The world could use more S/x Thief
One of the bigger changes for revenants in this update will be the reduced boon duration for the herald specialization’s Naturalistic Resonance effect. We’re adjusting a few different boon durations as a result of this and will continue to monitor the effects as time progresses.
Enchanted Daggers: Attacks that are blocked or evaded will now remove stacks of Enchanted Daggers.
Unrelenting Assault: Fixed a bug that prevented the ability user from being stunned when initiating an attack against foes with Shocking Aura.
Inspiring Reinforcement: Stability duration has been increased from 1 second to 1.5 seconds per pulse. The resource cost has been increased from 30 to 35.
Dwarven Battle Training: Fixed a bug that caused weakness to have increased effectiveness instead of reduced effectiveness. Revenant skills that inflict weakness will no longer display a revised condition tool tip.
Facet of Light: Regeneration duration has been increased from 3 seconds to 4 seconds. Upkeep cost has been increased from 1 to 2 in PvP only.
Naturalistic Resonance: Boon-duration increase has been reduced from 50% to 33%.
Versed in Stone: The recharge time of this trait has been increased from 45 seconds to 60 seconds in WvW and PvP.
Unwavering Avoidance: This trait now triggers when an attack is successfully evaded instead of during dodge rolls. The recharge time has been increased from 5 seconds to 8 seconds. Stability duration has been increased from 2.5 seconds to 3 seconds.
Your thoughts?
Rip retribution, rip Jalis who got nerfed. BB.
And Shiro heal is in even worse place than it was.. like it wasnt worst heal ingame already, it will be even worse now.
I’m just out of words… and in the meantime bugs aren’t even being addressed
So, Glint/Shiro power Rev is pretty much the same, right?
So, Glint/Shiro power Rev is pretty much the same, right?
No, unless you missed it in the OP the heal was nerfed on shiro and retribution stab on dodge was nerfed too, I’d imagine invocation rev is still pretty decent although nerfed
Change to shiro’s heal hurts the most in terms of pvp… and ofc f2 change ruins our pve. I dont know what to do. :/
And this nerf like pretty much all others hits shiro/mallyx and ventari/glint way more than shiro/glint… Way to go ANET!!
Have to agree that most of these changes were terrible. ED is now even more unreliable than before, no fix for UA or any of the other serious bugs, Unwavering Avoidance is nerfed again when it’s always been enhanced bulwark that’s caused the issues. Random jalis changes that don’t change much.
One of my biggest concerns, aside from the shiro heal change, is the upkeep cost change for facet of light across game modes. I do -not- want split balancing for how the profession mechanic works across game modes.
Terrible changes so far, as i was especting…Nerfenant is not even close the class it was when i started playing it. Now i’m just waiting to get a useless weapon and skills for the next especialization to quit rev for good.
Terrible changes so far, as i was especting…Nerfenant is not even close the class it was when i started playing it. Now i’m just waiting to get a useless weapon and skills for the next especialization to quit rev for good.
Fun fact.. i called him Nerfnant first and it seems like everyone follows it now xD
I have quitted this game few months ago in the middle of S2 for Smite. I dont regret any min of this decision. Also i love playing Ratatoskr.
If they olny followed my changes from the document.. like whatever.
They really messed them up…
In the meantime….no bugs fixed.
I really don’t know what to do and i ’ m about to quit this game…
I really feel sorry for anyone who mained a rev and enjoyed raiding.
I mean, some other classes got hit, but at least necros will still be useful for certain boss fights.
Glint nerf was expected and the boonduration nerf is something we could live with, but there are just two minor buffs between a lot of nerfs. Shiro heal is poor and an improve would be appropriate. Unwavering avoidence wasnt an issue and ventari needs love and jalis bugfixes and buffs to. We need diversity.
We need a stunbreak in every legend, abbilities that work properly, remove cd on utilities and remove cost of weaponskills. Rev needs to be flexible like ele or engi, butnow its just blunt glint shiro gameplay without diversity in every gamemode.
