me as “this is my main.” In GW1 I mained a dervish and was sad to see that class go when GW2 launched, but still played GW2. Since the launch of the game I have called several different toons my “main.” It started with a ranger which I later deleted to remake as a different race, then switched to ele, then mesmer, necro for a short time, ranger again, and now I am playing a warrior. I can finally say I am not maining any of the classes that are out because the Revenant is the class that finally clicked with me during the beta weekend. In some ways it reminded of me of the dervish (cold damage, the hammer’s aoe, and, while the dervish transformed into an avatar of one of the six gods, having the legends reminds of the first time I turned into the avatar of gernth. I realize the class is closer to a ritualist than a dervish and I did tend to switch my secondary profession between and ranger and ritualist a lot in the first game).

Since playing during the first beta weekend, the only reason I am playing my warrior is to start getting the gear I want for my revenant: heavy ascended armor, bolt, the fractal back item, an ascended hammer, shield, sword, and axe. But that’s really all I am doing right now is fractals and crafting to get ready for the drop of the revenant.

Now, the largest concern I have right now (outside of the bugs which we will see to in the next beta weekend with glint and the spear) has to do with a forum I was trying to help push up since the beta weekend asking if it was possible to get early access to the revenant for those who prepurchased.

This isn’t asking if we should or shouldn’t get it. This just my reasoning to why it would be good to have!

Reason 1: I want to see all of the HoT maps and story on the toon and class I am maining for the first time.

Reason 2: I realize leveling in the game is extremely easy and I realize you can do it through tomes and the edge of the mists, but what about those of us who want to be on equal footing the day HoT launches to be able to enter the new maps without having to spend a long time going through and clicking one lvl 20 boost and 60 tomes or those of us who rather enjoy the slower route of leveling like myself which involves map completing to level the toon. I love exploring and going through the maps in different orders, even after my fifth time through I still favor that way to level and learn the class I am playing. I can’t level this way if I want to join in when the events have zergs and groups are going through the story the first time (with map chat not giving spoilers every three seconds). I would be forced to use the tomes to level and that takes what fun there in leveling out of it.

Reason 3: Story! All but one of my level 80s is a sylvari and I tend to only play sylvari because I love their design. My revenant is going to be a sylvari. I would love to get my revenant through the PS and season 2 before HoT launches so that the story isn’t out of order. I don’t like playing storylines on new toons out of order. If I have a level 80 who hasn’t finished the PS I will only enter season 2 if it’s a crafting toon and I don’t actually do anything on them but craft. I did this once on a none crafter and I have been kicking myself for it since. And I am one of those people who will repeat the personal story over and over without caring it’s the same story simply because I like seeing the old LA and getting to go back through the story I went through the last time or because I switched my “main” again.

Those are really my three main reasons for wanting early access to the revenant. All the other people who are changing mains because of elite specializations might already have the base class at 80 and done with the story or have the time until HoT launches to do all of this.

Now, I understand the revenant isn’t quite ready for us to play everyday and I understand coding takes a long time as does debugging the code (the bane which is debugging code) I am programmer myself. Which is why if we did get early access I wouldn’t want it to be more than a month to a week before HoT launches. With the month, it would have to do with having players report bugs they come across while leveling the toons and with the week it gives those of us who enjoy lvling the chance to do so and still get to experience HoT with the main crowd of players on the class we want to experience it on.

Will this happen? I don’t know. I am not going to give up hope on it until a dev says “We will not release the revenant base class to prepurchasers early” or something like that.

Thanks for your time.

(edited by frayon.3984)

Making Revenant Your Main

in Revenant

Posted by: Arkantos.7460


well it will take some time to master him in pvp

Good Thiefs are average,
Skilled Thiefs are dangerous

Making Revenant Your Main

in Revenant

Posted by: Vennyhedgie.5369


Honestly the only reason for me to ask for early access is simply cause we haven’t had any content in so long everything feels stale.