Revenant Feedbacks [merged]

Revenant Feedbacks [merged]

in Revenant

Posted by: Laraley.7695


I love the artwork and animations, really, but it seems like ANet is only good at that now and forgot how to design a class. :/

I’d say the revenant is better designed than most other classes, it just needs more polish.

I totally disagree, the lack of weapon skills is just bad.

Revenant Feedbacks [merged]

in Revenant

Posted by: Mindgame.7852


so to be fair I went back to my Revenant and changed everything to Zerker. Using Hammer and Jalis, I went into Southsun Cove. This is where I test most of my builds.

Sadly the dps is still lackluster on Hammer even with all Zerk gear and Scholar runes. The AOE targeting is cumbersome and abilities you would expect to pack a wallop just does nothing. I didn’t even bother with mace/axe or Staff. Anyway, my original opinion stands. Other than the armor skin looking cool, I don’t want anything from the Revenant.

Revenant Feedbacks [merged]

in Revenant

Posted by: Laraley.7695


so to be fair I went back to my Revenant and changed everything to Zerker. Using Hammer and Jalis, I went into Southsun Cove. This is where I test most of my builds.

Sadly the dps is still lackluster on Hammer even with all Zerk gear and Scholar runes. The AOE targeting is cumbersome and abilities you would expect to pack a wallop just does nothing. I didn’t even bother with mace/axe or Staff. Anyway, my original opinion stands. Other than the armor skin looking cool, I don’t want anything from the Revenant.

You should have tried other weapons, they’re definitely better than hammer. They’re not good, but it’s not such a catastrophe.

Revenant Feedbacks [merged]

in Revenant

Posted by: Foefaller.1082


so to be fair I went back to my Revenant and changed everything to Zerker. Using Hammer and Jalis, I went into Southsun Cove. This is where I test most of my builds.

Sadly the dps is still lackluster on Hammer even with all Zerk gear and Scholar runes. The AOE targeting is cumbersome and abilities you would expect to pack a wallop just does nothing. I didn’t even bother with mace/axe or Staff. Anyway, my original opinion stands. Other than the armor skin looking cool, I don’t want anything from the Revenant.

You should have tried other weapons, they’re definitely better than hammer. They’re not good, but it’s not such a catastrophe.

Also, IMO Zerker is absolutely not the gear set you want for Rev atm. Rampager or Rabid would be the stat array I’d try for Mace/Axe. Sinister would have been ideal, but you probably won’t have the mats or the time to grind enough crafting disciplines to make a set.

Until Hammer gets buffed and/or Shiro and his swords become available, Revenant can’t do straight dps worth snot.

(edited by Foefaller.1082)

Revenant Feedbacks [merged]

in Revenant

Posted by: fixit.7189


Went full clerics and the healing potential is pretty good imo. Only issues I have with the class is the lack of choices when it comes to skills, unlike all the rest of the classes you have none what so ever. That…is pretty disappointing. And then there’s the damage…it’s really low but I guess that makes sense since this class is by far the best group healer in game. I went to SW and stood in line of multiple tegraiffs that charged me over and over…I was able to out heal it lol; any other class I use would not survive that in this circumstance. Also practiced group healing and it’s pretty good, way better than my healer ele…is it like adding a true healer in game? Nah, but it’s ok I guess. Also it’s not a very mobile class and slow. Hum.

Anyways, I think I will def make a healer version in live. Atm I can’t be bothered to test much b/c you keep absoulutely nothing for drops, exp, etc and thus it’s just pointless to play imo. If there was an incentive to test I would do it all weekend but by looks of things there is none so back to farming on my live chars instead…..I shall wait for hot to truely dive into rev.

Last thought….I really really think this class would be much better with a weapon swap instead of just one; there really isn’t much complexity to it at all.

(edited by fixit.7189)

Revenant Feedbacks [merged]

in Revenant

Posted by: killahmayne.9518


Thoughts so Far:

#1: Revenant is honestly kinda boring
#2: Feels like it needs a weapon swap in order to diversify the build and make up for being locked into the utilities
#3: Hammer is much too slow and is lacking DPS, auto-attack needs to be adjusted to 3/4 seconds for a start, and other attacks a quarter to half a second. Or increase the DPS to make up for it
#4: The traits need to be cleaned up a bit IMO and less all over the place. I feel like two traitlines give a lot of support/defense in many of the same ways
#5: Centaur stance has potential but it really sucks balls IMO, it needs more reward for great micromanagement
#6: More weapon choices (ANet is probably working on this)
#7: The class overall feels too slow, even slower than a Necro and that is saying something
#8: It can’t stop classes from closing the gap, the class lacks cripple, immobilize and reliable CC. At least with necros they have cripple, chill, immobilize, fear to keep people off them to compensate for a lack of mobility, Revenant doesn’t and they don’t have mobility to boot.

Overall there are some good concepts with the revenant, I like how they can be that anti-condition class but so far they have very low DPS, low mobility, very slow and average support. They aren’t that tanky either, a power build would demolish a Revenant. They need to build upon how the revenant becomes stronger the more conditions they have, and have more damage/tanky traits. They don’t really excel in anything except maybe having the highest resistance uptime and having the most torment.

I think a weapon swap would help Revenant immensely. With eles they have 4 attunements to make up for it, engis have kits and tool kit. I think the need for the Revenant to pull off some interesting and deadly combos is sorely needed, and it’s there, with the amount of combo fields and blasts it has.

Mace/Greatsword Video (Sept Patch)

Revenant Feedbacks [merged]

in Revenant

Posted by: Drakz.7051


I have enjoyed trying it but I agree with everyone, it needs alot of work, it does not last long enough in combat, deals too little dps, needs weapon swapping (They may be adding this anyway but it still badly needs it for the damage it is doing now) and I feel like the staff should be quicker than it currently is. And it needs less cast times and especially a shorter time for the dwarf elite as I am dying whilst casting or getting interrupted.

Still enjoyed the class and hope to enjoy it more when it is out and with more balancing xD And this is just a personal though but I feel the staffs should be longer as they seem too small when I used them on my human Rev at least and maybe a few utility skill options so everyRev isn’t using the same dwarf spirit skills etc otherwise every build is going to be the exact same and add in more speed as I feel like a rock when trying to chase after someone or away from them.

(edited by Drakz.7051)

Revenant Feedbacks [merged]

in Revenant

Posted by: TheBlackLeech.9360


so to be fair I went back to my Revenant and changed everything to Zerker. Using Hammer and Jalis, I went into Southsun Cove. This is where I test most of my builds.

Sadly the dps is still lackluster on Hammer even with all Zerk gear and Scholar runes. The AOE targeting is cumbersome and abilities you would expect to pack a wallop just does nothing. I didn’t even bother with mace/axe or Staff. Anyway, my original opinion stands. Other than the armor skin looking cool, I don’t want anything from the Revenant.

You should have tried other weapons, they’re definitely better than hammer. They’re not good, but it’s not such a catastrophe.

Also, IMO Zerker is absolutely not the gear set you want for Rev atm. Rampager or Rabid would be the stat array I’d try for Mace/Axe. Sinister would have been ideal, but you probably won’t have the mats or the time to grind enough crafting disciplines to make a set.

This is what I also assumed…. but sadly it is not the case.

I used a full set of sinister on my revenant, and the conditions applied to myself outlasted any resistance i had and i always ended up taking more damage from self applied conditions than from anywhere else.

Revenant Feedbacks [merged]

in Revenant

Posted by: Jedithone.8157


After ran a few dungeons, I feel revenant need some more work before release.

1. Lack of weapon swap:
In general play, or experiencing new contents, lack of weapon swap without any tools, like elementist’s conjure weapons or engineer’s toolkit, revenants would be embarrassed by the fact that it has no chance to swap from melee to range in combat or versa vice. Although I admit that some certain play style would become meta game, like warrior equipping double melee weapon sets to maximize dps, some tools would keep revenants up with other professions.

2. No synergy with weapon skill:
Revenant works best when everything, allies and enemies, are stacking. Hammer is conservative choice of range weapon but lose dps when ranged. And some skills, like skill 4, are hard to coordinate when melee. Moreover, hammer animation time is so long that it is not good for difficult content as you would probably cancel one or two skills every few seconds.

Staff has just more than none of offensive skills. Skill 3, 4, 5 all are utility. skill 5 is knock back which means you will never use it in group content except when you are chasing something.

Mace/ Axe works best currently but it is melee and you need to read point 1.

3. Demon Stance:
The coolest on paper could not deliver. Lack of stability skill makes it not worth using because you lose dps while tanking high condition dmg, and high energy cost of utility skill make it just a short time luxury stance.

4. Energy cost:
Unlike thief, revenant does not have great regenerative tools / high cap. of energy. With different energy cost in different stance, you cannot intuitively manage the energy without reading the tooltip.

