Revenant Changes Based on BWE Feedback

Revenant Changes Based on BWE Feedback

in Revenant

Posted by: Roy Cronacher

Roy Cronacher

Game Designer


Hey, everyone! I’m back to bring you all a list of changes based on feedback from our first Beta Weekend Event. Overall the revenant profession preformed much better and closer to where I want them to be, but there are still many things to tweak. If you happened to catch the live stream today, then you’ll have heard about a few of these changes, but this post will detail all the ones made so far.

These changes have been made internally and you’ll get to see them in the next iteration of revenant that you get to play. This post is a chance to see what’s coming for the revenant and a chance for you to give feedback about these changes as well as let us know about other others issue you have noticed while playing the profession.

In addition to these changes, harpoon and the revenant’s elite specialization, Herald, will be available to test in our next beta weekend event. Herald will include shield, legendary dragon stance (Glint), and the Herald traits. The blog post can be found on our website, if you missed it, or you can check out our YouTube channel
for the uploaded video of the stream to see everything in game.

There was some awkward behavior with the difference between invoking legends in combat and out of combat. This resulted in some weird behavior such as creating a scenario where you’d want to toggle Impossible Odds, wait till you get low energy, invoke your other legend, then switch back to Impossible Odds. We wanted to make invoking legends more consistent with other classes, such as the Elementalist attunements always having the same recharge.

  • Invoking a legend will now have a 10 second recharge while out of combat.

Overall we felt like the number two skills Punishing Sweep and Debilitating Slam were a bit lackluster and didn’t fit the set very well. This is something we felt since the initial revenant test weekend. This skill was changed to add more control over a fight. As you will notice, we made Surge of the Mists an evade and this will be a common theme you see with skills that have your character moving through the mists. This is something that a lot of you gave a lot of feedback on so we’re going to try it out.

  • Punishing Sweep: This skill will now apply 3 seconds of weakness to foes.
  • Debilitating Slam: This skill will no longer apply weakness, instead it will daze foes it hits for 0.5 seconds. Decreased number of targets from 5 to 3 and increased the cost from 10 energy to 15.
  • Renewing Wave: This skill is now a blast finisher.
  • Surge of the Mists: This skill will now evade while your character is preforming this attack.

You gave us a lot of good feedback about the experience with sword, but there were some concerns that the damage, while good, felt a bit under-tuned. We boosted some of the damage values across the skills. The recharge felt a bit long on the off-hand skills so we reduced them a bit. As with Surge of the Mists, we made Unrelenting Assault evade for its duration. It was too punishing to be locked into a skill where you had no control over your character.

  • Preparation Thrust: Increased the damage by 6%.
  • Brutal Blade: Increased the damage by 5%.
  • Rift Slash: Increased the initial strike damage by 11%.
  • Precision Strike: Increased the chill from 1 second to 2 seconds and increased the damage by 34%.
  • Unrelenting Assault: Increased the damage by 30%. This skill will now evade while your character is preforming this attack.
  • Duelist’s Preparation: Fixed an issue causing this skill to not block for the intended duration. Decreased the recharge from 15 seconds to 12 seconds.
  • Grasping Shadow: Decreased the recharge from 20 seconds to 15 seconds and increased the damage by 75%.

There was a tweak to a cast time here to help with the flow of the weapon. The after-cast on Field of the Mists was actually much higher than one second so this should make it feel much better.

  • Field of the Mists. Reduced the cast time from 1 second to 0.75 second.
  • Phase Smash: This skill will now evade while your character is preforming this attack.

Legendary Assassin Stance
This stance had a lot of positive response, but based on feedback I felt as if we could really improve the feel and flow of this stance. A big one was allowing Phase Traversal to work like other teleports so it still would go up to the 1200 distance if used on a target further away then that.

  • Enchanted Daggers: Reduced the time interval between the time an enchanted dagger is trigger and the next one from 1 second to 0.5 second.
  • Riposting Shadows: Reduced the cost from 35 energy to 30 energy.
  • Phase Traversal: This skill can now be used on a target out of range to close the distance similar to how Infiltrator’s Signet on thief works.

