Rev in spvp
You +1 and focus pressure, since a rev’s burst is quite something. Due to evade frames you can go through your burst rotations, then get out of dodge before you are loaded with condi’s.
When 1v1, you pick your fights, don’t go into a 1v1 fight that you can’t win. But that’s pretty much spvp 101 really for all classes. Revs are great at skirmishing though. You can catch people attempting to run away or rotating from point to point.
Rev can duel most meta builds, but if you’re struggling in some 1v1s you can just avoid them and go for teamfights or +1
use this build with runes of melandru sword/shield mace/axe.
vs engi/guard spam mallyx banish, vs necro/mes/condi war spam mallyx pain absorption
vs thief use glint gaze+aoe spam on your self, then mallyx embrace
If you’re against a power build, you can duel.
If you’re against a condi build, you may be able or not to duel. And in most of the situations you gonna take a long time to win, by kiting and such. But is still doable. Just straight up avoid condi chronos though.
Should I avoid 1v1?cuz its very hard to take down a tanky class like engi,specially when it is a class that applies tons of conditions.
Im also having some problems to kill thieves,since they can dodge forever,making it hard to land anything.
What would you guys say is the rev role in spvp?
Thieves should be your easiest kills, since you barely NEED to land anything. The thing is you need to react fast if you are jumped on by a thief. If you let them, they will drop your health very fast.
So, when attacked by a thief:
-Immediately block them. Staff #3 or Shield #5. They will waste one or two attacks on it.
-If you are in Glint and have your upkeeps on, drop them all into your location, then swap to Shiro.
-If they are a staff-thief/Bounding Dodger, dodge backwards, wait for their dodge/vault to land in front of you, then use Surge of the Mists(staff #5). There’s a fairly good window between these attacks which you need to hit. If you hit squarely, this fight is done.
-If you miss SotM, or they are another kind of thief, use Enchanted Daggers(Shiro #6) + Unrelenting Assault(Sword #3). 2 hits should be enough to drop them below 50% hp which will cause them to either leave or try to reset.
-Don’t let them do that, if you are still 1v1. Follow with Riposting Shadows if they shadowstep away, then Precision Strike/AA them to death. Sword is preferred here. Use Unrelenting Assault when off cd.
Revenant’s role in pvp? DPS, CC and avoiding damage. Your heals are not good, so when you can, avoid taking damage in the first place. Enchanted Daggers shouldn’t even be classified as a heal, it’s a DPS boost. Healing from your shield is also more reliable than healing from Glint. Glint heal should be reserved for when you have a ton of condis/you are sitting in DH traps.
SotM combos well with you CC, try to use it when you can guarantee a solid hit, like after using either of your elites.
Preventing enemy stomps/resses with said elites/SotM is also a good tactic.
Sonya for females. (necro,rev,ranger,mes,engi)
All classes lvl 80.
use this build with runes of melandru sword/shield mace/axe.
vs engi/guard spam mallyx banish, vs necro/mes/condi war spam mallyx pain absorptionvs thief use glint gaze+aoe spam on your self, then mallyx embrace
Melandru runes? I would think leadership is the best for the boon duration so that your resistance uptime is really high.
“Buff my main class, nerf everything else. "
Anyone here could write pages explaining how to take down different classes 1 on 1 but most of it wont mean anything to you. The best thing is no dont avoid them, keep fighting and get your kitten beat until you figure out how to fight them.
I suggest only dueling for a few weeks. Start with new people till you get a handle on using your skills then fight legendary champs and legend division players on their mains. Lose until you are no longer afraid of losing.
use this build with runes of melandru sword/shield mace/axe.
vs engi/guard spam mallyx banish, vs necro/mes/condi war spam mallyx pain absorptionvs thief use glint gaze+aoe spam on your self, then mallyx embrace
Melandru runes? I would think leadership is the best for the boon duration so that your resistance uptime is really high.
melandru reduceds stun durations which is a condi revs weakness vs warriors
also resistance boon can be stripped by necros and the cool down on the leader ship elite skill is too long while there is no cool down on melandru.