(edited by Jedithone.8157)

Revenant Feedbacks [merged]

in Revenant

Posted by: Foefaller.1082


so to be fair I went back to my Revenant and changed everything to Zerker. Using Hammer and Jalis, I went into Southsun Cove. This is where I test most of my builds.

Sadly the dps is still lackluster on Hammer even with all Zerk gear and Scholar runes. The AOE targeting is cumbersome and abilities you would expect to pack a wallop just does nothing. I didn’t even bother with mace/axe or Staff. Anyway, my original opinion stands. Other than the armor skin looking cool, I don’t want anything from the Revenant.

You should have tried other weapons, they’re definitely better than hammer. They’re not good, but it’s not such a catastrophe.

Also, IMO Zerker is absolutely not the gear set you want for Rev atm. Rampager or Rabid would be the stat array I’d try for Mace/Axe. Sinister would have been ideal, but you probably won’t have the mats or the time to grind enough crafting disciplines to make a set.

This is what I also assumed…. but sadly it is not the case.

I used a full set of sinister on my revenant, and the conditions applied to myself outlasted any resistance i had and i always ended up taking more damage from self applied conditions than from anywhere else.

You’re not swapping to Jalis or Ventari when the resistance is about to run out? Your energy resets to 50 when you legend swap, should be able to use Soothing Stone or Purifying Essence the moment it become available.

At least that’s how I was doing it. Start Mallyx, build some self condis, burst for resistance, then swap to Jalis and use his heal skill to cleanse any conditions that haven’t worn off, then start the hammers spinning until Mallyx is up again. Maybe drop Inspiring Reinforcement for stab as well.

(edited by Foefaller.1082)

Revenant Feedbacks [merged]

in Revenant

Posted by: fixit.7189


Another thought…I think the whole tagging system really needs a change…if you do play support including other classes…it is very very difficult to get tags for events/mob kills b/c it’s entirely reliant on damage; support builds with support gear is incapable of getting the damage needed to get rewards…it’s one my major beefs with this game since launch. That needs to be changed if they really want people to play support…it’s one main reasons why most go zerker just to get exp/loots.

Revenant Feedbacks [merged]

in Revenant

Posted by: Laraley.7695


Another thought…I think the whole tagging system really needs a change…if you do play support including other classes…it is very very difficult to get tags for events/mob kills b/c it’s entirely reliant on damage; support builds with support gear is incapable of getting the damage needed to get rewards…it’s one my major beefs with this game since launch. That needs to be changed if they really want people to play support…it’s one main reasons why most go zerker just to get exp/loots.

I would say the main reason why people go zerker is the fact no one ever needs any kind of fully traited support spec. Pve is easy and casual, the most efficient is to just go zerker.

Revenant Feedbacks [merged]

in Revenant

Posted by: Dibaryon.7469


This is not a 100% objective review, but here’s what I think about playing with the revenant for a couple of hours.


-Detailed skillbar animations,
-I love the new swapping utilities+healing skill+elite mechanics. It’s unique and it’s well done
-I like the idea of self inflicting conditions on a profession (adds more play to it)
-the lore behind the revenant
-The whole legendary stance switching and the skillbar animation is the best I’ve seen in a profession
-Legendary Centaur stance is great for a hybrid tanky/supportive role in PvP/WvW. Really awesome the way I drag the tablet and regen allies along the way. It’s another example of how different this profession is, but in a very good and unique way.
-It’s a profession with loads of potential if well polished;
-looks really awesome


-Very low damage from the weapon skills (stats are similar to the other heavy professions, but the problem is the weapon skills damage);
-Resistance duration + How conditions affect positively the Revenant should be very carefully looked at. This should be really well tested against other classes. As of now it doesn’t seem as strong as it appears to be;
-Too slow against bursty classes. I was attacked many times by a thief in WvW, and despite his cheesy build (with full WvW and Bloodlust stacks) I was going down too fast without being able to counter his damage. There’s too much opportunity for foes to interrupt my skills, this has to be looked at;
-Not enough skills synergy. I can use the guardian’s judge’s intervention while casting an attack with hammer without interrupting the judge’s intervention skill. Similar to the elementalist’s lightning flash while casting weapon attacks. I can’t do this while using the Revenant’s frigid blitz and searing fissure at the same time, and because it’s a slow caster I have no chance against fast casting professions (despite both of them being weapon skills, we’re using an energy bar and this could perfectly work);
-Unyelding Anguish seems like a good idea, but in practice it’s not. I can’t control it, and I don’t know where the enemy is going. The animation needs a bit of work, because it’s confusing and it looks like the opponent is rubberbanding;
-Needs to apply more stackable conditions. I really want to make a condi-revenant but so far there are no traits or weapon sets that allow me to do one that works. In the future perhaps?

Flipping your camps since 2014 :3

Revenant Feedbacks [merged]

in Revenant

Posted by: fixit.7189


I played my cleric/healer ele exlcusively since launch up until recent…always have issues with getting tags in pve so I went thief beserker and bam, loots and exp every where. Same thing in WvW, support does not do enough dps to get tags. So with rev which has even lower dps but much better support…it’s even worse which is lame. It would be real nice if support was not so punished. It might surprise you that some us like to play support but really can’t justify it cus dps gets all the glory, loots, and exp while support player gets diddly sqaut. Under assumption reason why anet does this is cus of afkers and bots; legit players get hosed I guess.

Revenant Feedbacks [merged]

in Revenant

Posted by: TheBlackLeech.9360


so to be fair I went back to my Revenant and changed everything to Zerker. Using Hammer and Jalis, I went into Southsun Cove. This is where I test most of my builds.

Sadly the dps is still lackluster on Hammer even with all Zerk gear and Scholar runes. The AOE targeting is cumbersome and abilities you would expect to pack a wallop just does nothing. I didn’t even bother with mace/axe or Staff. Anyway, my original opinion stands. Other than the armor skin looking cool, I don’t want anything from the Revenant.

You should have tried other weapons, they’re definitely better than hammer. They’re not good, but it’s not such a catastrophe.

Also, IMO Zerker is absolutely not the gear set you want for Rev atm. Rampager or Rabid would be the stat array I’d try for Mace/Axe. Sinister would have been ideal, but you probably won’t have the mats or the time to grind enough crafting disciplines to make a set.

This is what I also assumed…. but sadly it is not the case.

I used a full set of sinister on my revenant, and the conditions applied to myself outlasted any resistance i had and i always ended up taking more damage from self applied conditions than from anywhere else.

You’re not swapping to Jalis or Ventari when the resistance is about to run out? Your energy resets to 50 when you legend swap, should be able to use Soothing Stone or Purifying Essence the moment it become available.

At least that’s how I was doing it. Start Mallyx, build some self condis, burst for resistance, then swap to Jalis and use his heal skill to cleanse any conditions that haven’t worn off, then start the hammers spinning until Mallyx is up again. Maybe drop Inspiring Reinforcement for stab as well.

Energy is not an issue…. the resistance at most lasts 2 seconds after using embrace darkness.

Why on earth would you want to swap to demon stance to get 2 seconds of resistance, only to apply more conditions to yourself in the process?

The entire concept behind legendary demon stance is not functioning properly.
(manipulating conditions)

You’d be better off just sticking with jalis.

Revenant Feedbacks [merged]

in Revenant

Posted by: Falkor.7932


Here’s my issue so far.
Mace: There’s still an awkward pause between the 2 and 3.
Staff: This weapon feels entirely underwhelming. I probably need to play with it more. Skill 4 feels like a blast finisher.
Mallyx: It’s kinda hard to tell when you don’t have energy for skills. That’s really my only complaint here.
Ventari: Wow. For starters, summoning the tablet does not heal, which does not make up for the low healing of Revenent skills. I suggest swapping Ventari’s Will with Natural Harmony, and make the tablet summoned automatically on legend swap. This puts the heal where it belongs, making it easier to heal>swap>heal (if tablet auto-summons). Natural Harmony would make an excellent water field during the build-up, synchronizing with staff 4 being a blast finisher (if that were to change too).

That’s pretty much all I can comment on at the moment.

“One time! I slightly blew some of us up one time, and you won’t let it go.”
- Explorer Bekk

Revenant Feedbacks [merged]

in Revenant

Posted by: Ohoni.6057


-It’s clear that Revenant is currently missing it’s direct damage legend/weapon set. While I find it amusing to see people complaining about how Revenant damage is terrible while running zerk/marauder gear when none of the weapons and legends we currently have do not suit that stat set at all (Jalis comes close, but it’s still kinda obviously a tank/CC legend) We kinda need to see that final piece in action before we can give a reliable overall assessment to how Revenant is compared to other professions.

I think the criticism is still valid. Even if they come out with an awesome DD Legend, the other Legends still need to do solid damage. I was running a Condi build with Mallyx, still not enough condi damage to make it work. Really even Mace/Axe barely pumps out any significant condi damage.