Legendary Centaur Stance
The outgoing healing traits were not working with many of the skills in this stance which led to it being much less impactful than intended since you can get an incredible amount of outgoing healing in the Salvation trait line.

  • Fixed an issue where the skills for this stance were not working with the outgoing healing bonuses.

Legendary Dwarf Stance
Similar to staff having one outlier skill, so did this stance. Vengeful Hammers was in an odd place. It was mostly a skill used for added damage instead of fitting the theme of being more centered around being a tanky brawler. The skill has been redesigned with a new focus around survivability and being in the thick of a fight which should better fit this stance. Inspiring Reinforcement got reduced a bit because the potential uptime of stability was just too high when comparing to other stability skills; it could be kept up permanently. Besides that, I tweaked some of the other skills to make them feel better.

  • Inspiring Reinforcement: Decreased the stability per pulse from 6 seconds to 1 second. Increased the recharge from 5 seconds to 10 seconds and its energy cost from 25 to 30.
  • Vengeful Hammers: This skill has had a bit of a re-design. Decreased the damage done by 70%. The hammers will now heal you for a small amount when they hit a foe. While Vengeful Hammers is active you will take 20% decreased physical and condition damage. It also is now instant cast and lowered the from 180 to 120.
  • Soothing Stone: Increased the base heal by 20%.
  • Rite of the Great Dwarf: Reduced the cast time from 2.75 seconds to 1.25 seconds

This trait was just too weak for what it was doing as a grandmaster trait. It should be more on par with other grandmaster traits now.

  • Maniacal Persistence: Increased the critical-hit chance per pulse from 2% to 10%.

There was a bug fix here and the redesign of a trait. Increased attack speed bonuses felt lackluster when you have access to Impossible Odds, which grants quickness. The increased attack speed values did not stack so I felt as if it was a good place to add in a damage multiplier that would also help out sword’s damage.

  • Nefarious Momentum: Fixed a bug so you no longer can cancel-cast legendary assassin stance skills and still gain the might.
  • Rapid Laceration: This trait has been changed to Vicious Lacerations. This trait will now increase damage by 2% per stack while attacking with a sword equipped. This stacks up to a maximum of five times.

In this specialization line Invigorating Flow wasn’t working properly. Now that it does, the self-healing is quite visible. Similar to Maniacal Persistence, the Rolling Mists trait was just too weak as a conditional 10% critical chance increase so I increased it a bit.

  • Invigorating Flow: Fixed an issue with this trait so it will properly trigger from energy spending skills.
  • Rolling Mists: Increased the effectiveness increase from 50% to 100% to provide an extra 20% critical-hit chance while under the effects of fury.
Twitter: @RoyCronacher
I work on systems, combat, skills, and balance.

(edited by Roy Cronacher.1576)

Revenant Changes Based on BWE Feedback

in Revenant

Posted by: KingFarout.1092


Awesome changes. Thanks Roy you the best

Revenant Changes Based on BWE Feedback

in Revenant

Posted by: Wandelaar.3746


Thanks a lot Roy!

Revenant Changes Based on BWE Feedback

in Revenant

Posted by: Gray.9041


nice. you just… took the issues and fixed them. always good to see.

Revenant Changes Based on BWE Feedback

in Revenant

Posted by: warherox.7943


Biggest change being the outgoing heal bonuses now working with Ventari.


Doctor Beetus – Burst Engi Maguuma

Revenant Changes Based on BWE Feedback

in Revenant

Posted by: Sylent.3165


Thank you very much for sword buff

Revenant Changes Based on BWE Feedback

in Revenant

Posted by: Petoox.6570


Looks awesome, thank you Roy! <3

Revenant Changes Based on BWE Feedback

in Revenant

Posted by: Manarain.7940


Excellent changes. Glad to see Maniacal Persistence buffed

Revenant Changes Based on BWE Feedback

in Revenant

Posted by: Kidel.2057


All good. Thanks Roy.

Revenant Changes Based on BWE Feedback

in Revenant

Posted by: Mournilg.4870


I read Jalis changes…. and i dropped a tear :‘D
Now i hope the hammer collisions will be more forgiving because right now there are many places in Itzel village where you just can’t even cast (it on bridges mostly)
And now i know why some traits felt like they were not their because,…well they were not working in fact. Can’t wait for the next Revenant test!