1) Enchanted Daggers: Attacks that are blocked or evaded will now remove stacks of Enchanted Daggers.
Nerf the worst heal in the game, awesome.
2) Unrelenting Assault: Fixed a bug that prevented the ability user from being stunned when initiating an attack against foes with Shocking Aura.
Thanks for making sure that we get hard CC’d on the rare occasion that UA actually works as intended.
3) Dwarven Battle Training: Fixed a bug that caused weakness to have increased effectiveness instead of reduced effectiveness.
Literally the only positive thing to come out of this patch. However, since you destroyed the rest of the Retribution line, no one will ever be using it anyway.
4) Facet of Light: Regeneration duration has been increased from 3 seconds to 4 seconds. Upkeep cost has been increased from 1 to 2 in PvP only.
I am all for splitting skills between game modes if it improves balance, this however is just idiotic. You can’t make changes to upkeep costs across game modes. If that 4 whole seconds of regen (omg) was too OP, you could reduce the length and not change the upkeep cost.
5) Naturalistic Resonance: Boon-duration increase has been reduced from 50% to 33%.
Mesmers abuse a broken game mechanic in SoI and we get nerfed for it, awesome.
6) Versed in Stone: The recharge time of this trait has been increased from 45 seconds to 60 seconds in WvW and PvP.
Another undeserved nerf to an already terrible Jalis.
7) Unwavering Avoidance: This trait now triggers when an attack is successfully evaded instead of during dodge rolls. The recharge time has been increased from 5 seconds to 8 seconds. Stability duration has been increased from 2.5 seconds to 3 seconds.
Another horrible and unnecessary nerf.
Meanwhile major bugs and glaring problems with the class get no attention. Warriors and Guardians (the 2 other heavy armor classes) can do everything that a Rev can do much easier, and much better. There is absolutely no reason to play Rev anymore.
I am generally not one to complain, but these changes look exceptionally unpleasant and unnecessary.
The reduced reliability of stability application from Unwavering Avoidance further pushes Revenant to either require Invocation or Shiro/Glint, or else be prepared to get CC’d a lot and be unable to break CC. I expect this will hurt the chances of Rev using other legends in WvW / PvP, such as Jalis, Mallyx, and Ventari.
The stability on dodge is a really big deal in PvP / WvW because 3 of Rev’s legends cannot reliably break stuns (Jalis technically can break stuns but it is exceptionally expensive to do so, and IMO is not reliable). Unwavering Avoidance allowed those builds to see use since it reduced the chance that player using them would be CC’d in the first place. A WvW / PvP player is now left with only two build options that can get out of CC reliably: Shiro / Glint, or mandatory Invocation traitline. This change is harmful to build diversity.
The change to Inspiring Reinforcement seems underwhelming and not enough to make Jalis viable (let alone to make Inspiring Reinforcement viable…), but I suppose we will see.
With the nerf to Naturalistic Resonance (which is fair IMO) and the simultaneous nerf to Unwavering Avoidance (which is not necessary, IMO), which indirectly nerfs Enhanced Bulwark, it may be that Herald is no longer as necessary. Maybe this means core Rev will become more viable. Of course, core Rev did not receive any significant buffs or bug fixes, so this isn’t really a good thing.
I’m glad Dwarven Battle Training gets fixed, but Rev is still left with poor build diversity due to underwhelming trait options in some cases. For example, the increased cooldown of Versed in Stone may encourage players to take other traits…but the other Retribution GM traits are still ineffective. Similarly, use of the Invocation traitline may increase with the nerfs to Retribution traits. But Invocation GM traits are similarly ineffective unless you’re heavily invested in power, precision, and fury, and take Roiling Mists.
Just like every other balance patch for the last year, more rev nerfs.
Maybe next patch they decide to go back to how it was in the beta and only let revs use one weapon.
To be honest I’m mostly happy with this, as it encourages more skillful play.