All weapons should do decent damage in Zerk gear, unless they have great Condi options, and none of the current ones do. You can have some weapons that are more about support, like the staff, but even the staff should do decent damage if you spec for damage (at the cost of being less good at healing).

Basically, the people complaining about the current options, ANet can’t resolve their complaints by just adding something new, like a new Legend or new weapon, all that would mean is everyone would be playing those new options at launch and nobody would be touching the existing ones. They need to actually do something about the existing options to make them worth playing too. They can’t just add new stuff (althoguh obviously that is coming), they also need to fix what is already there.

“If you spent as much time working on [some task] as
you spend complaining about it on the forums, you’d be
done by now.”

Revenant Feedbacks [merged]

in Revenant

Posted by: fixit.7189


Like to mention for testers who have not made rev yet…do not. Make sure to put runes/sigils you might use into the bank before creating your first one since the boxes that give stuff is missing many that i personally would find more useful than what is offered in these. ie. there is no +10 heal on kill weapon sigil which is a huge +heal buff. I tried deleting my first rev and put these things into bank but sadly it saves whatever is in there on first creation and cannot be altered after.

Revenant Feedbacks [merged]

in Revenant

Posted by: Eggshells.1748


I tried playing the Revenant today in the Silverwastes.
The damage is on the low side, they feel clunky/slow.
Unyielding Anguish needs a change.. the displacing of enemies is annoying (even works on Legendary mobs)

aside from that I know we haven’t seen all the traits/weapons/legends so I’ll wait to decide if I’ll make a Revenant on release until we have seen ALL of the traits/weapons/legends.

Revenant Feedbacks [merged]

in Revenant

Posted by: Duke Blackrose.4981

Duke Blackrose.4981

So, let me just run through this in a sort of bullet point style. Short, sweet, and to the point.


- Satisfying all around.

OH Axe

- Fantastic weapon.
- Animations are fast and satisfying.
- Great rounding of utility and damage.
- Works well with Mace but would also work great with any Power mainhand they include.


- Design is solid, but the weapon is underpowered.
- As a range-dependent longbow-esque weapon, it really needs a bit
more kiting potential.

- Phase Smash – The Revenant now returns to a location a distance backwards from their starting location.


- Oh, boy, this one’s a doozy…..
- Fun, solid kit, but incredibly underpowered.
- Energy costs are excessive.
- Punishing/Debilitating Sweep is neither Punishing nor Debilitating.
- Warding Rift is just not impactful.

- Punishing Sweep cast time reduced to 1/2 second.
- Debilitating Sweep damage increased drastically. Now constitutes a blast finisher. Cost reduced from 10 to 5.
- Warding Rift projectile damage increased. Reworked to fire all projectiles at your target (changes targets if you do). Cost reduced from 10 to 5.
- Renewing Wave cost reduced from 15 to 10.


- Overall, a very solid legend with minor faults.
- Forced Engagement’s cost (1 second cast plus 50 energy) to reward ratio is poor.
- Rite of the Great Dwarf’s nigh-impossible to balance effect has left it with a disgusting cast time.

- Reduced cast time of Forced Engagement to 3/4 second. Reduced cost to 35.
- Slightly tweak cast time of Rite of the Great Dwarf until some balance is reached. I’d work in 1/4 second intervals. Start by reducing cast time from 2 3/4 to 2 1/2.


- Decent, if one-dimensional.

- Protective Solace now constitutes a Light Field.
- Natural Harmony now constitutes a Blast Finisher.
- Energy Expulsion cast time reduced to 1 second. Now constitutes a Blast Finisher.


- Design does not complement any other legend or weapon set.
- Strong but fair when it only takes itself and its weapon set into account.

- Empowering Misery cast time reduced to 1 second from 1 1/4.
- Banish Enchantment power scale improved.

Revenant Feedbacks [merged]

in Revenant

Posted by: Foefaller.1082


so to be fair I went back to my Revenant and changed everything to Zerker. Using Hammer and Jalis, I went into Southsun Cove. This is where I test most of my builds.

Sadly the dps is still lackluster on Hammer even with all Zerk gear and Scholar runes. The AOE targeting is cumbersome and abilities you would expect to pack a wallop just does nothing. I didn’t even bother with mace/axe or Staff. Anyway, my original opinion stands. Other than the armor skin looking cool, I don’t want anything from the Revenant.

You should have tried other weapons, they’re definitely better than hammer. They’re not good, but it’s not such a catastrophe.

Also, IMO Zerker is absolutely not the gear set you want for Rev atm. Rampager or Rabid would be the stat array I’d try for Mace/Axe. Sinister would have been ideal, but you probably won’t have the mats or the time to grind enough crafting disciplines to make a set.

This is what I also assumed…. but sadly it is not the case.

I used a full set of sinister on my revenant, and the conditions applied to myself outlasted any resistance i had and i always ended up taking more damage from self applied conditions than from anywhere else.

You’re not swapping to Jalis or Ventari when the resistance is about to run out? Your energy resets to 50 when you legend swap, should be able to use Soothing Stone or Purifying Essence the moment it become available.

At least that’s how I was doing it. Start Mallyx, build some self condis, burst for resistance, then swap to Jalis and use his heal skill to cleanse any conditions that haven’t worn off, then start the hammers spinning until Mallyx is up again. Maybe drop Inspiring Reinforcement for stab as well.

Energy is not an issue…. the resistance at most lasts 2 seconds after using embrace darkness.

Why on earth would you want to swap to demon stance to get 2 seconds of resistance, only to apply more conditions to yourself in the process?

The entire concept behind legendary demon stance is not functioning properly.
(manipulating conditions)

You’d be better off just sticking with jalis.

I mispoke, I meant burst the improved skills now that you have 3+ conditions, which with the right trait, also give you a nice stack of resistance to stay in that legend (as well as negate any incoming conditions) for a lot longer. Then again. I’ve seem to be pretty good at stacking conditions without mallyx with just Mace/Axe. Maintaining 8-9 torment stacks easy with Torment sigil, Corruption traits, AA chain and Axe 5, not to mention a couple stacks of poison and burning. Kinda wonder what it might be like with a full set of Torment runes as well, constantly moving around to trigger the full torment tick.

That being said, Mallyx does have some issues. Seems like unless you’re in a fight where you and your teammates are dealing with incoming conditions, trying to maintain the condition threshold for the improved version of the utilities without overloading is a challenge that is not quite worth it.

Anyways… anyone tried out hammer dps while trying to maintain Field of the Mists and/or Unyielding Anguish as much as possible? Both generate dark fields, and hammer 1 is a 100% chance projectile finisher. That should mean every attack that goes through those fields will also have a life siphon that does about an extra 200 damage, which in my limited testing is about a 25-30% increase to what Hammer 1 normally does.

Revenant Feedbacks [merged]

in Revenant

Posted by: Coldtart.4785


My thoughts on traits that need some changing.

Replenishing Despair and Venom Enhancement
These both suffer from the crippling disadvantage of not being Demonic Defiance.

Diabolic Inferno
I haven’t had any reason to use elites often enough for the 10s cd to matter and it seems pretty weak for how often it gets used.

Maniacal Persistence
No reason to ever use this.

Eye for an Eye
Outclassed severely by Redeeming Protection.

Retaliatory Evasion
I don’t like the trigger condition for this.

Determined Resolution
Incredibly weak.

Empowering Vengeance
You really don’t get enough retaliation uptime to benefit from this.

Steadfast Rejuvenation
Boring and weak. I think it should instead be ‘Heal yourself whenever your Vengeful Hammers strike a foe.’ with a weak but spammable heal similar to Altruistic Healing.

Hardened Foundation
7% of a stat that starts at 0 is quite poor.

Swirling Mists and Revitalizing Breath

Invigorating Flow
Boring and weak. If it must be a heal it needs more interesting behaviour.

Incensed Response
Add some might.

Empty vessel
This trait makes Invocation absolutely mandatory. The class is utterly unplayable without it.

Charged Mists
The trigger condition for this trait doesn’t come up nearly often enough to be useful.

Revenant Feedbacks [merged]

in Revenant

Posted by: MarkPhilips.5169


It’s hard to describe it.

On one side, it’s incredible. Mallyx can deny pretty much any stomp, and rezz and instantly cut the melee pressure. Great Dwarf Elite is amazing teamfight buff, Ventari has fun playstyle with that Tablet.

On the other side, it wants to exist as profession with clear tells, clear counterplay and skillshots in a land of instant damage, instant CC, broken bursts and often little counterplay.

I’m having tons and tons of fun with it. I believe that especially Mallyx and Ventari take way more than any current profession when you want to play good. Throw Mesmer, Thief, Ele, Engi, Necro whatever you got. It beats them.

It’s not only watching your foe, but also your Energy, maintaining condititions, watching Tablet placement and setting up damage sequences at the same time while having long cast times that have to be covered by pre-casted stability, LoS and no “oh kitten” button at all.