Revenant Changes Based on BWE Feedback

in Revenant

Posted by: Kodiak.3281


Inspiring Reinforcement: Decreased the stability per pulse from 6 seconds to 1 second. Increased the recharge from 5 seconds to 10 seconds and its energy cost from 25 to 30.

This pretty much kills Jalis for WvW. Stability is already incredibly limited on the Revenant as is with no other skills adding multiple stacks of Stability for any notable duration. Inspiring Reinforcement was the #1 thing keeping it a viable contender with Shiro.

Most cases when on the run (which you are constantly moving in WvW) Inspiring Reinforcement was the only thing that was going to get you through with Stability. On the run, you are only affected by a single stack of Stability. Standing in the field generated is not an option in the highly mobile world of WvW where mobility = Life.

At this stage there’s no point going Jalis over Shiro which will provide you with a far superior Stun Break (evasion, condi removal, stun break, and endurance return) for far less energy and access to Super Speed on demand for repositioning. Our Offensive stance just became the most defensive.

This also sends us to the back line in WvW permanently in large groups because we also lack the Stability to keep up with and hang on the Front Line now as well.

1 second of Stability functionally speaking doesn’t work in WvW.

Kodiak X – Blackgate

Revenant Changes Based on BWE Feedback

in Revenant

Posted by: KronosBaelfire.6289


Chooooo Chooooo! TY ROY!!! \o/
“The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting.” – Sun Tzu, The Art of War

(edited by KronosBaelfire.6289)

Revenant Changes Based on BWE Feedback

in Revenant

Posted by: Aguasatori.7236


All mist-traveling skills act as an evade…fantastic.

Borlis Pass
[SBZY] Guild Leader

Revenant Changes Based on BWE Feedback

in Revenant

Posted by: Rain.9213


“Unrelenting Assault: Increased the damage by 30%. This skill will now evade while your character is preforming this attack.”

GG everything without a pet, minion, or clone in 1v1 XD Jesus, I thought the skill hit hard already just needed evade frames. This is gonna WRECK
Thanks Roy, now I’ll destroy enemies even easier!

“Grasping Shadow: Decreased the recharge from 20 seconds to 15 seconds and increased the damage by 75%.”

Yep. Dual Sword Revenant is gonna be a complete powerhouse now BRING ON THE NEXT BETA WEEKEND, BABY!

Revenant Changes Based on BWE Feedback

in Revenant

Posted by: Kaiden Valor.7163

Kaiden Valor.7163

I think the changes to Inspiring Reinforcement where perhaps too severe. From your explanation you make it sound like a slight adjustment, but you’ve removed a lot of the stability and increased the cost + recharge time. I guess we’ll see how it plays out in the next BWE, but my initial reaction is that you went too much in the other direction

Everything else looks good though.

Revenant Changes Based on BWE Feedback

in Revenant

Posted by: Shiro Tegachii.5619

Shiro Tegachii.5619

best news ever

Revenant Changes Based on BWE Feedback

in Revenant

Posted by: Kidel.2057


Wait a sec. Legendswap 10s cd ooc, isn’t that a bit too much? I was expecting maybe 3. With 10 seconds it’s too punishing. IO ooc wasn’t even a big deal.

Revenant Changes Based on BWE Feedback

in Revenant

Posted by: Thz.7569


Still hoping for an option for ranged condi. Mace is not enough.

Revenant Changes Based on BWE Feedback

in Revenant

Posted by: skowcia.8257


Many of them are good changes, but i dont understand a few things;

1. Debilitating Slam.

We already complained about high energy usage, so im not sure if this one is justiced.

2. Renewing Wave.

Blast finisher was needed without a doubt. But why animation wasnt reduced? Its one sec selfroot. Its alsoa condi cleanse skill but by the time i ire it off i may eat 3k burn from guardian..

3. Surge of the Mists.

I still believe it could use reduced cd, but that that it evade we have to see how it play out.

4. Sword in general

Damage buffs was needed, im not sure if skill 2 cuts it off but we shall see next beta. Howered whats about unrelenting assault? Will it continue attacking all clones/pets or even ambient mobs?

