You unlock the skin. Isn’t it the most important?
It’s still bad that the Mistward armor is soulbound, while elite specs items are actually accountbound.
You unlock the skin. Isn’t it the most important?
I wanted to select stats and use it, but I guess I have to make a new piece and use a charge.
wrong forum and already reported a lot. PLS MOVE AND/OR MERGE
Yeah, it’s pretty lame. What I’ve done is bought a set of crafted armor and stuck them on my Revenant. That way, I can complete the rest of the collections on anyone and then just salvage the crafted armor when I’m ready to unlock pieces. Just 2 more to go!
How to Condi Reaper on a budget
Everything I say is only in reference to PvE and WvW.
its exotic anyway eww
I found if i just logged out, without claiming the reward, and logged in on the character I want it on then it works.
Good thing I read it was soulbound on acquire before accepting the reward though!
You can also buy the last needed item from the vendor with the right character.
What if your Revenant doesn’t have access to that vendor yet (maybe on a map you didn’t explore with him)? This is quite stupid, a lot of players are going to unlock that armor on their other characters to gear up their Revenant, just to realize that the Mistward collection is soulbound (for whatever reason there is) and waste at least a piece in the process.
Hurray! My plate armour is now bound to a leather user! GG anet, gg….