The only part that I don’t like is the change to Enchanted Daggers. Revs have the same problem when their attacks don’t hit that Purification-using DH do when people don’t trigger the trap (i.e. ranged fighters like Druids): you don’t get no heals. At this point, Staff 4 with its 2 condi cleanses might actually be a more useful heal than ED. Shiro needs some love now, Mallyx is looking more attractive at the moment due to his heal scaling heavily with condis.
How ironic, when HoT hit Revs were hilariously overtuned in comparison to the other heavies. Now it’s the opposite, at least sword #2 is still super strong and defensive perks are pushed into about half of the Rev’s weapon skills. Goodbye the now burning corpse of legend balance.
From my perspective there is only 1 viable build now – Shiro/Glint + Invo. I am also done maining Rev – it’s too bad …. one viable build for solo que sPvP with the 2 legends I dislike the most ? F@ck that!
(edited by Jack Skywalker.5674)
Did the changes to quickness stacking affect Impossible Odds? Particularly with high boon duration builds.
Did the changes to quickness stacking affect Impossible Odds? Particularly with high boon duration builds.
I tested it right after the patch and impossible odds seem to keep 100% uptime of quickness.
Did the changes to quickness stacking affect Impossible Odds? Particularly with high boon duration builds.
Which changes to quickness?
Did the changes to quickness stacking affect Impossible Odds? Particularly with high boon duration builds.
Which changes to quickness?
It can stack up to 5 times, used to be 9.
Boon duration, shiro heal, and stabilty nerfs were all fair. Retribution is still alright but all the grandmaster traits are awful. I’m just surprised they fixed 0 bugs. Like you “fix” shocking aura interaction with unrelenting assault which to be fair was proper counterplay. But refuse to even acknowledge the 6x confusion proc??? Even a lazy solution would have been fine like gain 1s of resistance. It will still be my main, but I’ll play more warrior and thief for a while.
Did the changes to quickness stacking affect Impossible Odds? Particularly with high boon duration builds.
I tested it right after the patch and impossible odds seem to keep 100% uptime of quickness.
What rune? Before the patch I would have around 1.25s of quickness after ending the skill manually, and that’s with Rune of Leadership. But that’s in general during matches, so I can’t say I always use it for the same length of time.
Did the changes to quickness stacking affect Impossible Odds? Particularly with high boon duration builds.
I tested it right after the patch and impossible odds seem to keep 100% uptime of quickness.
What rune? Before the patch I would have around 1.25s of quickness after ending the skill manually, and that’s with Rune of Leadership. But that’s in general during matches, so I can’t say I always use it for the same length of time.
Leadership, from 50 energy to 0 Im left with 5sec of quickness at the end of IO.
So, Glint/Shiro power Rev is pretty much the same, right?
No, unless you missed it in the OP the heal was nerfed on shiro and retribution stab on dodge was nerfed too, I’d imagine invocation rev is still pretty decent although nerfed
Invo rev hasnt been nerfed, glint buff kinda keeps up with shiro nerf (which was needed as a qol change)
So, Glint/Shiro power Rev is pretty much the same, right?
No, unless you missed it in the OP the heal was nerfed on shiro and retribution stab on dodge was nerfed too, I’d imagine invocation rev is still pretty decent although nerfed
Invo rev hasnt been nerfed, glint buff kinda keeps up with shiro nerf (which was needed as a qol change)
Can you explain why you mean by QoL change? Usually QoL means that the game has in some way been made easier to play or more enjoyable, usually with things like bug fixes or miscellaneous changes to the interface. For example, changing the thief’s Shortbow sound effects was a QoL change, although that particular one has become sort of a joke. It’s probably just me but I’m not seeing how the sole nerf to Shiro is a QoL change, especially not for Revs. All it’s done is lower Rev’s self-healing abilities to an unprecedented low.
So, Glint/Shiro power Rev is pretty much the same, right?