5. Enchanted Daggers

Remove icd plz.. Its still terrible. If you plan to to keep icd then at least increase duration of daggers to 20 seconds.

6. Legendary Centaur Stance

Why we are still forced to summon the tablet manually?

7. Inspiring Reinforcement

This one i dont understand..its a straight nerf. I can understand stability due to new trait in herald..but cd increase? Will it at least pulse stability right away?

8. Nefarious Momentum

Will be still be able to cancel cast jade winds without losing energy? Just curious about that one as i thought it was a bug so i didnt abused it (much) last beta.

9. Condition cleanse

That issue was not adressed.. What the..?

10. Energy

Why you wont let us transfer energy form one legend to another one if we have build it up above 50%?

And now a white pearl;

Phase Traversal: This skill can now be used on a target out of range to close the distance similar to how Infiltrator’s Signet on thief works.


PARTY TIMEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

obey me

Revenant Changes Based on BWE Feedback

in Revenant

Posted by: BlazeQ.1095


Glad to see almost all of these changes, I am concerned that I might have to dumb down my build and get travelers runes again though Being slow in a roam/havoc group is never a good thing.

Cold Beerdrinker
PB Officer

Revenant Changes Based on BWE Feedback

in Revenant

Posted by: Thorquist.8126


It was too punishing to be locked into a skill where you had no control over your character.

Rangers with sword say ‘hi’.

Revenant Changes Based on BWE Feedback

in Revenant

Posted by: Zev.3407


Glad your taking our feedback seriously9even if you never once responded to people feeling like a lack of utility customization)

Appreciate a dev actually caring about a class.

oh and anyway we could get Ventari elite cast time lowered, hard to use against moving targets, because they move out of the way too easily

Revenant Changes Based on BWE Feedback

in Revenant

Posted by: Recursivision.2367


Inspiring Reinforcement: Decreased the stability per pulse from 6 seconds to 1 second. Increased the recharge from 5 seconds to 10 seconds and its energy cost from 25 to 30.

This pretty much kills Jalis for WvW. Stability is already incredibly limited on the Revenant as is with no other skills adding multiple stacks of Stability for any notable duration. Inspiring Reinforcement was the #1 thing keeping it a viable contender with Shiro.

Most cases when on the run (which you are constantly moving in WvW) Inspiring Reinforcement was the only thing that was going to get you through with Stability. On the run, you are only affected by a single stack of Stability. Standing in the field generated is not an option in the highly mobile world of WvW where mobility = Life.

At this stage there’s no point going Jalis over Shiro which will provide you with a far superior Stun Break (evasion, condi removal, stun break, and endurance return) for far less energy and access to Super Speed on demand for repositioning. Our Offensive stance just became the most defensive.

This also sends us to the back line in WvW permanently in large groups because we also lack the Stability to keep up with and hang on the Front Line now as well.

1 second of Stability functionally speaking doesn’t work in WvW.

I agree that it seems a bit overkill. A reduction to 3 seconds wouldn’t have phased me, but I’m not certain it’ll be worth casting WvW, especially if it isn’t changed to start pulsing faster. On the other hand, 6 seconds + the possible boon duration is a bit much.

It was never really meant to be—or that functional as—a pre-buff. You drop it to prevent allies from being cc’d within its area, which 1 second stab accomplishes. However, a couple more seconds would provide a nice little margin for error.

I am excited for the changes to staff though.

Revenant Changes Based on BWE Feedback

in Revenant

Posted by: Griffith.7238


Glad to see almost all of these changes, I am concerned that I might have to dumb down my build and get travelers runes again though Being slow in a roam/havoc group is never a good thing.

If you run Glint you get an infinite swiftness with if I remember correctly a -1 Upkeep cost so you shouldn’t need those traveler runes.

Revenant Changes Based on BWE Feedback

in Revenant

Posted by: Kidel.2057


Lots of swiftness and superspeed. Rev is probably the fastest heavy armor class right now

Revenant Changes Based on BWE Feedback

in Revenant

Posted by: Sagat.3285


It was too punishing to be locked into a skill where you had no control over your character.

Rangers with sword say ‘hi’.

