Pick 2 words to describe Rev this beta

Pick 2 words to describe Rev this beta

in Revenant

Posted by: Bryzy.2719


Pick 2 words and give your single most wanted change.

Weak and sluggish.

Please change it so that healing tome auto-follows you, because manual movement is annoying as hell.

(edited by Bryzy.2719)

Pick 2 words to describe Rev this beta

in Revenant

Posted by: Falchoin.6152


Underwhelming, pigeon-holed (hyphen makes it one word right?)

Most wanted change: more resistance uptime on demon stance

(edited by Falchoin.6152)

Pick 2 words to describe Rev this beta

in Revenant

Posted by: Menadena.7482


possibilities meh

Right now it looks interesting but I hope this is nowhere close to the final product!

Pick 2 words to describe Rev this beta

in Revenant

Posted by: Tipper.6973


Seems boring

To be expected playing an incomplete class. The biggest thing for me (right now) is I just don’t really like the abilities I’ve seen. Sure they can amp up the dps, but I still wouldn’t like the (current) play style.

The traitlines also feel like they need A LOT of work.

Of course, more weapons and stances can fix that.

Pick 2 words to describe Rev this beta

in Revenant

Posted by: Rym.1469


Hardcore and fun.


Energy management.

[rude]Antagonistka – Revenant, EU.
[SALT]Natchniony – Necromancer, EU.
Streams: http://www.twitch.tv/rym144

Pick 2 words to describe Rev this beta

in Revenant

Posted by: Knighthonor.4061


Wet noodle.

Easy to kill Revs… they lack in damage reduction. Even when traited for damage reduction.

I am melting like butter on a flame… Full Defense build at that… something is wrong.

I play Warrior in SPvP most of the time and Necro. So I know when something is melting too fast. and Revenant clearly is melting.

Pick 2 words to describe Rev this beta

in Revenant

Posted by: Lynnie.7213


kittenly Slow !

Necromancer – Ranger WvW/Spvp/Pve/Build/Guide videos:

Pick 2 words to describe Rev this beta

in Revenant

Posted by: Duke of Thorin.7425

Duke of Thorin.7425

Outclassed and Underpowered.

Outclassed: Other classes can do what the Revenant does in an easier and more effective way.

Underpowered: For the limitations placed on Revenants ( no wep swap, weapon costs and CD, locked utilities, etc.) their output is not where it should be for a balanced game.

Pick 2 words to describe Rev this beta

in Revenant

Posted by: doddbox.8153


Fury trait is pretty much pointless if you can’t get fury, some animations are just OTT/ unnecessary and cast times are clunky. I hope the DPS trait line we haven’t seen makes up for the lack of damage.

very special guild tag [tX]

Pick 2 words to describe Rev this beta

in Revenant

Posted by: Sykper.6583


Needs Work.

Which is obvious, but I still dig the profession’s concept and mechanics.

It’s a matter of making them competitive, right now it seems like there’s a huge skill cap with the energy management.

Suicidal Warrior.
Putting Perspective on Zerg Sizes since 2012. Common Suffixes for 40+ include ~Zilla and ~Train
“Seriously, just dodge.”

Pick 2 words to describe Rev this beta

in Revenant

Posted by: Bryzy.2719


Outclassed: Other classes can do what the Revenant does in an easier and more effective way.

Especially this.

I got sick pretty quickly of how slowly the Revenant’s skills flow between each other. Couple this with having to put lots of thought into setting up your offense, then getting underwhelming output for your effort, I gave up after 2 hours. I hopped straight on my Ele to farm Orr for a while and the difference was staggering. Ele does everything Rev does but better, more quickly and more efficiently. Better Burst, consistent physical damage, better mobility, better and more heals, and the flow between the Ele’s skills is so much more logical, easy and satisfying.

Pick 2 words to describe Rev this beta

in Revenant

Posted by: Elrey.5472


Quite Dissapointing.

They need more DPS.