No, unless you missed it in the OP the heal was nerfed on shiro and retribution stab on dodge was nerfed too, I’d imagine invocation rev is still pretty decent although nerfed
Invo rev hasnt been nerfed, glint buff kinda keeps up with shiro nerf (which was needed as a qol change)
Can you explain why you mean by QoL change? Usually QoL means that the game has in some way been made easier to play or more enjoyable, usually with things like bug fixes or miscellaneous changes to the interface. For example, changing the thief’s Shortbow sound effects was a QoL change, although that particular one has become sort of a joke. It’s probably just me but I’m not seeing how the sole nerf to Shiro is a QoL change, especially not for Revs. All it’s done is lower Rev’s self-healing abilities to an unprecedented low.
Imo it was a bug that it didn’t work like other similar skills that had Charges and would be consumed if they were Evaded,blocked or Invulned, I.e Basi Venom. Also Thief Shortbow noise was no QoL it was the strongest buff in the games history, now I can strike terror in my foes as I Infiltrator Away!!!!
Random thief laughs when he sees a Shiro. Legendary “Assassin” KAPPA
Wow. What a bunch of useless changes. Where to start? Previous to this patch, there were 3 viable variants of Herald (and I mean Herald, vanilla Revenant is a incomplete piece of garbage which remains usless since at least 10 months ago, as we all known):
So, the patch obliterates the Retribution traitline: the only reason due people use this were the access to stability through Unwavering Avoidance at evades, and to less extent Versed in Stone as damage mitigation. Now, take in consideration the sinergy of nerfing effects that bodied both traits:
So, Retribution traitline is now hot garbage, just as the Ventari and Jalis legends or the hammer as weapon. In fact, the most striking about the patch is the lack of fixes in the bugs of the current skills and traits.
Now, about the other changes:
Seems that Power Herald Glint + Shiro is the way to go. The problem is: for me Shiro was already a WEAK legend, and this patch nerfs its already crappy heal. I did stop playing power Herald three months ago, and I’ll keep playing condi Herald instead (which works well).
Due Naturalistic Resonance, Unwavering Avoidance and Versed in Stone nerfs I think that now the Blathazar runes are the way to go instead of the ones of Leadership: you will have no use of boon duration for boons that no longer triggers. And as Retribution is now a dead line I’ll go Invocation or Devastation instead. Going Herald + Corruption + Devastation in a hybrid condi build seems suicidal, but at least you will deal serious damage and when you smash the head of an enemy without having access to stability, cleanses or stunbreaks you can argue that you’re better, because you’re doing acrobatics with no safety net.
One of the bigger changes for revenants in this update will be the reduced boon duration for the herald specialization’s Naturalistic Resonance effect. We’re adjusting a few different boon durations as a result of this and will continue to monitor the effects as time progresses.
Enchanted Daggers: Attacks that are blocked or evaded will now remove stacks of Enchanted Daggers.
Unrelenting Assault: Fixed a bug that prevented the ability user from being stunned when initiating an attack against foes with Shocking Aura.
Inspiring Reinforcement: Stability duration has been increased from 1 second to 1.5 seconds per pulse. The resource cost has been increased from 30 to 35.Dwarven Battle Training: Fixed a bug that caused weakness to have increased effectiveness instead of reduced effectiveness. Revenant skills that inflict weakness will no longer display a revised condition tool tip.
Facet of Light: Regeneration duration has been increased from 3 seconds to 4 seconds. Upkeep cost has been increased from 1 to 2 in PvP only.
Naturalistic Resonance: Boon-duration increase has been reduced from 50% to 33%.
Versed in Stone: The recharge time of this trait has been increased from 45 seconds to 60 seconds in WvW and PvP.Unwavering Avoidance: This trait now triggers when an attack is successfully evaded instead of during dodge rolls. The recharge time has been increased from 5 seconds to 8 seconds. Stability duration has been increased from 2.5 seconds to 3 seconds.
Your thoughts?
ED: Understandable for the sake of consistency, but if this is so, they should have increased the base healing. Now its just a garbage heal overall.
UAs: Yeah, thanks….nevermind that the Confusion trigger bug is STILL there, but no, we need to address SHOCKING AURA!