I tried staying away from rev forums due to a blindness plague but this broke me too funny.

“Revenant is actual proof that devs read the necromancer forum” – Pelopidas.2140
The Dhuumfire thread

Revenant Changes Based on BWE Feedback

in Revenant

Posted by: Manarain.7940


“Invoking a legend will now have a 10 second recharge while out of combat.”

So, would this prevent us from swapping out a legend while we’re out of combat until the 10 second cooldown is off?

Revenant Changes Based on BWE Feedback

in Revenant

Posted by: SchmendrickTheMagician.8247


Hey, everyone! I’m back to bring you all a list of changes based on feedback from our first Beta Weekend Event.

I guess I’ll ask here seeing as you’re the most active developer on the forum right now: Will we get threads and general developer feedback on the other elite specs like Tempest and Dragon Hunter too, now that they had their first beta weekends?

Eles, Necros and Guardians seem to really lack – even minor – developer responses in their plights.

Last of the Red Hot Swamis

Revenant Changes Based on BWE Feedback

in Revenant

Posted by: Zev.3407


“Invoking a legend will now have a 10 second recharge while out of combat.”

So, would this prevent us from swapping out a legend while we’re out of combat until the 10 second cooldown is off?

lol it means the legend swap has a 10 sec cd

Revenant Changes Based on BWE Feedback

in Revenant

Posted by: Kidel.2057


That’s probably what it means. 10 secs is too much ooc.

Also no condi cleanse problem addressed for power builds

Revenant Changes Based on BWE Feedback

in Revenant

Posted by: Vennyhedgie.5369


The legend swap ooc was completely unnecessary as super speed from impossible odds works exactly like swiftness out of combat, and many classes already have perma swiftness avaliable to them.
The Inspiring reinforcement may have gone too far. Meanwhile forceful engagement is still using 50 energy.

Revenant Changes Based on BWE Feedback

in Revenant

Posted by: Kodiak.3281


Inspiring Reinforcement: Decreased the stability per pulse from 6 seconds to 1 second. Increased the recharge from 5 seconds to 10 seconds and its energy cost from 25 to 30.

This pretty much kills Jalis for WvW. Stability is already incredibly limited on the Revenant as is with no other skills adding multiple stacks of Stability for any notable duration. Inspiring Reinforcement was the #1 thing keeping it a viable contender with Shiro.

Most cases when on the run (which you are constantly moving in WvW) Inspiring Reinforcement was the only thing that was going to get you through with Stability. On the run, you are only affected by a single stack of Stability. Standing in the field generated is not an option in the highly mobile world of WvW where mobility = Life.

At this stage there’s no point going Jalis over Shiro which will provide you with a far superior Stun Break (evasion, condi removal, stun break, and endurance return) for far less energy and access to Super Speed on demand for repositioning. Our Offensive stance just became the most defensive.

This also sends us to the back line in WvW permanently in large groups because we also lack the Stability to keep up with and hang on the Front Line now as well.

1 second of Stability functionally speaking doesn’t work in WvW.

I agree that it seems a bit overkill. A reduction to 3 seconds wouldn’t have phased me, but I’m not certain it’ll be worth casting WvW, especially if it isn’t changed to start pulsing faster. On the other hand, 6 seconds + the possible boon duration is a bit much.

It was never really meant to be—or that functional as—a pre-buff. You drop it to prevent allies from being cc’d within its area, which 1 second stab accomplishes. However, a couple more seconds would provide a nice little margin for error.

I am excited for the changes to staff though.

Oh I’m super excited for all the changes, just that one was way over kill and deeply affects WvW my primary game mode. Personally I’d be okay with 3s because at maximum boon duration that’s around 6s again of stab max.

Personally what I’d rather see is it give multiple stacks of Stability in slower pulses. For example first pulse (when dropped) it gives 3 stacks for 3 seconds, then halfway through it pulses again for another 3 stacks for 3 seconds. First pulse is guaranteed to hit the Revenant as well. This would be actually pretty useful but not in such an OP amount.

