PVP with Glint/Shiro - how does it feel?

PVP with Glint/Shiro - how does it feel?

in Revenant

Posted by: Iohanna.4863


When I PVP with my Revenant, I feel very vulnerable. I feel the need to stand back and pick people off with my Hammer, rather than rushing into battle and tanking everything the enemy throws at me.

If my opponent eats all the hits from my Sword 3 and shrugs it off, I get scared. Especially if they have a condition build – the only choice that has worked out for me in that situation is to flee towards my allies and hope they can keep my opponent busy while I switch back to Hammer and take pot shots.

I feel fragile, yet the forums sing praises/curses about DPS Revenant’s tankiness. The score may look good due to all my assists in kills, but I feel like the credit belongs mostly to my allies.

My Tempest felt unstoppable – charging head first into outnumbered situations, tanking a ridiculous amount of damage from 4 enemies before my teammates ambush them from out of nowhere. I know it’s not fair to compare a DPS build with a Bunker build, but I expected to feel …strong.

Is this just me being unused to a new play-style? Is it natural to be so cautious with picking my fights as a DPS role? Or is there a way to play recklessly yet effectively? Because I would really like it if I could just give no kittens like my Tempest.

PVP with Glint/Shiro - how does it feel?

in Revenant

Posted by: Gaaroth.2567


Let’s be honest Glint/Shiro is squishy as phuck.
Sure you have some evades(sword#3, hammer#3, glint heal, shield#5 if you run it). But you have zero sustain.
Using shiro you CAN be evading for a long time but you’ll be able to only use AA and you might not be an incredible threat.

Glint/Shiro is an Assassin mostly/Guardian secondly playstyle, you have to position well, strike at right time then retreat or you get eaten alive

Tempest & Druid
Wat r u, casul?

PVP with Glint/Shiro - how does it feel?

in Revenant

Posted by: Exciton.8942


DPS role is almost always harder for beginners compared to bunkers.

Glint/Shiro marauder already has pretty good sustain among the dps specs(DH might be better at sustain but can’t chase down mesmer/thief as well as shiro revenant). It’s really the top choice for team roaming role at the moment. You simply have to play more carefully.

If you want the kinda spec that charges in and soaks up damage, this is not the right build for youl

PVP with Glint/Shiro - how does it feel?

in Revenant

Posted by: nacario.9417


Shiro heralds falls short in group fights spvp, which is why its sad to see qquers claim rev to be tanky with much sustain. If u do not watch ur evades or a well timed infused, u can fall flat on ur face. One cannot go toe to toe vs a high condi uptime build, ive had better success ranging them with hammer but eventually they get close. 1v1 are fine, it is good vs power builds, but it def isnt the immortal when focused in a +1

Power Ranger PvP
I used to be a power ranger, now not sure anymore

PVP with Glint/Shiro - how does it feel?

in Revenant

Posted by: Burtnik.5218


Shiro heralds falls short in group fights spvp, which is why its sad to see qquers claim rev to be tanky with much sustain. If u do not watch ur evades or a well timed infused, u can fall flat on ur face. One cannot go toe to toe vs a high condi uptime build, ive had better success ranging them with hammer but eventually they get close. 1v1 are fine, it is good vs power builds, but it def isnt the immortal when focused in a +1

Revenant in general falls easy, just dont hit them under Glint heal. Reason why Shiro inst good in teamfight is due to healing ability. Trading hits to heal up inst really any good idea, if you tried to do that on low hp youre dead. Theres always sword 3 but without it..Shiro healing is crap and it need major rework.

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Playing Smite since mid s2, f broken gw2.