My overpowered! changes to rev

My overpowered! changes to rev

in Revenant

Posted by: Burtnik.5218


Hm..not sure if really that op. There may be a few things over the top but overall i think its not..that bad. If someone got any question why dat and dat just ask. Looking for feedback obviously.


Salt, salt, moar salt. So salty like fries from McDonald!
Playing Smite since mid s2, f broken gw2.

(edited by Burtnik.5218)

My overpowered! changes to rev

in Revenant

Posted by: Kaligos.7285


Uhm… Some of these changes are really overtuned, especially for PvP. Let me give you a few examples which caught my eye:

  1. Swift Termination change: Basically Panic Strike + Executioner in one trait. Let’s be honest, this change alone would make Power Shiro seriously OP in 1v1 situations.
  2. Chaotic Release change: Unblockable and 40% more dmg? I don’t have anything against cd reduction but it is already punishing enough to get caught in that skill. Any group fight would be in favor of the group with the rev.
  3. Malicious Reprisal change: You mean 5 secs of unlimited unblockable attacks? Something tells me that you hate professions with block chains. This + Swift Termination change and you eat Meditrappers for breakfast.
  4. Dismantle Fortifications change: You really hate everyone who stacks stability, don’t you?
  5. Banish Enchantment change: Necros do a far better job at that.
  6. Embrace the Darkness change: I’d rather have the old EtD back.
  7. Vengeful Hammers change: Pulsing slow? In regards to us having far too little access to slow, I would say yes but everyone else would disagree heavily.

I wonder what others have to say or what you have to say about my feedback.

“Sharpen your blades and guard your vitals! I’m back!” – Rytlock Brimstone

My overpowered! changes to rev

in Revenant

Posted by: Burtnik.5218


1 Swift – i know its exo+panic strike in once. This trait is lackluster in current state tho, havent seen anyone using it in pvp and i doubt it get much used in pve either. The olny place where i can see it being used is yolo in wvw with hammer. It need something extra for sure

2. Not any less punishing than jade winds/forced engagement. Given it huge cast i found it to be quite weak..the olny time i use it is to move downed body from pvp point other than that its feels lackluster for it huge tell and cd. I dont feel rewarded for landing it by any means

3. Malicious is useless in current state as it can trigger at random aegis and poof gone. 2 attacks doesnt mean much to rev either as we are multihit class in general. This change is basically no different to signet mastery from warrior that activates signet of might for unblockable 6sec effect+provides 100 precision and has 20cd. And yeah i was thinking about swift+malicious as execution line desing when +1 someone
Ps. i have no issues with dh due to hammer ;o

4. Olny the passive one, yeah. Howered dont you agree that in current state this trait is well..useless?

5. Thats necro job after all. Boon corruption is meant to provide extra pressure to heavy boon classes

6. Old EtD wont come back

7. As crazy as it sounds (and im aware of what slow does) it has high energy cost and works olny in melee range. After all how often do you use impossible odds for longer than 5seconds? My vision of that skill was to fight “face to face” enemies like a true dwarf instead of dancing around to prevent incoming damage. Purpose of this skill is to reduce sustained damage/give more reaction time for a burst. Rite purpose is to nullify burst completely if you pull it out before a burst.

Salt, salt, moar salt. So salty like fries from McDonald!
Playing Smite since mid s2, f broken gw2.

My overpowered! changes to rev

in Revenant

Posted by: Pumpkin.5169


Your balance suggestions are completely absurd. You’re clearly a rev-only player that have no idea (or don’t care) that those balance suggestions not only affect rev, but all the other classes, in all the stances of the game.

Almost all your “balance changes” are not for balancing at all, but suggestions just to make revenant even more overpowered. As a revenant player, I’m glad that no one actually takes topics like this serious.

Well, you’re the guy from so, I couldn’t expect anything else.

Pumpkin – Mag

My overpowered! changes to rev

in Revenant

Posted by: Aomine.5012


I LOL so much when you decide to increase sword damage even more, despite it’s already the Top~Top 2 damage weapon in the whole game.

My overpowered! changes to rev

in Revenant

Posted by: Burtnik.5218


Your balance suggestions are completely absurd. You’re clearly a rev-only player that have no idea (or don’t care) that those balance suggestions not only affect rev, but all the other classes, in all the stances of the game.

Almost all your “balance changes” are not for balancing at all, but suggestions just to make revenant even more overpowered. As a revenant player, I’m glad that no one actually takes topics like this serious.

Well, you’re the guy from so, I couldn’t expect anything else.

Actually i havent played rev for a few days. Went back to core ranger and wrecking people still (even other revs). Im guessing you think Ventari, Jalis and Mallyx are fine in current state? Cus i pretty much nerfed herald by making a choice between extra dmg from boons/shield trait/might stacking.

And im still up to remove cd on PT and just raise it cost. It completely useless as it basically never work. I rather get a leap honestly.

Salt, salt, moar salt. So salty like fries from McDonald!
Playing Smite since mid s2, f broken gw2.

My overpowered! changes to rev

in Revenant

Posted by: Burtnik.5218


I LOL so much when you decide to increase sword damage even more, despite it’s already the Top~Top 2 damage weapon in the whole game.

Sword 2 damage was nerfed and for no real reason as 150 range increase doesnt not justice 34% nerf. And sword offhand? Counteratatck need to be brought in line with other similiar skills. One question..who the f runs sword offhand and if they do how often you see someone using shacking wave? Noone. It deals lower damage than first strike of auto and immo doesnt make up for it.

Salt, salt, moar salt. So salty like fries from McDonald!
Playing Smite since mid s2, f broken gw2.