Rev From Warrior Stand Point

Rev From Warrior Stand Point

in Revenant

Posted by: emkelly.2371


When the Revenant was first Introduced, they instantly stole everything that was great about he warrior. Heavy armor, front line, power builds with high sustain. Quite justly, they were nerfed, and nerfed hard. and eventually warrior regained their status as a viable class if not the “Ferrari” of front line brawlers. but that when things fot bad for the Revenant. The nerfs did not stop at balanced, they blew right past balanced and went strait to under-powered. If warriors are the "Ferrari’ of front line heavy armor classes, then Revenant has become the “Fiero” of Front liners. They switched places with the warrior, because warrior was fixed after Revenant had been nerfed to be level with the “under-powered” warrior.

Revenant Overview (from warrior stand point)

  • Great damage both Condi and Power
  • Fair sustain from direct damage
  • Not enough ways to deal with conditions.
  • Only one viable build means no variety
  • A lack of reason to use any of their other Legends

Things that would fix this

  • Do not buff power by that i mean damage output, its fine.
  • Improve Dwarf and centaur stances. by reducing the energy costs for the utilities of these skills.
  • Give them back resistance.
  • Instead of cleansing when swapping legends, cleanse and gain resistance for 3s….when the swap weapons! not when the swap legends. Swapping legends counts as a weapon swap. so that gives them an extra cleanse.

Keep in mind that this is just from my point of view. There are several other things that can be changed, but this i feel would allow revs to be more interesting.

[edit, just thought of something] is there a reason why both Legend skills, and weapon skills use energy. Why can’t weapon skills have natural cooldowns and legend utilities use energy. i mean, a thief’s utilities don’t use initiative….soooo

(edited by emkelly.2371)

Rev From Warrior Stand Point

in Revenant

Posted by: Euthymias.7984


I agree with your sentiments.
Ventari/Jalis do still need some fixes and improvements, as does Mallyx and its traitline. I doubt they’d give us a weapon swap trait, but I wouldn’t mind seeing Resistance on Legend Swap added in Invocation.

As for why weapon skills cost energy and have cooldowns? Who knows why its like this. I’d rather just deal with cooldowns on weapons without energy cost and leave energy drain to utility/elites. with low/no cooldowns. At least that would justify their current costs some.

I also think something needs to be done to Crystal Hibernation/Soothing Bastion. Its bad enough that a shield skill roots you in place with all the unblockables flying around these days, and the heal’s been gutted. The trait’s also not that great since it can trigger at a bad time and root you. Meanwhile, Warriors and Mesmers can move about freely with their defenses…

If we’re meant to be stuck this way, at least Soothing Bastion should reduce Shield recharge and have some additional effect. Maybe gaining small healing for every attack you block or something. Anything from what it currently is.

(edited by Euthymias.7984)

Rev From Warrior Stand Point

in Revenant

Posted by: Ilias.8647


All in all… 3 things are extra urgent for Rev…

1) Fixes to the numerous bugs
2) Improvements to most legends (even the most popular shiro and glint have issues)
3) Means to deal with condis

As Euthymias mentioned, Crystal Hybernation/Soothing Bastion as it removes your mobility and gives you too little to compensate. Unblockables, and some AoE can take advantage of it too easily.

Currently residing on … Gandara[EU]

Rev From Warrior Stand Point

in Revenant

Posted by: emkelly.2371


About the sheild block. they changed the engineer’s sheild block why they even considered making another one that roots you is beyond me. Not to mention that if you are in a well (or any thing that places condi’s) you are just giving the opponent the free stacks. it is a completely stupid skill.

Rev From Warrior Stand Point

in Revenant

Posted by: MercenaryNote.8506


I feel like it should be: every time you block an attack with soothing bastion, reduce the recharge time of shield skills by 2 seconds up to a max of 10 seconds

Rev From Warrior Stand Point

in Revenant

Posted by: Cecilia.5179


Oh snap, the fiero of front liners. That is… a burn! rofl
Why not cleanse on swap so it procs on both?

Necromancer Rights Advocate
Restart WvW:

(edited by Cecilia.5179)

Rev From Warrior Stand Point

in Revenant

Posted by: Burtnik.5218


About the sheild block. they changed the engineer’s sheild block why they even considered making another one that roots you is beyond me. Not to mention that if you are in a well (or any thing that places condi’s) you are just giving the opponent the free stacks. it is a completely stupid skill.

They made it selfroot cause it healed for high amount. Now shield is a joke

Salt, salt, moar salt. So salty like fries from McDonald!
Playing Smite since mid s2, f broken gw2.

Rev From Warrior Stand Point

in Revenant

Posted by: Illuzion.3576


Anet knows balancing? I’m surprised.