(edited by thewaterguy.4796)
Revenant Beta Feedback (Tower of Text)
-Soothing Stone-Pretty solid heal and the condi-clear is a nice touch, only real complaint I have is I would prefer the retaliation duration to maybe be increased a little bit since I usually don’t have conditions to actually clear. That’s probably just a PvE thing though
-Inspiring Reinforcement-This is really the only Jarlis skill I have no problems with, I use it alot, very solid and fun to use
-Forced Engagement-This is where I get into major problem territory…This skill is just…mediocre for it’s whopping 50 energy cost, either increase the taunt and slow to maybe 4 seconds(?) or better yet lower the energy cost to 25-35ish, would definitely make this skill alot more useful
-Vengeful Hammers-This skill is just outright useless, I get that it doesn’t drain your energy very fast but it also prevents energy from recharging and what do you get? an unblockable 300ish damage that maybe hits every second or so… This skill needs to have a major buff added to it, maybe increase the energy cost and have it pulse retaliation or protection while it’s active? Would be on theme with the whole “tank” angle Jarlis has going
-Rite of the Great Dwarf- Ok the effect is fine in it’s current state, 50 energy for that damage reduction isn’t my problem, my problem comes with the 2.75 second channeling time, I get that it’s supposed to prevent spamming it but the 50 energy cost stops that quite nicely, the skill is fine but make the channel time more like 1 second, what’s worse is if it’s interrupted the 50 energy is lost, UNLIKE Shiro’s jade winds which doesn’t use the energy until AFTER the skill has been cast.
Overall: Jarlis is definitely my favorite legend thematically, mechanically though I do think some of his skills need some major buffing, especially his upkeep skill
-Enchanted Daggers-Pretty solid and fun heal, the damage is nice and the healing isn’t bad my problem comes with the “1 second interval” maybe I’m just not attacking fast enough but I kept finding I couldn’t actually get all 6 dagger procs off pretty often and I can’t understand why the interval even exists, if it’s to prevent insane burst damage I don’t think the damage done by the daggers is that severe…so yeah remove the interval or at least nerf it down to maybe 1/2 a second? IDK maybe it’s just me not using it properly
-Riposting Shadows-No complaints here, I didn’t use it an awful lot but when it was useful it was REALLY useful
-Phase traversal-The shadowstep compliments Riposting Shadows perfectly and the extra bit of damage isn’t bad, the unblockable 2 attacks I don’t get being too useful since shiro is based around small damage but many attacks? To be fair though, I am a PvE’er and I’m going to guess this has more uses in PvP so overall not bad
-Impossible Odds-This skill is just…insane, I absolutely love using it, I don’t think it’s OP though considering how fast it drains your energy so another great one, no complaints
-Jade Winds-A very fun skill to use for sure, not too many complaints though I do think that the Jade effect could do a bit more to enemy break bars considering how much energy we are using
Overall: Shiro is definitely my favorite Legend mechanically speaking, no major complaints I have experienced
-Mutiliate Defenses-Good
-Assassins Reprisal-Solid ferocity buff no complaints
-Rapid Lac-I can’t say alot since I didn’t use it a ton, but from looking at it in action, definitely seems pretty kitten powerful and a good choice
-Malicious Reprisal-This is a weird one for me, personally I didn’t touch it since it seemed useless to me, but that’s probably just from a PvE standpoint… So I am questioning it’s uses maybe lower the cooldown on it?