You kitten up your energy management, you’re dead.

The profession isn’t complete and feels incredibly weak compared to other stuff out here, is even more vulnerable to focus fire than Necromancer, but…

When you actually do stuff right, it’s astonishing satisfaction.

Playing revevant i have the feeeling is not the revenant to be bad but other professions to be OP.

Basically revenant misses what other profs have and transform them in op stuff.

I win elites, stealth, instant burst damage/interrupt, invulnerability, 1200k teleport, amazing damage from distance etc.

Revenant Feedbacks [merged]

in Revenant

Posted by: Genesis.8572


I was a low level guardian running the level 1 account bound gear in Queensdale doing some quick leveling for Black Lion Key runs and way out damaging level 80 downscaled Revenants. That’s sad.

Will Hawkins (Human Guardian)
Feryl Grimsteel (Charr Engineer)
Tarnished Coast

Revenant Feedbacks [merged]

in Revenant

Posted by: Roxanne.6140


please do something about revenant’s mobility

gaem not made for mi

Revenant Feedbacks [merged]

in Revenant

Posted by: Pumpkin.5169


I didn’t play revenant yet, but I just wanna say that is better for the game right now that he is weak, than he’s strong. Otherwise people would start with threads about how revenant ruined sPvP, that is a prepurchase 2 win method, that if he is strong incomplete he will be completely OP when complete, and this kind of stuff.

And from the standpoint from someone who fought a bunch of revenants today in sPvP, most points brought here seems true.

Pumpkin – Mag

Revenant Feedbacks [merged]

in Revenant

Posted by: Tasao.4623


Ignoring DPS, which I assume is still untuned, and the small pool of weapons and trait lines available, which I assume will be expanded by launch given we see Rytlock summoning Glint or some other dragon and using a sword in the HoT preview, implying at least one other Legend and weapon will be available by launch.


  • Good aesthetic and theming, and interesting abilities. Very different from any other profession.
  • Clumsy movement and deployment of abilities, with little synergy.
  • Poor resource implementation. Playing with Energy feels very bad right now.
  • Boring trait lines that don’t feel like they make a difference to how you play.

General feedback:
The theming is great. Highly original. Visually cool.

The play is not so great. There’s very little self-synergy. Off the top of my head I can think of Mace 3 and Staff whirls inside the single field each legend provides. Plus Mace 2+3.

The Revenant doesn’t seem to flow from ability to ability very well, in part because there’s not much combo ability, like a Guardian using a Greatsword dropping a Symbol, triggering a leap finisher in it, then spinning to throw cleansing bolts. The weapons mostly all seem to do niche things that don’t blend together and don’t multi-task. They tend to do just one single thing.

The abilities themselves also feel slow to begin with. Long delays in getting most skills to come out. Trying to just throw out a simple 2 or 3 ability combo often has short pauses between activations.

The weapons also feel pigeonholed. Like they’re meant for a specific legend. If you want to use a staff with Mallyx, you’re getting no conditions to use, making staff or hammer automatically inferior to mace/axe for anything condition-focused.

The Energy system feels horrible. Like the Thief initiative system but far, far weaker. No pooling to unload several abilities at once because every ability uses up a huge chunk of the bar, and no non-initiative abilities to use when out of energy. Everything but autoattacks eats up your relatively small resource pool, often for underwhelming effect. Would be nice if some abilities generated energy.

Speaking of which, some of these abilities ARE spammy. And it feels pretty meh. With every other profession you’re highly CD-limited and your long CDs translate to powerful effects. With Revenant all of your buttons feel weak because most of them are usable repeatedly or toggleable.

The traits themselves are also pretty simple and underwhelming, and most seem to have niche use, rather than a variety of uses. And like the other skills, no synergy at all. Really simple buffs that don’t seem to help much at all.

The weapons:
Staff Auto attack is nice mechanically, feels good to use, but chasing healing packets mid-fight is tedious and downright difficult in clustered battles.
Staff 2 has too big a wind-up to trigger like an interrupt. It takes longer than most skills you’d interrupt with it then the follow-up, if you DO manage to land an interrupt the follow-up is even slower.
Staff 3 is nice but I wish it would change place and CDs with Staff 5.
Staff 4 is slow, tiny in radius, and feels pretty meh. If it were a Blast Finisher or dealt damage and could be traited to block during use, it’d be great.
Staff 5 is great if a bit strange to aim sometimes.

Hammer is slow, weak, and very clumsy to use. I feel like Hammer should be the Artillery in the Revenant kit, like Longbow on other classes. With 1200 range it should be slow to wind up but hit hard. Doesn’t combo much off itself despite providing a field and 2 blast finishers.

Mace and Axe feel great.

The Legends:
The Jalis stance seems ok, maybe even too good. The Stability on his Road ability is tremendous and seems like it’d break pvp. The cast time on his Elite skill is a bit long for its short duration.

Mallyx is pretty bad. The self-debuffs are crippling. Blind, weakness, etc, have significant gameplay impact. The conditions are also incredibly minor, making condition Revenant likely useless in anything but maybe sPvP where spamming boon removal and applying some minor confusion might be worthwhile. The disruption field looks amazing on paper but the way it breaks targetting and essentially lets enemies teleport around and evade everything ruins it.

The Ventari legend was the most interesting to me but spamming the movement ability just to keep it with you really sucked. As did spamming the activation on the shield and heal. And, as always, chasing healing packets on the ground is unfun gameplay, though dodge traits plus packets to roll to created some weirdly amusing gameplay once or twice while low on hp vs several mordrem.

That’s about it I think. Overall the profession feels far, far from playable, even ignoring tuning, but the core is great. It just feels radically different from any other profession, but not always in a good way.

Revenant Feedbacks [merged]

in Revenant

Posted by: Tasao.4623


Forgot to add, and out of space in the OP: The Revenant plays very poorly on differing elevations. A lot of Hammer skills don’t move down if you use them from up on a wall on enemies down on the ground. If you use the leap, you leap off the wall, hit the air above your target at the height you were standing at, and return to the wall. If you use Hammer 2, the effect flies out in to the air in front of the wall but doesn’t seem to hit enemies beneath it on the ground.

Revenant Feedbacks [merged]

in Revenant

Posted by: Zetsumei.4975


Sure, let’s start:

1) Revenant has no way to negate being focused. Even with the current support trait lines, you die instantly to focus fire.

2) Everything is super slow and has a big wind-up. Getting a skill off without being interrupted is a miracle. You’re currently forced into builds with stability since you won’t even be able to heal yourself without it.

3) Damage and condi application are way too low. The only way to defeat someone is to put their condis back on them — something that’s very unreliable due to the short range.

4) There’s no synergy between trait lines. With every other class, you can pick any 3 trait lines and they will have synergy. Revenant needs a big rework to create synergy and actual builds.

5) Revenant mobility is also non-existent. Keeping someone in a fight, or running from a fight is just not going to happen. Revenant needs a CC/snare, pull, or more reliable teleport. The only way to follow someone is axe #4 which misses too often.

You’ve basically just described Necro..

Imagine a necro without fear and the 2nd hp bar, with less utility skills and much less dps. That’s the revenant right now. Also, necro has way more synergy in the trait lines, more ways to escape (fear wall/spirit walk/wurm teleport) and more ways to close the gap (path of corruption, lots of cripples/chills, spectral grasp, golem charge, etc). Revenant needs similar skills to be even remotely competitive.

Please.. don’t try so hard to act as if they aren’t facing exactly the same problems.

Lets start shall we. Rev have the equivalent of fear in taunt. If we’re going to so ignorantly call shroud a 2nd health bar (lol) let’s label rev as having two heal skills. Rev only has less utilities because of the missing legend. Rev only has less physical dps because it’s missing it’s physical dps legend. What are these synergies that work together so much better than rev’s? Spectral wall and spectral walk do not count as disengages at all.. Chills and cripples completely fail at closing the gap now thanks to the change to movement skills (leaps etc) path of corruption is one of the slowest and most obvious projectiles in the game not to mention the obstruction issues. The golem decides to spectate your fight without interfering 50% of the time and again obstruction issues, he can’t get over pebbles.

Kurodaraku – Necromancer | Kuroshikon – Ranger
Officer of [DEX] Deus Ex Machina Eu and [Fus] Fus Ro Dâh
Ruins of Surmia

Revenant Feedbacks [merged]

in Revenant

Posted by: AaronWinterhalter.9425


First let me say I completely agree with lmperdigao.2567. Please do not make this some god mode OP annoying Death Knight, even if it takes a while to figure out it’s place in the game.

With that said, here is my feedback from game play.

First I was hoping to feel more connected to the Mists, maybe I was thinking this was going to have some Ritualist type game play, not necessarily stationary spirit summoning, but something that connects more to the Mists, and ties in to the power of the beyond. I guess I was hoping for something more Macbre.

