Rev's Hardest Counter?
As always it depends on your build, but usually revenant tends to be highly weak on heave CC and Condition application.
The current meta build (mallyx/shiro) aims, actually, to cover this weaknesses (mallyx for condis and shiro for CC) but even there, having the needed legend on cooldown pretty much means dead.
Funnily enough a daredevil (high CC and evades) would be an excellent counter for this build, but ain’t meta, while condi reaper is
Wat r u, casul?
Condi reapers can corrupt resistance and throw all your condis you hit them with back on to you. I’ve only played mallyx/rev against a team that doesn’t have a reaper. The boon corruption on it is absolutely amazing. My only beef with shiro/mallyx is the sustain is subpar compared to Shiro/Glint. Maybe its just me. But I tend to have an easier time rolling people with power shiro than I do condi. Even if I’m matched against other mallyx/shiro revs its easier for me to burst them down.
I agree, in fact for now i’m running too a shiro/glint build, just because i feel more confortable
Wat r u, casul?
That’s actually my bigger concern. Mallyx/Shiro I find isn’t too bad to deal with. It takes some skill and cleansing properly but it’s doable.
Shiro/Glint just has so much mitigation and immunity uptime with huge spikes in between that I’m struggling to find a way to fight remotely skilled ones. Due to their prevalence in WvW atm (I’d estimate around 70% of players in WvW are Shiro/Glint revs atm), hard-countering them directly in the absolutely most aggressive counter is imperative to survive. DD doesn’t quite do it due to UA hitting for an upwards of 30k and CoR hitting an upwards of 15k; it can dodge a lot, but as soon as you get into position to start hitting them, they seems to just pop another invuln.
It doesn’t matter the build or class, I just need the biggest baddest counterbuild possible. I have ascended sets sitting in the bank and 300 levels of tomes to pop for an instant counter. Right now the class is destroying WvW for a lot of people and so being able to kill them is a huge morale boost for many.
(edited by DeceiverX.8361)
Condi necro wrecks the current meta so hard with all the boon conversion. Dodge, get feared, use Mallyx get chilled. I once one shot a viper on my reaper with corrupt boons (terror + chill). There wasn’t a kitten thing he could do
revenant – Hoogles Von Boogles
Mesmer – hoogelz
Both the Celestial Reaper and Coniditon Carrion Frostfire meta builds will counter the rev in PvP, and their strength against the rev is different in 1v1 and in teamfights.
If you’re teamfighting and a reaper is on the opposite side, you have little to no chance of winning unless you have a power-heavy assist on your side to focus the reaper. In the current meta, it’s rare to come across allies that are running pure power, or marauder stats. That reaper, if he knows what’s good for him, will be focusing 100% of his tools and efforts to corrupt you and bring you down. they will chill you, weaken you, immob, corrupt, torment, poison, and continue to do so until you leave.
In that sort of teamfight, you can evade and leave a losing fight, or bait out the real damage dealers and take them out one by one. This usually means fighting off point though, which is bad.
1v1, a good rev who knows what tricks the necro is holding up its sleeve should know how to fight them. you still have the lesser hand since condi reaper is the direct counter to Rev, but it’s not impossible and it will be challenging. The reapers attacks are slow, telegraphed, and if you evade the largest attacks, you’re in the clear.
in teamfights, Necros have to use most of their condition tools to take down the Rev, which means once the rev is down, that necro is in an even worse spot as the rev it took down. That necro won’t have condition transfers available for a solid 10-20 seconds, no corruptions available, and only reaper shroud spiral/scythe to apply remaining condition pressure on the opponents. This is the best time to focus a reaper, as their toolset is depleted. That means any other condi build can freely 2-second drop them with a load of conditions.
Good scrappers will counter a revenant. Reapers while dangerous and deadly if you make a mistake, are from my experience not a counter.
counter? nothing, if you really want to say something, for mallyx shiro would be coordinated burst with thief.
shiro glint would be condition…
Hard counter, Condis, its how the class works.
No.2 Warrior NA/Irl behind Mr Kitten.7359
I’ve found that a well-played S/D thief is a great counter to the Rev, Condi, Celestial and Power alike. In this meta we don’t see a lot of thieves, so we’re in the clear in that regard though.
Mallyx/Shiro Viper: Weak to boon corruption and getting CCd while stuck in Mallyx. Enhanced Bulwark makes your life easier, but the occasional stability corrupt at inopportune moments still make your life hard. Dragonhunter chain rings can be a pain if you get stuck inside, as you can’t generate stability inside it. DHs are an easy matchup usually though. Thieves and reapers.
