Currently there is little or no synergy between Jalis and Mallyx, or between Mallyx and Ventari. There is some between Jalis and Ventari because they both offer defense and sustain. Mallyx is left out because his conditions don’t stack high enough or fast enough. Maybe Mallyx will work with Shiro, but there’s no way to tell at this point. Synergy between defensive legends and offensive ones is little or none. Weapons are too focused on their specific legend to be of use to another legend (staff and hammer are useless to Mallyx). I hope these suggestions give the devs some ideas that may help the class.
1. Remove weapon effects and make weapons a “blank slate”. This means make each weapon have a standard base damage and little or no condition application on its own. Make every weapon have roughly the same number of Control skills.
2. Take those effects and add them to specific traits. Make Mallyx traits add conditions to weapon slot skills. Make Ventari traits add healing to weapon slots. This would have the effect of applying the legend you choose to any weapon. The difference in weapon would come from it’s attack animation speed and range. This would allow the Revenant to use any two legends without the weapon being useless to one legend. So for example, make a Mallyx trait add burning to weapon slot #2 regardless of weapon. Make a Ventari trait add healing to #3.
3. Change the energy cost and cooldowns of all Revenant skills. Every skill right now costs BOTH energy and has a cooldown. This is somewhat nonsensical and redundant. Either make the weapon skills cost no energy with cooldown, or the utility skills cost no energy with cooldown. Personally I think the weapon skills should have basic cooldowns with no energy cost, and the utility skills should have no cooldown (or very low, 3-5 seconds) with high energy cost.
4. There should be weapon skills which boost energy gain when used properly. There should also be traits in Invocation which enhance energy gain conditionally.
Example traits:
- Gain +40 energy at 25% health. 30s cooldown
- Sacrifice and extra 25 energy when activating an elite skill. Gain +40 energy after 30 seconds.
- Gain +1 energy for each enemy you strike. 1s cooldown per target.
- Lose up to 50 energy when you begin reviving an ally. You revive 1% faster per point of energy spent in this way.
- Gain +5 energy per nearby ally (360 radius) when you use your healing skill (#6).
Example skills:
- Strike up to 5 nearby enemies (360 radius) gain +10 energy per hit.
- Lose 10 energy per second and gain 150 Ferocity for 5 seconds. If you took no damage during this time, you gain full energy.
- Gain +20 energy per nearby dead ally.
- Lose 5 energy per second and gain +20% outgoing healing for 10 seconds. When this ends gain energy based on the amount of healing done to allies.
If each trait specialization is going to be tied to one legend, then Invocation (which has no legend) should be about energy gain and expenditure. Also, there needs to be a reason to take a trait line without taking the legend associated with it. Otherwise there would be no reason to pick 3 legend lines. Every build would take 2 legends + Invocation. The traits in legend lines need to affect skill slots and other non-legend actions (such as dodging, blocking, healing, etc.)
For example, you need to be able to make a choice in your build. Do you take 2 legends + Invocation to boost those 2 legends? Or do you take 3 legend-specific trait lines, ignore Invocation, and gain the passive trait effects of a 3rd legend while having access to only 2 on your F1/F2 bar?
Currently as I see it, if Revenant build systems and skill balance isn’t significantly changed, Every Revenant in PvE will run roughly the same build:
- Take Shiro (the dps spec)
- Take Invocation for fury, stun break, and faster swap
- Take Glint (elite spec) for whatever it does, OR take Mallyx for some condition damage.
They might take Jalis over Glint/Mallyx for some defense, but given the nature of PvE, Shiro and Invocation will be required no matter what. Unless of course HoT requires pure tanks and healers…
(edited by Xenon.4537)