At the start of the night you would see 2 or even 3 Revenants in any given match, at the end I was not seeing any. I saw a lot of people trying to make it work, but no one really was having much success with it.

I tried all 3 weapon sets, playing power and condition and healing. I really took a lot of time to try and understand how it all goes together rather than just pushing buttons. I tried several different trait combinations, I played about 5 matches with Hammer, 2 with Staff, and 10 with Mace / Axe.

Revenant is an awesome idea, don’t get me wrong. I know a lot of people put a lot of hard work into it, But the damage just is not there for it’s lack of mobility, it all requires to much set up, and there are to many things that have to be true of false in order to maximize your damage. do I have 4 conditions on me? does the enemy have 4 on them, is my energy bar half full or half empty? also I actually died in a stun when a thief opened on me faster than I have ever died playing anything, I mean it was like 3 seconds and I was out, the thief even commented in game saying something to the effect “the doesn’t seem right”

Mace / Axe condition build seemed solid, but it lacks a lot. No real escapes, some sort of skill like “Mist Retreat” would be awesome. StillI was able to win most 1vs1 fights playing Mace / Axe with Carrion and Scavenging, Bursting and Energy. I love the taunt, and torment heavy style.

Overall I think it is a great idea, and an interesting profession, I like the way the utility bar changes, and I really like the idea of the profession in general. It seems that for PvP it needs a good deal of work though. I am also not sure I like the Extreme difference in range between hammer skills.

I dueled a friend in my private arena for a while, and we actually found it more effective to play a Power based staff build for DPS over a Hammer build. We were both also amazed at how long everything takes to do, and how little damage anything actually does without so much set up. So I am guessing that their is a missing component here for Power. Perhaps Legend of Rurik ?

~Undead Aaron Terrormancer Necro 92%

Undead Aaron || 92% sPvP necromancer || Fort Aspenwood

(edited by AaronWinterhalter.9425)

Revenant Feedbacks [merged]

in Revenant

Posted by: pitchBLACK.5479


Thought I’d throw in my 2 cents on Revenant feedback like the rest of them, it’s a bit long, so hopefully you guys can pain the read! So here goes:


- Feels the best of all weapon types released so far. all 3 skills are great fun to use and are smooth and fluid, albeit maybe a little weak on the damage.

- Feels great to use and I believe will synergize well with other M/Hand weapons that are released

- Skill effects are great, so well done to the art team for that
- Skills feel as though they take too long to cast and don’t hit anywhere near as hard as they should for their wind up
- Frequently found myself trying to land the hammer 5 smash skill, but due to how slow it casts, had to pre-empt where an enemy was going to come. Then even if it did it, it barely did any damage compared to it’s wind up and solid slam animation

- Auto attack is good, however found at times, it’kitten animation didn’t really sync up with the effect on the monster or the damage tic. Looked pretty, just the connection seemed off.
- Skill 2 seems terribly pathetic, even it’s animation… and is very hard to sync its attack up with an enemy in order to use it’s second phase, which wasn’t that great either
- Skill 3 is a great skill and once mastered will be awesome to see some play
- Skill 4 has a great animation, however there should be some AOE damage associated with it potentially? The heal is OK at best. I’d suggest keeping the skill the same, but just adding a damage component. So damage nearby enemies, while healing nearby allies. Feel it’d fit in closer to it’s animation then.
- Skill 5, I had a lot of fun using and thought it was the best skill of the entire weapon, however may get frustrating for Dungeon groups and things like Edge of the Mists, where moving enemies at key times could annoy people. Then again, that just depends on the user of the skill.

Revenant Feedbacks [merged]

in Revenant

Posted by: pitchBLACK.5479


Now I’m not going to go in depth about each legend and my thoughts on them, as I have a different overall opinion about how these are all going to work together which I’ll cover below, so I’ll just do a quick dot point form of my thoughts:

- Interesting legend, which if used right would see some good play

- Best designed legend of them all so far in my opinion. All the skills are good to use, and are useful in different ways.
- I do however feel that each Jalis skill other than the healing and elite are kind of designed more as damage dealing skills, yet don’t have the numbers to back them up.

- Interesting legend to say the least. I get where you’re trying to go with this one and even though each skill is quite good. It just feels to clunky and way to much effort to keep the tablet moving around with you, maybe that’s because I’m in AUS, so the latency ruins in a bit.

Revenant Feedbacks [merged]

in Revenant

Posted by: pitchBLACK.5479


Overall, the class comes across as unique and therefore is a good addition to the game, however I have my concerns with the class going forward, even after the next 2 legends are released.

The problem I foresee, is that you’re designing a particular weapon to a particular legend, then each legend also has it’s own play style (Damage, Tank, Heal, Utility). So if for example you like doing direct damage, you’ll be locked to only using the damage legend (Shiro) and whatever “Damage” weapons that are associated with him (Swords). Then you’ll have your berserker/assassins gear on to work with that style. But that then COMPLETELY negates the use of ALL other legends/weapons as they have their own specific play styles.

I completely agree with what everyone else is saying about the class feeling very lack luster in the DPS department, but if your solution is the Damage legend (Shiro) to solve that, then it just further backs up the problem of locking people into playing 1 weapon type, with 1 legend and having all other legends as a bit of “Average Utility”

Another thing, if you look at all the classes, in the light armor category, you have 2 classes (Necro and Mesmer) that have weapon swap and 1 lot of utilities, then the Ele, with 4 different weapon bars through attunements and 1 utility set making 5 total. Medium armor is the same, with Ranger and Thief having weapon swap and then 1 lot of utilities, and Engineer having a potential total of 6 different bars, 1 weapon, 5 kits. why can’t heavy be the same? Guard and Warrior with weapon swap and 1 lot of utilities and then Revenant having 4/5 theoretical weapon bars?

Since the class is very static in nature to what weapon you have equipt and what legend you have on, providing a weapon swap feature will at the very least allow 4 potential bars and maybe even fix the issue of “This weapon with this legend” and “that weapon with that legend”. I personally think that’d help.

However my suggestion would be to, not design weapons for specific legends and instead design them to be all round good at everything, but not amazing at any one thing and then the legend that you invoke brings in that damage aspect, or the tank aspect, or the heal aspect, so that you can swap on a dime mid battle and have that “Minute to Minute” game play you always talk about. Wouldn’t it be awesome dishing out damage on a boss with Shiro, then all of a sudden your party starts getting messed up, so you swap to Ventari, whip out the tablet and save the party? Yeah… that’s what sounds great to me.

I know there is a while before the expansion drops, so hopefully we can see some great changes come to the Revenant to make it an awesome profession to play… because honestly at the moment, it’s just a fancy light fest that doesn’t feel impactful at all.

Hopefully this feedback helps!

(edited by pitchBLACK.5479)

Revenant Feedbacks [merged]

in Revenant

Posted by: inactivehyperaddict.6759


- i like staff 3,4,5 though i hope they make 3 be like a whirl finisher and they definitely need to change the auto-attack it’s just clunky and sad as in really sad….
-i like mace and axe combo effects and how stacking might with it is easy plus the aoe’s so yummy
-hammer…well range with it is fine…but at least make the animation more like sonic booms or mist blades the auto attacks are just bad as well as the effect really 1 target you swing a hammer for crying out loud

Jalis Legend:
-Heal is fine
-Forced Engagement should be at least 3 targets and give toughness cause what’s the point of taunt if mobs dont really move at you forcibly.
-Vengeful hammer is ok, works well wih staff 5 and 3.
-Inspiring reinforcement is just bad with the delay in giving stability it should be more of an autocast like other stabilities, instead of that brick thing why not make it be like the necros stability skill the effect is good but the time it takes to set it for the ability is just bad.
-great dwarf is fine as well.

Mallyx Legend:
-Not much of a complain here, i just wish they would give more focus on the Unyielding anguish more and as i’ve posted and said it is the most unique skill that a revenant have in their utility. << works wonderfully with mai too.

Ventari Legend:
-Ventari ventari ventari…only thing i like is the unlimited shield/projectile destroyer other than that everything else needs a buff and an offense, healing is low, if it could at least have an offensive parts on the healing like immobilize or cripple foes while giving swiftness, grant quickness and slow and more regen or daze/blind would definitely make up for its lackluster appeal in usability.

- Of the 4 traits currently implemented i just had this idea that corruption seems to be the odd one out by name at least that doesn’t fit well with the bunch of traitlines as it somehow is just a ripoff of a necromancer’s utility type. Could at least name it to Temptation. Since you have Retribution, Salvation, Invocation and if the last trait is related to Shiro tagachi might as well name it to something close to Betrayal or Desire.
other than that the traits are ok so far.

-Taunt mechanic needs work
-Skill charge needs work
-Energy regen is annoying

Revenant Feedbacks [merged]

in Revenant

Posted by: PaxTheGreatOne.9472


I must say I agree with the last post of OP.

