Please remove the ICD on Shared Empowerment

Please remove the ICD on Shared Empowerment

in Revenant

Posted by: JoshuaRAWR.4653



Warriors are able to stack 25 might on the group anyway, why not let Revenants do something similar?

Warrior 80 | Guardian 80 | Ranger 80 | Engineer 80 |
Thief 80 | Elementalist 80 | Mesmer 80 | Necromancer 80 | Revenant TBA

Please remove the ICD on Shared Empowerment

in Revenant

Posted by: Recursivision.2367


Let’s not. That wouldn’t be fun for anyone.

Please remove the ICD on Shared Empowerment

in Revenant

Posted by: Demented Yak.6105

Demented Yak.6105

Nah. I think we’re good boon-wise.

Please remove the ICD on Shared Empowerment

in Revenant

Posted by: Roy Cronacher

Roy Cronacher

Game Designer


This trait works differently then Phalanx Strength as that is personal applied might, this is any boon you apply triggers it. There needs to be an ICD since you can have many facets on at once pulsing out many boons, plus boons from traits. that would mean it would trigger multiple times per facet and with multiple facets active it would mean potentially like 20-25 might stacks AOE every 3s. If anything, we could tweak duration or stacks if it doesn’t feel good enough when you all get a chance to play it.

Twitter: @RoyCronacher
I work on systems, combat, skills, and balance.

Please remove the ICD on Shared Empowerment

in Revenant

Posted by: Jekkt.6045


If anything, we could tweak duration or stacks if it doesn’t feel good enough when you all get a chance to play it.

roy, would you please share your way of thinking with the other devs? i feel like some of the others would definitely profit from this, and the classes they work on too^^

Ex player of PeanutButterJellyTime, Heavenly Annoying and Visceral Gaming.

Please remove the ICD on Shared Empowerment

in Revenant

Posted by: Kidel.2057


How much is the icd currently?

Please remove the ICD on Shared Empowerment

in Revenant

Posted by: Recursivision.2367


How much is the icd currently?

1 second.

Please remove the ICD on Shared Empowerment

in Revenant

Posted by: Kidel.2057


so if you activate 2 upkeeps with 1 second delay from each other you basically get only around 2 stacks of might, right? Or you get 10 because of 5 targets? The tooltip says “Number of Targets: 5” for a reason I guess, but it’s hard to tell, since if it has an icd then only the first application counts, or it has a window?

If it’s 2 then it’s pretty low.
If it’s 10 for just 2 upkeeps then it’s nice.

(edited by Kidel.2057)

Please remove the ICD on Shared Empowerment

in Revenant

Posted by: Misguided.5139


Yeah, definitely planning to look at this when we get to test. I have a feeling a bit of a duration increase will be a big help.

Please remove the ICD on Shared Empowerment

in Revenant

Posted by: Ark Bladesteele.2943

Ark Bladesteele.2943

A 10s duration would make it much more palatable.

NSP’s resident crazy-eyed sylvari

Please remove the ICD on Shared Empowerment

in Revenant

Posted by: Roy Cronacher


Roy Cronacher

Game Designer


If anything, we could tweak duration or stacks if it doesn’t feel good enough when you all get a chance to play it.

roy, would you please share your way of thinking with the other devs? i feel like some of the others would definitely profit from this, and the classes they work on too^^

I do. All of us on working on skills sit together, are all in the same meeting, etc. I’m involved in basically all things involving player combat. We always aim to constantly improve ourselves and our designs.

Twitter: @RoyCronacher
I work on systems, combat, skills, and balance.

Please remove the ICD on Shared Empowerment

in Revenant

Posted by: Misguided.5139


The Reaper trait Chilling Force has a similar design with a 1s icd and also very short might stacks (5s). Hopefully both will get a bit of a duration increase. It’s great to be able to stack might in a hurry, but if you have to constantly maintain it, there’s no time to do anything but focus on that.

Please remove the ICD on Shared Empowerment

in Revenant

Posted by: DiogoSilva.7089


5s/ 1s CD might duration traits are usually underwhelming at might stacking (I’m looking at you, guardian’s Empowering Might), but the good thing about this trait, is that you can very easily maintain 5 stacks of might party-wide (unlike those traits that depend on critical hits and, therefore, can only give 2-3 at best). Besides, there’s facet of nature to boost it, right?