DBT: Well, that’s a cool fix, I guess?
FoL: 1 second of Regeneration is a pittance. increased upkeep is a nuisance at best, and an extremely unnecessary change otherwise. Seriously, its like grasping at straws when looking for something to nerf.
NR: We knew it was coming, but that doesn’t make it any less kittenty.
ViS: Why? kitten and a random trigger below an HP threshold wasn’t enough? What the hell, Anet?
UAv: I expected a change, but why increase the ICD on top of it all? There’s still no reliable stability access beyond the dumb road on a legend that’s not even competitive, and now its become even more annoying to access it.
Where are the buffs and bug fixes to Jalis, Mallyx, and Ventari?
Ah, who am I kidding. I might just be done after this and the crapthey hurled at Rangers this time around.
(edited by Euthymias.7984)
I don’t understand how anyone thinks the nerf to ED is justified in any way. The initial heal of that skill is by far the worst in the game, and the rest of the healing is completely situational, being that you need to land hits. Now, high evade thief builds will be able to whittle down at rev even easier since now their HEAL skill, one of them at least, will now be completely avoidable, both the damage to others, and the healing to the rev. This is by every extent just terrible design.
I get the concept of ED, damaging heal skill. The problem is that for a healing skill, it’s the most unreliable one you could think of, and now it can be negated by blocking or evading. The damage aspect of this I could understand, but not on a HEAL skill, and the many references before to thief venom heal are not applicable here; that heal has a much higher initial heal, one that you can sustain yourself off of, unlike the initial of ED, and thief can CHOOSE to take that heal or not. No rev that runs shiro can opt out of this heal, it’s all we have for this legend, and it’s one that could be turned against the rev if reflected, and in many cases, caused losses because you simply cannot rely on it. Nearly every other healing skill any class has can be relied on to heal you to a reasonable extent, and if one is falling short, any class can simply choose another healing skill that performs better, not rev.
I feel that most revs do not like this skill and wish for it to be reworked, like just dumping all the healing from life steal into the initial heal and then leave the daggers for damage, and if that were the case, then I don’t think anyone would object to losing charges like other mechanics like this. Instead, we’re left with a healing skill that does 1.6k (iirc) healing initially while the rest relies on the daggers hitting properly, and we have no choice but to use this. So until a better rework is made, which I hope for every patch, nerfing it even more is just adding insult to injury
From what I’m seeing, Rev in WvW was basically untouched outside of the F2 duration nerf. We’re still shoehorned into Glint/Mallyx, and there were no changes there at all.
From what I’m seeing, Rev in WvW was basically untouched outside of the F2 duration nerf. We’re still shoehorned into Glint/Mallyx, and there were no changes there at all.
The major change is that the Retribution traitline is now useless, with their most valuable traits nerfed and the NR boon extension reduced a 34%. You will have even less access to stability and damage mitigation.
So now you Herald can keep being one of the classes with worst access to condi cleansing and stunbreaks, while also being the worst accessing to stability.
I think they touched it… a lot.
And now they’re taking steps to changing the class mechanics across modes, which is scary.
I am laughing at people saying that “Unwavering Avoidance” is not a big deal of nerf. Let me ask this, why are some people okay with nerfing a good skill?
Unwavering Avoidance has an amazing usage in WvW (as well as pvp of course). When getting rushed in by an anticipated bomb or CCs, you dodge away giving you these couple stab stacks (or single). Usually zergs kitten their CCs before the bombs, not the other way around (mostly). Now you will need to get CC’ed, breakstun, then dodge and most probably you will get this stab.
P.S. Why does Ventari exist as a legend in revenants anyways? Just delete it.
Anet, can you for once buff something in revenants. 100% of every major updates, we get some kind of annoying nerfs.
I am laughing at people saying that “Unwavering Avoidance” is not a big deal of nerf. Let me ask this, why are some people okay with nerfing a good skill?