ES Wiki Sysop. Vanquiser of the Marionette, Lover of the Aetherpath.
Aens / Ellantriel / Nao To Mori / Saelyth. Commander
Guias de Raids en español / Spanish raiding guides

Pick 2 words to describe Rev this beta

in Revenant

Posted by: Ausfer.1853


“Few options”

Rev needs more weapons, and weapon swapping, because right now it feels exactly the opposite of engineer and ele’s, which are both incredibly versatile. With the rev you are locked into a single weapon set, and all 3 of the choices have very defined roles with little versatility. You have hammer for weak ranged AOE, staff for melee support/healing, and mace/axe for melee conditions. That’s it.

There’s no heavy-hitting DPS weapon, no ranged condi weapon, no multi-hitting weapon for crit builds….

Incidentally, all 3 classes I mentioned do not have weapon swapping. But engies and ele’s make up for that with their class mechanics (weapon kits and elemental allignments). The revenant does not make up for the lack of weapon versatility, and the class feels like it has very narrowly-defined roles with little flexibility.

(edited by Ausfer.1853)

Pick 2 words to describe Rev this beta

in Revenant

Posted by: Kidel.2057


Staff ele can summon a hammer and go melee. Dagger ele can summon a bow and go ranged.
Engi can summon any weapon he wants and adjust to the situation.

Revenant is the only class with no weaponswap that can’t do that.

Revenant has to pick a melee or a ranged weapon, and swapping legend does not compensate for that, because it doesn’t change weaponskills, but just utilities you can’t spam. Doesn’t change your AA or weapon mechanic.

What about Dwarf makes hammer go melee and Centaur ranged? Just an example, but that would make more sense.

Shiro can’t solve it. Even if they give Shiro a stance that makes every melee weapon also go ranged, that would simply force every revenant to use Shiro and a melee weapon. Hammer and other legends would die.

Pick 2 words to describe Rev this beta

in Revenant

Posted by: cantriss.3621


They are crap right now….they need more work, both for survivability and damage, the melee damages are quite sad, the range damage output is unimpressive…they need to be competitive with other classes. Right now they are like a shinny new penny, looks nice, but not worth much…

Pick 2 words to describe Rev this beta

in Revenant

Posted by: inactivehyperaddict.6759


Unyielding Anguikitten
his skill, if they would focus more on skills like unyielding anguish with its displacement and shadow-stepping can be a real deal and fun to play with in pve.
-the skill cooldowns are quite a pain and the energy regen is so slow,
-needs more mobility
-taunt is the revenants bestfriend

Pick 2 words to describe Rev this beta

in Revenant

Posted by: Viralseed.9362


Clunky utilities.


  • Soothing Stone seems alright. The healing might be a little too low.
  • Inspiring Reinforcement is amazing.
  • Forced Engagement doesn’t seem to do much of anything. The cast time is too long to successfully interrupt opponents, and I’m not even sure Taunt can interrupt opponents. Most foes don’t even engage you when Taunted. I’m fairly certain bugs are involved, but the potency here is terrible.
  • Vengeful Hammers is nice DPS I suppose. It’s just odd to think Jalis is paired with the Hammer, a ranged weapon, and a trait that reduces damage from opponents far away from you.
  • Rite of the Great Dwarf’s cast time is extremely long for a 5 second buff. I could imagine the reduction would have to be pretty high, but I can’t help but feel this skill needs help somewhere.

Jalis’s abilities feel as though there should be a bunker-like role, but with Taunt not handling expectations and the confusion as to whether Jalis was intended to do better at range or melee still bothers me.


  • Empowering Misery has amazing potential, which is great because playing as Mallyx rewards holding multiple conditions.
  • Pain Absorption is equally impressive. You could stack up an easy 7 seconds of Resistance in groups.
  • Banish Enchantment has good boon removal, and it can be an easy 4 stacks of Confusion as an opener.
  • Unyielding Anguish is similar as well applying a potential of 6 stacks of Torment with a short leap, but you cripple yourself. I’m not sure how I feel about that.
  • Embrace the Darkness is essentially Epidemic and Plague Signet’s love child (sorry, Necromancers) while boosting all stats.

Mallyx is amazing…. that’s all.