That being said, I don’t think 5 seconds makes it very exciting, especially when Phalanx Strength exists. I’d rather it be between 6 (I know, that’s just 1 second more) and 8 seconds, at the very least.

Please remove the ICD on Shared Empowerment

in Revenant

Posted by: Kidel.2057


If anything, we could tweak duration or stacks if it doesn’t feel good enough when you all get a chance to play it.

roy, would you please share your way of thinking with the other devs? i feel like some of the others would definitely profit from this, and the classes they work on too^^

I do. All of us on working on skills sit together, are all in the same meeting, etc. I’m involved in basically all things involving player combat. We always aim to constantly improve ourselves and our designs.

Roy, can you please explain the “Number of Targets: 5” in the tooltip? How does it work with the 1s icd?
Does it mean that we can get up to 5 stacks of might every 1s?

Please remove the ICD on Shared Empowerment

in Revenant

Posted by: Roy Cronacher


Roy Cronacher

Game Designer


If anything, we could tweak duration or stacks if it doesn’t feel good enough when you all get a chance to play it.

roy, would you please share your way of thinking with the other devs? i feel like some of the others would definitely profit from this, and the classes they work on too^^

I do. All of us on working on skills sit together, are all in the same meeting, etc. I’m involved in basically all things involving player combat. We always aim to constantly improve ourselves and our designs.

Roy, can you please explain the “Number of Targets: 5” in the tooltip? How does it work with the 1s icd?
Does it mean that we can get up to 5 stacks of might every 1s?

Number of targets is how many targets the skill or trait affects. In the case of this trait; it’s AOE might so when it happens so it would be applying might up to 5 targets depending on how many allies are within the radius.

Twitter: @RoyCronacher
I work on systems, combat, skills, and balance.

Please remove the ICD on Shared Empowerment

in Revenant

Posted by: Kidel.2057


oh, right, it’s not selfmight, thanks for the reply.
Then it may be a bit too low :\

It’s a bit offtopic, but it has been datamined that Warrior’s elite spec will have a Berserker stance with +33% movement speed, aoe taunt and defiance bar.
If that’s confirmed, can we expect an energy cost reduction on Jalis chain skill? 50 energy for a single target taunt seems a lot. Also shield #5 without lock (being able to move) at least on the GM trait. It’s not fun to be locked in place “randomly”.

(edited by Kidel.2057)

Please remove the ICD on Shared Empowerment

in Revenant

Posted by: Kidel.2057


Assuming we manage to delay upkeeps perfectly by 1s we only get from 2 stacks to 10.
But it’s not very funny to count seconds when activating skills. A solution for that may be adding the icd only for the same boon, so that 2 different boons don’t share the same icd.

Still the same might output, but at least we can use skills more freely.

Otherwise if we activate upkeeps without waiting exactly 1s between them we only get might from 1 boon even if we’re giving 5 boons.

I don’t really want to count between skills xD

Or it could be 2 might every seconds for each active facet. we lose effect on facet of nature and jalis road, but we gain on QoL.

(edited by Kidel.2057)

Please remove the ICD on Shared Empowerment

in Revenant

Posted by: Rising Dusk.2408

Rising Dusk.2408

I appreciate the need for an ICD, but as it stands this trait is horribly useless with kitten duration Might. 10 seconds minimum is necessary for this to actually feel valuable and worth taking, and that’s assuming people have Facet of Nature activated to bring it to 15 seconds. If we wanted this to be a full DPS support in PvE, then it would need to last 15 seconds baseline so that between Facet of Strength and this a permanent 25 might could be built up over time at the cost of camping Glint as your legend.

[VZ] Valor Zeal – Stormbluff Isle – Looking for steady, casual-friendly NA raiders!

Please remove the ICD on Shared Empowerment

in Revenant

Posted by: TheFantasticGman.9451


If anything, we could tweak duration or stacks if it doesn’t feel good enough when you all get a chance to play it.

roy, would you please share your way of thinking with the other devs? i feel like some of the others would definitely profit from this, and the classes they work on too^^

I do. All of us on working on skills sit together, are all in the same meeting, etc. I’m involved in basically all things involving player combat. We always aim to constantly improve ourselves and our designs.

You say “all of us” but y’all must doing it while the Ranger Dev is dropping deuces.