-Targeted Destruction-Very solid trait with great synergy
-Jade Echo-Ok maybe not too practical in PvE but it’s just too fun to thematically pass up, only complaint is the 25% boost while downed… just doesn’t make alot of sense to me but can’t really complain
-Nefarious Momentum-Ok this trait I like as an idea, but I feel like 2 might is a little bit low considering the energy cost of Shiro… I mean compare it to Mallyx’s 2 seconds of resistance is way better than 2 might imo
-Ferocious Strikes-Another solid skill, if I didn’t want Jade Echo because Shiro fanboy I would take this one
-Focused Siphoning-Fun little minor trait to run though I do think the damage could be increased a tiny bit? Maybe I’m asking too much there…
-Swift Termination-I have no idea, again PvE’er so probably more useful to PvP and from what I’ve heard it’s pretty solid and people like it so not gonna complain
-Dismantle Fortifications-Ok this one is weird for me, I love it as an idea but it just feels…out of place in Devastation… I don’t know just makes more sense on Jarlis I think… but whatever I guess
-Assassins Annihilation-My personal favorite, no complaints here
Traits (Continued)
-Enduring Recovery-Meh, not a bad trait I guess… just kind of boring, it is a minor tho
-Planar Protection-Use it when JP’ing enough said
-Close Quarters- Very solid trait and the logical choice out of all 3 for almost any situation imo, just kind of shows how bad the other apprentice traits are…
-Improved Aggression- Ok this I guess makes some sense, but wow it’s just terrible, it mostly just ties into how impossible it is to actually taunt something for a significant amount of time, maybe there’s some rune/sigil synergy we don’t know about but I feel like this trait needs an added benefit on top of the base trait. Maybe have a chance to taunt an enemy when hit or something? I don’t know… just comparing it to Close Quarters it’s just…useless
-Unwavering Avoidance- mmmmm that delicious stability, maybe a little low on duration considering the recent stability change but I can’t complain too much
-Eye for an Eye-I don’t know… I feel like the recharge needs to be cut down to like 20 seconds or something, maybe it’s just because I PvE and I’m usually against bosses that can’t be taunted? Another trait I feel needs an extra benefit
-Retaliatory Evasion-Fun little trait, no real complaints aside from a maybe slightly increased retaliation duration
-Redeeming Protection-My personal favorite, very solid defense against getting CC’d doesn’t stun break but at least you won’t get pounded into dust as badly with that protection on you
-Determined Resolution-Flat 10% decrease to damage is very strong, only real nitpick would be to lower the threshold to maybe 50%? but that might be Overpowered…
-Empowering Vengeance-Very strong trait, just wish that Jarlis had more retribution…
-Destructive Hammer-Useless for the same reason Vengeful hammers is moving on
-Steadfast rejuvenation-Thematically love the idea but a grandmaster? that heal isn’t very significant… buff up the heal a bit more or maybe remove the cooldown and make the trigger something like 20%
-Invokers Rage-Love it no complaints
-Cruel Repercussion-I really don’t get this trait… unless you are specifically paying very close attention to when you get blocked it’s just insignificant… I’d prefer to see it completely redesigned personally but if you really want to “fix” it I guess I would say make it double damage? I don’t know… just seems like garbage
-Cleansing Channel-Love this trait, the condi cleanse on legend swap is very nice
-Fierce infusion-Another solid one, if I didn’t desperately need the condi cleanse I would definitely take this one, maybe consider upping the fury duration by a few seconds would be my only complaint
-Ferocious Aggression-7% damage while I have fury… nope no problems
-Equilibrium- Ok thematically I love this traits idea and I love the animation…BUT I feel like the numbers are a little too low to make it very significant… the 1200 damage isn’t too bad but you hardly ever see that if you are playing revenant gag “optimally” (hate saying that) but the heal is just pitiful. bring the heal up to around 800-1000 or maybe even 1200 and it would be another solid trait
-Invigorating Flow-Not terrible thematically but I feel like the heal could use a little buff or the cooldown could use a little reduction… especially considering its a master
-Incensed Response-A little boring thematically but can’t deny it’s synergy very solid trait especially if you are against alot of stuns
-Empty Vessel-No complaints very nice trait
-Roiling Mists-Love the synergy no complaints
