Rev still not great for pvp

Rev still not great for pvp

in Revenant

Posted by: Zuko.8021


So maybe I hvnt figured out whats the best dps build for the rev is but im trying as much as I already know and it still feels as if the rev is useless for pvp, no evade skills your utilities cant be used if your knocked down or pushed back ? every thing gets interrupted. If any one can help and give some tips or clarity it would be great.

Rev still not great for pvp

in Revenant

Posted by: SolarDragon.7063


Revenants are hugely weak to crowd control. Hope you’re good at tells and dodging. (Oh wait half the CC doesn’t have tells!)

Rev still not great for pvp

in Revenant

Posted by: Rygg.6237


Revenants are hugely weak to crowd control. Hope you’re good at tells and dodging. (Oh wait half the CC doesn’t have tells!)

It’s easy to dodge some immobs, the problem is that you can’t react to direct pressure/condition pressure and CC fast enough because you are outsustained very easily, the healing output and the utilities are not enough, you’ll have to use both legends to mitigate very little damage, if you do that then you run out of energy and afterwards you’re pretty much a free kill, if you do manage to get into a 2v2 in time Revenant is strong enough, but being nearly useless 1v1 is actually detrimental to your team.

Rev still not great for pvp

in Revenant

Posted by: Recursivision.2367


I found revenant pretty strong 1v1. Bigger fights is where it lacked because it had no way to mitigate focus and not enough sustain to keep up with other classes.

Rev still not great for pvp

in Revenant

Posted by: Seraphis Zurvan.6839

Seraphis Zurvan.6839

Mace/Axe, Hammer

Sigil of Blood and Doom for Mace/Axe, Leeching and Torment for Hammer.

Celestial Amulet, Divinity Runes

Shiro, Mallyx legends

Devastation – 1(Assassin’s Presence), 2(Nefarious Momentum), 3(Assassin’s Annihilation)

Corruption – 2(Demonic Defiance), 3(Spontaneous Destruction), 1(Diabolic Inferno)

Invocation – 3(Fierce Infusion), 2(Invigorating Flow), 3(Shrouding Mists)

Open with Shiro, use the heal skill, swap to Mallyx, 2, 3, 5, 4, 1, 1, 1 repeat.

Rev still not great for pvp

in Revenant

Posted by: Sargon LL.4731

Sargon LL.4731

I found revenant pretty strong 1v1. Bigger fights is where it lacked because it had no way to mitigate focus and not enough sustain to keep up with other classes.

This was my experience as well. There’s no good damage mitigation or escape mechanism, so you get ganged up on and die.

Rev still not great for pvp

in Revenant

Posted by: Rygg.6237


I found revenant pretty strong 1v1. Bigger fights is where it lacked because it had no way to mitigate focus and not enough sustain to keep up with other classes.

You either didn’t face skilled enough players or did not play against meta builds, Revenant is viable but it’s far from strong 1v1 speacially against meta builds, you can’t deal damage and mitigate damage at the same time because most of the time you ran out of energy before you could decide which one was more important, survival or downing an enemy, specially against professions with reliable condition pressure or low cooldown burst capabilitites (so Panic Strike thieves, MoD Mesmers and Survival Power Rangers that ran entangle instead of rampage as one), Necros were a problem but mostly due to DS, you tried to burst them and they just went into DS and your burst got wasted, your energy drained and once that happens Revenant is a free kill.

Rev still not great for pvp

in Revenant

Posted by: Recursivision.2367


I found revenant pretty strong 1v1. Bigger fights is where it lacked because it had no way to mitigate focus and not enough sustain to keep up with other classes.

You either didn’t face skilled enough players or did not play against meta builds, Revenant is viable but it’s far from strong 1v1 speacially against meta builds, you can’t deal damage and mitigate damage at the same time because most of the time you ran out of energy before you could decide which one was more important, survival or downing an enemy, specially against professions with reliable condition pressure or low cooldown burst capabilitites (so Panic Strike thieves, MoD Mesmers and Survival Power Rangers that ran entangle instead of rampage as one), Necros were a problem but mostly due to DS, you tried to burst them and they just went into DS and your burst got wasted, your energy drained and once that happens Revenant is a free kill.