Unwavering Avoidance has an amazing usage in WvW (as well as pvp of course). When getting rushed in by an anticipated bomb or CCs, you dodge away giving you these couple stab stacks (or single). Usually zergs kitten their CCs before the bombs, not the other way around (mostly). Now you will need to get CC’ed, breakstun, then dodge and most probably you will get this stab.
P.S. Why does Ventari exist as a legend in revenants anyways?
Just delete it.
Anet, can you for once buff something in revenants. 100% of every major updates, we get some kind of annoying nerfs.
You’re mad that now you actually have to time your evade to avoid the attack instead of just dodging aimlessly?
I am laughing at people saying that “Unwavering Avoidance” is not a big deal of nerf. Let me ask this, why are some people okay with nerfing a good skill?
Unwavering Avoidance has an amazing usage in WvW (as well as pvp of course). When getting rushed in by an anticipated bomb or CCs, you dodge away giving you these couple stab stacks (or single). Usually zergs kitten their CCs before the bombs, not the other way around (mostly). Now you will need to get CC’ed, breakstun, then dodge and most probably you will get this stab.
P.S. Why does Ventari exist as a legend in revenants anyways?
Just delete it.
Anet, can you for once buff something in revenants. 100% of every major updates, we get some kind of annoying nerfs.
You’re mad that now you actually have to time your evade to avoid the attack instead of just dodging aimlessly?
You sound like a Dragonhunter.
I am laughing at people saying that “Unwavering Avoidance” is not a big deal of nerf. Let me ask this, why are some people okay with nerfing a good skill?
Unwavering Avoidance has an amazing usage in WvW (as well as pvp of course). When getting rushed in by an anticipated bomb or CCs, you dodge away giving you these couple stab stacks (or single). Usually zergs kitten their CCs before the bombs, not the other way around (mostly). Now you will need to get CC’ed, breakstun, then dodge and most probably you will get this stab.
P.S. Why does Ventari exist as a legend in revenants anyways?
Just delete it.
Anet, can you for once buff something in revenants. 100% of every major updates, we get some kind of annoying nerfs.
You’re mad that now you actually have to time your evade to avoid the attack instead of just dodging aimlessly?
You sound like a Dragonhunter
From what I’m seeing, Rev in WvW was basically untouched outside of the F2 duration nerf. We’re still shoehorned into Glint/Mallyx, and there were no changes there at all.
The major change is that the Retribution traitline is now useless, with their most valuable traits nerfed and the NR boon extension reduced a 34%. You will have even less access to stability and damage mitigation.
So now you Herald can keep being one of the classes with worst access to condi cleansing and stunbreaks, while also being the worst accessing to stability.
I think they touched it… a lot.
Versed in Stone is completely random when it’ll show up anyway, it couldn’t be relied on too much to begin with. And if you were wasting dodge rolls just for Stab, you had a problem to begin with. :/
This patch is incredible, have not only left the healing of Shiro totally useless (which was bad) but have not fixed anything basically … not even the bug of confusion + UA = x6 damage. Needless to say that only rev game for a year (since I have the game) and if they keep doing crazy patches and do not give a little love will simply leave the game, this may be what you want less EQUALITY, have left to rev out raids, outside mvm and out of pvp that is where I am longer. Thanks for being so consistent Anet (Irony)
I am laughing at people saying that “Unwavering Avoidance” is not a big deal of nerf. Let me ask this, why are some people okay with nerfing a good skill?
Unwavering Avoidance has an amazing usage in WvW (as well as pvp of course). When getting rushed in by an anticipated bomb or CCs, you dodge away giving you these couple stab stacks (or single). Usually zergs kitten their CCs before the bombs, not the other way around (mostly). Now you will need to get CC’ed, breakstun, then dodge and most probably you will get this stab.
P.S. Why does Ventari exist as a legend in revenants anyways?
Just delete it.
Anet, can you for once buff something in revenants. 100% of every major updates, we get some kind of annoying nerfs.
You’re mad that now you actually have to time your evade to avoid the attack instead of just dodging aimlessly?
