Revenant Changes Based on BWE Feedback

Revenant Changes Based on BWE Feedback

in Revenant

Posted by: Killyox.3950


Not massive increases in the CDs…just some adjustments. I think Energy Costs hurt the flow of the weapons to be honest. Just my opinion here!

I’d rather not. I rather have more decisions to make than be limited by CDs icreasingly so. That is my draw to revenant. It it gets more and more CDs I will simply ignore the class entirely.

Revenant Changes Based on BWE Feedback

in Revenant

Posted by: Misguided.5139


Sugestion: Increase the attack-speed of the hammer autoattack or make it more aoe like. If that would be to powerful, you could reduce the range.

  • Please remove weapon swapping. We have the legend swapping and if this isn’t enough, you can give us a increased attack-speed over all weapons.

I’m sorry, but there’s not enough “no” for this post. Hammer AA is very strong already and is a piercing attack (it already has enough AoE). While the attack rate is slow (fitting the weapon), the projectile speed is actually quite good. Reducing the range is a terrible idea.

If you don’t want to use weapon swap, don’t, but kindly don’t ruin the profession for the rest of us. Revenant without weapon swap was vastly inferior.

Revenant Changes Based on BWE Feedback

in Revenant

Posted by: Donari.5237


I did not test this very deeply. I forgot to put on a shield, in fact. I tested Glint/Sword/Sword in Metrica, very low level inquest mobs, to figure out the mechanics of the utilities. Overall I am finding Revenant a bit too complex to quickly figure out thanks to having to dance between weapons and legends and would prefer to level one up in a regular fashion to slowly layer on the skills; I think I’ll play it much better if I do that.

So my feedback as of now lies in the visual: I really like the effects of the Glint skills, with one exception: the runed disk under the Rev’s feet showing that it has one of the Glint skills active. It has an odd matte pinkish look to it, as if it has a fuzzy white layer on top of it. It looks unfinished and a bit ugly to me, purely due to the texture and color. If it were made sharper and whiter, perhaps with a hint of blue, it would match the elegance of the rest of the effects and be more evocative of Mist skills (love that ghost dragon! If only it flew a bit further, to match what Rytlock does when he arrives).

Revenant Changes Based on BWE Feedback

in Revenant

Posted by: BrokenGlass.9356


we need an auto attack of some kind for ranged combat that relies on condition application.

the poison trait in the corruption line us weak atm.

everything else is great.

Revenant Changes Based on BWE Feedback

in Revenant

Posted by: Lonewolf Kai.3682

Lonewolf Kai.3682

The animation on Sword #2 looks like it messes up while using it and moving at the same time on a Charr toon. Instead of a nicely executed spinning slash, it’s a side to side slash, but looks a bit odd, like it’s bugging out. I’m not sure if that’s intentional or not. It works fine when stationary.

“Be like water” – Bruce Lee

Revenant Changes Based on BWE Feedback

in Revenant

Posted by: TheFantasticGman.9451


Really liking weapon swap and the Rev Shiro/Glint combo. I’ll end up playing this one quite a lot I think after HoT drops.

Only thing I’d really like to see is faster energy regen.

Speaking from a PVE-only point of view…

Revenant Changes Based on BWE Feedback

in Revenant

Posted by: Bunnytown.7801


Really liked playing revenant this weekend! I made a great build for pvp focusing on attack power an self sustain