  • Ventari’s Will has a cast time. What makes this skill absolutely horrible to use is interrupting your weapon skills to move the tablet into a better position. What is essentially a pet, you have to sacrifice your own offense to control. Rangers, Necromancers, and Engineers all have some form of pet with unique skills that do not interrupt the caster’s ability to fight.
  • Protective Solace can be very handy in situations where projectiles are numerous. Strange. This skill has no cast time…
  • Natural Harmony takes a few seconds to heal, but the healing amount is significant. It also lacks a cast time making combat flow while offering support.
  • Purifying Essence cures up to three conditions and heals for a small amount for each cured. This ability has a casting time. I’m curious how the logic was determined to give some abilities casting times and other abilities instant.
  • Energy Expulsion can knockback, but isn’t reliable as an interrupt. It feels as though the explosion is just “because it would make sense” instead of functionality. The healing fragments do heal for a considerable amount, however. This skill has a casting time.

Ventari feels like a great supportive legend, but I can’t help but cringe every time I have to stop attacking to move the tablet. It’s not skilled support if I have to stop everything I’m doing to move it into a better location.

Pick 2 words to describe Rev this beta

in Revenant

Posted by: Terra.8571


Low Damage
/15 char

Pick 2 words to describe Rev this beta

in Revenant

Posted by: BlackTruth.6813


Not Complete.


Schwahrheit, #1 Fuhrer NA, Just your everyday typical rager

Pick 2 words to describe Rev this beta

in Revenant

Posted by: kahzee.6042


Not complete at all. Not sure I agree with releasing a class that isnt even close to finished

Pick 2 words to describe Rev this beta

in Revenant

Posted by: lordhelmos.7623


Necromancer better… and that is laughably sad.

Pick 2 words to describe Rev this beta

in Revenant

Posted by: Chimeratic.4635


“Few options”
The revenant does not make up for the lack of weapon versatility, and the class feels like it has very narrowly-defined roles with little flexibility.

Staff ele can summon a hammer and go melee. Dagger ele can summon a bow and go ranged.
Engi can summon any weapon he wants and adjust to the situation.

Revenant is the only class with no weaponswap that can’t do that.

Revenant has to pick a melee or a ranged weapon, and swapping legend does not compensate for that, because it doesn’t change weaponskills, but just utilities you can’t spam. Doesn’t change your AA or weapon mechanic.

Shiro can’t solve it. Even if they give Shiro a stance that makes every melee weapon also go ranged, that would simply force every revenant to use Shiro and a melee weapon. Hammer and other legends would die.

I think these two points hit home with my impression of the class. Love the concept, but I think the implementation needs further consideration. Energy management seems pretty cool too

Pick 2 words to describe Rev this beta

in Revenant

Posted by: Corran.4957


lacking choice




….. meh.

Only thing i truelly enjoyed was mallyx Unyeilding anguish. Could split groups apart in wvw and screw over the enemy … but always meant I died

The only ranged weapon is so slow hitting everything moves before attacks land, and if do land the dmg is weak.

Melee is rough, due to the fact there absolutely no way to apply protection/regen etc. No blocks. no invunrabilities… just nothing for sustained in melee.

The utilities do not make up to the fact you either locked into melee or range. Basically if you dont take hammer you cant do anything at range because you got no 900+ ranged dmg utilities on the legends.

Got no ranged weapon to pair with the offhand axe.

Need weapon swap – given that utilities do not give the variety needed compared to other classes that have no weapon swap it is necessary to allow Rev access. Take into account that with weaponskills using energy (as well as utilities using it), this will not make them overpowered but instead just give them the same options that others classes ALL have.

.as noted above
Engi can access kits so possible 25 skills available at once (30 if include medi kit) not including F1-5

Ele gets MINIMUM 25 skills available (4 attunements, 5 utility) but if they take up the option of conjured weapons that can increase dramatically (+10 weapon skills on the basic fgs/IceBow combo).

Rev gets – 5 weapon skills, 10 utilities so a total of 15. They have absolutely no versatility which is available to EVERY other class. I was truelly looking forward to playing the Rev but now I am quite disappointed.

I do realise that the class isnt finished, but no amount access to legends are going to help with this. I feel they need to either:

1) Increase number of legends can access (Dont like this as increases difficulty to balance and doesnt fix the issue unless some have 1200 range dmg utilites etc)

2) Weaponswap – from looks of things should not cause imbalance due to fact weaponskills use energy thus cant be spammed due to this + their innate timers.