We already touched that point. You can’t avoid attacks with instant cast (as Judge’s Intervention) nor attacks coming for foes in stealth. Herald’s now lack stability against a wide array of classes and foes which can operate while being invisible. Some of those -as the Mesmers- can even interrupt you instantly, on regular basis, several times each 10 seconds, while you will be unable to do a crap.
Use Jalis for stab. His road su gut, now olny for 35 energy cost kappa
Dont forget to stay in it and let all the kittening aoes in the world eat you while were at it cus road op. Plz nurf mure
Versed in Stone is completely random when it’ll show up anyway, it couldn’t be relied on too much to begin with. And if you were wasting dodge rolls just for Stab, you had a problem to begin with. :/
I agree with the first part of your sentence, and I’m already scraping most of the passive skills from my characters, specially if they fall beyond the 40 seconds cd line.
But using evade to get stability was not only wise but also mandatory in a lot of situations: I did enjoy evading before finishing foes in downed state while PvPing or at
roaming, and in WvW raids evading before a clash was almost compulsory, because Stand Your Ground! alone from your comrades wasn’t enough in the current state of the game, in which is the soft cc (rooting, chill, daze..) what kills you most of the time (you die once you stop moving).
I am laughing at people saying that “Unwavering Avoidance” is not a big deal of nerf. Let me ask this, why are some people okay with nerfing a good skill?
Unwavering Avoidance has an amazing usage in WvW (as well as pvp of course). When getting rushed in by an anticipated bomb or CCs, you dodge away giving you these couple stab stacks (or single). Usually zergs kitten their CCs before the bombs, not the other way around (mostly). Now you will need to get CC’ed, breakstun, then dodge and most probably you will get this stab.
P.S. Why does Ventari exist as a legend in revenants anyways?
Just delete it.
Anet, can you for once buff something in revenants. 100% of every major updates, we get some kind of annoying nerfs.
You’re mad that now you actually have to time your evade to avoid the attack instead of just dodging aimlessly?
We already touched that point. You can’t avoid attacks with instant cast (as Judge’s Intervention) nor attacks coming for foes in stealth. Herald’s now lack stability against a wide array of classes and foes which can operate while being invisible. Some of those -as the Mesmers- can even interrupt you instantly, on regular basis, several times each 10 seconds, while you will be unable to do a crap.
Actually you can, it’s just slightly more difficult, stealth doesn’t make Attacks ignore Blocks, Evades, Invulns, same for Instance casts, people can evade Steal, JI and other instant casts spells.
Versed in Stone is completely random when it’ll show up anyway, it couldn’t be relied on too much to begin with. And if you were wasting dodge rolls just for Stab, you had a problem to begin with. :/
I agree with the first part of your sentence, and I’m already scraping most of the passive skills from my characters, specially if they fall beyond the 40 seconds cd line.
But using evade to get stability was not only wise but also mandatory in a lot of situations: I did enjoy evading before finishing foes in downed state while PvPing or at
roaming, and in WvW raids evading before a clash was almost compulsory, because Stand Your Ground! alone from your comrades wasn’t enough in the current state of the game, in which is the soft cc (rooting, chill, daze..) what kills you most of the time (you die once you stop moving).
While I don’t agree with his word choice in that you have a “problem,” the point is that just dodging for Stab is a low-skill way to get one of the holy trinity of boons (the other two being quickness and resistance). Not saying it was unwise, just unskillful. All you’re being asked to do is actually evade something, in sPvP most downed players will be happy to provide you with something to dodge. I will not comment on WvW, not my area of expertise.
(edited by Huskyboy.1053)
I am laughing at people saying that “Unwavering Avoidance” is not a big deal of nerf. Let me ask this, why are some people okay with nerfing a good skill?
Unwavering Avoidance has an amazing usage in WvW (as well as pvp of course). When getting rushed in by an anticipated bomb or CCs, you dodge away giving you these couple stab stacks (or single). Usually zergs kitten their CCs before the bombs, not the other way around (mostly). Now you will need to get CC’ed, breakstun, then dodge and most probably you will get this stab.