Problem is I think Devs look at total up time rather than what is functionally useful when it comes to Stability. For example the pinnacle of Stability right now is pretty much “Stand your Ground” on a Guardian. They probably see it as not so good, 5 stacks for 5 seconds to 5 people with a “huge” 30s cool down. Except the fact it’s instant cast/instant effect, 360 AOE and multiple stacks basically make it amazing for WvW and most front line groups are in fact bottle necked by requiring 2-3 Guardians for that one skill alone. Then they look at something like Inspiring Reinforcement, see that it’s a skill with potential for 100% up time on Stability and all the red flags go off even when it wasn’t nearly as powerful as they think because functionally you’ll rarely sit at 100% up time because you can’t afford to stand in a field like that. Hell put the thing on a 30s cool down as well, I don’t care, just give me the multiple stacks of Stability I need to stay functional in WvW!

Kodiak X – Blackgate

Revenant Changes Based on BWE Feedback

in Revenant

Posted by: Loex.5104


TY Roy – it is a great feeling to see how active you are here in the forums and that you listen to the commiunity to make the Rev realy awesome Its obvious that the recent changes came right out of the commiunity and this is just how it has to be done – you and your team are doing a great job and im happy to be 100% sure to main a Rev as soon as it releases

But i still have 2 cents to add for the Base-Revenant

1) Revenant needs more access to Condi-cleanse – Shiro coud do it on Riposting Shadows e.g. (Ventari and Jalis are ok i think)

2) Mallyx (please love him as much as you love Shiro / Glint)
This is a bigger topic imho – the whiole system works nice on paper but feels extremey lackluster in actual gameplay

a) you can suck up minutes of Cripple and insane amounts of burning and poison (jeez i got over 90seconds of cripple during the Event where you dig the Wyvern eggs in Verdant Brink from my group … with no chance to clean it cuz i ran Mallyx Shiro – there is NO way to handle this large amount with resistance)

b) in organized groups it feels the other way – condis are cleansed realy quick what makes the whole +dmg per condi and the +turment stuff pretty useless

c) no condi clean if running alone – mallyx shall be stronger with conditions thats the base idea .. he shall play with them and your foe should regret applying them to you … but at the end of the day the Condition Master Mallyx has no way to cean himself…
Skills like Banish Enchantment or Embrace the Darkness coud solve this. Also all things where we find “copy conditions” could be “transfer conditions”

To adress the idea of “more condis make me stronger” every applied condition should apply a boon stack (best with the same duration as the applied condition) – revenant skills now calculate their stuff based on that boon instead of the condition itself (this also enables good counterplay as this boon could be ripped off)

3) swiftness (lets be honest – nothing kills the fun of exploring more than waking around in slow motion)

regardless of glint (as i just talk about the base rev) we still need more access to OOC swiftness imho – some simple trait in invocation pls – i would totally sacrafice the “take less falling damage” thing for a speed increase

4) forceful engagement is imho still too expensive to be useful (and too short in PvE)- i think 35 energy are enough

5) was the 10sec cd on Legend swap OOC neccesary? – pllease give us access to viable swiftness and no one would spamm the IO -> swap swap -> IO Rotation as it makes us heavily weak for surprise attacks

6) Energy – PLEASE let us keep our current energy on Legend Swap if we have more than 50. To gain a good stable Energy pool >50 we need to start slow into combat – this point should not be ruined if we need to swap legends.

7) ventari tablet – it REALLY needs to be casted isntantly on Legend Swap to Ventari … all utils need this tablet so there is no reason to not summon it on legend swap

Thats it

Im looking forward for the next iteration and also for playing the Herald and could not honor you and your whole team enough for your hard great work ;D

It was too punishing to be locked into a skill where you had no control over your character.

Rangers with sword say ‘hi’.

Haha xD im sure every ranger died at least once on the high ways in the dredge caves ;D (i failed way too often with that skill)

(edited by Loex.5104)

Revenant Changes Based on BWE Feedback

in Revenant

Posted by: BlazeQ.1095


Glad to see almost all of these changes, I am concerned that I might have to dumb down my build and get travelers runes again though Being slow in a roam/havoc group is never a good thing.

If you run Glint you get an infinite swiftness with if I remember correctly a -1 Upkeep cost so you shouldn’t need those traveler runes.

