The objective of this thread is to present additional utilities for each Revenant legend (some exceptions, see below). The rationale includes:
-Revenant launched with 4 heals and 4 elite skills (without elite spec) just like other professions. However, they only have access to 12 normal utility skills, whereas other professions have 20.
-Many Revenant utilities are very specialized and will result in dead action slots on the utility bar in some content. For example, Shiro’s Phase Traversal may be useless in some content, while Mallyx’ Banish Enchantment may be useless in others.
-Revenant lacks build versatility, in part due to few weapon options and in part due to rigidity of utility skill packages (Legends). Additional build versatility can come from adding more utilities to each legend, and can even help to make up for the weak weapon selection.
Next, a few comments about what this proposal will and will not do:
-I am not generally addressing bug fixes to existing utilities or re-balancing of existing legends. I am not altering traits, even ones that affect utilities. There may be some exceptions.
-I am addressing stun breaks – I believe each legend should have access to a stun break, and that feature is being added here.
-I am not adding new heal skills or elite skills, only regular utilities. I am not adding any utilities that should be considered ‘mandatory’, e.g. ones which would be required to use in all builds and all content.
The idea of adding new utilities to Revenant legends has been around for a while, but with a new expansion in the works, this would be a good time to develop and implement them.
I have given Mallyx a ranged condition damage utility to provide some ranged pressure with the mace/X set. I have also added another skill which does not apply damaging conditions to make Mallyx more versatile in non-condi builds.
Summoning Shadows – Summons shadows in an area that randomly move towards enemies within range and explode, applying chill (1s), torment (1 stack 4s), and confusion (1 stack 4s).
Channeled (can’t move while casting), cast time = 3.5 seconds
Shadows summoned – 1 (per pulse), 8 total
Pulses – 8 (once at start of cast and then every 0.5 seconds)
Energy – 40
Range – 1200
Radius – 300
number of targets per shadow – 3
damage per explosion – 92 (0.25)
shadow explosion radius – 180
*Shadows are treated as projectiles here. They cannot be damaged or CC’ed, but they can be blocked, reflected, or obstructed by obstacles. If there are no enemies in range when a shadow spawns, it will move in a random direction to the outside of the radius and explode there.
Pain Absorption – now also breaks stun
Misery – Pull foes toward you and apply chill (2s) and slow (2s)
Cast time – 3/4s
Energy – 35
Radius – 300
Targets – 5
*I have given Jalis more defenses against ranged attacks and more direct damage capabilities. I have kept Jalis focused as a melee fighter for thematic reasons, so I purposefully did not add ranged attacks or lots of mobility.
Stonewall – Erect a stone wall in front of you that reflects projectiles.
Cast time – 1/2s
Energy cost – 35
Duration – 3s
*this is a wall similar to Field of the Mists (hammer #4) or Shield of Courage (Dragonhunter virtue)
Vengeful Hammers – rename to Righteous Hammers. New text is ‘Invoke hammers to circle around you, protecting you and damaging foes’.
Vengeful Hammers (new, upkeep skill) – Invoke hammers to circle around you, giving retaliation and damaging foes.
Cast time – 0s
Energy – 5
upkeep – 7
Damage – 120 (0.45)
Number of Hammers – 2
Radius – 180
Retaliation (self) – 1s
Interval – 1s
Release Hammers – ends vengeful hammers
*this skill is an offense-focused version of the current Vengeful Hammers. It deals 3x as much damage but does not provide healing or self damage reduction. The retaliation on self provides synergy with unused Retribution traits (primarily Empowering Vengeance).
Rite of the Great Dwarf – reduce energy cost to 40. Add 5 second cooldown.
*the energy cost is reduced to make it more functional as a stun break
*for Shiro I have added some multi-target damage capacity. I have tried to keep the focus on a very aggressive playstyle.
Meditation of the Reaper (upkeep skill)
cast time – 1/2s
energy – 10
upkeep – 10
Pulses stacking ‘Meditation’ charges and aegis to the user.
Aegis – 3s
Interval – 3s
flip-over skill, becomes…
Cancel Meditation – consumes ‘Meditation’ charges to damage nearby foes.
cast time – 1/2s
energy cost – 10
Damage – (per stack of ‘Meditation’) – 180 (0.45)
radius – 300
*this allows Meditation of the Reaper to do heavy damage to multiple foes in AoE if it’s maintained for a while. If you pool to 100 energy and maintain it as long as possible, it will do damage similar to Coalescence of Ruin at max range. If Meditation of the Reaper ends due to switching legends or running out of energy, the damage will not occur.
Imbued Jade – Your next attack causes a jade explosion which causes life siphon and chill. (1s)
cast time – 1/2s
energy cost – 25
radius – 180
life siphon damage – 194 (.067)
life siphon healing – 245 (0.08)
Number of targets – 5
*this skill can visually show a jade crystal over the player, similar to Enchanted Daggers.
*Ventari needed some skills which are applicable in builds other than a healing build. It should still, however, be support oriented (e.g. no damage skills) to fit the theme.
Hesitation – Blind foes near the tablet (5s). Daze foes who are using a skill (1/2s).
Energy cost – 25
Radius – 240
Cooldown – 5s
Liberate – Breaks stun and remove movement impairing conditions for allies near the tablet.
Energy – 40
Radius – 240
Targets: 5
Removes immobilize, cripple, chill.
*Due to the theme of Glint’s facets (as boon-providing upkeep skills which also have a different active skill) and the fact that Glint utilities are generally all useful in most content, I do not think it is necessary to add more utilities to Glint.
Astaxanthas (Revenant), Hepaticus (Engineer), Eosinophus (Thief)