-Charged Mists-I’m not sure, maybe I’m just misunderstanding this one? Personally don’t see any uses but I guess if you were really good you could stack might insanely fast? I don’t know, it’s just too strange to really comment on for me
-Shrouding Mists-I don’t know, I didn’t play the support angle too much so the numbers might need adjusting, but I’m glad it’s a flat 25% increased healing and flat 10% damage reduction as opposed to stat increases…
(Taking a break too much typing)
(edited by thewaterguy.4796)
-Soothing Stone-Pretty solid heal and the condi-clear is a nice touch, only real complaint I have is I would prefer the retaliation duration to maybe be increased a little bit since I usually don’t have conditions to actually clear. That’s probably just a PvE thing though
-Inspiring Reinforcement-This is really the only Jarlis skill I have no problems with, I use it alot, very solid and fun to use
-Forced Engagement-This is where I get into major problem territory…This skill is just…mediocre for it’s whopping 50 energy cost, either increase the taunt and slow to maybe 4 seconds(?) or better yet lower the energy cost to 25-35ish, would definitely make this skill alot more useful
-Vengeful Hammers-This skill is just outright useless, I get that it doesn’t drain your energy very fast but it also prevents energy from recharging and what do you get? an unblockable 300ish damage that maybe hits every second or so… This skill needs to have a major buff added to it, maybe increase the energy cost and have it pulse retaliation or protection while it’s active? Would be on theme with the whole “tank” angle Jarlis has going
-Rite of the Great Dwarf- Ok the effect is fine in it’s current state, 50 energy for that damage reduction isn’t my problem, my problem comes with the 2.75 second channeling time, I get that it’s supposed to prevent spamming it but the 50 energy cost stops that quite nicely, the skill is fine but make the channel time more like 1 second, what’s worse is if it’s interrupted the 50 energy is lost, UNLIKE Shiro’s jade winds which doesn’t use the energy until AFTER the skill has been cast.
Overall: Jarlis is definitely my favorite legend thematically, mechanically though I do think some of his skills need some major buffing, especially his upkeep skill
-Enchanted Daggers-Pretty solid and fun heal, the damage is nice and the healing isn’t bad my problem comes with the “1 second interval” maybe I’m just not attacking fast enough but I kept finding I couldn’t actually get all 6 dagger procs off pretty often and I can’t understand why the interval even exists, if it’s to prevent insane burst damage I don’t think the damage done by the daggers is that severe…so yeah remove the interval or at least nerf it down to maybe 1/2 a second? IDK maybe it’s just me not using it properly
-Riposting Shadows-No complaints here, I didn’t use it an awful lot but when it was useful it was REALLY useful
-Phase traversal-The shadowstep compliments Riposting Shadows perfectly and the extra bit of damage isn’t bad, the unblockable 2 attacks I don’t get being too useful since shiro is based around small damage but many attacks? To be fair though, I am a PvE’er and I’m going to guess this has more uses in PvP so overall not bad
-Impossible Odds-This skill is just…insane, I absolutely love using it, I don’t think it’s OP though considering how fast it drains your energy so another great one, no complaints
-Jade Winds-A very fun skill to use for sure, not too many complaints though I do think that the Jade effect could do a bit more to enemy break bars considering how much energy we are using
Overall: Shiro is definitely my favorite Legend mechanically speaking, no major complaints I have experienced
i feel like the auto attack may do a tad too much damage and i do think that impossible odds is pretty OP.
i think maybe taking a small amount of damage off of the 2nd attack in the chain maybe the 5 to 10% wouldn’t be a bad idea but no major compliants.
impossible odds BIG complaints on my part. i think giving super speed and quickness so liberally is a big mistake. no profession has half as much access to either super speed or quickness i don’t think rev should get both.
i think to avoid wrecking the entire profession. maybe increase the energy start up cost by 5 and increase the energy drain rate ALSO by five would be a good idea to fix this.
while it’s true that it drains fast i’ve had Impossible odds up for nearly 10 seconds and energy regens so fast in combat i feel like something needs to be done.
hammer rev felt pretty good over all no major compliants.
