Mute Revenant Legend Sounds? ("Uaaaargh!")

Mute Revenant Legend Sounds? ("Uaaaargh!")

in Revenant

Posted by: humfrid.2615


I recently started playing Herald and I am for the most part enjoying it quite a bit, but there is one awfully annoying thing that sucks the fun right out of it: The grunting and screaming from the Glint and Jalis legends when you invoke them and/or use their skills. It’s horrible! And so loud! Please make it stop!

Is there anyway to disable that without muting dialogue altogether? (it appears to be tied to the dialogue volume, which i always have turned up relatively high, so I can follow the story and NPC dialogue)

I really wish there was a toggle option for this.

Mute Revenant Legend Sounds? ("Uaaaargh!")

in Revenant

Posted by: Crowley.8761


You don’t enjoy listening to an old lady taking a poop? (Glint)

That’s crazy talk!

Mute Revenant Legend Sounds? ("Uaaaargh!")

in Revenant

Posted by: humfrid.2615


Aaaaaah, now I will never get that image out of my head again!!!

It seems that the disable player chatter option mutes the legends as well. But that is semi-optimal for my taste, as I like to hear my character say their combat lines and find them to be helpful indicators when in the thick of battle. (Like when I hear a party members “Retreat!” I know I can save my block, or things like that)

Can we have a disable legend chatter toggle? Pretty please!?

Mute Revenant Legend Sounds? ("Uaaaargh!")

in Revenant

Posted by: Set.7461


I agree. Invoking Glint sounds cringey. I hate it. Shiro sounds awesome.

Mute Revenant Legend Sounds? ("Uaaaargh!")

in Revenant

Posted by: Vyrulisse.1246


I agree. Invoking Glint sounds cringey. I hate it. Shiro sounds awesome.

Mallyx sounds pretty sweet as well. Glint is… when she (rarely) uses her actual voice-overs she isn’t bad, but the grunt-to-voice ratio is all messed up in the wrong way. :P

Jalis grunts a lot but at least his are tolerable.

Mute Revenant Legend Sounds? ("Uaaaargh!")

in Revenant

Posted by: Rym.1469


Just lower the dialogue volume after you’re done with story then. There’s no option to split the sounds.

[rude]Antagonistka – Revenant, EU.
[SALT]Natchniony – Necromancer, EU.

Mute Revenant Legend Sounds? ("Uaaaargh!")

in Revenant

Posted by: scerevisiae.1972


The drone from facets is the worst, it’s just straight out white noise.

I stopped playing Glint because of it.

downed state is bad for PVP