(edited by Rpgtabbycat.5869)
My Revenant kitten Moment
Yeah mallyx requires mace to work well, but that isn’t the reason most people complain about its strength. The problem is that currently only glint and shiro are working great other legends still require some buff to be on the same level.
Herald of Ventari
Mallyx seems to be bad because it’s Legendary focused on condition damage and revenant has only 2 condi weapons: Mace mainhand and Axe offhand. Mallyx/Glint with Mace/Axe and Shield on swap can be really good condi dmg dealer with nice boon support but no ranged dps because hammer is truly power weapon. King Jalis(dwarf) stance increase your survivability but it’s power same goes with Ventari(centuar) which is about healing but still power damage. You are forced to use M/A + M/Sh w/ demon/dragon if you want to use condi but you have to deal with no ranged attacks unless you decide to use Sinister gear so hammer can deal decent damage.
I’m using Sword/Shield and Hammer offhand with Glint/Shiro and it’s really nice :>
(edited by Simeonus.9237)
now, i’m not saying the other legends and weapons don’t require work, because they do, as shiro, glint, hammer, and sword/shield are the most “complete” feeling, as obvious as that is
but, i think the problem is everyone seems to think that the legends need to be with the weapon is or what it looks like it “should” be, from the generic look of it, that you’ve already explained
no where does it say mallyx has to be condition focused or even use condition damage at all
it has chill, which is a powerful soft CC, boonstrip, and immunity to conditions, conditions being a heavy counter to revenant, this can be thrown into any power build easily
Embrace the Darkness increases ALL stats by 10%
Ventari has condition removal, minor cushion healing, and a projectile destruction bubble
Jalis has major damage reduction, stability, minor healing, all of which can be used in a fully offensive condi OR power build
you can’t say something is bad because you’re not playing around with it or seeing its other uses
now, again, i’m not saying they don’t need work, because they do, but, just realize you’re not bound to a specific weapon or stat combo for a specific legend
(edited by Alpha.1308)