(edited by makagoto.1204)
Rev meant for use to not use skills often?
Well, yeah, if you don’t count all those other utilities or elites…
But, it’s fine according to their metrics as they released in the info graphic some time ago that 80% of players NEVER CHANGE THEIR UTILITIES.
but nothing special so far from the Rev skills compared to other class skills.
Im not sure if this is for real..
Many of rev abilities are really strong now, espesially jade winds and phase traversal.
Well, yeah, if you don’t count all those other utilities or elites…
But, it’s fine according to their metrics as they released in the info graphic some time ago that 80% of players NEVER CHANGE THEIR UTILITIES.
is not the same as
Well, yeah, if you don’t count all those other utilities or elites…
But, it’s fine according to their metrics as they released in the info graphic some time ago that 80% of players NEVER CHANGE THEIR UTILITIES.
I think this is thrown out of context and describes the actual pre revenant situation. For example i never change the utilities on my current guardian, because it’s the best way to play him for me. In the BWE with the revenant i had to switch the utilities for the heal alone all the time not to mention that the shiro heal skill worked well with those whirling hammers. Jalis elite helped me a lot out of the pinch and don’t forget every time you change legendaries you get back to 50 energy which is a lot if you had 0 energy left before the swap.
but nothing special so far from the Rev skills compared to other class skills.
Im not sure if this is for real..
Many of rev abilities are really strong now, espesially jade winds and phase traversal.
I agree with you but you have to keep in mind Shiro is the most balanced legend after Glint.
As for it’s utility skills they have to be better than other professions because 1) we have just 20 utilities while other professions have more options, 2) it’s the profession mechanic, 3) they are quite situational, and Ventari and Jalis are not in the best spot right now compared to the other 3 legends.
The best example again could be Shiro, the best 2 skills are JW and IO, and that’s just if you’re hitting a pinata like target on PvE, you actually need to think when it’s worth to burst the enemy down using either JW or IO in PvP, it’s not worth it to burn JW at the beginning of a fight because the other player will surely have a stunbreak availeable, it’s not worth it to burn IO either at the beginning of the fight because you’ll get most of it if you get your target below 50% HP before activating the upkeep, Phase Traversal is better if you save it up as most sword builds will run axe offhand instead of sword, and Frigid Blitz is a better option for gap closing since it has nice damage, decent range and a much lower cost, it however is perfect to burst down Engineers trying to Gear Shield or burst down Shelter guardians. I didn’t try to hit invulnerable foes but I think it won’t go through invulnerability.
Malyx, Glint and all the other stances are the same, they have the most valuable use if you learn when to use skills and how to manage your energy, the other professions have better oh kitten buttons even with cooldowns, also conditions and CC eat up Revenants unless they specifically build around that.