Mallyx is a gameplay type that I would love to play. Sadly, both some of the current skills and the supporting traits either do not fit the playstyle or are just bland and nothing new. As such, here are the changes that I would make to make condi rev both more viable and also play slightly different then other condi builds in the game.
Mallyx abilities:
Empowering Misery – Now heals more for each condition applied to your target.
Pain Absorption – Redesigned
Grant Resistance to yourself and nearby allies. ( 10 energy, 15 sec cd)
Resistance (1 3/4 sec)
Interval: 1 sec
Duration: 5 sec
Secondary ability: Sadist’s Strength (15 energy)
Increases attributes, and when you apply a condition, apply an additional stack.
Stats: +10%
Condition Stack Increase Per Condition Application: +1
Duration: 4 sec
Unyielding Anguish – Energy cost reduced to 25 from 30
Embrace the Darkness: Redesigned
Transform into a powerful Avatar, knocking enemies in the air and you deal additional damage based off of current Torment stacks on critical strikes. (5 energy, -10 energy/sec)
Blowout (3/4 second)
Radius 240
On Critical Hit: Bane of the Living – Deal 20% of your entire torment duration damage instantly.
Replenishing Despair – Attacking a foe with active conditions heals you.
Bolstered Anguish – Resistance also grants Retaliation.
Pulsating Pestilence – Renamed: Disastrous Despair – Increase damage by 3% on target for each active condition on them.
All numbers are guess-timation. The gameplay that I am going for that is different from other condition-based specs is the idea of using the conditions as a set-up tool for heavy bursts later on if the target allows you to stack on them. EtD is now a much different spell with a much higher upkeep, but its effects can be disastrous.
The old EtD effects have been transitioned to a secondary ability that plays off of a new version of Pain Absorption. The traitline as well as the legend should now feel functional and able to fit into several gameplay types.
Hope you enjoyed the read! And of course, comments/suggestions are welcome.
Edit: Forgot about the cost reduction to Unyielding Anguish.