The weapons are tailor made for specific legends, making weapon swap neccesary. Even though the animations and the looks are awesome the actual gameplay using 1 weapon set will leave the revenant very weak. I fear we will be forced into a melee role with no option to carry ranged weapons and no other way to equip them but to go OOC effectively rendring revenant useless in PvP based environments. IF they only melee rangers will have a field day, and when only ranged just hammer ’m into submission. Legenary allies or not , the downfall of the revenant will be epic.

Second at this moment in time all skills are purely centered around the revenant. nothing will matter if you go around it. no pulls, no skills to jump and best of all no ranged options.

In effect this charactr is now
1 character 1 weapon set (5 skills) 5 matching utility skills. And 5 non matching utility skills. It feels Broken.

There is no synergy whatsoever with a second legendary stance without a second weapon set..

23 lvl 80’s, 9 times map, 4ele, 4ncr, 3war, 3grd, 3rgr, 2thf, 2msm, 1eng, 1 rev.
Been There, Done That & Will do it again…except maybe world completion.

Revenant Feedbacks [merged]

in Revenant

Posted by: fixit.7189


After more play….I like the class. It has potential. But atm I feel it’s unfinished…it’s missing things (and buffs) to make it stand out. Some proof is there does not seem to be any underwater skills at all atm lol.

Anyways, biggest problem I have is there is no real way to customize the class skill wise which makes game play feel really limited.

If weapon swap is not possible then I would suggest using the elementalist model; each legend/weapon should have their own unique weapon skills depending on what you are using…if that makes sense.

Give rev some vareity in game play please and or more choices to customize the class since there really is none other than traits; no other class is like that…they all can choose from many skills. :S

Tablet: I like this a lot but I have many issues with it. It’s slow, the heals are really weak (even specced as much heal as I can), the heal range is way to small, and other than healing/cleansing it has no other real use. To make this thing work well, you really must micro manage it but the result is rather lackluster for the effort required. It would be nice to have the tablet the ability to produce boons of some type…either traited or skill, what ever. Also suggest either decreasing the size of the tablet or come up with another graphic that is less/bright or annoying. People actually run away from it! An increase of radius of effect would be welcome.

Staff: skill 2 feels like a wasted button press, not sure what to suggest other than give intial strike an interrupt or something like that. skill 3 needs shorter cd or longer duration. skill 4 needs to add another effect (stam regen?). skill 5 needs to have shorter cd and or add swiftness at the end. Either or might help make this turtle slow of a class more mobile.

(edited by fixit.7189)

Revenant Feedbacks [merged]

in Revenant

Posted by: FrostSpectre.4198


Legendary Demon Stance has issues in PvE, mainly due to lack of conditions, monsters rarely use conditions and pretty much always use and inflict just 1 condition in life time of 1 monster.
In a way, Demon Stance imitates Necromancers ability to pull conditions, but doesn’t transfer them in same sense, insted just copies them, which was a small concern to me.

In Maguuma Wastes, atleast there are Immobilize, Bleeding, Cripple and Torment.
Well, it’s PvE issue that plagues builds that are not “Full Berserker DPS”

Some animations seem to be cutting each other, well, mostly skill 1, when cast while not hitting anything, the animation doesn’t have time to complete the “recovery from swing” part of the animation.

If I would want to make a DPS build with Berserker, it’d be Dwarven and Centaur Stance.

On weapons, what if Revenants had weapon slots, but can only switch weapons through stance switch, but I dunno, it could be unique, but not propably a good idea in long run..

I’m a casual PvE adventurer, I enjoy combat, adventure and helping, but not farming.
I rarely do PvP or Hard PvE, unless it’s organized.

Revenant Feedbacks [merged]

in Revenant

Posted by: DaikonSamurai.6714


So I’m going to add my thoughts here since this thread’s title is the most direct. Just tried rev and in my first event encounter I fought a veteran mini boss and just spammed my abilities. I used legendary demon ability 9 (Unyielding Anguish) and a player got mad because he couldn’t hit the teleporting enemy and stood to the side hoping to see the boss kill me.

I wasn’t trying to troll him and after killing the boss I explained myself and I think I’m on good terms with the guy now, but I can see this being a major issue to the overall “you should be happy to see other players” mentality GW2 is known for.

Think Longbow ranger knock-backing foes out of your AoE is annoying? Revenant is going to bring a whole new level of rage on that front. Especially for melee players.

Revenant Feedbacks [merged]

in Revenant

Posted by: jgcd.6041


First, playing the revenant was definitely interesting. I didn’t expect flawless performance, because it’s a beta, but it still made for some interesting play.

First I will go with the good parts. I played with the Hammer and Mace-Axe combo to start with and plan to experiment with the staff later today, but from what I’ve seen from players who did the staff side of things, I should have a bit of fun. I did this with the Celestial stats (base armor). Not excellent in any particular role, but good for experimentation, which is the point of the beta.

The offensive builds are good, have some reliable and steady damage. Hammer has a long range, while the Mace-Axe combo has less, but makes up with greater mobility. However, the stances do need some tuning. Hammer is slow, very slow, but balances that with higher burst damage. Mace-Axe is faster, with lower burst damage, but slightly higher DPS if played right. Staff looks interesting, and has the potential to be good for DPS as well.

Legendary Dwarf Stance is definitely designed as a tanky stance, though it has some nice party defensive benefits, while Legendary Demon Stance is clearly designed more for DPS and conditions. Demon stance may need some better tuning for conditions.

Now, all of this was with the regular beta build (using Celestial, rather than tuning it more directly). Therefore, the class was solid in many respects, but did not particularly excel. I will be working with my normal PvE world build, which means that damage output is going to be nice, while my healing with Centaur stance will be weak, and experiment with a healing/tank buld (Cleric).

Now, as for skills and traits. I found them rather… lacking in options. Revenant has seven lines, while other classes have nine base trait lines. It doesn’t make the class unplayable, but it reduces some of the flexibility. In other words, your stance determines your 6-0 skills, so pick and choose your stances choose wisely, as you are more limited in play styles.

Final Opinion:

Unlike other classes, this has less of the outright choice flexibility of other classes, with skills being tied to stances and fewer trait lines, but balances that with how your stances work it. They’re good at what they do, at the cost of the flexible choice options.

The lack of equippable weapons is going to take some getting used to, while the no weapon swapping is not a problem, it is hardly unique in the latter.

I personally think of Revenant as a class for more advanced players, though those starting one from level 1 will have an easier time than we are in the beta, given the time to experiment, play and get used to it. Still, it is a class I will probably have a lot of fun with down the line.

- This is a forum, expect logic to get left at the door, beaten bloody, and set on fire.

- The more asinine the post or thread, the more I am amused.

Revenant Feedbacks [merged]

in Revenant

Posted by: Kitsune.1902


Disclaimer: these are opinions, not ‘proven facts’.

Revenant will need both weapon swap as well as the ability to select utility skills.

Weapon swap:

Tthere’s the whole thing about weapons matching legends, and general versatility.. but also one important point:

Every character should always be able to swap into ranged mode.

That’s the general rule. There are situations where you just have to go ranged. There’s exceptions, when you know exactly where you are going and how things will turn out. But if you add any uncertainty, then you have to be prepared for ranged combat.

Currently the only single-set classes (engi and elementalist) are essentially ranged-only (or it might be more accurate to say their weapons are capable of both ranged and close-range combat – but their auto-attack has range). Engineer, even with elite melee hammer, can swap into ranged by using a kit.

For revenant, in any situation where you are not certain that you won’t need to fight from range, you’ll be locked out of picking most of your weapons. I’m guessing one of the as of yet unrevealed weapons is going to be one-handed ranged weapon with 900’ attack range, since that’s how most other classes are set up (with a few exceptions like warrior who has no 1-h ranged, and guardian who kind of swaps the 1-h and 2-h ranged roles). And my guess would be that this 1-h ranged weapon will be condition-based to give mallyx (the other dps legend) a ranged option.

Skill selection:

This goes to the versatility camp. There’s just too many varying situations where it’s almost mandatory to bring certain kind of utility. Condi removal. Stun break. Invulnerability. Evasion. Mobility / gap closer. Block / reflection. Every situation where you need some particular kind of utility, to be forced to pick your whole skill set based on that one need, is just way too limiting.

It’s ok for revenant to have a smaller pool to draw skill from for each legend, but it’s not ok to have no versatility at all in your selections.

When a class was announced to have the ability to have two sets of utility skills, I was expecting a class that had higher versatility than the others. It turns out to be the exact opposite.

What I was hoping, was essentially a class that would have two separate ‘whole builds’, with ability to switch between those depending on situation. But the whole point of that versatility is lost if you can’t actually create those builds.


Personally I might go as far as giving an option to have two whole sets of gear, including armor, because otherwise in many/most cases the only real option for revenant is celestial gear. Having two different playstyles usually just requires different stat balance, celestial is the only one that can sort of cater to anything.