  • On Jalis the Soothing Stone and Vengeful Hammers are feeling good. However Inspiring Reinforcement now feels underwhelming, maybe 3 seconds pulsed stability would be a good middle ground? Forced engagement is too high of an energy cost at 50 for what it does. I think 35 energy would be much more reasonable. You don’t want it to become too spamable either, so perhaps increase the cool down. Rite of the Great Dwarf shouldn’t be a stun breaker when it takes 1.25 seconds to cast. I feel like it should instead have stability for it’s duration once cast.
  • Shiro legend feels solid. The only thing I would suggest is increase the energy cost of Phase Traversal to 25 energy. Right now it can be too easy to close ground on a very distant player and then use Unrelenting Assault. I feel like a sword Revenant at 50 energy, covering 2400 range with two Phase Traversals, shouldn’t allow a large burst very quickly afterwards.
  • Glint legend is also very solid. The only thing I would change is the healing skill Infuse Light. In pvp when an enemy revenant uses this heal the healing numbers show on your screen as green. This isn’t really a problem unless you are using a build that heals/siphons on attack. The healing you give them can be covered up by all the small heals you’re giving yourself. If it’s possible I would like to see healing done to enemies as a different color than green, something like blue or yellow.
    Also, as a minor personal gripe, Glint’s roar upon switching to her sounds more like an annoying demon child than a wise majestic dragon. I would rather her speak instead.
  • Ventari Legend is a bit lacking. I like the concept, however it requires too much micromanagement to be effective. To cut down micromanagement I think that when you switch to Ventari the tablet should be auto summoned. You can still move the tablet using the heal skill, however the elite is changed to an upkeep that tethers the tablet next to your character. This would allow you to move with the tablet, or call it back easily. Added to the elite is that it will spawn an energy fragment every 5 seconds, or healing orbs that circle healing you and allies for lower health.

(edited by Bunnytown.7801)

Revenant Changes Based on BWE Feedback

in Revenant

Posted by: Bitoku Kishi.8346

Bitoku Kishi.8346

I tested Revenant in PvE quite a lot, including Dungeons and 20+ scale Fractals. Last time it didn’t do so well, but now it’s a fantastic class with Herald added. I really think the Glint legend works well… it feels really solid, and gives a lot of fun options, but still feeling unique and well balanced. Unless it gets nerfed significantly between now and release, I’m pretty sure Revenant will most likely end up being my favorite class, in PvE at least.

The only thing I’d suggest is that some of the utility skills for the other legends seem like they could use some improvement (Jalis and Shiro in particular), as well as some of the traits seem somewhat underpowered throughout all their trait lines in general. But I think it will still work out as a great class even if they don’t get any further changes at all.

(edited by Bitoku Kishi.8346)

Revenant Changes Based on BWE Feedback

in Revenant

Posted by: tuck.2719


Sugestion: Increase the attack-speed of the hammer autoattack or make it more aoe like. If that would be to powerful, you could reduce the range.

  • Please remove weapon swapping. We have the legend swapping and if this isn’t enough, you can give us a increased attack-speed over all weapons.

I’m sorry, but there’s not enough “no” for this post. Hammer AA is very strong already and is a piercing attack (it already has enough AoE). While the attack rate is slow (fitting the weapon), the projectile speed is actually quite good. Reducing the range is a terrible idea.

If you don’t want to use weapon swap, don’t, but kindly don’t ruin the profession for the rest of us. Revenant without weapon swap was vastly inferior.

The change that I wish they’d made (and I’m sure many would disagree even with this) was to tie equipped weapon to the hero, such that changing the hero stance would also swap you to their weapon (whatever you equipped for them).

Alas, they went with what we have now, which I can certainly live with but feels a bit less thematically consistent to me.

Revenant Changes Based on BWE Feedback

in Revenant

Posted by: Windler.4815


Since so many are asking for condi cleanse I’m sure it will be considered. Shiro+Glint has none.

Revenant as a whole is designed to not have much condition cleanse. That’s not to say there won’t be any tweaks for removal, but it won’t be any large changes. can’t have everything.

Besides conditions, what other weaknesses do you expect there to be, Roy?

Well Rev is weak to condis and physical CC since it has pretty much zero stab. Good to see Shiro/Glint/Jalis power specs are becoming more cohesive. However, Condi rev, should rename Mallyx the Unyielding to Mallyx the Outlier.

Spectral Legion [SL]
Jade Quarry

Revenant Changes Based on BWE Feedback

in Revenant

Posted by: Kikidori.5916


Since so many are asking for condi cleanse I’m sure it will be considered. Shiro+Glint has none.

Revenant as a whole is designed to not have much condition cleanse. That’s not to say there won’t be any tweaks for removal, but it won’t be any large changes. can’t have everything.