Also to make it more balanced, given that it clearly meant to have the ability to go into melee also to make use of the legends abilities (notably mallyx) then weapons/legends that are not released need access to defensive abilities and boons.

Pick 2 words to describe Rev this beta

in Revenant

Posted by: Laraley.7695


clunky and underwhelming

Pick 2 words to describe Rev this beta

in Revenant

Posted by: Iozeph.5617


Lotro Runekeeper


Pick 2 words to describe Rev this beta

in Revenant

Posted by: TheFantasticGman.9451


Pick 2 words and give your single most wanted change.

Weak and sluggish.

Please change it so that healing tome auto-follows you, because manual movement is annoying as hell.

kittening kitten

Weapon swap.

Speaking from a PVE-only point of view…

Pick 2 words to describe Rev this beta

in Revenant

Posted by: Jordo.5913


Mallyx awful

15 chrs

Pick 2 words to describe Rev this beta

in Revenant

Posted by: nSan.4251


Needs Swiftness


Mallyx reliant


Jallis reliant


Totally Beta


Precursor Trollish

Pick 2 words to describe Rev this beta

in Revenant

Posted by: Maimakterion.5940


Pillowfisted lifegain

Pick 2 words to describe Rev this beta

in Revenant

Posted by: Tinni.4351


Interesting but…

My brain is shagging under the weight of changes… having six characters was not a good idea!

Pick 2 words to describe Rev this beta

in Revenant

Posted by: trlent.9607


Weak & Slow

Weak (Damage Pressure) + Slow (Low Mobility).

Blast Finishing the path for swiftness works slightly when stacked but on the run waiting for the path to build to get a blast off as you run off the tip from its short range is irritating to say the least. Leaps / rushes / gap closer absent. The range hammer KD might help a little but seriously on a warrior you can both close gap and then use the knock down

Pick 2 words to describe Rev this beta

in Revenant

Posted by: Vakrir.4829


Necro’s savior.

Pick 2 words to describe Rev this beta

in Revenant

Posted by: Aguri.2896


Drunken mesmer

Thats what it feels like when playing, it’s the clunkiest thing ever

I’m only here because sometimes I just like to watch things burn.

Pick 2 words to describe Rev this beta

in Revenant

Posted by: Ohoni.6057


Minimal versatility.

“If you spent as much time working on [some task] as
you spend complaining about it on the forums, you’d be
done by now.”

Pick 2 words to describe Rev this beta

in Revenant

Posted by: Iason Evan.3806

Iason Evan.3806

2 words? Didn’t preorder.

Leader of The Guernsey Milking Coalition [MiLk] Sanctum of Rall

Pick 2 words to describe Rev this beta

in Revenant

Posted by: Aguasatori.7236


Swiftness please.

And my most wanted change? Change staff back to a dps weapon.

Borlis Pass
[SBZY] Guild Leader

Pick 2 words to describe Rev this beta

in Revenant

Posted by: Khenzo.2465


You can’t describe it in two words.

It’s fun and interesting but it’s riddled with design flaws. : /

Pick 2 words to describe Rev this beta

in Revenant

Posted by: DeathPanel.8362


Needs Buffs


Pick 2 words to describe Rev this beta

in Revenant

Posted by: TheBlackLeech.9360


needs improvement.

Pick 2 words to describe Rev this beta

in Revenant

Posted by: Drennon.7190


Very Bad



Pick 2 words to describe Rev this beta

in Revenant

Posted by: fixit.7189


Really boring

No weapon swap is just snooze worthy gameplay; I rarely ever use more than 6 skills in combat with this class. Other weapon swap classes get upwards of 40 (ele)! Not so with rev. And then there is the right bar skills, there is zero choice at all…really? And then there is the traits…not much choice there either. So in end this is a low dps class with low support potential; they won’t save no one who is getting bursted + no boons which is crucial for support builds + little choice in skills/traits. It’s dull and not even that effective.

(edited by fixit.7189)

Pick 2 words to describe Rev this beta

in Revenant

Posted by: Fox.3469


Beautifull noodle.

I love the concept and the visuals. Gameplay needs work :p.

If you are looking for a cozy mature Dutch guild (EU) let me know.

Pick 2 words to describe Rev this beta

in Revenant

Posted by: Ark Bladesteele.2943

Ark Bladesteele.2943

Underpowered, interesting.