Speaking from a PVE-only point of view…

Please remove the ICD on Shared Empowerment

in Revenant

Posted by: Tristan.5678


This trait works differently then Phalanx Strength as that is personal applied might, this is any boon you apply triggers it. There needs to be an ICD since you can have many facets on at once pulsing out many boons, plus boons from traits. that would mean it would trigger multiple times per facet and with multiple facets active it would mean potentially like 20-25 might stacks AOE every 3s. If anything, we could tweak duration or stacks if it doesn’t feel good enough when you all get a chance to play it.

I want Roy as dev for each class especially for Necros))

Please remove the ICD on Shared Empowerment

in Revenant

Posted by: Jekkt.6045


robert is already a very good dev for necro tbh.

back to the topic: might from the trait for 8-10seconds would be nice instead of the 5^^

Ex player of PeanutButterJellyTime, Heavenly Annoying and Visceral Gaming.

Please remove the ICD on Shared Empowerment

in Revenant

Posted by: Black Box.9312

Black Box.9312

Yeah, I kind of have to agree. I’ve never been very impressed with Empowering Might on Guardian either. I get the idea of wanting to avoid might stacking overload, but 5s of might every 1 second is pretty underwhelming. Either the duration should be increased, or (the more practical option IMO because of the Herald’s extended boon duration) it should apply more than one stack per boon application.

And while you’re at it, can Empowering Might get a little bit of love too? I’d love to be able to make a might stacking Guardian build but it’s just too ineffective.

Please remove the ICD on Shared Empowerment

in Revenant

Posted by: Taverius.8645


This trait works differently then Phalanx Strength as that is personal applied might, this is any boon you apply triggers it. There needs to be an ICD since you can have many facets on at once pulsing out many boons, plus boons from traits. that would mean it would trigger multiple times per facet and with multiple facets active it would mean potentially like 20-25 might stacks AOE every 3s. If anything, we could tweak duration or stacks if it doesn’t feel good enough when you all get a chance to play it.

Well, with a 1s ICD and its current durations realistically you’ll only trigger that 2 times every 3 seconds, that comes to 3.25 stacks of might upkeep, at the cost of -3/-4 degen (2 facets intentionally spaced out in activation time), or 4.8 stacks with -5/-6 degen if you also have Nature up.

Compare it to the Guardian Honor Empowering Might, which is 4.5 might at the cost of attacking your target.

Personally I think this would be the perfect trait for the tech Chilling Nova was using back when Reaper was first shown on stream – ‘can only trigger X times in a Y second window’.

Otherwise any use with a normal ICD will penalize people who aren’t omniscient and can’t see with the power of the mind the exact time when the server gets the message to turn on the facet.

Rock Paper Signet – Gunnar’s Hold EU
Gather ALL the things! \o/
Ranger Bugs List

Please remove the ICD on Shared Empowerment

in Revenant

Posted by: Zenith.7301


This trait works differently then Phalanx Strength as that is personal applied might, this is any boon you apply triggers it. There needs to be an ICD since you can have many facets on at once pulsing out many boons, plus boons from traits. that would mean it would trigger multiple times per facet and with multiple facets active it would mean potentially like 20-25 might stacks AOE every 3s. If anything, we could tweak duration or stacks if it doesn’t feel good enough when you all get a chance to play it.

All it takes a warrior is a single 100 blades and the group is sitting at 20-25 might stacks permanently as the might doesn’t run out before the next 100b is up.

I don’t think you guys understand how overpowered forceful greatsword with phalanx strength is, especially with a warrior wearing runes of strength.

Please remove the ICD on Shared Empowerment

in Revenant

Posted by: Tristan.5678


1. remove energy cost on facet of nature as it is our F2 Butter and bread Facet
2. Then test and see if Rev. can stack 25 might if not, add 1 sec to base boon duration of Shared Empowerment so until you get optional boom duration so that Rev can hold 24/25 Stacks
I agree without ICD it would be extremely OP in WVW in SPVP
…..I would love this change

Please remove the ICD on Shared Empowerment

in Revenant

Posted by: Knox.8962


All it takes a warrior is a single 100 blades and the group is sitting at 20-25 might stacks permanently as the might doesn’t run out before the next 100b is up.

I don’t think you guys understand how overpowered forceful greatsword with phalanx strength is, especially with a warrior wearing runes of strength.

