Rev power build pve
Personally, I go with…
Armor: Full Berserker. 6 Runes of the Scholar. Sigil of Force / Lightning on all weapons.
Weapons: Sword/Sword + Hammer. Though a lot of people run staff instead of hammer for CC, personally I always like having a ranged weapon option. The only mandatory thing is at least one main-hand sword. Use Dragon Stance and Dwarf Stance.
Devastation: Vicious Lacerations, Assassin’s Presence, Swift Termination.
Invocation: Cleansing Channel, Incensed Response, Rolling Mists
Herald: Radiant Revival, Shared Empowerment, Elder’s Focus
Use Precision Strikes when it is off cooldown.
Use Unrelenting Assault as a dodge, but also to gain might if you aren’t capped.
When roaming around, sit in dragon stance with all 3 utility facets up.
When you enter into a fight, activate facet of nature, pop off facet of elements, then immediately swap to dwarf and use vengeful hammers. Swap legends whenever possible, using Precision Strikes and Facet of Elements when they’re off cooldown.
All in all the rotation is fairly low maintenance. It is also highly consistent damage. There is actually a lot of leeway in how you play the class. For example:
If you’re by yourself, you can use Assassin’s Stance instead of Dwarf, using Impossible Odds to give yourself quickness. If you’re on a team that already peaks might and fury, you can use Facet of Chaos instead of the other ones to give everyone protection.