NSP’s resident crazy-eyed sylvari

Pick 2 words to describe Rev this beta

in Revenant

Posted by: Last Warrior Lord.7248

Last Warrior Lord.7248




Don’t need another support class, elementalist and guards got the covered.
Plus the Revenant support/healing is low and radius to small in centaur stance. No blocks, no regeneration and better/improve stability . Not impress with trait lines none works to better the current weapons or the stance (some trait lines help stances only on swap but not noticeable). Energy management needs to be better and the energy on weapons is holding the skills back even after the “recharge” which makes it pointless. Healing recharge is to long for what it offers which sometimes don’t help vs condition spam and stun, daze, and etc. Hammer skill 1 way to slow. Staff skill five needs to be lock on or ground target based skill; not forward motion which is easily avoidable, you don’t even have to dodge just your foe walking to the left or right will end up you missing. Skill 5 on axe seems buggy, not pulling target. Skill 2 on Mace seems slower to cast than skill 2 on guards Mace. Also, why no weapon swap? makes no sense for what is offered.

Even with all that it’s still interesting but not impressive. Just flashing with animations. Kind of disappointing and I hope this is not the complete offer of the class. I’m assuming Anet is holding the class back cause its beta. I don’t know we see.

(edited by Last Warrior Lord.7248)

Pick 2 words to describe Rev this beta

in Revenant

Posted by: DeathPanel.8362





Don’t need another support class, elementalist and guards got the covered.
Plus the Revenant support/healing is low and radius to small in centaur stance. No blocks, no regeneration and better/improve stability . Not impress with trait lines none works to better the current weapons or the stance (some trait lines help stances only on swap but not noticeable). Energy management need to be better and the energy on weapons is holding the skills back even after the “recharge” which makes it pointless. Healing recharge is to long for what it offers which sometimes don’t help vs condition spam and stun, daze, and etc. Hammer skill 1 way to slow. Staff skill five needs to be lock on or ground target based skill; not forward motion which is easily avoidable, you don’t even have to dodge just your foe walking to the left or right will end up you missing. Skill 5 on axe seems buggy, not pulling target. Skill 2 on Mace seems slower to cast than skill 2 on guard Mace.

Even with all that it’s still interesting but not impressive. Just flashing with animations. Kind of disappointing and I hope this is not the complete offer of the class. I’m assuming Anet is holding the class back cause its beta. I don’t know we see.

Slow and weak

is 3 words.

Pick 2 words to describe Rev this beta

in Revenant

Posted by: Last Warrior Lord.7248

Last Warrior Lord.7248




Don’t need another support class, elementalist and guards got the covered.
Plus the Revenant support/healing is low and radius to small in centaur stance. No blocks, no regeneration and better/improve stability . Not impress with trait lines none works to better the current weapons or the stance (some trait lines help stances only on swap but not noticeable). Energy management need to be better and the energy on weapons is holding the skills back even after the “recharge” which makes it pointless. Healing recharge is to long for what it offers which sometimes don’t help vs condition spam and stun, daze, and etc. Hammer skill 1 way to slow. Staff skill five needs to be lock on or ground target based skill; not forward motion which is easily avoidable, you don’t even have to dodge just your foe walking to the left or right will end up you missing. Skill 5 on axe seems buggy, not pulling target. Skill 2 on Mace seems slower to cast than skill 2 on guard Mace.

Even with all that it’s still interesting but not impressive. Just flashing with animations. Kind of disappointing and I hope this is not the complete offer of the class. I’m assuming Anet is holding the class back cause its beta. I don’t know we see.

Slow and weak

is 3 words.

Picked two words to describe it. Duh “slow” and “weak”.

Pick 2 words to describe Rev this beta

in Revenant

Posted by: Coldtart.4785


Condi Bunker.

Pick 2 words to describe Rev this beta

in Revenant

Posted by: CrimsonDX.4821


incomplete and potential

I look forward to playing the class again when all of the lines and weapons are complete.

Pick 2 words to describe Rev this beta

in Revenant

Posted by: rayn.7345


nope. nope.

Pick 2 words to describe Rev this beta

in Revenant

Posted by: drgast.1469


Unrealized potential