You’re comparing a warrior with Strength Runes, and a Strength Sigil, who is forced into 2 specific trait lines, locked into 1 GM trait and 1 Master trait, and forced to use a single weapon basically full time (and usually forced to pick up the might on crit food to keep up 25 stacks) vs. a single Master trait that will allow you to use any weapon you want and also applies might to yourself, in addition to your teammates.

Just using STR runes and channeling Impossible Odds will get you up to 8 might stacks AoE (including yourself) in addition to whatever might you’re applying to yourself already. That isn’t bad at all for a master tier trait.

Please remove the ICD on Shared Empowerment

in Revenant

Posted by: JoshuaRAWR.4653


All it takes a warrior is a single 100 blades and the group is sitting at 20-25 might stacks permanently as the might doesn’t run out before the next 100b is up.

I don’t think you guys understand how overpowered forceful greatsword with phalanx strength is, especially with a warrior wearing runes of strength.

You’re comparing a warrior with Strength Runes, and a Strength Sigil, who is forced into 2 specific trait lines, locked into 1 GM trait and 1 Master trait, and forced to use a single weapon basically full time (and usually forced to pick up the might on crit food to keep up 25 stacks) vs. a single Master trait that will allow you to use any weapon you want and also applies might to yourself, in addition to your teammates.

Just using STR runes and channeling Impossible Odds will get you up to 8 might stacks AoE (including yourself) in addition to whatever might you’re applying to yourself already. That isn’t bad at all for a master tier trait.

Opposed to the Revenant being forced to camp in Glint and manage with either 0 or 1 energy upkeep, potentially forcing them to auto attack and nothing else.

Also don’t forget that the Revenant would need to wear and utilize strength runes and sigils as well.

I wouldn’t say warriors are forced into two trait lines either, more so, just two traits, as the two trait lines are taken by non-phalanx warriors anyway as they provide the highest amount of damage modifiers.

Warrior 80 | Guardian 80 | Ranger 80 | Engineer 80 |
Thief 80 | Elementalist 80 | Mesmer 80 | Necromancer 80 | Revenant TBA

(edited by JoshuaRAWR.4653)

Please remove the ICD on Shared Empowerment

in Revenant

Posted by: Knox.8962


You’re comparing a warrior with Strength Runes, and a Strength Sigil, who is forced into 2 specific trait lines, locked into 1 GM trait and 1 Master trait, and forced to use a single weapon basically full time (and usually forced to pick up the might on crit food to keep up 25 stacks) vs. a single Master trait that will allow you to use any weapon you want and also applies might to yourself, in addition to your teammates.

Just using STR runes and channeling Impossible Odds will get you up to 8 might stacks AoE (including yourself) in addition to whatever might you’re applying to yourself already. That isn’t bad at all for a master tier trait.

Opposed to the Revenant being forced to camp in Glint and manage with either 0 or 1 energy upkeep, potentially forcing them to auto attack and nothing else.

Also don’t forget that the Revenant would need to wear and utilize strength runes and sigils as well.

I wouldn’t say warriors are forced into two trait lines either, more so, just two traits, as the two trait lines are taken by non-phalanx warriors anyway as they provide the highest amount of damage modifiers.

I must have missed the non-glint skills that provide boons:

  • Unrelenting Assault
  • Envoy of Exuberance
  • Impossible Odds
  • Pain Absorption
  • Soothing Stone
  • Inspiring Reinforcement

I also must have missed the following traits that apply boons:

  • Nefarious Momentum
  • Demonic Defiance
  • Unwavering Avoidance
  • Redeeming Protection
  • Retaliatory Evasion
  • Empowering Vengeance
  • Nourishing Roots
  • Tranquil Benediction
  • Invoker’s Rage
  • Incensed Response
  • Charged Mists

Not to mention any number of runes that apply boons to you or a Strength sigil of your own. Or any food that applies a buff to you. Or anything that applies any buff to anyone basically ever.

A rev can basically run this trait with any legend and any weapon to some level of effectiveness. It is a good trait. It shouldn’t be on the same level as Phalanx Strength, but it will stack a fair amount of might if you invest in it. You can basically run this trait without giving up any damage in your max DPS setup and hand out 6-7 stacks of AoE might permanently. You don’t even need to use the glint legend to pull that off.