Besides conditions, what other weaknesses do you expect there to be, Roy?

Well Rev is weak to condis and physical CC since it has pretty much zero stab. Good to see Shiro/Glint/Jalis power specs are becoming more cohesive. However, Condi rev, should rename Mallyx the Unyielding to Mallyx the Outlier.

Funny enough. If you go Corruption + Mallyx, you are essentially just an improved Necro.

The Desolation of Great Jungle Wurm!

Revenant Changes Based on BWE Feedback

in Revenant

Posted by: Cecilia.5179


Since so many are asking for condi cleanse I’m sure it will be considered. Shiro+Glint has none.

Revenant as a whole is designed to not have much condition cleanse. That’s not to say there won’t be any tweaks for removal, but it won’t be any large changes. can’t have everything.

Besides conditions, what other weaknesses do you expect there to be, Roy?

Well Rev is weak to condis and physical CC since it has pretty much zero stab. Good to see Shiro/Glint/Jalis power specs are becoming more cohesive. However, Condi rev, should rename Mallyx the Unyielding to Mallyx the Outlier.

Funny enough. If you go Corruption + Mallyx, you are essentially just an improved Necro.

Not really. Mallyx is more about sitting on the conditions until they run out, while Necromancer likes to cleanse them or give them to his foes.

Necromancer Rights Advocate
Restart WvW:

Revenant Changes Based on BWE Feedback

in Revenant

Posted by: Aeromu.9134


Is there a reason we aren’t allowed to move with Crystal Hibernation? Engineer and Warrior both are able to move while blocking attacks.

Revenant Changes Based on BWE Feedback

in Revenant

Posted by: Lonewolf Kai.3682

Lonewolf Kai.3682

Is there a reason we aren’t allowed to move with Crystal Hibernation? Engineer and Warrior both are able to move while blocking attacks.

I’m not Roy, but I’d guess it’s because the Warrior block only blocks and has no additional effects, while the Engie is similiar to Revy’s Sword block, and is also only a 1+ second block.

CH heals for quite a bit afterwards.

If you want mobile blocking, go with Sword.

“Be like water” – Bruce Lee

Revenant Changes Based on BWE Feedback

in Revenant

Posted by: Gaaroth.2567


Is there a reason we aren’t allowed to move with Crystal Hibernation? Engineer and Warrior both are able to move while blocking attacks.

I’m not Roy, but I’d guess it’s because the Warrior block only blocks and has no additional effects, while the Engie is similiar to Revy’s Sword block, and is also only a 1+ second block.

CH heals for quite a bit afterwards.

If you want mobile blocking, go with Sword.

Pretty much, shield#5 heals 3.6k with 0 HPow..on 20s cd…that’s kitten strong, almost a second heal!

Tempest & Druid
Wat r u, casul?

Revenant Changes Based on BWE Feedback

in Revenant

Posted by: Aeromu.9134


I can see the reasoning but being stuck in place allows them to queue up an ability to hit you with as soon as you come out of it negating the healing done. I was just curious as to what you guys and Roy thinks. Keep the opinions coming!

Revenant Changes Based on BWE Feedback

in Revenant

Posted by: Gaaroth.2567


I can see the reasoning but being stuck in place allows them to queue up an ability to hit you with as soon as you come out of it negating the healing done. I was just curious as to what you guys and Roy thinks. Keep the opinions coming!

Roy already replied on that. Reason behind root is that, well is a crystal hybernation :-D like original glint’s one.
This gave the chance to add powerful effects to the skill because a simple block (or original break bar) wasn’t enough. Roy stated clearly that if the root goes away the skill need to be toned down by A LOT.
So guys, since we already have a block on oh sword and staff, can we please have a different kind of block, powerful and with flavor on shield?
Also is the enemy can time to attack when you finish block, you can time a bloody dodge too.
And still you might use this skill out of the heat and benefit from an almost full heal…why would people want to pass on that?
Just my 2 coppers.

Tempest & Druid
Wat r u, casul?