P.S. Why does Ventari exist as a legend in revenants anyways?
Just delete it.
Anet, can you for once buff something in revenants. 100% of every major updates, we get some kind of annoying nerfs.
You’re mad that now you actually have to time your evade to avoid the attack instead of just dodging aimlessly?
We already touched that point. You can’t avoid attacks with instant cast (as Judge’s Intervention) nor attacks coming for foes in stealth. Herald’s now lack stability against a wide array of classes and foes which can operate while being invisible. Some of those -as the Mesmers- can even interrupt you instantly, on regular basis, several times each 10 seconds, while you will be unable to do a crap.
Actually you can, it’s just slightly more difficult, stealth doesn’t make Attacks ignore Blocks, Evades, Invulns, same for Instance casts, people can evade Steal, JI and other instant casts spells.
So you’re talking about how now you need to aim your evades, and at the same time you’re proposing ramdomly blocking and evading foes in stealth? This is you “can be done”?
Thanx to prove my point, that was a very illuminating response.
I am laughing at people saying that “Unwavering Avoidance” is not a big deal of nerf. Let me ask this, why are some people okay with nerfing a good skill?
Unwavering Avoidance has an amazing usage in WvW (as well as pvp of course). When getting rushed in by an anticipated bomb or CCs, you dodge away giving you these couple stab stacks (or single). Usually zergs kitten their CCs before the bombs, not the other way around (mostly). Now you will need to get CC’ed, breakstun, then dodge and most probably you will get this stab.
P.S. Why does Ventari exist as a legend in revenants anyways?
Just delete it.
Anet, can you for once buff something in revenants. 100% of every major updates, we get some kind of annoying nerfs.
You’re mad that now you actually have to time your evade to avoid the attack instead of just dodging aimlessly?
We already touched that point. You can’t avoid attacks with instant cast (as Judge’s Intervention) nor attacks coming for foes in stealth. Herald’s now lack stability against a wide array of classes and foes which can operate while being invisible. Some of those -as the Mesmers- can even interrupt you instantly, on regular basis, several times each 10 seconds, while you will be unable to do a crap.
Actually you can, it’s just slightly more difficult, stealth doesn’t make Attacks ignore Blocks, Evades, Invulns, same for Instance casts, people can evade Steal, JI and other instant casts spells.
So you’re talking about how now you need to aim your evades, and at the same time you’re proposing ramdomly blocking and evading foes in stealth? This is you “can be done”?
Thanx to prove my point, that was a very illuminating response.
Or you know you can use your short cooldown Aoe Reveal but meh I gues Revs have no counter to Stealth….. and it’s not randomly dodging, if you understand the stealth mehanic, take Thief for instant in almost all cases it has a 3 sec duration for any real burst a D/P thief has to get behind you in that short window if you move out of their short range dodge or block their big burst attack is put on cd that mixed with the aftercast their Stealth is gone…. and oh yeah you can stand in your Latge Aoe reveal defeating stealth…
Or you know you can use your short cooldown Aoe Reveal but meh I gues Revs have no counter to Stealth…..
You mean Gaze of Darkness, that garbage with a range of 360 units? GoD will only help you if the thief/mesmer/ranger you have in front is a tool.
Most of builds that burst out from stealth are specialist in poking at range, and no way (if they are competent) they will attack a Herald inside the 450 unit radius of your Unrentling Assault. Gaze of Darkness only redeeming quality is being a breakstun, and not that useful because the essential mechanics of the Revenant resource: you need to change legends to get energy, more and more often since the HoT release because the cost of skills is being raised patch after patch.
And this is one of the reasons due I think that cleansing coinditions and doing breakstuns through Invocation is pointless: you need to change legends due in combat your energy is depleted fast (you have no traits to enhance that recovery as thieves do with Initiative), so you can chose: change your legends to being able to use skills and then lack cleanses and so, or save the change to break stuns or cleanse and then slow down you skill cast to glacial speed.
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