Please remove the ICD on Shared Empowerment

in Revenant

Posted by: JoshuaRAWR.4653


You just listed all those traits and utilities that will require the Revenant to be focused in applying his stacks of might, it won’t be a warrior literally just pushing 2 and providing 25 stacks of might to the group, so I’m not entirely sure where the problem is on this one.

This is from someone who mains a phalanx warrior.

Also a revenant wouldn’t be capable of providing arguably one of the strongest utilities in game, warbanner.

Warrior 80 | Guardian 80 | Ranger 80 | Engineer 80 |
Thief 80 | Elementalist 80 | Mesmer 80 | Necromancer 80 | Revenant TBA

Please remove the ICD on Shared Empowerment

in Revenant

Posted by: Knox.8962


I’m saying there are a ton of skills and traits that a rev can use to do “stuff besides applying might” that will allow them to stack up a non-trivial level of might on themselves AND the party. This trait isn’t intended to replace a PS warrior. It is more analogous to Empowering might for a guardian, which it looks pretty good when compared to. If anything, PS warrior is too easy to stack might on, and could stand to be brought down a little bit so they can’t cover the might stacking needs of an entire party.

If you look at Shared Empowerment without comparing it to the massive investment in PS, it is a single trait that can pretty easily stack up 5 might on the entire party. That makes it roughly equivalent to Empower Allies AND a +150 condition damage boon on everyone around. That is quite strong for a master tier trait.

Would it be more effective if it had a 15s duration? Sure it would. It would also be more effective if my F2 skill just instantly killed every hostile target within 3000 range, but that doesn’t mean it would be anywhere near balanced.

Please remove the ICD on Shared Empowerment

in Revenant

Posted by: Zenith.7301


I’m saying there are a ton of skills and traits that a rev can use to do “stuff besides applying might” that will allow them to stack up a non-trivial level of might on themselves AND the party. This trait isn’t intended to replace a PS warrior. It is more analogous to Empowering might for a guardian, which it looks pretty good when compared to. If anything, PS warrior is too easy to stack might on, and could stand to be brought down a little bit so they can’t cover the might stacking needs of an entire party.

If you look at Shared Empowerment without comparing it to the massive investment in PS, it is a single trait that can pretty easily stack up 5 might on the entire party. That makes it roughly equivalent to Empower Allies AND a +150 condition damage boon on everyone around. That is quite strong for a master tier trait.

Would it be more effective if it had a 15s duration? Sure it would. It would also be more effective if my F2 skill just instantly killed every hostile target within 3000 range, but that doesn’t mean it would be anywhere near balanced.

So long as PSEA warrior exists, any class won’t take any trait to stack might on PvE, warrior makes them redundant.

I mean, a warrior specced that way does maximum PvE damage, stacks 25 might stacks permanently with a single button for the group, brings 170 power, 170 condi damage, 170 precision, 170 ferocity (banners), and 150 extra power from empower allies.

That is just an absurd amount of group utility. No class except elementalist can compete with that. Warrior stacks easy perma might, ele stacks easy perma fury with persisting flames.

Either PSEA warrior and ele need to be brought down in terms of boon generation and uptime, or the other classes need to be brought up.

And it’s not like the warrior speccing for those lines sacrifices anything in PvE. The other traitlines are useless from a damage perspective. The warrior in a PSEA build gets all his required damage modifiers, might stacking, and greatsword traits.

P.S. It is not remotely equivalent to Empower Allies. For one, might has a cap, which means the revenant trait is useless with a PSEA warrior or eles around. Empower Allies, however, stacks with might capping AND the 170 power bonus from banners.

(edited by Zenith.7301)

Please remove the ICD on Shared Empowerment

in Revenant

Posted by: Knox.8962


I’m fully aware of the ability to stack might on PS warriors. It isn’t like it is news to people that they do that amazingly well. I’ve also been very clear that this trait shouldn’t be compared to PS. It is a master tier trait that provides might to a group. Not everyone runs in a group with a PS warrior at all times, and this trait evaluated on merit alone is quite strong.

If you’d like to make an argument for nerfing might stacking with PS, I’d certainly be willing to hear that as I think it is absurd that one class can singlehandedly keep up 25 might on an entire group without sacrificing a ton of DPS to do so.