Having all gear slots ‘swap’ along with legend swap would give a lot of options. Probably so that if any particular slot is empty on one legend, it’ll default to item used by the other. This wouldn’t make the class any more powerful in a given situation – just more versatile, and actually able to take advantage of the ‘dual nature’ of the legends.

Combine that with ability to select utilities from limited pool for each legend, and you’d have something very interesting and unique. You could even visually tailor your gear to an appearance that represents each of the legends when you swap between them.

Tools: (with some assumptions of the coming)


  • Jalis – tank
  • Ventari – support
  • Mallyx – condi dps
  • Shiro(?) – direct dps(?)
  • Glint(?) – elite / special


  • Hammer – tank/durability
  • Dagger(?)/Dagger(?) – ranged direct dps(?)
  • Scepter(?)/Focus(?) – ranged condition(?)
  • Sword(?)/Sword(?) – melee direct dps(?)
  • Mace/Axe – melee condition
  • Staff – support/heal oriented
  • Shield(?) – special (leaves room for scepter/sword/mace/dagger for versatility)

Pistols / rifles would feel too ‘modern’ for the mists/legends motif.

If you look at the line-up like this, the basic idea is there. You can pick two legends to represent two playstyles, and there’s weapon(set) for all mainline playstyles. You could pick f.ex. Shiro with sword/sword for mele dps or dagger/dagger for ranged. Mallyx with scepter/focus for ranged condition, mace/axe for melee. And so forth.

It would also make sense why the dps currently doesn’t come from anything outside possibly from mallyx with mace/axe (since those would be the only dps options available at the moment).

But you’d still need the weapon swap (at minimum) to cater for two legends and their distinct playstyles. Gear swap would add true freedom to switch styles without locking you to celestial set. And overall more work is needed fine tuning the options to get them to work fluidly, and in a balanced way.

(edited by Kitsune.1902)

Revenant Feedbacks [merged]

in Revenant

Posted by: Chokolata.1870


One of the reasons for the Beta is to see how thus far implemented stuff compares to existing stuff. If something is too weak it will be buffed, if it is too strong it will be toned down.

Revenant Feedbacks [merged]

in Revenant

Posted by: Ellsy.6780


Well, the original post pretty much sums up what my feedback post would have been. Nice job!

Born Villain [CAIN]
Revenant Team Lead & Guardian Advisor
Commander “Elscia” – Jade Quarry

Revenant Feedbacks [merged]

in Revenant

Posted by: Caedmon.6798


I don’t know much about revs at all,but from what ive seen and fought yday night in WvW,they all seem weak.None of them able to even being close of standing a chance vs my warr.In team fights they get focused down really hard and there usually isn’t much they’re able to do in return ive noticed.In pvp did a couple of 1on1’s with a rev and i played “slow”,i could literally keep pressing 1 on gs and down him with it.The thing is that they lack mobility heavily when they focused down,they hve nothing to keep me in place to be able to land a spike and their dmg so far seems pretty mediocre.I don’t know how they fair vs a condi build yet though.

Revenant Feedbacks [merged]

in Revenant

Posted by: DaikonSamurai.6714


Yeah I agree with OP on the 2 classes weapon swap and 1 class has multiple swap abilities per armor class. Engi and Ele are my two most played classes and weapon swap abilities on them are a lot of fun. Only having weapon swap work every ten seconds on Rev legendary stances and then only having access to two feels limiting.

On a positive note though, having fast access to heal and elite skills does feel very unique and combining them with abilities that activate on heal and/or elite skills is a fantastic idea that I want to explore further.

Revenant Feedbacks [merged]

in Revenant

Posted by: BlackyWarsX.5384


Here’s my feedback (I posted this in another thread, but I feel like it should also be here, in the merged thread):

The revenant needs weapon swap. While the Elementalist and the Engineer only have one weapon set at a time, their skills make up for that:

- The Elementalist has 4 attunements, all of which change the whole weapon attacks. That makes 4*5 Weapon Skills per 2-handed weapon / dual wield weapons. On top of that, the elementalist has free choice of utility and elite skills. And I even forgot the magic weapons the ele can summon.

- The Engineer has his kits, which again change the whole lot of weapon attack skills – and he has a lot of that! Flamethrower, Grenades, Toolkit, Bombs, the other thing with the healing field (forgot the name xD), Mortar. In theory, that is 6*5 + 5 skills for the equipped weapon(s). Hey may not be able to fully customize other utility skills due to the kits, but the tool belt makes up for that.

And here comes the Revenant: He has only one weapon set which skills don’t even change based on the activated legends. Furthermore he cannot customize the heal, the utility AND the elite skill – because they are bound to the legends, and he can only equip and swap between two at a time.

While the idea behind the legends is a great concept and is also really fun to play, the restriction of weapon choice while in combat puts the revenant at a huge disadvantage.

An elementalist can change it’s role from damage to support by switching attunements. An engineer can go from ranged to melee with his toolkit or be supportive or put out conditions with other kits… but the revenant is bound the weapon he equipped – and that is only one role, while the legends define the role of the utility skills.

It feels a bit underwhelming and clunky – it feels like there’s something missing.
My suggestion if you see a problem with weapon swap: bind it to the engery. Make it cost like 10 – 25% of the engery upon weapon swap or give it a condi-like buff which drains energy for x seconds.

Revenant Feedbacks [merged]

in Revenant

Posted by: Vexx.3169


I’m going to agree with many posters here – Probably repeat some of the things they’re saying while I’m at it, as I post my feedback.

1) Traits & Utilities: There’s DEFINITELY not enough customization here – Other classes have some traits that either affect their utility skills’ effects or even their weapon skills. With Revenant, the three ‘core’ Specializations offer 0 skill changes, instead only offering passive, ‘soft’ changes to the way the profession work. Combining this with the incredibly low-feeling customization of the class and the long channel times, the Revenants’ traits and utilities are both extremely lackluster.

2) The above issue is further compounded by the inability to weapon-swap. While it’s possible to hit off a good rotation by switching your Legend in a timely fashion, the fact that you cannot trait to change your skills’ effects means that even as a new player, you’ll have to focus on using the weapon skills you get better to keep an eye on energy management – The fact that you can only use a single weapon set in combat really makes combat more tedious – And this is made even worse by the fact that everything besides auto-attack both takes energy AND has a cooldown.

3) Energy cost + Cooldown. This feels patently unfair – Not only do your weapon skills drain your energy, even they come with a cooldown. This means that not only will using your weapon skills make it less doable to activate your Utilities if you use them too much, after using them you’re also locked out of them for – in some cases – the rest of the battle.

I do understand that, by only letting the Utilities be without cooldown, you’re trying to incentivize this stranger playstyle, but it feels patently unfair that doing so locks you out of 40% of your skills, as well as your Healing Skill. If there was more customization within a Legend, be it through traited effects or more utilities to choose from, this would not be so much of an issue however. This is probably the smallest issue out of all them, however… Giving it some more thought, this might simply just need a few minor tweaks to make more enjoyable.

4) The Healing Skills. I think this one is an amalgation of everything that bothers me about the Revenant; While the casting time is alright, the actual healing output is fairly low, there’s an energy cost attached to a HIGH cooldown, and as with all other skills, there is absolutely no modification possible aside from adding Fury. These minor annoyances are made even more clear when you compare and contrast this to the skills of other classes, and generally makes the Revenant feel pretty soft.

5) The Salvation line. Honestly, this trait line feels like a step in the right direction – A good part of it is definitely focused around the Staff and Ventari, but it has enough other traits to make it a viable line for a spec that uses Energy to heal, rather than staff orbs… But I would say that this still falls short of fixing the issues we see in the Revenants’ lack of customization – Though the trait “Tranquil Benediction”, giving Regen and Swiftness on the healing orbs is a great start. I might suggest adding similar mechanics to other trait lines with different boon or condition-based effects (Imagine if a Revenant could create “Condition orbs” with one of his weapons that could be traited for specific conditions, for example, or a daze if you step on too many of them.)

6) Damage. Both the Revvies’ damage and healing output feels very much underwhelming when specc’d for it – It feels like playing a Shortbow Ranger at this point, except you don’t get the satisfying feeling of dozens of Bleeding tics, but instead only moderate damage with unimpressive crits and condi damages.

TLDR: Revenant needs more customization, be it through adding in Utilities to swap out, trait improvements, Weapon Swapping or all of the above. Beyond that, I think the Revenant is a fairly decent class, okay to play (Ought to be fun if it’s improved), but like all other classes, not quite for everyone.

Master Vexx – Captain of The Proxy Blades

(edited by Vexx.3169)

Revenant Feedbacks [merged]

in Revenant

Posted by: khornemuse.5930


i repost my debrief hre in the BIG discussion
[spoiler]Hi people,
I played Rev 5 hours in WvW to try all specs in all scales of combat.
LIke a lot of people here i’m a pvp player.