Mallyx/Glint Celestial: You’re actually more formidable in teamfights, but you’re more of a slow pointfighter. Still suspectible to heavy cc presuure, although stronger against coordinated damage. Still beaten by thieves and reapers.
Shiro/Glint Marauder: generally any condi class. You can survive against condi pressure, but any decent player that knows your evade frames and baits your dodges will overload you with condis. Generally food for the higher number of (decent) condi revs around. Suspectible to cc. Gets wrecked by reapers and good thieves, and struggles against scrappers’ high sustain against direct damage.
I wouldn’t really run hammer. Any team that lets a glass cannon rev afk in the side automatically deserves to lose though.
Thousand Lakes Alliance [TLA], Desolation
4 Champion titles, solo/duoq Legend, best old LB rank 64.
If you’re teamfighting and a reaper is on the opposite side, you have little to no chance of winning unless you have a power-heavy assist on your side to focus the reaper.
Wrong. Condition Revenant is far less reliable target to focus in teamfight (3v3+) for Reaper if you don’t have one or two more good boon strippers to assist you or modified build. Condition Revenant gets more Resistance from single PA and boonspam from Mesmers/Tempests makes corrupting Revenant incredibly tough RNG if you don’t risk and go all in at once. Then add cleanses/invulns from bunkers and table turns – Reaper is now the prey.
Reapers excell in 2v2s against Condi Revs though and are tough 1v1 if Plague Signet is off CD.
In the current meta, it’s rare to come across allies that are running pure power, or marauder stats.
Scrappers run Marauder and one good use of slickshoes can kill Reaper in teamfight.
Druids deal a fair bit of direct damage, too. Mainly with pets.
[SALT]Natchniony – Necromancer, EU.
(edited by Rym.1469)
Daredevil D/P Thief and i will show you why. on my next video
Just curious, what class or build is consistently able to beat the revenant and why?
Any class as long as they are good players. I pref dps rev just because you can demolish players quickly and dodge at the same time. Once you face a pro players winner is always who have their burst skills free and often times we have it just because we just need to auto attack. I dont really get besten up by necros sinceI run dps and they do not have much deffensive skills beside 2 dodge, 1 heal, 1 shroud regen and mostly cc that are easy to dodge, when they use staff and drop those marks, you should know what the marks can do. I used to main ranger and reaper. Good chronomancer are challenging to me tho and dps droods. They can do tons of damage without a sweat and droods heal and cc.
reapers, daredevils neither of which is very meta.
I still find well played DH pretty dang tough to handle (key word well played) and will lose 3/4ths of the time.
Well played druids can be a wash as well.
Bunker mesmer isn’t so much a counter but you aren’t killing/winning vs one on equal skill.
If its a 2v2 and the otherside has a tempest (again equal skill) you lose pretty much. So tempest in teamfights.
Scrappers can be pretty scary but I am not sure if I’d say an outright counter or not as sometimes I come up against bads and sometimes some that are clearly well above my skill level.
(edited by Mightybird.6034)
Condi Reaper absolutely destroys power rev if it can bait the glint heal before going all out.
Restart WvW:
Just curious, what class or build is consistently able to beat the revenant and why?
Anything with condition…. especially necros & mesmers. They can boon strip and cc the crap out of you. People who don’t play revenant assume they have a ton of sustainability. This is not true unless you are teamed up with another rev and can feed each other resistance.
Because I main as a rev, when I run with my Mesmer I can crush revenants. The moment I see them switch Mallyx I chain CC them and call it good night rev.
as a player that mainly plays Reaper and Rev
i can freely say Reaper is a counter to rev.
-Total War: Warhammer
-Guild Wars 2
hard counter…. properly spec s/d thieff… Heal on evade, remove condi on evade, sword #2 “spam” remove condi, shadow step remove condi.
Its funny, sword 3 on thief with s/d while rev does their sword #2 heal/burst combo is a big heal for thief.
unfortuantely that isn’t meta… and thief sux, so you don’t have to worry about it much..
I wouldn’t really run hammer. Any team that lets a glass cannon rev afk in the side automatically deserves to lose though.
It’s actually pretty effective because of disengage with Shiro. Hammer evade/hammer block/swap to shield block/swap to Glint heal (if needed) provides a heavy dose of on demand mitigation too.
I agree though, Mallyx is just easier/more versatile/better set up in current meta (Resistance/boon strip) to use.