Making legends more meaningful

Making legends more meaningful

in Revenant

Posted by: lojer.8576


Would it be nice when You are attacking sth after invoking Shiro legend, which is now “beside” You, your offensive power is little higher?

Just quick idea:
Each currently invoked legend gives revenant sth small. (so only one effect at time)

Shiro: “+5% Dmg”
Jalis: “-5% Dmg taken” or “-10% Condition duration applied to you.”
Mallyx: “+10% condition duration:”
Glint: “+10% boon duration” or “You are healed for 150 hp each time You gain a boon / 3sec ICD”
Ventari: “50% chance on hit (or ‘50% chance when struck’ to be more in defensive theme): Remove a Condition from yourself / 15sec ICD” or “You are healed for 150 hp each time You gain a boon / 3sec ICD”

Just simple generic stuff, because then it will be usable in all game modes. Effect like “Shiro: Your first attack is unblockable / 15 sec ICD” looks nice, but it is near to useless in pve.

Roy Cronacher what You think about it?

Maybe You have some others examples to inspire devs?

(edited by lojer.8576)

Making legends more meaningful

in Revenant

Posted by: Necrotize.2974


It does seem nice, but that looks like something you’d trait for honestly. Something like that could definitely be a GM trait in Invocation. Sort of like Mesmer’s Master of Fragmentation applying a different benefit to every shatter.

Making legends more meaningful

in Revenant

Posted by: savacli.8172


It does seem nice, but that looks like something you’d trait for honestly. Something like that could definitely be a GM trait in Invocation. Sort of like Mesmer’s Master of Fragmentation applying a different benefit to every shatter.


The Legends already dramatically change your utility so adding the freebie effect wouldn’t be fair since the other professions have to trait when their core mechanics gets modified. Plus, core mechanics don’t have an ICD so what OP is describing is very much like an added effect to a core mech from a trait.

Making legends more meaningful

in Revenant

Posted by: lojer.8576


I think revenant class mechanic is more like swaping legends, not staying in them. Mesmer isn’t good comparison – he has acces to all his F1-4 skills all the time, no matter what utility he chose (and yes, he can mix them). Revenant is kinda lock in very specific role per legend. It is more like specialisation with trade off, and when You use all your energy there is no difference which legend You invoked. This proposition change it.

Thik of it like this – after invoking legend revenant can feel his/her power through mists and that connection affect revenant somehow.
It adds some decision to gameplay – I am low on hp – do I want to stay in Shiro and try to finish off my opponent, or switch to Jalis/Ventari to heal/defense; and this also give ppl reason to stay in one legend in pve (which will propably happen anyway).

The Legends already dramatically change your utility

And that’s it! Ivoking legend is right now is just a button to swap right side of bar + 50 energy. With this change we can make it sth more.

wouldn’t be fair since the other professions have to trait when their core mechanics gets modified.

Reve mechanic is legends swaping look at Invocation line e.g. stun break on swap, fury on swap, etc.

Plus, core mechanics don’t have an ICD

Swaping legend has 10 cd.
Swaping ele atumnets – cd.
Guard virtues – cd.

Plus agrument “there isn’t kitten like that in game already” isn’t good. Think outside the box.

Making legends more meaningful

in Revenant

Posted by: savacli.8172


This is me being nit-picky, but ICD would be the effects we don’t see recharge on our skill bars (from traits, buffs, nourishments). Attunements, Shatters, and all those skills have a visible Cooldown (CD) is what differentiates them.


The closest profession a Revenant can relate to is the Elementalist in that both classes ‘attune’ to change their skills. The very base effect of the attunement is changing out the classes weapon and utilities respectively, and each attunement changes the functionality of the class.

I offer Fire and Shiro as a comparison. Both of them are considered to be the ‘Damage attunements’ (I’m generalizing here). At the very core of their mechanic all that will occur during their attunement would be swapping out skills. Now, Fire does have the potential to add a flat damage modifier (similar to what OP request for Shiro), but that requires a trait.

Water and Ventari would be the another similar pair, but Water also requires a trait to remove a condition (with respect to OP’s request)

In other words I argue that the core mechanic shouldn’t change, but I agree there could be a potential modifier that could be added to each attunement. Where we disagree though is whether or not it should be made baseline.

My argument is that other classes already have to trait to modify their core mechanic so on what basis should the Rev get these requested features for free?

If anything I would say a persistent effect such as +5% damage while ‘attuned’ to Shiro should be a Devastation trait (bump it up to 10% to match others). Though a one time effect such as +5% damage for 5 seconds when you swap to Shiro could be an Invocation trait and would offer similar one time effects when swapping to other legends.

Making legends more meaningful

in Revenant

Posted by: Lonewolf Kai.3682

Lonewolf Kai.3682

Thing is, we already get these sort of traits in the traitlines themselves. If you look, there’s a couple traits that state “something happens when you use this specific Legend stance or Legend’s abilities.”

That being said, I wouldn’t mind seeing a trait that adds something to all Legend’s akin to what the OP stated. Maybe as a Grandmaster.

“Be like water” – Bruce Lee

Making legends more meaningful

in Revenant

Posted by: savacli.8172


Thing is, we already get these sort of traits in the traitlines themselves. If you look, there’s a couple traits that state “something happens when you use this specific Legend stance or Legend’s abilities.”

That being said, I wouldn’t mind seeing a trait that adds something to all Legend’s akin to what the OP stated. Maybe as a Grandmaster.

It looks like OP is wanting baseline effects on top of what can be traited for.

Making legends more meaningful

in Revenant

Posted by: frayon.3984


Asking for this is like asking for the ele to have +5% power baseline when they enter fire, -5% damage when they’re in earth, and so forth. It would be the same with any special feature in the other eight classes. I am sorry but if it’s given to one class untraited it will have be given to every class untraited, just to be “fair” as others will put it. Would I like this? Yes, but I plan to main this class. And +5% damage is equal to a sigil of force… that’s a lot to ask for. We already get a lot of boosts to our dps if we trait right with herald up to 22% boost if we have all 11 boons on us.

Note: the specialization for Glint already has a boost to boon duration in the minor traits. It’s not even something you have to pick after choosing to specialize that trait line.

Making legends more meaningful

in Revenant

Posted by: Killyox.3950


They are interesting because of their comments when you switch them