I’m also in favor of gutting banners as they exist today, because as long as they are the sole source of those buffs, any group that doesn’t have a warrior dropping banners is going to be significantly sub-optimal (which will be a big problem if we ever see truly challenging content). That means any group attempting “challenging content” will basically be comprised of 20% warriors for the buffs they provide.

Please remove the ICD on Shared Empowerment

in Revenant

Posted by: Zenith.7301


I’m fully aware of the ability to stack might on PS warriors. It isn’t like it is news to people that they do that amazingly well. I’ve also been very clear that this trait shouldn’t be compared to PS. It is a master tier trait that provides might to a group. Not everyone runs in a group with a PS warrior at all times, and this trait evaluated on merit alone is quite strong.

If you’d like to make an argument for nerfing might stacking with PS, I’d certainly be willing to hear that as I think it is absurd that one class can singlehandedly keep up 25 might on an entire group without sacrificing a ton of DPS to do so.

I’m also in favor of gutting banners as they exist today, because as long as they are the sole source of those buffs, any group that doesn’t have a warrior dropping banners is going to be significantly sub-optimal (which will be a big problem if we ever see truly challenging content). That means any group attempting “challenging content” will basically be comprised of 20% warriors for the buffs they provide.

Fair enough, although I’d say the position of a trait is meaningless. Whether it be adept/major/grandmaster, you are committed to the entire traitline now so as long as you choose the line, you are getting 3 traits.

Please remove the ICD on Shared Empowerment

in Revenant

Posted by: Gaaroth.2567


This trait works differently then Phalanx Strength as that is personal applied might, this is any boon you apply triggers it. There needs to be an ICD since you can have many facets on at once pulsing out many boons, plus boons from traits. that would mean it would trigger multiple times per facet and with multiple facets active it would mean potentially like 20-25 might stacks AOE every 3s. If anything, we could tweak duration or stacks if it doesn’t feel good enough when you all get a chance to play it.

Yeah i understand is tricky..but wiuld be nice to be able to sorta replace warriors in this aspect…only way to break the meta is that at least 2 classes can cover the same role, even with different takes.
Anyway in Roy we trust

Tempest & Druid
Wat r u, casul?

Please remove the ICD on Shared Empowerment

in Revenant

Posted by: skowcia.8257


Dont you guys think that its not a problem with revenant, but with warrior overpowered PS? I mean guardian has similiar trait also on 1icd which doesnt get used at all due to PS.

obey me

Please remove the ICD on Shared Empowerment

in Revenant

Posted by: Taverius.8645


You can basically run this trait without giving up any damage in your max DPS setup and hand out 6-7 stacks of AoE might permanently. You don’t even need to use the glint legend to pull that off.

2-3 might. Its only 5 seconds of might, 2 times every 3 seconds at most.

Rock Paper Signet – Gunnar’s Hold EU
Gather ALL the things! \o/
Ranger Bugs List

Please remove the ICD on Shared Empowerment

in Revenant

Posted by: Knox.8962


You can basically run this trait without giving up any damage in your max DPS setup and hand out 6-7 stacks of AoE might permanently. You don’t even need to use the glint legend to pull that off.

2-3 might. Its only 5 seconds of might, 2 times every 3 seconds at most.

If you use Impossible Odds for DPS (you should), you’ll be putting up 5.75s of might every second without any runes or food. Just putting on a strength sigil will proc several even if you aren’t applying any other boons. The Golden Dumplings should be enough to proc the trait on cooldown.

Just using a STR sigil and STR runes will get you up close to 8 stacks of might. Glint aspects aren’t the only way to proc the trait.

Please remove the ICD on Shared Empowerment

in Revenant

Posted by: Black Box.9312

Black Box.9312

I’m fully aware of the ability to stack might on PS warriors. It isn’t like it is news to people that they do that amazingly well. I’ve also been very clear that this trait shouldn’t be compared to PS. It is a master tier trait that provides might to a group. Not everyone runs in a group with a PS warrior at all times, and this trait evaluated on merit alone is quite strong.

If you’d like to make an argument for nerfing might stacking with PS, I’d certainly be willing to hear that as I think it is absurd that one class can singlehandedly keep up 25 might on an entire group without sacrificing a ton of DPS to do so.