But if you run Glint you cant run Shiro/Malyx. Will do some theory crafting though and see what possibilities are available.

Cold Beerdrinker
PB Officer

Revenant Changes Based on BWE Feedback

in Revenant

Posted by: Shadow Dragon Bob.7160

Shadow Dragon Bob.7160

That rolling mist change is HUGE. HUGE i tell you. Only needing 60% crit chance + fury to trigger a 100% crit rate bring the possibility of different stats. I’m surprised by the evades, but agree with the concept because it does get you killed when fighting multiple enemies. Can’t wait to hop back into my rev for Beta Week 2!

Revenant Changes Based on BWE Feedback

in Revenant

Posted by: xarallei.4279


Well, it’s a step in the right direction. Very happy with the sword buffs. And while it’s not no cd, reduced cd for shiro’s siphon heal is better than nothing. We’ll see how it works in the next beta.

Only thing that is very disappointing is the lack of condi cleanse if you go for a dps shiro/glint spec.

Revenant Changes Based on BWE Feedback

in Revenant

Posted by: Kidel.2057


Since so many are asking for condi cleanse I’m sure it will be considered. Shiro+Glint has none.

Revenant Changes Based on BWE Feedback

in Revenant

Posted by: Griffith.7238


Hey, everyone! I’m back to bring you all a list of changes based on feedback from our first Beta Weekend Event.

I guess I’ll ask here seeing as you’re the most active developer on the forum right now: Will we get threads and general developer feedback on the other elite specs like Tempest and Dragon Hunter too, now that they had their first beta weekends?

Eles, Necros and Guardians seem to really lack – even minor – developer responses in their plights.

I think the general consensus is that at least in the case of Ele’s and Guards those classes have an already sound base class where as the Rev is new and needs a lot more feedback and work. Not that that excuses the Devs from giving less attention to the other and equally important classes ,but those classes are done with the exception of the elite spec where as the Rev isn’t finished in any capacity.

Revenant Changes Based on BWE Feedback

in Revenant

Posted by: Adrian Guardian.9480

Adrian Guardian.9480

  • Phase Traversal: This skill can now be used on a target out of range to close the distance similar to how Infiltrator’s Signet on thief works.

Seriously? That sounds like a bit too good…
I wonder how far away it can be activated, closing 2400 range for 40 energy would be so whoosh

(edited by Adrian Guardian.9480)

Revenant Changes Based on BWE Feedback

in Revenant

Posted by: Roy Cronacher


Roy Cronacher

Game Designer


Since so many are asking for condi cleanse I’m sure it will be considered. Shiro+Glint has none.

Revenant as a whole is designed to not have much condition cleanse. That’s not to say there won’t be any tweaks for removal, but it won’t be any large changes. can’t have everything.

Twitter: @RoyCronacher
I work on systems, combat, skills, and balance.

Revenant Changes Based on BWE Feedback

in Revenant

Posted by: Varezenem.2813


Gonna Heal them all. #hype train

Senbu Ren[Wind]
Herald of Ventari

Revenant Changes Based on BWE Feedback

in Revenant

Posted by: xarallei.4279


Seriously? Considering how hard condis hit? Even in pve they hurt.

Revenant Changes Based on BWE Feedback

in Revenant

Posted by: Griffith.7238


Since so many are asking for condi cleanse I’m sure it will be considered. Shiro+Glint has none.

Revenant as a whole is designed to not have much condition cleanse. That’s not to say there won’t be any tweaks for removal, but it won’t be any large changes. can’t have everything.

^This. Every build has its counter and unless we are running Mallyx that will probably be our counter. At least we get access to Mallyx unlike some classes that can not and will never be able to handle condi’s well.

Revenant Changes Based on BWE Feedback

in Revenant

Posted by: Kidel.2057


Since so many are asking for condi cleanse I’m sure it will be considered. Shiro+Glint has none.

Revenant as a whole is designed to not have much condition cleanse. That’s not to say there won’t be any tweaks for removal, but it won’t be any large changes. can’t have everything.

Something would be great ahah
At least to make powerbuilds viable on pve.

Revenant Changes Based on BWE Feedback

in Revenant

Posted by: BlazeQ.1095


Since so many are asking for condi cleanse I’m sure it will be considered. Shiro+Glint has none.