General feelings (TL DR)
- low dps, condi or direct damage
- Classy but slow attacks
- Underwhelming movement. No access to speed (except Jalis Road + Mace 3 for perma speed). No jump, dashes or blink (except staff five)
- Uber Strong and Uber Weak Class system : Elite spam/ utility spam can be super strong in roaming/zerg : 10 sec of Great Dwarf (Broken Skill). On the other hand, the fact that ALL SKILLS use energy is weak.
-No versatility : 1 one weapon. 1 legend for 1 use only. U want heal ? Ventari and staff mandatory. If Engies and Ele have no swap, they have way more skills. Weapons needs more versatily (for example the mace for the guard can be Zerk OR Cleric due to high base dmg, and healing). Force you to camp one legend cause it’s the better for you build.
-Lack of active defense : all 8 classes have a ’red button" to ignore damages instantly. The only thing for the rev is the Rite with 2 secs of cast. Rev can be bursted down very easily (i duelled with a Mace/SH // GS and that was cake). Examples : elixir S, shelter, endure pain ,signet of stone, mistform, arcane shield, distortion, blurred frenzy etc…

Legends :
Dwarf : the stongest IMO for zerk and team roaming. Gives great skills like le Rite of great dwarf for 10 secs or the “road”.
Heal : great heal, 3 dispells. Retaliation can combo.
Taunt : very good, but too high cost for the duration of it. Need fastest missile speed.
Road : good in zerg and roam for secure stomps, weakness, and the only way to get speed.
Hammers : have only a dps use but dmg are too low. Needs more effects. Might on hit ? Or 1 sec prot per hit to fill with the tank role
Elite : Super strong as i said. Tooltip is not clear. 66% reduction on test. Spammable.

Ventari. Good for healing, too hard and boring to use.
Heal : change the way to use it. Make it like the ex Guardian’s healing tome 1 (heal on template)
Dispell : good
Bubble : too tiny.
9 : nothing to say
Elite : great.

Mallyx strongest one in damage but, not enough. Great utiity and healing
Elite : strong amount of healing. Good one.
Jump : too random to create combos with others skills or allies.
Corruption : strong. Spammable. Best way to dps with condi build.
Condi vacuum : weird. The goal of mallyx is to reflect condis. But here, you take the condis but you can’t transfer it to foes due to the resistance boon. Great utility but no dps use. Or the Rev needs dps.
Elite : source of damage. One condi per 3 secs is not enough.

WEAPONS : as i said the weapons needs more versatility. Each one needs a dash/jump/blink or crowd control.

Staff : best one even if the dps is low. Classy,
AA : dps is low, healing bubbles are random. Attack speed is nice;
2 : underwhelming. AA is better
3 : super classy. Super low damages. Not a lot of utility. Needs to stack vulnerabilty on each it like necros" axe 2.
4 : strong heal and dispell. Very nice.
5 : the only dash we got. Good damages, control. Nice one.

Hammer : Sloooow. AA needs rework. Needs something to the keep the foes away from you, to maximise dps with hammer 2
AA : slow, low dps. Needs more damage or more speed. I suggest to add a 33% chance of cripple on it.
2 : good dps at maxe range (4K in full zerk). But it’s hard to keep this maximum range. Needs more damage at point blank.
3 : super sloooow. It has to be a real blink to give the rev some movement.
4 : Nice one.
5 : slow but good damages (3k zerker) and nice control. But need an immo to land it.

Mace/axe. : best set for me. If the dmg were higher on 4 and 3, it’ll make a good versatile set.
AA : good for condi build. Long poison duration.
2 : too long cast time, for 2 stacks of burning on stationnary target.
3 : an blast combo. Perma speed with jalis road. Damages are… bad. Tootip needs to explain how to trigger the next two blasts.
4 : nice skill. Good raw dmgs, with a blink and chill.
5 : nice one. Need more range for the grap. [/spoiler]

(edited by khornemuse.5930)

Revenant Feedbacks [merged]

in Revenant

Posted by: jgcd.6041


A good breakdown of the Revenant, OP. Yeah, you can tell ANet isn’t letting us play with all the options and the non-swapping of weapons is going to be a major sticking point if ANet doesn’t allow it later on.

Still, is fun to play around with.

- This is a forum, expect logic to get left at the door, beaten bloody, and set on fire.

- The more asinine the post or thread, the more I am amused.

Revenant Feedbacks [merged]

in Revenant

Posted by: Funball.3482


I can only speak from spvp point of view but this feels like one of those classes right now that doesn’t do anything that another class can’t do better (i know its only in testing).
If you go condition side of damage then you need to be up close and personal… you die so fast idk why they are just so squishy no matter what build you do. I also feel like the cast time animations are quite long on most of their skills.
im yet to play a pure damage one after finding out how squishy they are.

Revenant Feedbacks [merged]

in Revenant

Posted by: Kitsune.1902


i repost my debrief hre in the BIG discussion

Hi people,
I played Rev 5 hours in WvW to try all specs in all scales of combat.
LIke a lot of people here i’m a pvp player.

General feelings (TL DR)
- low dps, condi or direct damage
- Classy but slow attacks
- Underwhelming movement. No access to speed (except Jalis Road + Mace 3 for perma speed). No jump, dashes or blink (except staff five)
- Uber Strong and Uber Weak Class system : Elite spam/ utility spam can be super strong in roaming/zerg : 10 sec of Great Dwarf (Broken Skill). On the other hand, the fact that ALL SKILLS use energy is weak.
-No versatility : 1 one weapon. 1 legend for 1 use only. U want heal ? Ventari and staff mandatory. If Engies and Ele have no swap, they have way more skills. Weapons needs more versatily (for example the mace for the guard can be Zerk OR Cleric due to high base dmg, and healing). Force you to camp one legend cause it’s the better for you build.
-Lack of active defense : all 8 classes have a ’red button" to ignore damages instantly. The only thing for the rev is the Rite with 2 secs of cast. Rev can be bursted down very easily (i duelled with a Mace/SH // GS and that was cake). Examples : elixir S, shelter, endure pain ,signet of stone, mistform, arcane shield, distortion, blurred frenzy etc…

Legends :
Dwarf : the stongest IMO for zerk and team roaming. Gives great skills like le Rite of great dwarf for 10 secs or the “road”.
Heal : great heal, 3 dispells. Retaliation can combo.
Taunt : very good, but too high cost for the duration of it. Need fastest missile speed.
Road : good in zerg and roam for secure stomps, weakness, and the only way to get speed.
Hammers : have only a dps use but dmg are too low. Needs more effects. Might on hit ? Or 1 sec prot per hit to fill with the tank role
Elite : Super strong as i said. Tooltip is not clear. 66% reduction on test. Spammable.

Ventari. Good for healing, too hard and boring to use.
Heal : change the way to use it. Make it like the ex Guardian’s healing tome 1 (heal on template)
Dispell : good
Bubble : too tiny.
9 : nothing to say
Elite : great.

Mallyx strongest one in damage but, not enough. Great utiity and healing
Elite : strong amount of healing. Good one.
Jump : too random to create combos with others skills or allies.
Corruption : strong. Spammable. Best way to dps with condi build.
Condi vacuum : weird. The goal of mallyx is to reflect condis. But here, you take the condis but you can’t transfer it to foes due to the resistance boon. Great utility but no dps use. Or the Rev needs dps.
Elite : source of damage. One condi per 3 secs is not enough.

WEAPONS : as i said the weapons needs more versatility. Each one needs a dash/jump/blink or crowd control.

Staff : best one even if the dps is low. Classy,
AA : dps is low, healing bubbles are random. Attack speed is nice;
2 : underwhelming. AA is better
3 : super classy. Super low damages. Not a lot of utility. Needs to stack vulnerabilty on each it like necros" axe 2.
4 : strong heal and dispell. Very nice.
5 : the only dash we got. Good damages, control. Nice one.

Hammer : Sloooow. AA needs rework. Needs something to the keep the foes away from you, to maximise dps with hammer 2
AA : slow, low dps. Needs more damage or more speed. I suggest to add a 33% chance of cripple on it.
2 : good dps at maxe range (4K in full zerk). But it’s hard to keep this maximum range. Needs more damage at point blank.
3 : super sloooow. It has to be a real blink to give the rev some movement.
4 : Nice one.
5 : slow but good damages (3k zerker) and nice control. But need an immo to land it.

Mace/axe. : best set for me. If the dmg were higher on 4 and 3, it’ll make a good versatile set.
AA : good for condi build. Long poison duration.
2 : too long cast time, for 2 stacks of burning on stationnary target.
3 : an blast combo. Perma speed with jalis road. Damages are… bad. Tootip needs to explain how to trigger the next two blasts.
4 : nice skill. Good raw dmgs, with a blink and chill.
5 : nice one. Need more range for the grap.

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(edited by Kitsune.1902)