Man I feel like there’s so much I can say about this class compared to the others that I’m trying to just pick my battles here. So here’s some issues and complaints about Rev weapon problems I’ve been having.
Sword main hand:
Slot 1: fine
Slot 2: I don’t like how the bolts go to multiple targets. The importance in almost any situation is to focus fire down your target and not hit multiples. Not to mention in PvP these stupid bolts fire off and hit minions and Ranger pets. I mean how pointless is this.
The skill needs to fire at the same target! My target ONLY.
Slot 3: Same problem as Slot 2. I don’t want to hit 5 different targets! Or 4, or 3, or 2! I just want to hit ONE target! In PvE it’s annoying to dash off and waste one of your attacks on bugs and rats. In PvP it’s super annoying dashing off and hitting minions and pets.
Sword offhand:
Slot 1: Fine, though I wish it lasted another second seeing as it only blocks and does not reflect projectiles or stun targets when you block etc..
Slot 2: This is probably one of my least used and most annoying skills. Who the hell wants to dash backwards 600 range? Falling off cliffs, going backwards into peoples fire, having to be sure you’re facing the right way when using it… I mean good lord.
I would redesign this skill to either daze or knock the target down. Granted there are ‘some’ situational uses for dragging people backwards 600 range but mostly it’s just annoying. Especially when targets cannot be dragged and you just end up 600 range away from your target.
Slot 1: fine (People whining about this skill, but it isn’t this skill. It’s the fact Revenent does up to 50% more damage to targets under 50% life, and almost always crits)
Slot 2: This skill is a double edged sword. It isn’t a projectile and goes through bubbles. Great that’s all well and good. But it says the range is 1200, when it fact it is not. If your target is on the other edge of a cliff 5 feet away from you, but that cliff goes 600 range down, 5 feet over, and 600 range up, your target is ACTUALLY 1205 range from you. This is so annoying.
Not only that but the skill gets stuck on so many obstacles it’s incredibly annoying. It sometimes gets stuck on stairs and edges, ledges and almost never hits anyone even 100 range from you if they are on the other side of 2 ledges. In most of the PvP maps I have a very hard time hitting people on the point with this skill because it’s up a little ledge, down a little ledge etc… So I always vote for OPEN MAPS like Coliseum or Forests.
I think slot 2 needs to get redesigned to simply make a b-line straight for your target, and not follow along the ground. It’s a neat concept but I’ve had a LOT of problems with this skill.
Slot 3: Fine. Better than staff block imho cause it’s a pure evade.
Slot 4: Needs to activate faster, instantly. I know Hammers are ‘slow’ skills but this one should be instant activation.
Slot 5: Should grant stability to you and allies for short duration, maybe 2s, when you activate the skill.
Mace main hand:
I don’t play a condi Rev so don’t use this much but what I have noticed:
Slot 1: fine
Slot 2: fine
Slot 3: So annoying you leap forward before you attack. If your target is right in your face it’s possible to leap through them and not even hit them! I would remove the dumb leap forward animation and just make 3 explosions.
Those are my thoughts anyways. Staff and Axe seem OK though I wish there was an Axe main hand as an alternate option for Power Revs. Probably should have added another option for Condi revs too with Scepter or Dagger or something.
I enjoy the class but I just feel like a lot of things were not fully thought through with Rev.
(edited by Captain Obvious.6951)