Revenant as a whole is designed to not have much condition cleanse. That’s not to say there won’t be any tweaks for removal, but it won’t be any large changes. can’t have everything.

I can accept that. Mainly because I prefer group play vs solo play. Groups working together can do so much more.

Cold Beerdrinker
PB Officer

Revenant Changes Based on BWE Feedback

in Revenant

Posted by: Rygg.6237


Solid changes and much needed stuff has been implemented, this will bring a lot to the table for Revenant, also +100000 points for listening to the feedback this is what the game needs for fixing profession balance issues. I still think that we need to see how Revenant works after the changes and fine tune some stuff before it can go live.

As of Jalis I think it will be the least used stance, it now has the best heal on Revenant but asides the (needed) change of RotGD and Soothing Stone it’s been left kind of in the same spot, the stance will be used because of RotGD and Soothing Stone instead of Soothing Stone and Inspiring Reinforcement.

The profession’s survival and support possibilities have grown a lot thanks to Herald skills and traits, and I just can’t wait to try out how Herald does.

The main problem currently is that managing energy is troublesome in tight situations, you have to chose if you use burst or defense because you just use up 40-70% energy in just 2-5 seconds, I still think that utilities could have their energy cost reduced given that we make some sort of balance like 1 second of CD=2% energy or something like that.

The other problem left is that everyone was underwhelmed by the DPS the Revenant had, I too found it was the lack of damage modifier on traits, we currently have 3 thanks to changes and herald, it’s yet to be seen how impactfull they’ll be on overall DPS but my guess is that Staff and Swords with the damage modifier traits will leave Revenant around Warrior/Guardian DPS capabilities, I’d like to see mutilate defenses deal extra 5% damage to foes suffering from vuln, but I guess it’s too overkill to have 3 damage modifiers in the same traitline, I already have thought in 2-3 new builds I’d like to try out.

Also the guy on the Herald teaser pic is a norn? or just a Sylvari on steroids?

Revenant Changes Based on BWE Feedback

in Revenant

Posted by: Griffith.7238


Since so many are asking for condi cleanse I’m sure it will be considered. Shiro+Glint has none.

Revenant as a whole is designed to not have much condition cleanse. That’s not to say there won’t be any tweaks for removal, but it won’t be any large changes. can’t have everything.

Something would be great ahah
At least to make powerbuilds viable on pve.

There is Jalis, Ventari, and Staff. It’s not like we don’t have it you just want it on the Legends and Weapons you want to use which is understandable ,but not realistic every single class has this problem where you can’t have your cake and eat it too.

Revenant Changes Based on BWE Feedback

in Revenant

Posted by: Kidel.2057


Pugs are not always what you may want.

Some self condi cleanse should be viable even without Jalis.
I hardly imagine myself doing some fractals without self cleanse.

Yeah griffith, but this means that shiro+glint is not a viable combination unless you equip staff just for cleanse, reducing your dps a lot compared to sword, or giving up to ranged option.

I get that condis are revenant’s weak point, but we should at least be able to use powerbuilds without exploding for burninf in CoF.

(edited by Kidel.2057)

Revenant Changes Based on BWE Feedback

in Revenant

Posted by: DanteZero.9736


  • Phase Traversal: This skill can now be used on a target out of range to close the distance similar to how Infiltrator’s Signet on thief works.

Seriously? That sounds like a bit too good…
I wonder how far away it can be activated, closing 2400 range for 40 energy would be so whoosh

Well, it will take 8 seconds to regenerate 40 energy while in Shiro stance so that’s likely to be the limiting factor. Also, the skill only works if you have a target, so out of combat mobility when there’s no targets in sight will still be pretty low.

Revenant Changes Based on BWE Feedback

in Revenant

Posted by: DiogoSilva.7089


Since so many are asking for condi cleanse I’m sure it will be considered. Shiro+Glint has none.

Revenant as a whole is designed to not have much condition cleanse. That’s not to say there won’t be any tweaks for removal, but it won’t be any large changes. can’t have everything.

Besides conditions, what other weaknesses do you expect there to be, Roy?