Well, I will say it’s pretty unforgiving, but that doesn’t necessarily correlate directly with balance.

Rev still not great for pvp

in Revenant

Posted by: Gaaroth.2567


Mace/Axe, Hammer

Sigil of Blood and Doom for Mace/Axe, Leeching and Torment for Hammer.

Celestial Amulet, Divinity Runes

Shiro, Mallyx legends

Devastation – 1(Assassin’s Presence), 2(Nefarious Momentum), 3(Assassin’s Annihilation)

Corruption – 2(Demonic Defiance), 3(Spontaneous Destruction), 1(Diabolic Inferno)

Invocation – 3(Fierce Infusion), 2(Invigorating Flow), 3(Shrouding Mists)

Open with Shiro, use the heal skill, swap to Mallyx, 2, 3, 5, 4, 1, 1, 1 repeat.

The build ive found working too…against competent player tho, you cant do squat…and i’ve made some serious testing this weekend…also sunday/monday I was the ONLY revenant in pvp…no exageration…never came across another one in my last 30 matches…

Tempest & Druid
Wat r u, casul?

Rev still not great for pvp

in Revenant

Posted by: Brew Pinch.5731

Brew Pinch.5731

Revenant is actually pretty good. Probably one of the better brawlers in the game, scales in power with the number of players attacking it too.

The Revenant is basically permanently immune to conditions, so verses multiple players applying condi, you stay at max health while those in melee range simply die.

Currently all good Revenant builds use Mallyx, Mace/Axe + Hammer and spec into Corruption and Invocation.
The rest is personal taste.

Revenant has better access to stunbreakers than any other class with Legend swapping.

Revenant requires careful use of their abundant CC to combat direct burst builds, as their damage output is relatively low without incoming conditions.

Rev still not great for pvp

in Revenant

Posted by: Kicker.8203


I’ve tried revenant with Marauder amulet with all the weapons and the overall impression of it is that

—It is a lot of fun.(Might main it since S/D thief is being neglected by balance patches ;( )

—It’s very hard to disengage.

—Very squishy sadly and since hammer is so inversatile, you have to spam the teleport field in mallyx stance to keep all the melee away from you and keep autohitting. This hardcounters warriors and classes that don’t have strong ranged damage but it is quite cheesy and one-sided as a playstyle. It’s also weird that it teleports out players from the whole capture point even if they have stability so (even if it hurts me to say it) it is too powerful in this form. Perhaps let stability ignore it. Otherwise hammer is really getting rekt by melee AND ranged, I feel that the hammer skill 3 (leap) should give you the option to stay at the location you have leapt to. It could be like Sword 4 in a sense that it changes into a different skill after use.
Hammer 4 ought to block ANY ranged attack that comes from outside your shield this skil is completely useless against i.e. mesmers as it is now and they already hard counter revenants.
Hammer 5 is so slow that you literally get murdered by the time you cast it and then they also have time to dodge it -.-". This skill should be sped up tremendously.
Hammer skill are easy to dodge and with their slow nature also easy to blind or block them, while it deals big chunks of dmg on each auto-hit it is very slow so the overall dps is not high at all thus these hammer buffs would make lots of sense especially since its currently the only ranged option.
Sword 3 should grant evasion because revenant is very squishy overall and especially while channeling that, you can’t dodge or choose where to go. It also should attack only your target and after it stealths or dies, only then engage on a different foe. Maybe if you deliberately change target during cast it could swap the skill’s target too as a fun mechanic.
Perma resistance in mallyx stance(with the resistance trait+utility 1) is the other reason that made revenant viable in the beta weekend but it hard counters pure condi builds just too much in my opinion. DD eles still laugh at it and other hybrid builds because you have to use up almost all your energy to keep that up and they outdamage you through physical means.
Staff 4 could bear an AoE blinding effect added to it. Thematically the dust it creates in the air could blind people but the main reason is that you take more damage while you cast it than you actually heal due to the fact you are rooted during this time.