(edited by wildfang.9670)
-Soothing Stone-Pretty solid heal and the condi-clear is a nice touch, only real complaint I have is I would prefer the retaliation duration to maybe be increased a little bit since I usually don’t have conditions to actually clear. That’s probably just a PvE thing though
-Inspiring Reinforcement-This is really the only Jarlis skill I have no problems with, I use it alot, very solid and fun to use
-Forced Engagement-This is where I get into major problem territory…This skill is just…mediocre for it’s whopping 50 energy cost, either increase the taunt and slow to maybe 4 seconds(?) or better yet lower the energy cost to 25-35ish, would definitely make this skill alot more useful
-Vengeful Hammers-This skill is just outright useless, I get that it doesn’t drain your energy very fast but it also prevents energy from recharging and what do you get? an unblockable 300ish damage that maybe hits every second or so… This skill needs to have a major buff added to it, maybe increase the energy cost and have it pulse retaliation or protection while it’s active? Would be on theme with the whole “tank” angle Jarlis has going
-Rite of the Great Dwarf- Ok the effect is fine in it’s current state, 50 energy for that damage reduction isn’t my problem, my problem comes with the 2.75 second channeling time, I get that it’s supposed to prevent spamming it but the 50 energy cost stops that quite nicely, the skill is fine but make the channel time more like 1 second, what’s worse is if it’s interrupted the 50 energy is lost, UNLIKE Shiro’s jade winds which doesn’t use the energy until AFTER the skill has been cast.
Overall: Jarlis is definitely my favorite legend thematically, mechanically though I do think some of his skills need some major buffing, especially his upkeep skill
-Enchanted Daggers-Pretty solid and fun heal, the damage is nice and the healing isn’t bad my problem comes with the “1 second interval” maybe I’m just not attacking fast enough but I kept finding I couldn’t actually get all 6 dagger procs off pretty often and I can’t understand why the interval even exists, if it’s to prevent insane burst damage I don’t think the damage done by the daggers is that severe…so yeah remove the interval or at least nerf it down to maybe 1/2 a second? IDK maybe it’s just me not using it properly
-Riposting Shadows-No complaints here, I didn’t use it an awful lot but when it was useful it was REALLY useful
-Phase traversal-The shadowstep compliments Riposting Shadows perfectly and the extra bit of damage isn’t bad, the unblockable 2 attacks I don’t get being too useful since shiro is based around small damage but many attacks? To be fair though, I am a PvE’er and I’m going to guess this has more uses in PvP so overall not bad
-Impossible Odds-This skill is just…insane, I absolutely love using it, I don’t think it’s OP though considering how fast it drains your energy so another great one, no complaints
-Jade Winds-A very fun skill to use for sure, not too many complaints though I do think that the Jade effect could do a bit more to enemy break bars considering how much energy we are using
Overall: Shiro is definitely my favorite Legend mechanically speaking, no major complaints I have experienced
i feel like the auto attack may do a tad too much damage and i do think that impossible odds is pretty OP.
i think maybe taking a small amount of damage off of the 2nd attack in the chain maybe the 5 to 10% wouldn’t be a bad idea but no major compliants.
impossible odds BIG complaints on my part. i think giving super speed and quickness so liberally is a big mistake. no profession has half as much access to either super speed or quickness i don’t think rev should get both.i think to avoid wrecking the entire profession. maybe increase the energy start up cost by 5 and increase the energy drain rate ALSO by five would be a good idea to fix this.
while it’s true that it drains fast i’ve had Impossible odds up for nearly 10 seconds and energy regens so fast in combat i feel like something needs to be done.
hammer rev felt pretty good over all no major compliants.
I don’t think it’s entirely fair to say that because other classes don’t get alot of superspeed/quickness revenant shouldn’t get it so easily since there’s alot that revenant doesn’t have, and personally I don’t see impossible odds being to overpowered since it does drain your energy so fast, with all that said though I haven’t touched PvP and have barely done any WvW so I can’t really say if it’s a huge problem there or not… You could be right about it being OP in some circumstances but it does drain your energy insanely quick which does leave you very vulnerable, especially if you get stunned or blocked while it’s active. All I am trying to say is their does exist counterplay to rev’s spamming impossible odds, so I don’t think it’s that overpowered, but on the flip-side I don’t PvP so for all I know impossible odds-ing revenants could be absolutely tearing up everything and everyone in PvP or WvW right now
(edited by thewaterguy.4796)