I’m also in favor of gutting banners as they exist today, because as long as they are the sole source of those buffs, any group that doesn’t have a warrior dropping banners is going to be significantly sub-optimal (which will be a big problem if we ever see truly challenging content). That means any group attempting “challenging content” will basically be comprised of 20% warriors for the buffs they provide.

I think this is really more the problem, honestly. It’s not so much that it’s too hard to keep up might stacking on other classes as it is just far too easy for Warrior and Ele to do so. It helps trivialize PvE content and throws off balance in PvP. While I still think that 5s might every 1 second is a bit meh, it’d be more productive to first nerf things like PS and the duration of fire blasted might.

Please remove the ICD on Shared Empowerment

in Revenant

Posted by: Misguided.5139


If you use Impossible Odds for DPS (you should), you’ll be putting up 5.75s of might every second without any runes or food.

I don’t plan to run Shiro at all, but regardless, if a trait requires an expensive energy skill to go from ehhh to decent, then the trait seems inherently flawed.

Please remove the ICD on Shared Empowerment

in Revenant

Posted by: Taverius.8645


You can basically run this trait without giving up any damage in your max DPS setup and hand out 6-7 stacks of AoE might permanently. You don’t even need to use the glint legend to pull that off.

2-3 might. Its only 5 seconds of might, 2 times every 3 seconds at most.

If you use Impossible Odds for DPS (you should), you’ll be putting up 5.75s of might every second without any runes or food. Just putting on a strength sigil will proc several even if you aren’t applying any other boons. The Golden Dumplings should be enough to proc the trait on cooldown.

Just using a STR sigil and STR runes will get you up close to 8 stacks of might. Glint aspects aren’t the only way to proc the trait.

Impossible odds doesn’t apply boons to allies, so it doesn’t proc the trait.

Rock Paper Signet – Gunnar’s Hold EU
Gather ALL the things! \o/
Ranger Bugs List

Please remove the ICD on Shared Empowerment

in Revenant

Posted by: Knox.8962


It applies boons to you. Assuming that you count as an ally like you do for Altruistic Healing, you should proc it.

Please remove the ICD on Shared Empowerment

in Revenant

Posted by: Zenith.7301


Using Impossible Odds is questionable as well based on whether chronomancer will be able to provide sufficient quickness. With 2x time warp, 2x well of action, and signet of inspiration, most bosses will be dead before your quickness uptime wears off.

And in general, the Shiro legend is not very good in PvE, it has mostly single target and mobility skills. Most people will probably resort to Glint and Jalis/Ventari legends for the group utility in PvE.

Please remove the ICD on Shared Empowerment

in Revenant

Posted by: Roy Cronacher


Roy Cronacher

Game Designer

You can basically run this trait without giving up any damage in your max DPS setup and hand out 6-7 stacks of AoE might permanently. You don’t even need to use the glint legend to pull that off.

2-3 might. Its only 5 seconds of might, 2 times every 3 seconds at most.

If you use Impossible Odds for DPS (you should), you’ll be putting up 5.75s of might every second without any runes or food. Just putting on a strength sigil will proc several even if you aren’t applying any other boons. The Golden Dumplings should be enough to proc the trait on cooldown.

Just using a STR sigil and STR runes will get you up close to 8 stacks of might. Glint aspects aren’t the only way to proc the trait.

Impossible odds doesn’t apply boons to allies, so it doesn’t proc the trait.

You count as an ally like in the rest of our traits for professions. It’s just generally how we word descriptions.

Twitter: @RoyCronacher
I work on systems, combat, skills, and balance.

Please remove the ICD on Shared Empowerment

in Revenant

Posted by: Knox.8962


Using Impossible Odds is questionable as well based on whether chronomancer will be able to provide sufficient quickness. With 2x time warp, 2x well of action, and signet of inspiration, most bosses will be dead before your quickness uptime wears off.

And in general, the Shiro legend is not very good in PvE, it has mostly single target and mobility skills. Most people will probably resort to Glint and Jalis/Ventari legends for the group utility in PvE.

I’m just going to assume that in HoT bosses don’t fall over and hand out loot in under 30s.

Please remove the ICD on Shared Empowerment

in Revenant

Posted by: Zenith.7301


Using Impossible Odds is questionable as well based on whether chronomancer will be able to provide sufficient quickness. With 2x time warp, 2x well of action, and signet of inspiration, most bosses will be dead before your quickness uptime wears off.

And in general, the Shiro legend is not very good in PvE, it has mostly single target and mobility skills. Most people will probably resort to Glint and Jalis/Ventari legends for the group utility in PvE.

I’m just going to assume that in HoT bosses don’t fall over and hand out loot in under 30s.

I can only hope, but that presumes an immense HP sack, moreso than even fractal 50 bosses.

In the end they’re either going to have to give bosses more armor/condi resistance, or nerf the incredible synergy of 25 might stacks (still gives too large a damage increase for how easy it is to keep up) and 25% extra damage from vulnerability plus the ferocity stat on zerker/assassin toons.

Please remove the ICD on Shared Empowerment

in Revenant

Posted by: Misguided.5139


You know, the truth of the matter is that I want Shared Empowerment to be stronger because I don’t care for either of the other master traits. Maybe they could be improved. Like Infusing light on allies (not self, presumably) instead of protection for Bolstering Fortifications (a couple of seconds of protection doesn’t seem worth a trait to me. the duration could be shortened or radiant revival could be lengthened). Harmonize Continuity seems strong, but very situational.

(edited by Misguided.5139)

Please remove the ICD on Shared Empowerment

in Revenant

Posted by: Kidel.2057


Using Impossible Odds is questionable as well based on whether chronomancer will be able to provide sufficient quickness. With 2x time warp, 2x well of action, and signet of inspiration, most bosses will be dead before your quickness uptime wears off.

And in general, the Shiro legend is not very good in PvE, it has mostly single target and mobility skills. Most people will probably resort to Glint and Jalis/Ventari legends for the group utility in PvE.

I don’t really get why people say that Shiro is not good in PvE.

Life siphon, superspeed, quickness, 3s aoe stun, dodge+stunbreak+(some) condi removal, leap.

Honestly I find Shiro the most useful legend for pve. Maybe for some bosses you may want to swap to Jalis or Ventari (I think that’s what the class design is about), but Shiro is very useful for Verdant Brink, trash mobs and many bosses (Quickness is the best boon in the game).
And I believe we’ll get many bosses with defiance bar in hot.

Please remove the ICD on Shared Empowerment

in Revenant

Posted by: Zenith.7301


Using Impossible Odds is questionable as well based on whether chronomancer will be able to provide sufficient quickness. With 2x time warp, 2x well of action, and signet of inspiration, most bosses will be dead before your quickness uptime wears off.

And in general, the Shiro legend is not very good in PvE, it has mostly single target and mobility skills. Most people will probably resort to Glint and Jalis/Ventari legends for the group utility in PvE.

I don’t really get why people say that Shiro is not good in PvE.

Life siphon, superspeed, quickness, 3s aoe stun, dodge+stunbreak+(some) condi removal, leap.

Honestly I find Shiro the most useful legend for pve. Maybe for some bosses you may want to swap to Jalis or Ventari (I think that’s what the class design is about), but Shiro is very useful for Verdant Brink, trash mobs and many bosses (Quickness is the best boon in the game).
And I believe we’ll get many bosses with defiance bar in hot.

Superspeed is pretty much useless in a meta group, the mesmer will be porting you to the next location. Same applies for quickness, mesmer can give you 24 seconds via double time warp, and 7 seconds from wells, which he can copy onto allies for double gains with signet of inspiration.

So you’re stuck with a leapback stunbreak, not that great in pve, and your health siphon heal. Meanwhile Ventari provides projectile destruction and condi clears for the group; jalis provides aoe weakness+stability, a taunt+slow, and 20% reduced damage intake with the hammers.

Shiro’s traitline is pretty great for PvE, in fact it’s our best one followed by Invocation. It’s just the shiro utilities that are not amazing. Doesn’t mean you won’t use it at some point, but in a game all about boosting the group’s offensive and defensive potential, shiro is a very selfish legend.

(edited by Zenith.7301)

Please remove the ICD on Shared Empowerment

in Revenant

Posted by: Kidel.2057


do you mind a question? Since when PvE = dungeons or meta group?
good thing I directly mentioned “Verdant Brink” and “trash mobs”. I should probably also add exploration, solo play, pug groups, group events and so on.

Please remove the ICD on Shared Empowerment

in Revenant

Posted by: Knox.8962


I’m sticking with the assumption that anything that is considered “Challenging Group Content” won’t be over in 30s or less.